DA Pam 672-3 We were profoundly changed. The 501st was reconstituted I August 1946 as the 501st Parachute Infantry Battalion . Ldr. He passed away on May 14, 2020. WebsiteAWARDS "The best weapon is no good unless there are Guts on both ends of the bayonet" In Praise of Our Troops -Click Here- ~ Americans VS Ameri-Can'ts. 10/3/04AirborneHistory 2/5/04A Paratroopers Theme SongBlood Upon The Risers 1st Battalion Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment A Co., 1/506th, 101st Airborne Vietnam Veterans 1967 -1971 | Beardstown IL 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index, Statistical Summary of Holdings by Record Group Number, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. All units were to fly across the English Channel and drop into Normandy, five hours prior to the seaborne landing. CPT Byrd, William A 68 If there is any material published on our pages that any person/s consider 6/3/16 This site is a member of: Patriot Webring, Click on the year that you want to visit ! Copyright 2007 by [www.alphaavengers.com]. 2004 With jump training over, the regiment was assigned to the Airborne Command at Camp MacKall, NC. C Troop 2/17th Air Cavalry Condors. Headquarters This airborne assault would be made in daylight. VISITOR'S BOOKslow loading, 3/30/05 ARMY 1970 164TH CMBT AVN GRP OR CAMBODIA . Army 1970 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Year Book Part 2 . The airborne assault went as scheduled, on 17 September 1944, with an improved performance by troop carrier units. Your cart is currently empty. 6/3/16 Our faces were an unpleasant combination of whisker stubble, insect repellent, sweat and grime. We chased the North Vietnamese army from the outskirts of Hue, through the jungles of northern South Vietnam, through the A Shau Valley and into Laos. Slaughter Daniel EMAIL: Michael.santure@yahoo.com 1LT Birmelin, Charles 69 70 Do you want to put it in the Incoming Newsletter? 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Organization. WANT A RUSH!Check out thisAirborne Jump The 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division was based here from May-June 1968. 101st Airborne Division Ours was a legacy handed down from "The Band Of Brothers" of WWII fame. To return click on your browser back button. Headquarters and Headquarters Company Arabia; Liberation and Defense of Kuwait, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for NORMANDY, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for BASTOGNE, Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army) for 1st Battalion Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment During the rainy seasons we were always wet; during the dry season we were always thirsty. The many books written on the night drop into Normandy, all point out the break-up of the troop carrier formations, from a combination of low clouds, and enemy anti-aircraft fire. He was a zealot on physical conditioning, for himself and everyone in his regiment, and personally led calisthenics, running and all other physical activities. Bravo Company 1st 501st Infantry 101st Airborne Division Class of Vietnam Roster: BRAVO CO EMAIL LIAISONS: Rick Lencioni B/1/501, Plt. Members of this ad hoc force included both General Maxwell Taylor and Assistant Division Commander Gerald Higgins. Most drop zones were hit, with good drop patterns. Links 6/16/05United States ArmyUnit Citations & Awards 3/4/05Have you wondered when your MOS Branchwas established ? All rights reserved. Add something and check back again. Coronado Abelardo It has been said that there are no atheists in foxholes. 2008 CPT Pape, John C 68 69 KIA We had not heard of male bonding but survived because of espirit de corps. WEBMASTER Free Hit Counters 1967 - 1968. Colonel Morse ordered troops to rack up a body count of 327 casualties in order to match the battalion's infantry designation, 327th;[3] however by the end of the campaign soldiers were congratulated for their 1000th kill. Heili Lawrence D LZ Sally, Vietnam - 1968/69 Michael Elliott 167 subscribers Subscribe 564 Share 58K views 8 years ago Headquarters Company, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. Add something and check back again. The 1st British Airborne Division paid the full price for this flaw as they went down fighting against overwhelming odds; less than two thousand men escaped death or capture. Diaz Jose D Headquarters EMAIL: Michael.santure@yahoo.com 2/5/04A Paratroopers Theme SongBlood Upon The Risers Lund Dean M Rodney Green 1st Battalion Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment Email webmaster at: 101st Airborne Division The plan visualized airborne forces seizing key bridges over rivers and canals, so 2nd Army could move very deep, very fast, a distance of over 100 miles, past the Rhine River, the last major water obstacle short of Berlin. Mike McAndrew B/1/501 & C/1/501 & Mortars [2]:223 The unit gained notoriety after investigations during the course of the war and decades afterwards revealed extensive war crimes against civilians, which numbered into the hundreds. 29 January 1988 2/22/05Battle Campaigns65 - 72 1st Brigade (Separate) 29 July 65 - 18 Nov 67 Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division 29 Jul 65 - 19 Jan 721/327th Infantry (Airborne) Departed 20 Jan 72 Some of us were changed by what we learned. ARMY 1970 173RD AIRBORNE AUG-OCT Eulogyto a Paratrooper 101st Airborne, 327th Infantry Regiment Vietnam Veterans. Much less an extrovert than Johnson, he more than made up for any lack of "flash and dash" with a keen mind, tactical prescience and all around professional competence. Officer and Appointees Duties and Responsibilities, Officer and Appointees Duties and Responsibilities, ***2018 REUNION NEWS*** Reunion dates for Doubletree by Hilton, 5351 Sidney Simons Blvd., Columbus/Ft. 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Organization welcome home! 2010 is in breach of their copyright and should not be published on any of our pages, As part of the post Vietnam reorganization, the 2nd Bn, 501st Infantry was inactivated on 31 July 1972, and in the restructuring to the U.S. Army regimental system, the 1st Bn, 501st Infantry was inactivated at Fort Campbell on 5 June 1984. Editor has the right to accept or deny articles. There was good news of a presidential citation for actions in Normandy, and many planned assaults into France, which aborted as the allies overran, planned objectives. Vist our Past Presidents! OR A Company, 1st Battalion (Abn), 502nd Infantry, South Vietnam. 68 - 69 These are the stories and remembrances of the men who fought, those who returned and those that didn't. As you venture through the memorial pages you can't help but shed a tear for the men who didn't return and their poignant stories told by comrades, friends, mothers, fathers sons . . Returning to its base in England, in mid July, the 501st slowly regained its' pre D-Day capabilities with many replacements and another round of intensive training. Steurer, Home | 2/5/04A Paratroopers Theme SongBlood Upon The Risers National Liberation Front (NLF)orViet CongTerror Doctrine As of 13 July 2009 we have had 200,606 visitors. 2002 Upon successful redeployment in August 2004, TF 1-501 was expanded into an airborne brigade. The war was at its height with. TC 322. Benning, GA 31904 ~ August 23-26, 2018 and will be posted in REUNIONS 2018 below! CPT Remling, Arthur 67 68 randhgreen@sio.midco.net Enclosed is the annual supplement to the unit history for the 1st Battalion, 502d Airborne Infantry, during calendar year 1968. American's counteroffensive to the infamous Tet offensive was fully engaged. One such mortar attack, near Heteran, on 8 October 1944, fatally wounded Colonel Johnson. Then, in October 1989 the 501st Regiment was reorganized under the U.S. Army Regimental System with Headquarters at Fort Richardson, Alaska. 2/22/05AirborneBrotherhood var then = new Date("23 August,2018"); If there is any material published on our pages that any person/s consider 2/5/04A Paratroopers Theme SongBlood Upon The Risers In England, training was as hard and realistic as ever, and became increasingly oriented toward an airborne assault into German held Europe. The 501st with the rest of the division, moved from initial objective areas to positions on "the island" between the Waal and Rhine Rivers; it became clear that they would not be withdrawn from Holland after a few days, as they had been told; our combat skills were too much needed by the British. Founding Fathers [2]:306, Their high bodycounts were recognized and encouraged by military officials. WebsiteAWARDS . [5], On October 19, 2003, Michael D. Sallah, a reporter at The Blade (Toledo) newspaper, obtained unreleased, confidential records of U.S. Army commander Henry Tufts. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE is in breach of their copyright and should not be published on any of our pages, More than 25,000 names, alphabetically sorted into their respective units, are now available in a hard cover book with over 600 pages introduced by a historical summary of the division. Muma Samuel A [4] In October 1968, Tiger Force's parent battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation by President Lyndon B. Johnson, which included a mention of Tiger Force's service at k T in June 1966. NORMANDY, Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 with Palm for As of 13 July 2009 we have had 200,606 visitors. "Doc" Charles 68 69 The troopers are members of a Battalion Action Team involved in pacification operations in Phong Dieu District, north of Hue., 01/15/1970, Vietnam.Members of RECON, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile), 68-69, VietnamARMED ESCORT - Guarding one of 95 detainees from the, who gave up following a four-day battle at Thon Phouc Yen is. Army Emergency Relief Donation 2018, 03/15/16NOT A MEMBERor need to RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIPcheck out ourMembership Requirements pageand Application Form is in breach of their copyright and should not be published on any of our pages, Some of the stories are humorous, some cold hard after action reports, but all of them have the vibrancy of truth. below are not. One of the five battle groups was the First Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry. If there is any material published on our pages that any person/s consider 6/3/16 1LT Moldes, Manuel (Manny) 68 69 WEBMASTER We talked tough. In April of 1968 1st Brigade was in the A Shau Valley near the border of Laos, blocking enemy activity from entering South Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Division, Disbanded 15 August 1942; concurrently, reconstituted in the Republic of Vietnam To activate this service, contact our National Secretary/Treasurer, Dave Nesbitt at 803-506-3120 or email at mdnesbitt@aol.com As of 6 February 2006 we have had 100,053 visitors. The website is a gathering of information from veterans, family and friends, and a place to find all those who served. We did not know we were losing the war to those with names like Jane, Tom, Bill and Ramsey. In the Republic of Vietnam, the 101st Airborne Division fought in 45 operations, spanning nearly seven years. WebsiteAWARDS Eulogyto a Paratrooper 6/16/05United States ArmyUnit Citations & Awards Colonel Johnson was the best-known loss, but with him they lost 661 other fine soldiers. D Company 1/502, 101st Airborne Division. They may also refer you to the: Unit Diary Section Commandant Marine Corps Records Service Section 3/4/05Have you wondered when your MOS Branchwas established ? 1970; Sanctuary Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase VII; Consolidation VISITOR'S BOOKslow loading, 6/25/05I am the ARTILLERY KING OF BATTLE DMOR 502nd Infantry Regiment VISITOR'S BOOKslow loading Tiger Force was the name of a long-range reconnaissance patrol unit [1] of the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 327th Infantry, 1st Brigade (Separate), 101st Airborne Division, which fought in the Vietnam War from November 1965 to November 1967. 3/23/08 please contact us at the e-mail address above and the material will be removed at once. Bob Ballard was a quiet, Floridian, who was not a professional soldier like Johnson or Ewell, but a fine officer who had learned how to command quietly and effectively while winning the admiration and respect of his men. Do you want to tell your experiences about your tour with the 101st Airborne Division in Nam? Email webmaster at: please contact us at the e-mail address above and the material will be removed at once. A Company Wayne Hastings B 1/501 101st Airborne Division Reg 870-4 2. The sights and smells would make you retch. 29 January 1988 Headquarters Avenger News 1LT Hitchcock, James F 69 2012 Order of Battle65 - 72 In all this unusual and difficult combat, both 501st units performed as bravely as their predecessors had in WWII. I; Consolidation II, Southwest Asia: Defense of Saudi Some of us were changed by torn bodies, crushed psyches and broken spirits. 1LT Horton, Howard 69 SNAIL MAIL:101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans2919 Cousino Rd.Erie, MI 48133-9714 Please note that although the 101st Airborne Division Association is a very fine organization, we are not affiliated in any way other than some members belonging to both organizations. I did not expect a heros welcome, as I was not a hero. 101st Airborne Division Photos | 3/4/05Have you wondered when your MOS Branchwas established ? is in breach of their copyright and should not be published on any of our pages, The statements, from both individuals who allegedly participated in the war crimes and those that did not, described war crimes such as the following: The investigators concluded that many of the war crimes took place. KCS Duc Thanh 69. Order of Battle65 - 72 2013 CPT John W Gay Jr 68 69 The SCREAMING EAGLES OF WWII is a unique and reliable reference book for family members, researchers, historians and collectors interested in the U.S. 101st Airborne Division during World War Two. 6/16/05United States ArmyUnit Citations & Awards [2]:30911[6]. Funny, serious or photos? The insects were incredible. Store The division participated in twelve campaigns and was decorated by the Republic of Vietnam on three occasions. 101st Airborne Division Updated on 2/10/2015 Thus began the heroic defense of Bastogne in which the 501st gave up not one foot of ground, and in which the division, and its comrades in arms, stopped cold everything the Germans could throw at them, ruined Hitler's offensive time table and eventually won the 101st, the first presidential unit citation ever awarded to a full division. 10/3/04 T A P SMYTH&TRUTH Founding Fathers gap = Math.floor(gap / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); He set a record for running up Currahee Mountain (which loomed over Camp Toccoa) and challenged anyone in the regiment to beat his time. More than 25,000 names, alphabetically sorted into their respective units, are now available in a hard cover book with over 600 pages introduced by a historical summary of the division. Funny, serious or photos? Only Guy C "Doc" Lamunyon 71 History | Avenger Tiger Force was the name of a long-range reconnaissance patrol unit[1] of the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 327th Infantry, 1st Brigade (Separate), 101st Airborne Division, which fought in the Vietnam War from November 1965 to November 1967. In March 1982, elements of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) began six-month deployments to the Sinai Peninsula as members of the Multinational Force of Observers. Richard Langley B/1/501 Do you want to tell your experiences about your tour with the 101st Airborne Division in Nam? 2004 They then moved to Fort Benning, GA to jump train all members not previously qualified. Since The Blade's story, the United States Army has opened a review of the former Tiger Force investigation, but has not yet provided much additional information. Fierce fighting in Normandy by no means ended with D-Day, but continued with important results in assisting the amphibious landings and joining the beach at Utah to that at Omaha. QUARTERMASTER SALES We warmed our meals with fuel made by combining peanut butter with insect repellent. One file in these records referred to a previously unpublished war crimes investigation known as the Coy Allegation. 4/12/16 6/19/05I am the INFANTRY QUEEN OF BATTLE Ballard continued in command of the 501st until the end of World War II. Reborn on 20 September, 2002 In Memory | Updated on 2/10/2015 The news media called it "Hamburger Hill", but the battle streamer is embroidered: Dong Ap Bia Mountain (because the 501st Regiment automatically shared this honor with the 2nd Battalion, it became one of very few army regiments able to display three Presidential Unit Citation streamers on its colors). We were members of E/3/506th Infantry who served in the Republic of South Vietnam. 2003 These are the stories and remembrances of the men who fought, those who returned and those that didnt. Department of the ArmyWashington, DC 1st Battalion Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment 10/3/04 DMOR 502nd Infantry Regiment days until the reunion 2/26/2014 Medics 6/19/05I am the INFANTRY QUEEN OF BATTLE He served honorably in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne from July of 1969 until July 1970. In spite of this, the four bridges in Vechel were captured intact. 101st Airborne Division General Ordernumber 1 Find 101st Administration Company, 101st Airborne Division unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. Rodney Green [2]:383 This included the murder of former-ARVN personnel, the murder of two blind brothers, the crippled and old and the routine murder of women and children. This was its home base during prolonged maneuvers in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Louisiana, and until January 1944, when the regiment deployed to England, by way of Camp Myles Standish, MA. . 8/22/10Think about the Division accomplishments sinceAugust 16, 1942. As of 13 July 2009 we have had 200,606 visitors. 7/30/05OrganizationAWARDS But if they do, I hope they will be welcomed home with respect. VietnamRECON, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry. Hazlewood Manley On May 11, 2004, Lt. Col. Pamela Hart informed The Blade reporters that she had been too busy responding to prisoner abuse by U.S. soldiers in Iraq to check on the status of the Tiger Force case. 3/23/08 Nehl Mike E Email Us | ISBN 978-90-9028224-4 E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry . We were, it seemed, not welcome. 2006 In the spring of 1056, the 501 sl and the 101st, moved (less personnel and equipment) to Fort Campbell, KY., where they were activated as a provisional organization to test the "Pentomic" concept. 8/2/05AirborneCreed We were surprised by our bravery and equally surprised by how scared we were. Missouri. Mortar FO's A UH-1D Medevac helicopter takes off to pick up an injured member of the 101st Airborne Division, near the demilitarized zone., 10/16/1969, Vietnam.Members of Companies B and D, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry, Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, take a break from jungle fighting east of Tam Ky., 06/02/1969. Code name "Market Garden", it combined a deep airborne thrust, through western Holland, by the 1st Allied Airborne Army, with an overland drive by the British 2nd Army. ", 06/25/1966, Vietnam.Members of the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile), join the children of Ap Uu Thoung hamlet in a game of baseball. QUALITY REFERENCE BOOK Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM 1968-1969. As he was being evacuated, his last words to LTC Ewell were, "Take care of my boys". 2/5/04A Paratroopers Theme SongBlood Upon The Risers Artillery 7/9/05The proper way to displaythe flag of the United States of America Home State. WANT A RUSH!Check out thisAirborne Jump 101st Airborne Division(Air Cavalry/Airmobile)1968-1972 12/11/2013 2001 Founding Fathers Straessle Danny R In January 1968 the remainder of the 101st joined the "Always First" Brigade during Operation Eagle Thrust where, for the first time, an entire division was deployed by air into a combat zone. We buoyed our morale by describing our favorite meal or our favorite car back home, and always talking about our favorite girl. Do you want to put it in the Incoming Newsletter? On 1 February 1964, it was relieved from assignment to the 82nd and assigned to the 101st at Fort Campbell, KY. 1LT Teterycz, James S 69 70 The Screaming Eagles of WWII Foundation transformed the original and well known P.M. Pulles rosters into a comprehensive list of all members of the United States 101st Airborne Division during World War Two. Inactivated 30 November 1945 in France. 10/3/04 T A P SMYTH&TRUTH As of 13 July 2009 we have had 200,606 visitors. 11B10-Infantryman. 10/10/11Thua Thien ProvinceBase Camps/Firebasesand locations used by the Headquarters The word pentomic referred to the five battle groups, which were in lieu of regiments and to the division's organic atomic weapon capability. OR This site is a member of: Patriot Webring, 4/12/16 Do you have a Story to tell? 6/23/05The 13 folds of the flag of the United States of America There were two seasons-rainy and dry. Edward Azevedo 1967 - 1968 AO: California James E Baine 68 Jose R Balderrama 68 Officer and Appointees Duties and Responsibilities, Vist our Past Presidents! 7/30/05OrganizationAWARDS We trusted each other with our lives. Sallah and Weiss reported that the war crimes were corroborated by both veterans[9] and Song Ve Valley residents. Reborn on 20 September, 2002 WebsiteAWARDS Pieper Dennis C His nickname among his men became "Jumpy Johnson". The war in Vietnam is history, but for many of the participants and their families the experiences live on in their everyday life. After the initial hard fighting it became a static war of patrolling and attrition, principally by artillery and mortars. 6/25/05I am the ARTILLERY KING OF BATTLE 3/30/05 Your cart is currently empty. WEBMASTER Thus, by midnight, the 501st was the first and only regiment combat team ready for action. The rosters that follow are copies of old Army rosters and special orders. If you served in 101st Administration Company, 101st Airborne Division, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. WW2 101ST AIRBORNE DIVISION SUPPORT AND PRAY FOR OUR GALLANT TROOPS, FIGHTING IN IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN, FOR A SAFE, SPEEDY, AND VICTORIOUS RETURN. Home . Hoffman Thomas 08/29/2017 2/17/13Distinctive Unit InsigniaCoat of ArmsPatches 29 January 1988 Members of the 101st Airborne Division shown aboard a USAF C-130 at Pham Thiet Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, for airlift to Phi Troung Air Base during Operation Austin 6., 04/1966, Vietnam.Brigadier General Willard Pearson of the 101st Airborne Brigade briefs troops on the forthcoming Operation "Eagle Bait. Bell Sammie 5/28/05Do you qualify for the Cold War Recognition Certificate Program ?&Check out the Military Awards Branch We learned about courage, determination, camaraderie, selflessness and an appreciation for living. 1LT Lencioni, Richard M 68 69 SGT Gramm SNAIL MAIL:101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans2919 Cousino Rd.Erie, MI 48133-9714 document.write(gap); Believe it or not, an element of the 501st actually served with the 82nd Airborne Division when the 82nd reconfigured in the pentomic format. Links Kerry L "Doc" Vance 70 KIA 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, however, was dropped some 5 miles east of its planned drop zone. Primary Unit. The 501st was reconstituted I August 1946 as the 501st Parachute Infantry Battalion, at Fort Benning, GA., but was inactivated at Fort Benning, 23 November 1948. VISITOR'S BOOKslow loading A sound nights sleep was only a memory, a dry pair of socks a luxury. Republic of Vietnam 8/22/10Think about the Division accomplishments sinceAugust 16, 1942. Documents such as after action reports, jump rosters and eye witness accounts of WWII veterans were the basis for his research. 10/3/04AirborneHistory 7/6/04I AM THE FLAGOF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 10/3/04 T A P SMYTH&TRUTH B Company 1/502, 101st Airborne Division. The look of horror on the face of an enemy soldier as he is confronted at a bend in the trail, realizing he did not have his weapon ready. Updated on 2/10/2015 The 1st Brigade was sent for duty in Vietnam in July 1965. E-l's When the pentomic concept gave way to the road division, with brigades and battalions instead of battle groups, the 2nd Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry became the 2nd Bn, 501st Infantry. Mark Regan, B COMPANY HQ, and FN unknowns 6/3/16 TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. The 1st Brigade (Separate) of the 101st Airborne Division landed at Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam on July 29, 1965. EMAIL: Michael.santure@yahoo.com Jay R. Goodman B/1/501 327th Infantry Vietnam 1968 by Tim Lickness I arrived in Vietnam in February 1968. Amazingly, the regiment (and the division) accomplished its multiple missions, but none of them as rehearsed. Patch of the Tiger Force of United States Army's 101st Airborne Division, :335,339346,3502,3545,359,3612,3679,3745,376, Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers, Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting, Former United States special operations units, War crimes committed by the United States, "Unit's founder says he didn't know of atrocities", "101st Airborne Division, Unit Decorations War Department General Orders 59, 21 October 1968", "The Vietnam War Crimes You Never Heard Of", "Rogue GIs unleashed wave of terror in Central Highlands", "Pain lingers 36 years after deadly rampage", "Report on Brutal Vietnam Campaign Stirs Memories", "SPJ Announces Recipients of 2003 Sigma Delta Chi Awards - Society of Professional Journalists", Investigators will question ex-GIs about killing spree, "Area Veteran Accused of Atrocities During Vietnam", Michael Sallah and Mitch Weiss interviewed on NPR's, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tiger_Force&oldid=1140969053, Military units and formations established in 1965, Military units and formations of the United States Army in the Vietnam War, Vietnam War crimes committed by the United States, Articles with dead external links from July 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, the routine torture and execution of prisoners, the routine practice of intentionally killing unarmed Vietnamese villagers including men, women, children, and elderly people, the routine practice of cutting off and collecting the ears of victims, the practice of wearing necklaces composed of human ears, the practice of cutting off and collecting the scalps of victims, incidents where soldiers planted weapons on murdered Vietnamese villagers, an incident where a young mother was drugged, raped, and then executed, an incident where a soldier killed a baby and cut off his or her head after the baby's mother was killed, Lt. James Hawkins (implicated in leading nearly all controversial events), This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 18:10. 2/17/13Distinctive Unit InsigniaCoat of ArmsPatches The following list is not all inclusive. 1LT Harp, Osa J 69 Its first commander was COL Harry Kinnard, who had been a member of the WWII regiment and also G-3 of the division from Holland. If you have an old A Company Roster or Special Orders please email us at info@alphaavengers.com. Founding Fathers Howard Horton B/1/501, 3rd Plt.
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101st airborne vietnam 1968 roster 2023