The cars stick together. Calculate the momentum of a 12ookg car with a velocity of 25m/s. What is their final speed? Become a member to unlock this answer! If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the cars an, {eq}\displaystyle m = 10,000\ kg The car goes from 30 m/s to 0 in 1.3 m. (a) What impulse is applied to the driver by the seatbelt, assuming he follows the same motion as the car? See Answer If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed afterward? Mass of, A: Given that If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, (a) What is their common speed afterward? If a red ball is traveling to the right with speed v and a blue ball is traveling to the left with speed 3v before the collision, what statement is true concerning their velocities subsequent to the collision? A railroad car moving at a speed of 3.16 m/s overtakes, collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars moving in the same direction at 1.40 m/s. The cars lock together as a result of the collision. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.06 m/s. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. What is the speed of the cars after the collision? A bowling ball of 35.2kg, generates 218 kg.m/s units of momentum. If the cars lock together and A few minutes later, the car's speed is 12 m/s. A 10 kg car is moving at 44 m/s when it collides with a stationary 71 kg truck. A railroad car of mass m is moving at speed v when it collides with a second railroad car of mass M which is at rest. What is the speed of the, An automobile has a mass of 2300 \ kg and a velocity of 16 \ m/s. a) What i. A 9,000 kg railroad car moving at 3 m/s strikes a stationary 5,000 kg railroad car. That was the first time we've seen such a well preserved Medieval city gate, and still, there were three more to admire. The cars stick together and continue down the track. 2. just do the math. {{m}_{1}}{{v}_{1}}+{{m}_{2}}{{v}_{2}} &=\left( {{m}_{1}}+{{m}_{2}} \right){{v}_{f}} \\ A rail car of mass 20,000 kg is traveling east with a speed of 12 m/s. What is the, A railroad car of mass 2.55 x 104 kg, is moving with a speed of 4.20 m/s. Consider a 40,000 kg railroad car initially traveling at 10 m/s collides inelastically with a 20,000 kg railroad car initially at rest. Example: Railroad cars collide identical car, B, at rest. A 4500 kg truck traveling at 17.5 m/s collides with a motionless 1350 kg car.They become locked together.If there is no friction, what is their velocity? A 10,000-kg railroad car A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s What is their final speed? A: Given:- Two openings in the city walls on the both sides of the Stargard Gate were made in 1909 in order to facilitate pedestrian traffic. The mass of the first cart is 10 kg moving with 4 m/s in rightward. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.10 m/s. a. East is defined as positive. a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars after the, A railroad car of mass 3.00 x 10^4 kg moving at 3.50 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. What is the speed of the combined cars immediately after the collision? If the two vehicles lock together, what is their combined velocity immediately after the collision? A railroad car of mass [{MathJax fullWidth='false' 2.56 \times 10^{4} kg }] is moving with a speed of 4.08 m/s. The first car is moving with a speed of 7.7 m/s prior to the collision. What mass of water has collected in the car? Example: Railroad cars collide identical car, B, at rest. A train car with mass m_1=511 kg is moving to the right with a speed of v_1=7.7 m/s and collides with a second train car. A 3.0 kg ball at 3 m/s and strikes a 1.5 kg ball moving at -2 m/s. Momentum is the product of mass of a body and velocity of the body. Sand from a stationary hopper falls onto a moving conveyor belt at the rate of 5.00 kg/s as shown in Figure P9.52. Also, from Newton's third law to every, A: Given data (a), A 1,200 kg car moving at 12 m/s collides with a 2,300 kg car that is waiting at rest at a traffic light. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same dire, A railroad car of mass 25,600 kg is moving with a speed of 3.82 m/s. Createyouraccount. mB= 0.4 kg {/eq}, The mass of the second railroad car is {eq}{{m}_{2}}=10000\ \text{kg} 10,000 * 24.0 = V' * 20,000 (a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars after th, A railroad car of mass 2.10 times 10^{4} kg moving at 3.10 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/, A railroad car of mass 2.48 x 10^4 kg is moving at a speed of 3.84 m/s. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same, A railroad car of mass 2.52x10^4kg is moving with a speed of 4.18m/s. A, A railroad car of mass 15000 kg and velocity 5 m/s collides completely inelastically with a stationary railroad car of mass 25000 kg and couples to it. Stargard Gate. After the collision, Car A is . Consider a 40,000 kg railroad car initially traveling at 10 m/s collides inelastically with a 20,000 kg railroad car initially at rest. What is the speed of the truck before the collision? strikes an identical car, B, at rest. A 10,000 kg railroad car traveling north at 10 m/s collides with a 5,000 kg rail car also moving north but at an unknown speed. One should go there with an open mind and open eyes. (a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars, A railroad car of mass 2.35 x 10^4 kg moving at 3.05 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 ms. (a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars after the c, A railroad car of mass [{MathJax fullWidth='false' 2.56 \times 10^{4} kg }] is moving with a speed of 4.08 m/s. (f) Why are the answers to parts (d) and (e) different? I recommend the Stargarder Tor to everyone who is interested in historic architecture. Car A (total mass 100 kg, traveling at 3.0 m/sec) catches up to and rams Car B (total mass 90 kg, traveling at 2.0 m/sec) from behind. The mass of object 1 is given as m1 = 7 kg. 10,000*10 + 5000*V2 = 10,000*8 + 5000*8, It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same dire, A railroad car of mass 24,300 kg is moving with a speed of 4.17 m/s. What is the final velocity if they stick together? Beside two gates it also includes a building that was a customs office and a wall across the street from that building. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Linear Momentum: Definition, Equation, and Examples, Railroad cars are moved around in a switchyard. Do. The first car is moving with a speed of 7.7 m/s prior to the collision. Find the common velocity of the two-car train after the collision. Solution, A: Given information: Speed (Va)=1.73m/s One of the protons is . (a), A railroad car of mass 2.50 x 10^4 kg moving at 4.00 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. 3. What is the, A railroad car of mass 2.44 x 104 kg is moving with a speed of 4.10 m/s. What is the velocity of the vehicle? It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same di, A railroad car of mass 2.7 x 10^4 kg moving at 4.50 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 1.95 m/s. Before colliding, the pucks approach each other with momenta of equal magnitudes and opposite directions, and the green puck has an initial speed of 10.0 m/s. Neglect any effects of spin. What is, A railroad car of mass 25,800 kg is moving with a speed of 4.18 m/s. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same dire, A railroad car of mass 2.45x10^4kg is moving with a speed of 4.14m/s. by the golf-club Round your answer to1 decimal . Determine the following. {/eq}. A 5000-kg freight car moving at 2 m/s collides with a 10000-kg freight car at rest. Example 2 A 10,000-kg railroad car, rolling at 4 m/sec, collides with another, identical car, that is moving at 6 m/sec in the opposite direction. Initially, ball 1 rests on an incline of height h, and ball 2 rests on an incline of height h/2 as shown in Figure P11.40. When a collision is said to be inelastic, only momentum is conserved but not energy. A 1,200 kg car moving at 7.8 m/s collides with a stationary car of mass 1,500 kg. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same d, A railroad car of mass 2.49 x 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 3.84 m/s. 2. With what velocity will the block and bullet move after the collision? uA= 4 m/s = initial velocity of A A railroad car of mass 2.7\times 10^4 kg moving at 3.50 m per s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m, A 1.30 x 10^4 kg railroad car moving at 6.70 m/s to the north collides with and sticks to another railroad car of the same mass that is moving in the same direction at 1.83 m/s. {/eq} is the initial speed of the first railrod car. Two freight Cars , each with a mass of 3.0 x 10^5 kg collide and stick together . Here, m1 and m2 are the mass of the cars and u1 and u2 are their respective, A: The given data are: It collides and couples with three other coupled railroads cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.00 m/s. a) What i, A railroad car of mass 2.44 x 104 kg is moving with a speed of 4.10 m/s. If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed just afterward? It collides with a stationary car of mass 1500 kg, and the two vehicles lock together. V3 = 8 m/s = Velocity of M1 and M2 after colliding. A 1200 kg car is traveling 21.1 m/s. Built in first half of 14th century it is a very well preserved Brick Gothic gate system consisting 18 meters high front gate, 40 meters long kennel walls connecting it with 24 meters high main gate, and integrated into it half-timbered house that use to serve as a custom house. After the cue ball strikes the group, the four balls scatter, each traveling in a different direction with different speeds as shown in Figure P10.30. What is the resulting speed of the combined cars. 100% of travelers recommend this experience. The golf-club was in contact with the ball for 3.5 x If the cars lock together after the collision how fast will they be going and in what direction? (a) W, A railroad car of mass 2.50 times 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 4.00 m/s. Find the speed of the coupled cars after the collision. A railroad car of mass 2.15 * 10^4 \ kg moving at 3.15 \ m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 \ m/s, A railroad car of mass 3.20 x 10^4 kg moving at 2.95 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. If the cars lock together, what is the final speed of the two, 8. What is their final speed? A 40,000 kg railroad car initially traveling at 10 m/s collides inelastically with a 20,000 kg railroad car initially at rest. (a) What is the initial momentum of the first car? F is a force A 1 kg ball moving at 12 m/s collides head-on with a 2 kg ball moving in the opposite direction at 24 m/s. What is their common speed just afterwards if (a) mB = 3mA, (b) mB is much larger than mA (mB>>mA), and (c) mA>>mB? It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same d, A railroad car of mass 2.50 x 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 3.87 m/s. A 1424-kg railroad car traveling at a speed of 11 m per s strikes an identical car at rest. A 12,000kg. (b) The red ball travels to the left with speed v, while the blue ball continues to move to the left with a speed 2v. What is the speed of the cars after the collision? What is their final speed? 1. A Train car of mass 4753 kg moving at 8.0 m/s collides with train car of 500 kg which is moving in the same direction 3.0 m s. What is the velocity? We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. A 14,000 kg boxcar is coasting at 1.5 m/s along a horizontal track when it hits and attaches to a stationary 10,000 kg boxcar. {/eq}, {eq}\displaystyle v = \frac{24\ m/s}{2} What is the speed of the three cars after the collision? Mass of 1st cart (m1) = 2.207 kg A railroad car of mass 2.80 \times 10^4\ kg moving at 2.90 m collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. What mass of water has collected in the car? No questions have been asked about this experience, Historic Sites Points of Interest & Landmarks, Points of Interest & Landmarks Architectural Buildings, Art Galleries Points of Interest & Landmarks, Points of Interest & Landmarks Historic Walking Areas, Stargarder Tor, Neubrandenburg: Address, Stargarder Tor Reviews: 4.5/5. A toy dart gun generates a dart with .140kg.m/s momentum and a velocity, of 4m/s. What is the speed of the cars immediately after the collision? The cars lock bumpers and skid off together with the wheels locked. They collide, the lighter car rebounding opposite its original direction at 0.300 m/s. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same, A railroad car of mass 2.49 x 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 3.98 m/s. (a). t is time period and m v is an impulse, A: Given:- Put the planets in order from the one closest to the sun to the one farthest from the sun. In this case, we can write: {eq}\displaystyle v = \frac{v_1}{2} Learn about the linear momentum formula and how linear momentum relates to Newton's second law, plus see linear momentum examples. {/eq}, The traveling velocity of the railroad car is {eq}{{v}_{1}}=2\ \text{m/s} A railroad car of mass 2.60 x 10^4 kg is moving at 3.10 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. You can ask a new question or browse more Physics questions. They are released from rest simultaneously and collide elastically in the trough of the track. After the collision, the two cars lock together and move north at 8 m/s. The cars stick together. If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed afterward? It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same, A railroad car of mass 2.49 x 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 3.98 m/s. = 50 x 109 Pa), A golf ball of mass 0.045 kg is hit off the tee at a speed of 45 A 10,000 kg railroad car traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s strikes an identical car at rest. If A 10,000 kg railroad car traveling at a speed of 24.0 m / s strikes an identical car at rest. The first car is moving with a speed of 9 m/s prior to the collision. a), A railroad car of mass 2.35 x 10^4 kg moving at 2.80 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. (a), A railroad car of mass 2.7\times 10^4 kg moving at 3.50 m per s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m. A railroad car of mass 2.50 x10^4 kg moving at 4.00 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. Perform the following practice problems on a seperate sheet of notebook paper. copyright 2003-2023 Mass of first cart (m1) = 10 kg m/s. They link together. The two cars latch together during the collision and then move off to the ri, A 5100 kg open train car is rolling on frictionless rails at 17 m/s when it starts pouring rain. (a), A railroad car of mass 3.5 x 10^4 kg moving at 4.50 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. a. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. It is at one end of the Street Stargarder Strasse; at the other end is the citys train station. A 10000 kg railroad car, A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s, strikes an identical car, B, at rest. The two cars latch together during the collision and then move off to the ri, A 5000 kg freight car moving a 2m/s runs into a 10,000 kg freight car at rest. Calculate the final velocity of the cars. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the sa. {/eq}, The second railroad car is at rest, so its velocity is {eq}{{v}_{2}}=0\ \text{m/s} A 20,000 kg railroad car is traveling at 5 m/s when it collides and couples with a second, identical car at rest. A 9,000 kg railroad car moving at 3 m/s strikes a stationary 5,000 kg railroad car. places The product of the mass with the velocity of the object is known as the momentum of the, A: Givendata: asked by Faoruk February 27, 2018 2 answers Given: M1 = 10,000 kg, V1 = 10 m/s. \\. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. B. They collide, the lighter car rebounding opposite its original direction at 0.300 m/s. A railroad car with a mass of 12,000 kg collides and couples with a second car of mass 18,000 kg that is initially at rest. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same dir, A railroad car of mass 2.10 times 10^{4} kg moving at 3.10 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/. It makes a rear-end collision with a stationary car whose mass is 1800 \ kg. Question: A 10,000-kg railroad car A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s strikes an identical car, B, at rest. If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed (in m per s) afterward? Amazing place. Given: (a), A railroad car of mass 2.46 \times 10^4 kg, is moving with a speed of 4.11 m/s. After the collision, the 1.5 kg ball moves to the right at 2 m/s. other forms of energy? After the collision, the first car rebounds with a speed of 1. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroads cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.00 m/s. \\, A railroad car of mass 2.50 x 10^4 kg is moving with a speed of 4.00 m/s. They are released from rest simultaneously and collide in the trough of the track. What is their speed, A railroad car of mass m = 38000 kg moving at v1 = 3.9 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at v2 = 2.184 m/s. Find the speed of the coupled cars after the collision. Determine the following. Stargarder Tor (Neubrandenburg) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go. (a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars after the c, A railroad car of mass 3.00 x 10^4 kg moving at 3.50 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. rigid body. A railroad car of mass m is moving at speed v when it collides with a second railroad car of mass M which is at rest. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A car of mass 10,000 kg and speed of 10 m/s is coming onto a track where another set of coupled cars of total mass 50,000 kg is sitting at rest. What is their final speed? The initial velocity of the first object is4.63m/si. Built in first half of 14th century it is a very well preserved Brick Gothic gate system consisting 18 meters high front gate, 40 . The initial speed of cart A is,uA=1.5m/s A 20,000 kg railroad car is traveling at 5 m/s when it collides and couples with a second, identical car at rest. UB= -7 m/s = intial velocity of B A 10,000-kg railroad car A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s {/eq}. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction with an initial speed of 2.05 m/s. The cars stick together. \left( 12000\ \text{kg} \right)\left( 2\ \text{m/s} \right)+\left( 10000\ \text{kg} \right)\left( 0\ \text{m/s} \right) &=\left( \left( 12000\ \text{kg} \right)+\left( 10000\ \text{kg} \right) \right){{v}_{f}} \\ The initi, An automobile has a mass of 2150 kg and a velocity of +18 m / s. It makes a rear-end collision with a stationary car whose mass is 1850 kg. (a) What is the speed of the three coupled cars after the c, A railroad car of mass 18800 kg moving at 3.85 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 2.31 m/s. Particle m is traveling to the left, and particle 3m is traveling to the right. (a) What is the speed of the two cars after collision? The collision takes 0.15 s and after the crash the cars wheels lock and they skid to a stop on the u=0.40 road. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. much of the initial kinetic energy is transformed to thermal or (b) If, A. What is linear momentum? A 12,000kg. Mass of, A: Given data: A: Given, If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed just afterward? A railroad car of mass 15000 kg and velocity 5 m/s collides completely inelastically with a stationary railroad car of mass 25000 kg and couples to it. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same dir. The cars stick together. A load of coal is then dropped into the car. A 85 kg running back is moving at +12 m/s and strikes a 125 kg linebacker moving at -8.0 m/s. The cars become coupled and continue traveling. A railroad car of mass 2.50 x10^4 kg is moving at a speed of 4.00 m/s. A 10,000 kg railroad car traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s strikes an identical car at rest. i.e if I have a problem A 12,000 kg railroad car traveling at a speed of 19 m/s strikes an identical car at rest. All rights reserved. A railroad car of mass 2.50 x10^4 kg is moving at a speed of 4.00 m/s. (b) What is the impuls, A railroad car with a mass of 1.98 * 10^4 kg moving at 2.92 m/s joins with two railroad cars already joined together, each with the same mass as the single car and initially moving in the same directi. Figure P8.64, Two skateboarders, with masses m1 = 75.0 kg and m2 = 65.0 kg, simultaneously leave the opposite sides of a frictionless half-pipe at height h = 4.00 m as shown in Figure P11.49. V2 = ? 10. The mass of, A: Letm1 be the mass of the cart which is moving. Start your trial now! How much mec. A 20 gram bullet traveling at 250m/s strikes a block of wood that weighs 2kg. a. A 12784 kg freight train, coasting at 17 m/s, strikes a stationary 5450 kg box car. It collides and couples with a 25,000 kg second car, initially at rest and with brakes released. \\ Part A: Find the velocity of the heavier car after the collision. If m2 = 4 m1 and the collision is elastic, find an expression for the velocity of each ball immediately after the collision. The two cars lock together instantaneously and move along the track. What is their final speed? A railroad car of mass 25,800 kg is moving with a speed of 4.18 m/s. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. What fraction of the initial kinetic energy still retained by the cars after the collision? A 10,000-kg railroad car, A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s strikes an identical car, B, at rest. Essential Neubrandenburg. Chap. If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common speed (in m per s) afterward? a. Wha, A railroad car with a mass of 12,400 kg collides and couples with a second car of mass 18,700 kg that is initially at rest. Speed = 9.2 m/s, A: massofsmallmarble=13ginitialvelocityofsmallmarble=20cm/stowardsleftmassoflarger, A: (a)Consider that the velocity of the masses moving toward right is positive, along towards left is. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. In Example #1 (linear momentum lecture), a railroad car, A, traveling at a speed of 24.0 m/s strikes a car, B, at rest. First week only $4.99! Historic Sites, Observation Decks & Towers, Fritz Reuter-Denkmal & Mudder-Schulten-Brunnen. A 9300-kg railroad car traveling at a velocity of 15 m/s strikes a second boxcar at rest. What is the momentum of the 9,000 kg railroad car before the collision? m1=62kgu1=4m/sm2=48kgu2=0m/s, A: Given If the cars lock together as a result of the . (11.1m/s) has a momentum of152625 kg.m/s. What is the speed of the three cars after the collision? 1 See answer Advertisement skyluke89 Answer: 10 m/s Explanation: Start your trial now! They undergo an elastic glancing collision such that particle m is moving in the negative y direction after the collision at a right angle from its initial direction. The cars lock bumpers and skid off together with the wheels. $$ - $$$ American Fast Food Vegetarian Friendly, $$ - $$$ Diner Wine Bar Vegetarian Friendly, $$ - $$$ Steakhouse Barbecue Vegetarian Friendly. If the cars lock together, show that the final speed of the two railroad cars is {eq}1.1\text{ m/s} (b) If, A. A railroad car of mass 3.2 times 10^4 kg moving at 3.50 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. Determine the velocity of the train and the box car is they couple together. What is their common speed just afterwards if (a). 2.) Two freight cars, each with a mass of 3.9 times 10^5 kg, collide and stick together. a) W, A railroad car of mass 2.50 x 10^4 kg moving at 4.00 m/s collides and couples with two coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s.
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a 10,000 kg railroad car traveling 2023