Such creatures are seen as threats or fools, and are dealt with mercilessly. A beholder might use its slowing ray on an uncooperative creature as a demonstration of sorts, threatening to follow it up with more severe consequences if the creature doesnt submit to the beholders will. [29], Beholders were not particularly strong but were inherently magical creatures, with each of their eyes possessing an innately magical nature. An exceptional challenger can earn a measure of respectenough that the beholder might be merciful and pacify the creature with a charm ray or a sleep ray instead of killing it outright. Size They did not typically enjoy citrus fruits, grapes or melons; eyeballs; hard-boiled eggs; shellfish still in the shell; bull testicles; or anything fried in batter. The beholders ire might manifest as abruptly as a disintegration ray or as slowly as an angry glare and increasing scrutiny over the next few weeks. WebThe beholder will do its best to keep intruders at a distance, shutting down its center eye so it can zap anyone that comes at it. WebBeholder 5e 4e 3e 2e 1e 5th Edition Statistics Size Large Type Aberration Alignment Lawful evil Challenge rating General Information Movement Flying Vision Darkvision (360 This tactic is useful primarily when the beholder intends to use the group for its own purposes, and keeping the leader alive is advantageous to those plans. The beholders ability to use legendary actions effectively doubles the number of times it can shoot rays in a round. While a human tyrant might be rightfully paranoid about unperceived threats, a beholder is paranoid even though it perceives everything, because that attitude is the natural companion to eternal vigilance. I must maintain the current balance of power in the region. In spite of their hatred of diversity (or perhaps because of it), beholders came in a variety of forms, some of which are listed below: Left to right: a hive mother (top), an examiner (bottom), a director mounting a crawler, a watcher, a lensman, and an overseer. The orbus is only found among spacefaring beholders, lacking functional eye stalks and most of the intelligence of a regular beholder. For example, a death tyrant who imagined it would eventually be slain by frost giants might relocate its lair to the inside of a volcano, send its minions to hunt down all frost giants within 100 miles, or take some other drastic measure to ensure that the fear never becomes reality. Assassination attempts are the only events that quell my feelings of loneliness. Appearance Flying[1][3][4] Beyond that, this ray has a multitude of uses. The cone is wide enough that the beholder can usually redirect it toward any particular creature trying to escape the area, keeping that target locked down until the monster has killed all the enemies outside the cone. Cold[3] On extremely rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the act creates a warp in realityfrom which a new, fully formed beholder springs forth unbidden, seemingly having appeared out of thin air in a nearby space. Even if you later choose another kind, that will not change its traits. The original beholder is usually the dominant one and takes a leadership role. Once the layout and guard movements are known, the beholder sends its minions to attack or draw out defenders while it flies high overhead and uses its eye rays to subdue the village, targeting leaders and other formidable foes before significant resistance can be mounted. Newborns were birthed with the ability to levitate; possessed strong racial memories and an inherent ability to speak Quevquel, though their eye powers would develop later. Heres a summary of the Beholder 5e stats youll find in the Monster Manual : The Beholder has an enormous range of actions it can perform thanks to its magical eye. It can create an anti-magic cone of 150ft at the start of a turn, and this dispels all magic within that zone. A spectator (see the Monster Manual) is a kind of lesser beholder summoned from another plane of existence to watch over something, such as a treasure hoard. To the average beholder. Homeland(s) Each orb possessed an instinctual knowledge of one's body, and dreaming alterations were without limit. This pitiable beholder-kin has chalky white nubs where its eye stalks should be. To prevent minions from handling or trying to steal trophies, the more favored and valuable items are kept on high shelves, accessible to the flying beholder but out of reach of anyone on the ground. Double row (roll again, ignoring results of 10). Regardless of its overall configuration, every beholders lair is oriented to take full advantage of the creatures flight ability. Size A beholder can fire multiple eye rays on its turn, and it might use all of them in succession on its most dangerous foe. Even a slight variation in the shape of an eyestalk or the texture of its skin is enough for one beholder to consider another a flawed abomination, which should be destroyed. The creature resembles an aberration of that kind, which determines certain traits in its stat block. At your discretion, a beholder might be able to use magic items that must be held to activate, such as wands; the beholder is assumed to be using its telekinesis eye ray to move and point the item in the same way that a humanoid would use its hand. This started out as a silly idea - I wanted to play a literal Beholder as a PC. [51], The goblin boss Yek kept a stuffed beholder in his treasure chamber on the Arcane Chambers level in Undermountain.[52]. [49], Beholder hide was a very rare and high quality crafting material, used in creation of armor and reinforcing weapons. Refusal means, at best, servitude as a charmed minion, and at worst, disintegration. Favored climate 2e I will be secure when I rule over all. Their favorite drinks were blood, wine, and food coloring. (Evil). The majority of beholders living on Faern had skin colored in cool colors - purples and blues - on the top of their bodies that graduated into earth tones further down. A beholder analyzes its opponents, makes note of armor, weapons, and tactics, and adjusts its strategy to eliminate the most dangerous threats as quickly as possible. However, some beholders were known to blind their own central eye in order to study wizardry, becoming a beholder mage. Language(s) It takes a long time to digest anything. My first thought was to try and replicate the "monster classes" of 3.5 but that turned out to be a nightmare of balance and game design for a new homebrewer such as myself. Beholders, as a rule, were violent and greedy, hungering for both wealth and power over others. Rather than the standard powers of a beholders central eye and eyestalks, the creature has one or more variant abilitiesguaranteed to surprise any enemies who thought they knew what they were getting themselves into. Webits traits. @Beholderkin. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. WebGauth - Monster Dungeons & Dragons - DnD 5e Gauth [ Gauth ] Medium Aberration (Beholder), Typically Lawful Evil Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21) Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 15 (+2) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 13 (+1) Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +4 Skills Perception +5 The simplest kind of prison, easy enough for a beholder to create, typically consists of 20-foot-deep holes disintegrated into the floor, sometimes covered with a wood or metal grating. Favored terrain WebCasting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a pickled tentacle and an eyeball in a platinum-inlaid vial worth at least 400 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Description not available (not OGL). 10d10 + 50 bandits and 3d6 bandit captains, 10d10 hobgoblins and 2d4 hobgoblin captains, 10d10 + 50 kobolds, 2d4 kobold inventors,** and 2d6 kobold scale sorcerers**. Of course, this mercy has a purpose; the defeated opponent is interrogated, subjugated, and offered a role in the beholders retinue once its will is broken. Without new magic to look at, beholders could become very irritable, therefore they were driven to hoard magical items in their lairs and seek out magical places. Charm Ray: The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the beholder for 1 hour, or Type Upon death, a beholder's skeletal structure would become brittle.[12]. In addition to functioning as the beholders arms and hands for everyday tasks, the telekinetic ray is essential for building traps and other lair defenses, such as positioning the weights for a falling block trap. The beholder and its minions can bypass the area by means of secret doors at either end. Outside combat, the paralyzing ray is most often used to restrain a fleeing minion that it doesnt want to destroy outright. Evil Most of Toril's beholders had nostrils and jointed, articulated eyestalks. [27], Beholders did not sweat or urinate. Lawful evil This corporeal form uses the Aberrant Spirit stat block. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. WebIt resembles the beholder who dreamed it into existence, but its body is only 8 inches wide and it has only four eyestalks. WebA beholder believes it is superior to all other entities. A beholders true Not all Playable creatures are created equal, especially in 3rd Edition, in which Monster Adventurers can have significant Level Adjustments for the sake of Eye raysCharm MonsterFlight The creature resembles an aberration of that kind, which determines certain traits in its stat block. [2], Many, but not all, beholders also had the capacity to use their central eye to project a field of antimagic, which canceled the effects of all supernatural abilities within a small cone of 150 feet in length. This way of thinking could be interpreted as a form of paranoiaand if so, it would be the most extreme form imaginable. The beholder then used its gouged-out eye as a spellcasting focus and was able to cast spells by wiggling and writhing its eyestalks. Although a beholders specific actions will vary with each encounter, the creatures behavior is largely governed by the tactics discussed below. When such a group is led by a beholder rather than a human, the tyrant has incredible staying power against challengers. As a beholder ages, it spends more and more time worrying about its mortality. [10], Beholder 'bones' were incredibly porous and lightweight leather-like cartilage that was visually indistinguishable from their skin, but comparatively weaker, almost having the strength and durability of iron. This ray is also used to pacify potentially useful captives, perhaps in preparation for conditioning them with the charm or fear rays. Not all beholders possessed nostrils, those who did could breathe like humanoids, those that didn't could only breathe through their mouths.[10]. Circumstances might change the role of a piece of treasurea staff of the python used to prop up a stone block trap might be given as a gift if the beholder acquires a minion who can attune the item. When magic was needed to power a ray, the brain would send the magical energy back into the eye via the retinas.[15]. A beholder constantly fears for its safety, is wary of any creature that isnt one of its minions, and is aggressive in dealing with perceived threats. These creatures help defend the lair and also serve as shock troops if the beholder vacates its lair to prey on the inhabitants of the surrounding area. The retinas then transmitted the sensory signals and magical energy to the brain. (These features arent shown on the accompanying map, but can be located anywhere you see fit.) [15] They primarily derived pleasure from eating based on the sight and texture of the food, rather than taste. The beholder can also manipulate the ray with pinpoint control, enabling it to cut and shape objects as though it were wielding a fine chisel, drill holes too small for an arrow to pass through, carve masonry blocks out of raw stone, amputate limbs, or brand creatures with burn-like scars. Because there were two entities within a single beholder, that beholder should always be addressed by its full name when in conversation with them, or they would perceive it as speaking to only one of the entities. The only allies it considers relatively safe are individuals that it (or its predecessor) has worked with for years, and most of these are creatures it has no reason to fear because they arent a physical threat to it or the guild. In similar fashion, a beholder might station some of its minions in a prime spot for an ambush, or it might send forth a bunch of its servants to overrun a group of enemies that have been weakened by traps and other hazards. A tunnel bends every 50 to 100 feet to prevent attackers from shooting at the beholder while it flees, but giving the monster opportunities to attack when its enemies come into view. Beyond the lair entrance lies the vestibule. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. Powerful and intelligent, beholders were among the greatest threats to the world. [8] The same dreaming could result in bodily alterations for the beholder. A few possibilities are described here. A beholder who wished to learn the Art of arcane spellcasting beyond the simple use of its innate powers faced a number of limitations, the greatest of which being its own antimagic eyesight. Warlock Wizard Alignment Because a beholders paranoia knows no limits, it often designs its lair to include secret passageways that are used for reconnaissance or surprise attacks. Several depictions of beholders. [21] Additionally, a beholder's digestive system was capable of storing excess consumed food to process as needed at a rate of 20pounds (9.1kilograms) per day. Covered Pit. If its lair includes a long, narrow chamber with an uneven floor and multiple terraces, a beholder might turn this area into a killing ground. WebAlso remember that 3rd and 5th Edition use a 1-20 scale for "standard" Challenge Ratings, while 4th Edition uses 1-30. This offspring might be a duplicate of the beholder that dreamed it into existence, or it could take the form of a different variety of beholder, such as a death kiss or a gazer (see Beholder-Kin). Challenge rating Gas Spores. Inside the comfortable confines of its subterranean lair, a beholder is nearly unassailable thanks to the combination of its peerless intellect and the brutal effects of its eye rays. A beholder often sets aside a chamber to hold captives that it chooses not to kill. For instance, it might use its sleep ray as a legendary action against an enemy that has just been awakened. A typical arrangement is a network of tunnels running above the main chambers of the lair, each wide enough for the beholder to fly through. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. It might also be a truly unique creature, such as could be spawned only from the twisted imagination of a beholder, with a set of magical abilities unlike that of its parent. Movement Aberration Among the most basic of these attacks was their deadly ability to project magical power from their eyes, in varying forms such as instilling fear within, charming, knocking out, petrifying, disintegrating, slowing, or killing their enemies. [14][22], Indigestible items eaten by a beholder would be either vomited up or absorbed into the body where it would eventually embed itself on the inside surface of the beholder's skeleton. Although a beholder cant use its rays on targets inside the area of its antimagic cone, the ability of its central eye is incredibly effective in combatinstantly crippling enemy spellcasters, revealing the exact location of anyone using blur or invisibility, and causing opponents using magical flight to plummet to the ground. This united group of identical beholders doesnt truly have a hive intelligence, but their personalities and goals are so similar that they can predict and assume each others behavior, much as especially close human siblings can. [9], Because their entire body was covered in eyes, beholders had the capacity to see in all directions at once, making it nearly impossible to ambush them while also giving them an unusually high degree of perceptive ability. Three tablesBeholder Lesser Minions, Beholder Greater Minions, and Beholder Petsmake it easy to stock a beholders lair with such creatures. Also, a beholders natural levitation means it doesnt risk activating any floor-based traps, and therefore it is likely to use such defenses to protect its inner sanctum, allowing it to roam freely through the area while hostiles must dodge or overcome multiple obstacles. A beholder in its lair has access to so many resources that it can often vanquish invaders without directly confronting them. The people of Waterdeep are generally aware that there are one or more guilds controlling criminal activity in the city. When a human megalomaniac rises to power in an evil organization, that individual is always at risk of being killed or replaced by a power-hungry rival. A beholder and two gazers leaving a trail of death, petrification, and disintegration. Since summon aberration summons a medium sized beholderkin, this is only possible if you are playing a size small race. WebThe spectator is the only 5e beholderkin that can choose which eye rays it uses. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Waste liquid, devoid of nourishment and oxygen, would then drain back into the mouth to be expelled, or more likely dribbled out steadily. [18], While they required, on average, about 10pounds (4.5kilograms) of food and 2gallons (7.6liters) of fluid per day,[14] an otherwise healthy individual could typically survive over twenty days without food or drink before dying of starvation or thirst. A beholder cant attune to items that require attunement by a spellcaster or a member of a certain class. Aberration This rule is an abstraction, designed to keep the beholders opponents unsure of what rays will be coming next (and, not incidentally, to prevent the monster from using its most lethal eye rays at every opportunity). WebA zombie beholder of CR5 can deal 45 damage which is instantly fatal to most d6 casters in an average 4-person party of level 4's fighting it and by CR balance is considered a "Hard" encounter for those 4 level 4 PCs. My followers are all spying on me, and I seek motivated, powerful allies to destroy them. Like its predecessors, the beholder uses the Xanathar as a title rather than its personal name (which is Zushaxx). As a result, on rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the dream-reality becomes warped and takes on physical form, becoming another actual beholder. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage. In appearance, a beholder is a huge eyeball surrounded by smaller eye-stalks. The floors count as difficult terrain, and the terraces mean that in some places climbing or jumping down is required to make progress. Lieutenants who have their own ambitions, who might come to oppose the tyrant or fear for their safety, are much more likely to flee (or retire) than to confront the beholder. Only beholders and beholderkin are effected Most of the entryways and passages that it fashions to connect one chamber with another are too narrow to admit creatures larger than itself (particularly in the innermost chambers). The green slimes are the weakest and most common kind of slime. A human chess player becomes a master by honing the ability to look several moves ahead during a gamewhich is still no match for what a beholder can accomplish with its superior intelligence and awareness. Their eyestalks were usually flexible tentacles, but varied among individuals and could instead be jointed stalks covered in rigid chitin or segmented stalks similar to the bodies of earthworms[13]. By thinking of all these possibilitieshowever implausible they might beand extrapolating its own actions in response, a beholder is truly prepared for any situation and has a strategy to counteract it. Often, it plunders its neighbors homes for knowledge and treasure. [50], A few sages from the Realms maintained that the different subspecies of beholders had originally been created in the image of the gods from an unknown crystal sphere with the goal of traveling to different spheres and gathering as much information as possible. Although each use of the charm effect lasts only an hour, repeated uses over time against the same target tend to wear down a creatures will, creating a docile servant. Some obstacle courses feature low walls to slow enemies even further or a portcullis to trap them in one section of the chamber. The beholder, of course, can disintegrate these barriers to gain access to the tunnel. Note the lack of nostrils, as well as the proliferation of teeth. [24], A lighter-than-air gas was produced inside the bodies of beholders. The Xanathar, like its forerunners, is an eye tyranta type of beholder that chooses to live among other creatures in a position of superiority over them. Unless its opponents are concealed by fog, invisibility, or some other magic, a beholder can lurk in the dark and shoot any creature it can see within the range of its darkvision. WebThey are twice the size of typical beholders, and differ in appearance as well. "only one" should be "only once" In Charm Ray, "Onlooker" should be lowercase, "one minute" should be "1 minute", and "affect" should be "effect". Medium to Huge If a beholders retinue were likened to an army, the grunts would be represented by its lesser minions, intelligent creatures that can talk and usually live in large groups. It surrounds itself with evidence of its wealth and success, eating off gold plates, drinking from diamond-encrusted chalices, decorating its sleeping area with marvelous tapestries, and adorning itself and its sanctum with powerful magic items. Upon death, the skin would harden further into a stone-like consistency. I sometimes forget that others dont have access to all of my knowledge. These bizarre creatures are possessed of alien intelligence, inhuman forms of perception, and the ability to shape reality through force of willor even by their mere presence. See pages that link to and include this page. Did you intentionally duplicate this exception? [20] When the child that the parent chose to rear reached adulthood, it typically rejected its parent and left to become independent. Think ye weave cunning schemes and elaborate intrigues with fallback plans and positions? However, for that to happen, the behold had to possess intricate knowledge and understanding of another creature's bodily systems, generally achieved through years of studying, dissection, and selective breeding. Devious and hidden traps are liable to be lurking around every corner, and might be blatantly obvious in some places, yet no less lethal. Most of a beholders mental activity is devoted to unearthing plots against itself (real or imaginary), planning attacks against known rivals, and preparing its defenses against all possible threats. Each lieutenant is responsible for operating one of the aspects of guild business, including assassination, blackmail, extortion, mercenaries, slavery, smuggling, spying, and thievery (of these operations, slavery and thievery are the largest). Use the following tables to produce a variety of different appearances for beholders. Said skin had a pebbly texture. Summary: Summon 1 aberrant spirit (beholderkin, slaad, or star spawn), friendly (stat block/your lvl). The room typically contains a nest of sand or cloth bedding and the beholders favorite pieces of sculpture. A solitary beholder gathers (or inherits) inferior creatures that it uses as minions. This ray allows a beholder to station its minions in parts of the lair that can otherwise be accessed only by climbing or flying, preventing the occupants from escaping. An intelligent creature is seen as food or a potential minion. I was lucky to escape my enemy, and I worry that I might be discovered again before I am ready. The only real threat to the Xanathars rule is another beholder, which speaks to the reason why the Xanathar Guild has been led by a succession of beholders instead of by various humanoid or inhuman creatures. Beholders were often found occupying deep, underground caverns. WebBEHOLDER 5e stats The eye of the Beholder Illustration by Adriana Filippini on Artstation Large aberration ( beholder ), lawful evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit [20], The beholder's eyes were remarkable things. I enjoy lording my superiority over others. Large A beholders personality greatly influences how it categorizes its treasures. Enemies that are too big to traverse these smooth-walled tunnels will find it difficult to move deep into the lair and virtually impossible to confront the beholder in its sanctum. When one needs to be replaced, the best candidates are those who appreciate the benefits of strict organization (and thus are lawful evil or at worst neutral evil) and who have a high tolerance for their bosss sometimes erratic behavior. WebWhen you cast the spell, choose Beholderkin, Slaad, or Star Spawn. Type Although previous Xanathars carefully guarded the facts of their true nature and allowed only a handful of their lieutenants to know the truth, the current Xanathar treats the matter more like an open secret. The individuals in these roles generally serve the Xanathar for months or years, because replacements that have the same specialized skills can be hard to come by. Hard, solid balls that drew in both light through the pupil and magical energy through the iris, which consisted of some sort of translucent crystal. Darkvision (360 degrees)[1] Size Most of the beholders in the world live apart from others of their kind, and they like it that way. [25], Beholders were considered adults at the age of two years old and retained their vitality until their ninetieth year. [21] They did defecate, but their stool, which could be up to six cubic feet in volume, would become almost indistinguishable from a natural sedimentary rock within two days. [2], Beholders of the Realms tended to be slightly larger than beholders found on other worlds, growing up to six feet in diameter where on other worlds they would average five feet wide. Most of these routes are blocked on both ends, preventing creatures from easily entering the lair through anywhere but the main entrance. A beholder uses its fear ray to psychologically torture and interrogate a prisoner until the creature loses the will to resist. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Its fear of conspiracies is merely dormant, though, not absent. Left to right: a death kiss, a beholder mage, a gouger, and an eyeball. Fist-sized holes in the floors of these tunnels open into the rooms below, allowing the beholder to spy on creatures in its lair and perhaps target them with eye rays. The Monsters Listingintroduces several new types of beholder-kin. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures. The intellect devourer [19] Its two lobes (known as "dweomerlobes") descended downwards to the left and right from the center like horns and had a complicated central nervous system surrounding it. Alignment At Higher Levels. When you cast the spell, choose Beholderkin, Slaad, or Star Spawn. ** See Monsters Listingfor statistics. A hive consists of three to ten beholders, plus whatever minions they control. Thanks to its superior intelligence and its unique way of thinking, the Xanathar is able to efficiently supervise and direct the efforts of many creatures at the same time. Most of the guilds low-ranking members have an idea that the boss isnt human, especially given how long the Xanathar has been in power (they arent aware that several beholders have held the job). Beholders, who often attacked for seemingly no reason, would often try to end a battle as quickly as possible, unleashing their terrifying abilities all at once.
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beholderkin 5e stats 2023