But ever since he and his family journeyed to Europe, it seems he upgraded his attire to clothing indicative of a nobleman. And to his surprise Klaus allowed them to be together and sat with Elijah minutes later. Klaus expresses disbelief and rejects the witches' offer. She tells Elijah and Klaus she is there to take Hope away. The remaining siblings tried to decide what to do with the last white oak bullet but Finn got a hold of it. Later, Elijah and Hayley are shackling Genevieve in one of the tombs to get information from her, Genevieve then tells them that Esther is behind the plan to kill the baby, Hayley and Elijah just glare at her, Genevieve begins to bleed from her eye, she starts to choke up blood. "Hey. He is the first vampire who accessed the power of compulsion. Elijah meets with Klaus in the French Quarter Elijah begs Klaus to trust Freya to protect Hope and defeat Dahlia. But when that trouble comes in the form of a handsome Original, she realizes that forever is a long, long time to run from someone. The day after he was neutralized, Damon is shown trying to torch Elijah's body (dagger still intact) with a flame thrower. Elijah brushed off the remarks, believing that they were from bias perspectives. Klaus and Elijah go back to the Mikaelson Mansion to a warm welcome from Rebekah and a surprisingly warm one from Hayley, who simply tells Elijah to not make promises that he can't keep. In The Originals, Elijah tells Rebekah that their brother Niklaus has gone to New Orleans to find out who is plotting against him. Sometime later at the compound Elijah meets with Hayley and Rebekah. Mikael also made Elijah help him in tying up Klaus so that his mother could do the spell. Elijah was knocked out along with Klaus by Finn who departed the dinner. His desire for her seemed uncontrollable, Elijah Mikaelson, the master of control himself couldn't control his feelings for a young woman. After Alaric staked Klaus with the white oak stake, Stefan told Elijah about it and then Elijah waited for Rebekah to come to him. Elijah then asks Camille if she can find someone who works at the bar by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Initially skeptical of their claim of having the Petrova Doppelgnger, by testing whether Elena was human, he proceeded to smell her neck. Instead, Elijah declared that he wasn't going to allow Klaus inside, since he had a new family to protect. They departed, with both hoping they would meet each other again. Rebekah calls him a hypocrite because he blames her for tearing their family apart, but his own feelings for Hayley are making much more damage to their family. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Esther continued to torment and torture Elijah, slitting his throat with a mysterious blade. Elijah then tells he thinks she looks lovely, He then touches her birth mark and she covers it with her hand. In You Hung the Moon, Elijah continued searching for Hayley in the bayou but discovered Jackson instead, having transformed into human form because of the full moon. It's just, most people die before the list gets embarrassing. Elijah figures out Mikael's ashes are in Klaus' paintings. Klaus later agrees to also become the anchor. Elijah then knew she had been abducted by Marcel. Camille was brought to the house to be kept safe from Finn and took the opportunity to use her psychiatric skills to try and help him with his troubling mind. Amused by Matt's bravery, Elijah wasn't deterred and told Matt that he needed to find his sister, explaining that Rebekah wasn't their only one. The sister who's pain is always noticed but never cared for. Even before Hope was ready to be birthed, he was the first person to accept the baby. The plan worked and all of the siblings were put into their sleep. She told him that Katherine had killed her brother Jeremy, much to Elijah's surprise, and he showed great sympathy, upset by Katherine's lies. Elijah has blood all over himself and he looks like he wants to feed. Elijah is a member of theMikaelson Family. He left her in order to find his brother's redemption and bring his family back together. She tells them she has something to tell them. The boy then argued with Klaus and he threw him down the stairs while Elijah tried to stop it. They notice she has the White Oak Stake she then turns it into ash. To keep his mind off of it. Elijah left Klaus to deal with interrogating their brothers. Elijah found Aurora in a cabin, having crafted the white oak into bullets. But when that trouble comes in the form of a handsome Original, she realizes that forever is a long, long time to run from someone. This mirrors, Elijah is absent for only three of the fifteen episodes between his first appearance (, Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus are the only characters known to have met, Elijah is one of only ten recurring characters to appear in more than 10 episodes during their inaugural season. Klaus got mad and thought it was lies. To use her magic to make the infirmary a magic free zone. Klaus talked of how werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty-cops are happy as clams and drunk as stoats. After The Hybrid Curse is broken and Klaus is delivered to the brink of death, Elijah walks up to his brother. Elijah told him to come outside or he'd burn the house he was in to the ground. In An Old Friend Calls, Elijah listened to Klaus' nervousness that the members of his now severed sireline would come for him for revenge but Elijah told him to take solace that they had destroyed all of the white oak so his enemy's wouldn't be able to do any permanent damage, but even Elijah wasn't so sure of his own words. Elijah visited him and explained why he killed Marcel five years ago, comparing it to Klaus sparing him now. He then tells her that Esther wants her family to live in peace with the other inhabitants of Mystic Falls and that she doesn't want war. Elijah called Rebekah, and told her that neither of them is good without that child, Rebekah then asked when he would stop searching for Klaus' redemption. They hurl you into the abyss. The two then engaged in a brutal fight. As a human, he wore more simplistic clothing, along with the other males in his family. They talk about how Klaus will do anything to protect baby Hope. He is later shown to be second to Finn in this regard. As Elijah and Marcel waited for Alaric to bring the bones at the decided meeting point, they spoke about their rough past and Marcel believed Elijah only brought him along to make sure his power didn't fall into the Hollow's hands. Unknown to her once you remove it, the dagger's effect wears off and the Original will be able to move again after a few hours. The next day Elijah, with the help of the allied Jonas Martin, found Elena through a locator spell and appeared at the window Elena was watching. In Where You Left Your Heart, eight years after being compelled to forget his past, Elijah had set up his new life in Manosque, France and taken a job as a club musician, playing the piano. Still, maybe one other being in this awful town understands what it's like to fight for family, all the way to the bitter end. Please consider turning it on! Elijah, somewhat amused by the circumstances, realized that meant that some of the Hollow's bones were in Mystic Falls. And they have sex for the first time. He then says. In I Love You, Goodbye, Elijah, Cami and Hope head back to New Orleans. He asked Elijah if he had allowed him to be daggered for 900 years because he was afraid of Klaus. Elijah greeted her, thanked Jenna for inviting him in, and said to Elena that he hoped to see her again soon. You are. But then she meets four brothers, hearts frozen, but what if she is able to thaw their frozen hearts. Faith Aurora Mikaelson. He slaughtered the entire kitchen staff of the diner before Rebekah arrived and either pretended he hadn't or was possibly unaware of his actions, reuniting happily with Hope. Cami activated the Serratura and Tristan couldn't escape the crate. Esther grinned. Elijah asks her if she still conspires against her own family and blames her from destroying their happiness. Elijah is the first Original to be bitten by a hybrid and the second to be affected by the venom of a werewolf/hybrid. Musicians aren't usually swimming in money; you're no exception. Elijah then tells his siblings and Hayley that everything they were told by Sophie and the witches was a lie. What happens if Florence decides to actively search for the people from her dreams? A while after that the five Mikaelsons settled in Tuscany, Italy. Elijah asks if he let her get away and he says not exactly. He sees Thierry and tells him his sister is fond of him and asks him to explain, Thierry answers him wrong and Elijah threatens him for answers and find out that Rebekah has been attacked by a powerful witch. The war between the witches and the vampires for control is in fact about family. Elijah tells her that he would prefer it if she removed herself from the process altogether. They're instead the ones who make you feel the most. More details . Their search led them into the woods where they split up. Elena junto a su primo Jeremy cuando el ataque de los vampiros se da en Mystic Falls, no es hasta la presencia de Katerina Petrova que Elena tiene que revelarle parte de la verdad sobre su familia y sus orgenes como doppelganger. Book 1 They then set off towards the Bayou to search for her. Elijah and Klaus stood by the riverbank looking for Marcel's body and Klaus was furious at his brother for killing Marcel. Elijah tells them he will be the anchor to get Rebekah's soul back from inside Eva. Alright, potentially everyone". All the women who Elijah loved, were supernaturals (, It was originally believed that Elijah was the eldest of the. Elijah and Marcel ask her for her help. The same goes to the four biker boys, with hearts frozen, will she be able to thaw hearts that seem too frozen and broken to fix? She is destined to guide the Originals "She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together." This continues his trend of dressing well throughout the centuries. He questioned Lucien on the werewolf purge and Lucien sarcastically admitted to it. When coming to his senses, he recognizes that he has not been invited into the "Elena's" house, and starts to suffocate and become disoriented until he finally gets out the house. Rebekah is Elijah's younger sister. Elijah returns to The Abattoir, Marcel told he got everyone looking for Klaus and Rebekah and they get a lifetime of a favor if they find them. They find out that Sophia was taken underground of the Lafayette Cemetery. This is evident when after losing his family because of Klaus, he turns his sadness and pain into revenge against his half-brother. Soulmate Fic. His brother and mother took him prisoner, bringing him to the cemetery and chaining him up. He was grateful for Elijah compelling him to be him for a century, since Tristan learned how not to be Elijah. The whole family wrote wishes for one another and then burned them and Klaus told them all how much he loved them, despite all of the misery he'd brought them throughout the centuries. Elijah tells Klaus that even though they don't know Freya. Before moving to New Orleans, he was in a romantic relationship with Katerina Petrova. Hayley tells him and Rebekah if it would kill them to buy some milk in the house to which Elijah responds he hopes his siblings were hospitable towards Hayley in his absence. This time, the odd job comes to you, and with it, chaos the likes of which you've never known. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire. When a witch's remains are consecrated, that power fuels the rest of their community. Once Klaus learned the truth of Elijah compelling Aurora to disown Klaus a thousand years ago, he confronted Elijah over what he had done and the effects it had had on the rest of his life. In reality, Elijah and Klaus' bodies were being kept in the Sisters' pool, being prepared to have their sirelines severed, as Aya was going to kill Klaus to test if the sireline was broken in then Elijah after him. A mysterious man arrived first as they were setting the table. Through his interrogation, Elijah learned that Lucien hadn't been aware of Aurora's plans with Rebekah and was only doing what he thought would help him survive. During their conversation, it became apparent to Elijah that Kol was struggling keeping control of his heightened aggression but he tried to calm his brother. Like Antoinette, Elijah now feeds and drains his victims of their blood. Elijah and his half-brother Klaus both loved. You don't owe me anything. Soon after Elijah discovered that the remainder of his forgotten siblings, Rebekah, Kol, and Freya were also inside the chambre de chasse with him and Klaus. Elijah says that he doesn't know who she really is. Elijah asks Klaus if he has any plans at all. They talk about Rebekah and Hayley. He attacks Klaus and Klaus stabs Elijah with Papa Tunde's Blade. He carried guilt for the rest of his life for not stopping their father's beatings against his brother. But after my sister and I lose our parents in an accident, things start to get strange in our small sleepy town of Mystic Falls. She lays her hand on him, and says "You're here". Speaking with Dominic alone, the witch told Elijah about the sacrifices and that the children were just the start; the Hollow really needed the power of someone ancient, imbued with magic such as him or the other Original Vampires, settling for Marcel whose power would work just as well. When Klaus and Elijah insisted, Kol attempted to resist them but was subdued by Elijah as Klaus pulled out one of the white oak ash daggers and successfully daggered and neutralized Kol. Being different was something I was used to. "Forget-me-not, beautiful little blue flowers that signifies true love and respect." Elijah said that Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the other vampires have survived and says that he nor Kol created their bloodline. When Rebekah calls him and informs him that Marcel took Davina. Father, of course, slaughtered and consumed his own whereas you became pretentious and dullmuch like this meal. I was brought back into the universe of The Vampire Diaries. Once, when Elijah took his younger brother hunting and complimented him on the improvement of his aim (despite the fact that Niklaus had missed his target), Mikael arrived and started beating Niklaus to 'strengthen' him, threatening Elijah with violence if he tried to intervene. Elijah enters the house as Klaus is about to dagger Rebekah, he stops his brother. "I would ask you to provide me with this opportunity, to feel, to care, to love." In Gather Up the Killers, after spending five years asleep and linked to Klaus, Elijah was awoken after Hayley found the cure to Marcel's bite. Once he does, he thinks Elena is Katherine, calling her "Katerina". Elijah hoped she was calling from far away but Aya hadn't left, not going until the prophecy was averted and her sireline's safety assured. Elijah fixes the violin for Davina and then there was an earthquake which was the cause of Davinas magic getting out of hand. Then Elijah leaves to find Marcel and Klaus in an argument. In Season Four, now that Klaus has redeemed his nature for the sake of Hope, Elijah now acts as the families enforcer. He then joined in the celebration, enjoying a peaceful night of happiness with his family. Klaus then gives Elijah the White Oak Ash Dagger and leaves with Hayley. She tells him she's surprised he managed to get Klaus to come. Back at the compound Klaus meets with Elijah. Elijah returned home to help prepare for the party with Klaus, but reminding Klaus not to shed blood as it would only make their situation worse. A while later Elijah goes to the cemetery to meet Klaus and Freya. Hayley watches her for a moment before sighing and stabbing her in the stomach, Hayley walks out of the tomb, as Elijah follows her with his look. When Elijah tried to talk to Hayley, she rebuffed him. Elijah is alerted by her theory that someone must have taken the power from the harvest ritual. Finn received a vision of Freya's location thanks to a spell from Davina and Kol, and Elijah set off with him into the woods where they found Lucien. Raised b Maddie Gilbert. Without the personal memories, he still had knew all about the Mikaelson family, and wanted nothing to do with any of them. (Youngest)- turned aged 11 Chapter 1 Elijah's Dream In Crying Wolf, Elijah takes on the surname of Smith and when Damon tries to get the truth out of Elijah at the Historical society meeting, Elijah overpowers him and tells him that he can kill him when he's completed his part of the deal. Elijah recognized Marcel as the face in his memories. In his attempt, the witch Agnes takes Sophie hostage and uses the link between her and Hayley to put a curse on Hayley. When Katerina escaped, Elijah felt betrayed by her and started hunting her down, but was mislead the other way thanks to a vampire named Trevor. Davina tells him of her friend Tim whose violin he is repairing and of her best friend, Monique Deveraux. "Your Mum's files from the historical society." They went to Aurora's hideout only to find Aya taking an unconscious Aurora away. While in TVD he hated Klaus for "killing" his siblings, in TO, it is shown that not only did he help Klaus do it but was content to leave Kol and Finn daggered, and also despite his claims of family bonds, he clearly favors Klaus and Rebekah above the others. Finn tried to protect Elijah from Lucien but was bitten in the process. Klaus and Elijah turn around to see that Marcel was the one who saved the baby. Once, Mikael beat Niklaus to near death in a rage and only stopped when both Elijah and Rebekah tried to stop him. Elijah, with the help of Sophie, tries to keep Hayley's temperature down, until Davina had unlinked Hayley and Sophie. Katerina then met with him again and handed him the cure, telling him she loves him and she wanted him to trust her, as she is trusting him. Hayley tells him she made Freya leave. In his memory, he's visiting an opera house. At Rousseau's Elijah meets with Cami. Even though he was a hallucination in 500 Years of Solitude, Katherine was happy to see him and had shown to have missed him. Before she answers, Davina suddenly has a vision of Sophie, the witches, and unknown people surrounding Danille whom falls to the ground which causes Davina to believe to that they were trying to kill her. After small talk, Sophia and Katherine quickly leave and Hayley questions Elijah on his relationship with Katherine. When Elijah is alone with Hayley she asks him if he excluded the werewolves because of her. Elijah shows Hayley his family history, to explain how it is possible that she's carrying a Hybrid child. In Wild at Heart, despite defeating Tristan, Elijah remained cautious of the looming prophecy and the weapon out there that was capable of killing them, wanting to focus on finding it. Elijah's personality has become much darker, his violent and ruthless actions mirroring the other members of his family such as Klaus, Kol, and Mikael. Elijah tearfully refused, but after her desperate pleas, he drove the dagger into her heart and neutralized his younger sister.
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