Health Benefits Of Eating Onions During Pregnancy 1. Onion improves the taste of every dish, but it also enhances its nutritional value, which is why this vegetable is actually recommended for pregnant women. Hey mothers out there, sign up now and thank me later :) - BY Priya Rathore, The best thing that happened to me as a mother is me signing up with them for my two sweet little munchkin's needs. These compounds work as a free radical scavenger. 7, The immune system, in turn, is designed to attack invading viruses or bacteria from entering the body and then help the body recover after illness. Organosulfur compounds and cardiovascular disease. Pregnant women are always worried about piling on those extra pounds. If you suffer from difficult bowel movements or any other digestive issue, eating onions is the best decision you could make. When it comes to eating onion during pregnancy, one would obviously wonder which variety offers the most benefits. And sleep while wearing those socks. With a passion to help others build their best bodies and lives, shes continued writing and editing in this field for over 20 years. Yes, you can. These onions have a sweet taste and are a great addition to your salads. However, excessive weight gain can cause serious health issues, especially during pregnancy. Hold the onion poultice on the infected wound and leave for 1-2 hours to help pull out the infection. To use onion to draw out an infection from a wound, you should make an onion poultice and apply to the infected skin area for 1-2 hours at a time. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. WebOnion poultices can also be applied to the feet by way of onion socks. In such a situation, improving ones immunity is a good step, and eating onions during pregnancy can do just that. Massage the onion hair remedy into your scalp paying attention to areas where hair is thinning. Cancer Prev Res. SPECIAL OFFER: Ageless Turmeric Supports Healthy Inflammation Levels & Detoxification. Putting a raw onion inside a sock and sleeping with it overnight is a remedy that some people believe can treat a cold or the flu. 8, Onions also provide fiber, vitamin B6, and minerals like potassium and manganese. International Journal of Food Properties. Other issues that occur because of consuming more onions during pregnancy can lead to some serious side effects like: Allergies during pregnancy are a common phenomenon. Onions are filled with vitamins A, E, and C, which make your hair and skin look shiny and healthy. It also helps with maintaining regular blood sugar levels, which makes it a great replacement for stronger types of onions. Poultices have been used for centuries and are still used today to draw out infections from wound boils, or skin abscesses. Onions may stimulate contractions of the uterus, which can lead to preterm labor. Each type is perfectly safe for future moms. Consuming onion during pregnancy can boost the folic acid content in the body and help with the development of the baby. They are enriched with vitamin A and E that keeps the skin and hair glowing. It is better to limit the consumption of onion during pregnancy because excess consumption can cause acidity and bloating which does not feel good during this period. ), As far back as the 1500s, people placed cut-up onions throughout the home to protect against the bubonic plague. However, there is one downside to eating onions. Shallots cooked with your south Indian dishes can be very tasty and healthy. Heavy metal content in the body is even more dangerous for the pregnant mother and developing child than usual. Caramelize onions and add them to toasts and salads. Onion during pregnancy, though very beneficial, can be a little difficult to consume too. However, onions should be eaten in moderation. Eating onions during pregnancy is completely safe for all pregnant women who arent prone to heartburn and dont have a known onion allergy. The onion is a very valuable plant in medicine because of its anti-inflammatory properties. There are several types of onion, including leeks, red, white, green, and spring onion. 8. It can also affect your sense of taste and smell. 2017 Jul. Of course, cooked onion has fewer nutrients than raw, but its easier to digest, especially for people who suffer from heartburn. To get the most from onions, instead try including them as part of a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet. WebOnion poultices can also be applied to the feet by way of onion socks. J Dermatol.2002 Jun;29(6):343-6. Whats more, it fights against cancer and cholesterol. Eating onions during pregnancy is completely safe for all pregnant women who arent prone to heartburn and dont have a known onion allergy. 5 The premise is that you slice a red or white onion into rounds. Lets look at the many uses of onions on feet or in sock. Spring onions add freshness to any dish, as well as lovely flavor. Onions are rich in many vital nutrients like carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Apples can fight bad breath and the bacteria that cause oral problems. Onions are a good source of vitamins A, C and E. All these vitamins contribute to keeping the hair and skin healthy. Yes of course! Saute onions to use in curries and as toppings in any dish. Now Up to 71% Off. Folk remedies in children and its reflection on childs welfare. Amino acids like cysteine and methionine, present in the onions aid in detoxifying the body. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Onions during pregnancy boost immunity. Onion is full of vitamins, including vitamin C, which prevents diseases like the common cold or severe cough. Benefits of Eating Onion During Pregnancy. It helps to alleviate nasal congestion, thereby promoting peaceful sleep. Thus, it is advisable to consume onion during pregnancy in moderation. 9. This was because it was believed that infections were spread by poisonous air. It doesnt have a strong taste and adds a nice touch to every dish. The report says that reflexology is used to remove toxins from the body as well as increase circulation and boost energy levels.5. Benefits of Eating Onion During Pregnancy, Side Effects of Eating Onion During Pregnancy, 51 Baby Shower Games That Are Actually Fun, 201 Unique and Beautiful Baby Boy Names Starting with H. Water Aerobics During Pregnancy: Is it Safe? Onions have anti-cancerous properties in them. It is assumed that the antibacterial properties of onions are absorbed in the soles of your feet and enter the bloodstream. What Are Vivid Dreams & What Causes Them? Pregnancy is one of the periods when the immunity of women is highly compromised. Finally, the best way to get over a cold or the flu quickly is to never get it in the first place. By cutting an onion in half and placing it in a sock, then placing this sock near your childs feet while they sleep, some believe that the onion can draw away heat and toxins from your childs system. Put the onion in the socks, making sure the onions are tight against the bottom of your feet. Just remember its good practice at all times to wash all vegetables before you eat them, but especially while youre pregnant. Onions are a good source of vitamin C having antioxidant properties which can aid in strengthening the immune system of not only the expectant mother but also for the unborn child. Onions are a member of the allium family of vegetables which are known for their characteristic taste and pungent aroma. Heres How You Can Do It: Take an onion (red or white) and cut it into thin and flat slices (make sure its an organic onion to avoid any side Place the onion slice in your socks (under your foot, like a platform), and sleep as you usually do. This happened because onions helped to delay carbohydrate absorption.11. There are many more effective ways to detox your body naturally. Using onion slices in a sock as a home remedy has some anecdotal evidence, however, these havent been proved by scientific research. The pregnant onion needs enough watering, but not too much of it. If left unchecked, it can lead to more serious issues like preeclampsia. If you notice any of these issues after eating onions, make sure to visit your doctor in time and avoid onions altogether until your doctor tells you what to do next. The following are possible side effects of consuming onion in excess are . Onions are a must-have during pregnancy as they are low in calories and fat which manage hunger pangs in a healthy way. One of the foods that causes the most confusion for pregnant women is onion. They also cause smelly breath. There is also no scientific evidence that you can detox your body by placing onions on your feet. Because of the sulfuric compounds found in the onions, it was believed these odorous vegetables could fight bacteria and viruses while purifying or detoxing the air and the blood. Moreover, these are rich in quercetin, which imparts protection against many common maladies like the flu, common cold, etc. However, because onions are low in calories, they can be added to any type of food. Arabiat DH. The participants applied onion juice 2 times a day for 2 months and hair started to regrow after 2 weeks of treatment.13. Here is what science says about many of the health benefits of incorporating more onions in your diet. This is because pregnant women have increased production of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones that may affect the way foods taste to them. However, if you take too much chromium you might have some side effects like headache, allergy, irregular heartbeats, sleep issues, and even liver or kidney damage in severe cases. This is a hybrid variety of onions and less pungent when compared to the other full-sized onions. 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Onions During Pregnancy Here are some of the benefits of eating onion during pregnancy: 1. Unfortunately, a lot of pregnant women arent as lucky as you. If you have a sensitive skin, you can apply a little bit of coconut oil on the affected area so the oils from the onion and ginger dont irritate the skin. Many pregnant women might run away at even a whiff of onion smell. The International Journal of Current Research reported that extracts of various onions have strong antibacterial activity. You can add the greens to your rice too and add some extra flavor and crunch to otherwise mushy rice. 2022. Consuming onions in large quantities during pregnancy can result in heartburn or even diarrhea sometimes. Onions should be avoided by pregnant women who are at risk for preterm labor. During that time, she edited the bestsellers Body-for-LIFE, Eating-for-Life, and a number of other books and guides. We hope you think that is sweet. In that respect, Dr. Brent Bauer from the Mayo Clinic says that there is no evidence to suggest that detox foot pads work to draw toxins from the body.6. There are many varieties of onions to choose from. The onion-in-sock remedy is based on the principle that onions can draw out toxins from the body. J Environ Pub Health. Pregnancy brings along tooth decay and a number of gum-related issues like gingivitis, etc. This digestive problem can cause hot flashes, increased body temperature, and dehydration, which can have a bad influence on the healthy development of the baby. Simply add onions into your dinner and, combined with healthy habits and a healthy diet, you can watch your oral health stay the same throughout your pregnancy. If you are pregnant and havent heard of gestational diabetes, you are a very lucky mama indeed! Excess consumption of onion during pregnancy can sometimes result in diarrhea instead of just helping with bowel movements. Onions are rich in dietary fiber and help smoothen out bowel movements. They will be able to guide you and provide you with an alternate plan as well. Chromium is an essential mineral in breaking down fat, carbs, and proteins. In addition, it's best to eat large quantities of onion only when prescribed by your doctor as too much may lead to other health problems such as dehydration or weight gain. Of course, there are some side effects, but most of them only occur as a result of eating too many onions. One vegetable is onion for which women can crave during pregnancy. The claim is that onions help to improve circulation by stimulating areas on the feet to increase blood flow which may help you recover faster. If you are craving some strong flavors in your dishes, you can opt for the red onion during pregnancy. Consuming onion during pregnancy can boost oral health by destroying bacteria responsible for tooth decay and improve the mothers oral health. 2013 Sep 16;8(9):e71529. 6. As well as vitamins, antioxidants, and several other useful compounds, onions also contain amino acids such as cysteine and methionine. Abuelgasim H, Albury C, Lee J. Health Benefits of Eating Onions during Pregnancy: Cures Constipation: It could be said that red onions are the most beneficial type, but if you cant stand the smell or strong flavor, any other type of onion will work just fine and yield optimal results. Vitamin A stores additional amounts of fats in the liver, which could lead to liver damage and result in certain birth defects as well. Skin and Hair Improvement Onions are believed to improve hair growth as they are rich in vitamins. As excess of anything can prove harmful to mother and baby during this delicate phase. Onions have prebiotics which helps to lower stress and improve sleep. Saeed F, Arshad MU, Pasha I, Naz R, Batool R, Khan AA, Nasir MA, Shafique B. Nutritional and phyto-therapeutic potential of papaya (Carica papaya Linn. Although onions might make you cry, youll look really pretty! PloS One. Some women also have breathing problems after eating onions in large quantities. Use a juicer, blender, or food processor to extract the juice from the onions. Parkin J, Cohen B. Eating onion during pregnancy can not only boost the mothers immunity but of the growing child too. Dental problems are quite common during pregnancy, especially tooth decay or gingivitis. Food cravings are one of the biggest parts of pregnancy. Eating onions during pregnancy may help pregnant women to avoid morning sickness and nausea. One can consume onion during pregnancy in the following ways: The Verdict: When a pregnant woman consumes a lot of onion, it may lower their hemoglobin levels, which can lead to anemia. Chemical Peel During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? And sleep while wearing those socks. MayoClinic. The key here is to ensure you dont overindulge in this vegetable or any other food item for that matter. These flavonoids can reduce the swellings and allergies that an expecting mother is bound to experience. Onions should be avoided by pregnant women who are at risk for preterm labor. The mothers immune system gets weaker as the baby grows stronger in the womb, which is completely natural as the baby is receiving food from the mom. ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FOR RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND YOUR SPECIFIC HEALTH CONDITIONS AND/OR ALLERGIES. Some women also have breathing problems after eating onions in large quantities. Eating onion during pregnancy will help you detoxify your body and keep anything unwanted away from you and your unborn baby. It's so important for pregnant women to eat nutrient-dense foods to keep up with their daily need for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for growth and development. This nutritious food provides great benefits to both the mother and the unborn child. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The study also pointed to the antibacterial properties of ginger as well. The quercetin flavonoid found in onions helps balance cholesterol levels. Put the onion in the socks, making sure the onions are tight against the bottom of your feet. Use the natural hair regrowth treatment daily and continue using until you see noticeable results. Though these can be handled by a professional, it is not advisable to extract a tooth or get any serious treatment done while pregnant. 2001 Jun 2;357(9270):1777-89. Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer, effective ways to detox your body naturally, apple cider vinegar can be used as a detox drink, how to break a fever: the top 5 natural ways, How use Potato on Feet for Detox, Cold, Flu and Infections, foods and spices that can help protect against type 2 diabetes, help the intestines digest food and absorb nutrients, onion juice can be used as a natural treatment for alopecia, How To Consume Onions and Garlic To Prevent Cancer, Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Using Garlic As an Antibiotic. Checkups are highly recommended if a woman gains a lot of weight before or during pregnancy. 1. Allergic Reaction Some pregnant women may be intolerant to onions may have an allergic reaction to them on consuming onions in excess. Simple steps Take an onion and cut it into slices. Vitamin C is a great cure for any type of skin pigmentation as well. The doctor stressed to me at the time to make sure Vicks is not applied anyone near the babies noes/mouth also dress immediately so they can't touch it with their hands & put it in their mouth or make sure to have During pregnancy, women take special care of their health, bodies, and lifestyle. The Journal of Dermatology reported that onion juice can be used as a natural treatment for alopecia (hair loss). Rinse the area with salt water and gently dry. Allergies are not rare during pregnancy, as the immune system gets weaker. Spicy foods, fish, coffee, garlic, onion, broccoli, and dairy products could be the cause of your unpleasant smell. Well, its easier to explain than to pronounce. They are enriched with vitamin A and E that keeps the skin and hair glowing. What about placing onions in your socks? WebOnions can naturally kill the bacteria that cause both of these conditions. However, early treatment can significantly lower any risk during pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy make gums more vulnerable to plaque build-up, inflammation, and bleeding. Pregnancy is a time when one has to be extra cautious as she cannot be medicated like usual. (Is this because the onion smell covers any other odors? Onions will even clean heavy metals from your body in no time! BIOTRUST DISTRIBUTES A PRODUCT LINE MADE WITH NATURAL INGREDIENTS. Just remember its good practice at all times to wash all vegetables before you eat them, but especially while youre pregnant. Also, Vitamin C in onions is best for curing any skin pigmentation and helps in keeping the skin lively. By cutting an onion in half and placing it in a sock, then placing this sock near your childs feet while they sleep, some believe that the onion can draw away heat and toxins from your childs system. We love honesty! And sleep while wearing those socks. When your diet includes onion during pregnancy, in the raw form, preferably, your blood pressure can be kept in check. The mother needs to gain weight to support the growing baby. A high concentration of free radicals in the body can cause damage to proteins, DNA, and cells. However, some pregnant women may experience heartburn or breathing issues after onion consumption. Plus, while putting onions in your socks may be a bit uncomfortable as you sleep, it likely wont do any harm. Diet: Pregnant women are also more likely to experience changes in vaginal odor due to diet. These compounds work as a free radical scavenger. Whats more, it fights against cancer and cholesterol. 2. 2014 Aug 9;17(7):1637-53. Health Benefits of Eating Onions during Pregnancy: Cures Constipation: Just make sure to avoid eating the onions after theyve been on the feet, as theyre thought to be contaminated with those toxins. Benefits of Eating Onion During Pregnancy. Its completely natural and nothing to worry about. Theres less room for your digestive system as the baby grows, which means you end up with difficult bowel movements and slow digestion. 500 Cute, Funny, And Popular Nicknames For Twin Babies, 80 Touching And Inspirational Stepmom Quotes To Show Your Love, Jesus, Mommy, and Me: 12 Days of Christmas Devotions, food you shouldnt be eating while breastfeeding, Nicknames For Caleb: Over 60 Ideas For A Guy Named Caleb, 40+ Best Nicknames For Ella That Fit Her Perfectly, 170+ Best Happy Birthday Brother In Law Wishes That He Will Love. Consuming onions during pregnancy may help in regulating the blood pressure as onions have plenty of phytonutrients that can prevent preeclampsia, hypertension-related complications and preterm labor at bay. 5. Which makes sense when you're feeling a little queasy. An overview of the immune system. Balances Blood Pressure: Onions are dense in phytonutrients. In this blog post, we discuss how eating them during pregnancy might not be as dangerous as you think. Nutrients. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. Then place a round on the bottom of each foot and cover your feet with a pair of socks to hold the onion in place. Including onions in your meals is considered to be safe and nutritious, as it provides a large number of benefits to the mother and the child. The doctor stressed to me at the time to make sure Vicks is not applied anyone near the babies noes/mouth also dress immediately so they can't touch it with their hands & put it in their mouth or make sure to have Also, dont use fertilizer around this period. Leave for a few hours to draw toxins from your body. Rice or Potatoes: Which Side is Healthier For You? Pregnancy is one of the periods when the immunity of women is highly compromised. Yes, you can go right ahead and eat onions safely during your pregnancy and tantalize your taste buds. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Onions are believed to improve hair growth as they are rich in vitamins. Onions are just one of the foods that you need for a healthy heart. But, again if you want to try this folk remedy, leave the sliced onions on your feet for a few hours and see if it works for you. Yes, eat onions safely during pregnancy and tantalize the taste buds. As the pregnancy progresses, mothers are known to have breathing difficulty due to the baby pressing against the lungs. You can also benefit from eating raw onions during pregnancy as onions include dietary fibre which is known to improve digestion. If you or your family have been using onions in your socks for generations and you feel like its beneficial, then theres nothing stopping you. The Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine says that there is anecdotal evidence of the positive effect reflexology has in a variety of health conditions. The placebo effect (i.e., your belief in the treatment, rather than the treatment itself) can be very powerful. in this way, healers believed that onions could be useful for treating all manner of ailments. Its not connected to oral hygiene, though, as was previously thought, but poor dental hygiene definitely makes the situation worse. There is some anecdotal evidence pointing to the fact that sliced onions can help to kill off germs that cause colds, the flu, and blocked sinuses. Claimed benefits of adding onions to your socks include cleaning the blood, drawing out toxins, fighting off fevers, cold, and the flu, and purifying the air around you. Pregnancy puts strain on the whole body, including the cardiovascular system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. However, pregnancy rarely causes any new heart diseases but can worsen existing heart conditions. I will also look at what research says about putting onion on your feet. Leave for a few hours to draw toxins from your body. During pregnancy, free radicals tend to grow and might cause cancer in the body. This is why pregnant women should moderate their consumption of all food items, not only onions, to prevent any negative reaction that might complicate her or her babys health. Keep a slice of onion in your socks at the bottom of your foot. Simple steps Take an onion and cut it into slices. Here are some of the benefits of eating onion during pregnancy: Our site uses cookies to make your experience on this site even better. The most common well see are aversions to red meats, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, onions, garlic, and coffee. The onion-in-sock remedy is based on the principle that onions can draw out toxins from the body. According to research, eating onions and other organosulfur-rich foods like garlic may even help reduce the risk of heart disease. Eating onions during pregnancy is completely safe for all pregnant women who arent prone to heartburn and dont have a known onion allergy. However, we would advise you to consume fresh onions to get the maximum benefit out of it. These compounds work as a free radical scavenger. Leave for a few hours to draw toxins from your body. Fit the sock on your child's foot, so that the pouch securely stays in place on the sole of her foot. Such as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and premature labour. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, there is anecdotal evidence about the effectiveness of putting onions on your feet to detox your body. This is a very serious statement, and just to be clear, onions cannot kill cancer cells, but they are very effective at preventing the disease. Onions & Flu - National Onion Association [Internet]. If you can eat spicy food during pregnancy without any aversion to food, red onion is a great choice for you. You will also find some helpful recipes if you want to try this remedy and sleep with onions in your socks to draw infections. Pregnancy is one of the periods when the immunity of women is highly compromised. Simply add onions into your dinner and, combined with healthy habits and a healthy diet, you can watch your oral health stay the same throughout your pregnancy. Put the onion and ginger mixture in a clean gauze, wrap, and secure. In fact, it provides numerous health benefits to a woman. Onions on Feet or In Sock for Flu, Colds, Detox, and Infections Does It Work? Peel one or two onions and chop into small bits. Gently steam the mixture until the onions and ginger are soft and lightly cooked (putting them raw will irritate the skin). Some women also have breathing problems after eating onions in large quantities. Dehydration: If you notice a strong ammonia smell, you may be dehydrated. A healthy lifestyle may not prevent every infection, but it definitely can help put the odds in your favor. As the baby grows and pushes against all organs, the digestion process slows down resulting in difficult bowel movements. However, it is always better to keep the portions of anything you eat in moderation, especially when you are pregnant. Many women are afraid to eat spicy food with strong flavors during pregnancy because they believe it could cause harm to the baby or even induce preterm labor. 1. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. A compound called quercetin keeps cholesterol low, while organic sulfur and flavonoids keep the heart in good health during pregnancy. Create an account to receive great content curated, personalised home page, and get support in parenting.
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onions in socks while pregnant 2023