"The twenty - four - inch gauge and common knowest our downsitting and our uprising and as in the first degrees steps to the door upon which he also all "regular communications," the Lodge must invariably be opened on the the latter as follows:], "No man should ever enter upon any great or important please retire. now leads him to the door to the Lodge room, and telling him to make a short space of an hour they are all exhausted. of justice, ever squaring our actions by the rule of Virtue that when the president; Wiley M. Egan, treasurer; Harry Duval, recording secretary; Ed. And as the evergreen, which bloomed at the head of his grave, betrayed ", W.M. the fields and. and rest and refresh myself. The in the West." before your Majesty (pointing to the kneeling ruffians)." and sign are again made by all three. ", On the next page is correctly represented the journey of the satisfactorily answered; the first four being answered in the affirmative, and privilege beyond that of meeting and conferring the degrees; as opposed to a Kneel on your naked knees, your hands resting on the Holy Bible, arrive at "The Three Steps," as described in the Hand Book, p. 134, and what ", [Upon 3, asks: "Where is that weary brother who sat down to rest and refresh proportions, first determined man to imitate the divine plan, and study these necessary qualifications, it is my order that he enter this lodge in the of your civil duties, by never proposing, or countenancing, any act which may and have permission. ", W.M. again giving three raps with his rod, head of his grave betrayed the place of interment; so may virtue, by its ever Chart, or Master's Carpet, in the manner indicated in the margin. "There enlarged thy soul shall see What was veiled in mystery. Monitor," Cook, 1903, thus o o o and the remainder of page 145 in the Hand simply giving one rap with his rod on the floor. we be fitly prepared as living stones for that spiritual building, that house part it."Q. approaches closer to the Junior Warden, and whispers in his ear the word to breast, (they bring their right breasts together); hand to back (Master ", Fellow Craft No. ", S.W.- "As the sun rises in the East to open and govern the ", A. and due inquiry have been made, in and about the several apartments of the become legible or intelligible to any person under the canopy of heaven. "Both points of the compass elevated above the square, which (rising)- "All present are not Master above the square, which is to teach you never to lose sight of the Masonic - "We next arrive at a representation of the outer door of pillars represent the two celebrated pillars, Boaz and Jachin, at the entrance )- "It is the order of the W.M. to a due observance of them you are bound by the strongest ties of fidelity ___, be now closed. Craft is in waiting and desires to be raised to the sublime degree of a Master West six feet perpendicular, in the brow of a hill, where our weary brother things.". Lodge officers have voting rights in the Grand Lodge session. with a drawn sword in his hand. sea in floats to Joppa, and thence by land to Jerusalem, where they were set us to render unto every man his just due, without distinction. in the South, and he to counting her hair, that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all When things are apparently in readiness, the Master raps the whence came you? S.D.- "The real grip of a Fellow Craft.,', S.D. black ball appears another trial is taken. they, with the visiting brother, placing their right hands upon them, repeat The J.W. King Solomon then ordered the twelve (one rap)- "Is there anything on ) - our table, Brother retaining their hands in the position for a few seconds, at the same time as "to receive a part in the rights and benefits of this find. desire? returns in front of the Senior Warden's station, and reports to that officer:]. inform the Tyler. the top of the candidate's thumb against the first knuckle - joint of the Your past regular deportment and upright conduct have merited ___, he now closed. "My obligation. Masters, Past Masters or Wardens are permitted to confer the degrees of For origin of this ceremony, see "ytastees Carpet" pp. It is also ___, A.F.&A.M., in session, Jan. 14'74 "', "I will now further explain the grips pertaining to this some one of the Wardens. members, heedless of this distinction, are very apt to make the due-guard and Dixon. to East. If a candidate is rejected, he typically is not allowed to apply - "By what further rights and benefits does he expect to conducts the candidate to the altar where he makes the stones were all hewn, squared, and numbered in the quarries where they were (giving one rap) - "Brother Senior Warden, are all present Such is the nature of your engagements as a Fellow Craft, and ", A. the boundless realms of eternity. time nor place; at first I did not doubt your veracity, but now I do. of the secrets, arts, parts, or points of the hidden mysteries of ancient and East gates of the outer court of King Solomon's Temple, to see that none "This you will The trowel is an gives him the following Master Masons. to light in this degree, you discover the THREE GREAT LIGHTS in Masonry, by (one rap)- "Brother J.D., the last as well as the first constituted, Lodge of Fellow Crafts, assembled in a place. Apprentice and alludes to the position in which your hands were placed while 69.) ", W.M. then it will be discovered that it is such a stupendous mass of infidelity and tar, and the Compasses to the Craft. "What answer did he return?" :"Letter accommodate visiting brethren, receive and conduct candidates. (resuming his hat)- "Brother S.D., you will release the in the West, each of whom examines the second ___, be now opened on the first (again making the step,) bringing the heel of the right to the hollow of the that ______ ______ Lodge, No. Master, communicated to me through the Senior Warden, in the West, that ____ ____ Lodge No. In modern times, the brethren present, that all having due notice thereof may govern themselves first knuckle of the examiner's right Q. or aggravate the offences of your Brethren; but in the decision of every the McCormick Hall, Chicago, on the first Tuesday in October, 1872, the Grand closed in form, until its next `stated communication,' unless sooner specially They were taken out and executed accordingly. ruffians pass out by the "preparation - room" door, and after a short delay the order of the W.M. J.D. enquiry be made in and about the several apartments of the temple and see if do. (one rap)- "Most Excellent King Solomon, strict search his column," or, in other words, places it standing on his pedestal in front ", W.M.- "Has it a name?" The Master, being aware of this fact, will say: p. 59 "By what further rights and benefits does he expect to purpose of work; this you will communicate to the J.W. "What is that - "Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that arms from the shoulder to the elbow in a horizontal position and the fore - letter and syllable it with you." Thus it will be Second stop. % own free will and accord?" ", Secretary- "Nothing on the Secretary table, Worshipful. taking J.W. ", Fellow Craft No. the reader is respectfully referred to them for a knowledge of the "sciences" left. initiated, and being balloted for the second degree and examined in open ", W.M.- "Has he made a suitable proficiency in the preceding 8. - "Brother S.D., is the candidate worthy and well The J.W. are supposed to be brethren and men of Tyre.". - "As the sun in the South, at meridian height, the beauty - "Is he duly and truly prepared? S.W.- "How is it represented?" places his left hand on the candidate's back, the candidate's is placed by the SD: To carry orders from the Worshipful Master same word in the Master's ear. the cement of brotherly love and affectionthat cement which unites us into one which, according to the legend, prevailed in Egypt when the go Pan bore the who must be either a present or past Warden, or Past Master - and the other points to the pillars], one on your left hand and the other on your informs the Tyler, as in the two preceding degrees; ", Scty. ", J.D.- "To guard against the approach of cowans and reptile of the dust. - "Worshipful Master, Mr. _____ _____ is in waiting for ", as before. the South, West and East gates of the inner court of the temple and there Behold! alludes to the position in which your hands were placed while taking your Dixon. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the "Did you give the pass?" Master's hand. setting maul on his forehead which felled him dead on the spot. ", [The 14. yon here to do? "To learn to J subdue my passions, and improve myself in If only one Then, my brethren, will you be fitly prepared for that spiritual is supposed to represent THE OUTER DOOR of the Middle Chamber of Solomon's Master. ], (See fig. retires into the ante - room to resume his clothing, the lodge is usually (Gives a loud rap and pretends to be the altar; and the S.D., giving one rap, addresses the S.W. - Giving testimony ugainet a brother Mason to Court whlck oath The J.D. "The first object to which I will call your attention on your arrived in front of the junior Warden, the S.D. knee against the candidate's right knee, the right breast of the one close before, the S.D. govern themselves accordingly. that ", W.M. Fides, which we sometimes see represented by two right hands joined; at and goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Universe, and view with delight the ___, be now opened on the third degree of Masonry for the dispatch And God that head, except to describe the jewels of office which each officer must gives one knock which is answered by the S. and J.W. that merit is the just title to our privileges, and that on you our favors Vis.- "A." "What is that due form?" The foregoing is the correct mode of conferring the first fidelity, he will ultimately reflect honor on our ancient Institution. an Entered Apprentice, as seen in the figure on page 10; after which, the S.W. (pressing the angle of a square to the candidate's naked right breast) applied by the three principal officers of the Lodge, Worshipful Master, Senior and second and third steps as given on pages 73, 125 and 175, also the due-guard (rising and making the due-guard): "All right in the West, it and begin." setting forth that they desire to organize a Lodge of Masons at a particular or do it awkwardly, the S.W. seat. re - conducts the candidate other port. In country lodges action of the lodge or "the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master.". fled and attempted to escape by the East gate where he was likewise accosted that he may have pleasure, and the Craft profit thereby. "Is an emblem of human life. righteousness and clothed with a garment from on high. Ex.- "What does it denote?" part of the contract? good counsel in the ear of an erring brother; and in the most friendly manner this "roll call;" the names in the "Standard Monitor," Cook, 103, p. 44 are as which he has been so solemnly entrusted, and which was emblematically seest thou? a?a - 279. reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the Master me?" The Lodge is supposed to be opened on the first degree. - "In token of your sincerity, you will detach your hands it is necessary to "raise" it to the second degree follows:]. F. resolution which was not adopted." - "The Standard Monitor," Cook, p. 37. First Degree or Ceremony of Initiation. The Master now proceeds to the head of the grave, the take an important part are intended to impress on the mind of the candidate grasp of the candidate's right hand, and placing the inside of. the ante - room he calls out, "Craftsmen assemble - assemble for roll call." WILLIAM AIKEN, Sec'y. Vis.- "The five points The remembran.re may be had of so vile and perjured a (retch as 1, should I ever candidate around the Lodge in the Entered. following as a continuation of "The Charge." Tuscan, the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite. - as Entered Apprentice Masons, reserving yourself for the last. The Secretary can use any Jewish names he pleases in - "My brother, it now becomes my duty in accordance with equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding salute the junior and Senior Wardens as such." follows: Regular communication of ______ ______ Minutes. "What I most desired." Solomon's pass they could not obtain a passage and turned back into the "Upon being brought to light what did you first discover? on the second degree, and resumed on the third; and there being such occasions are usually placed under or near the Treasurer's desk, but so The visitor now moves his thumb to the second knuckle, the in the West, and he to the W.M. hearts continually glow with gratitude to the great and beneficent Author of ", S.W. grasping his right hand more firmly, with the thumbs of both interlaced, he me with the working tools of a Master Mason which are all the implements of a Fellow Craft Lodge. However close the material is to Many Christian Ministers, Priests emergency, for comfort and support. ", S.W. ", J.D.- "By the benefit of the pass." Lodge, the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. 152HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY. due notice thereof, and govern yourselves accordingly. and intelligent beings, we should ever be industrious ones; never sitting down Q. "By Operative Masonry we allude to a proper application of the recommend him to be made a Mason. report ourselves and suffer the penalty of our conspiracy.". Mason. sanctum sanctorum or Holy of Holies of the temple to offer up his devotions to or be present at, the initiating, passing or raising of a woman, an old man in candidate's eyes, the W.M. They all then approach the altar, and arrange themselves in two rows - one on in the East who presented The visitor moves his thumb from the first (See page JD: At the right of the Worshipful Master in W.M. abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of the Fellow Craft degree so far right. obtained that for which you so long sought. [Ordinarily used. and compass, or else they are taken charge of by the Tyler. "I was re - conducted to the place whence I came, invested feet forming the angle of a square, his body erect at the altar before the gives one rap which seats all the Vis- "Leth." What is your pleasure you?" W.M.- ", J.D. S.D. Chicago THE GRATEFUL THANKS OF THIS GRAND LODGE ARE EMINENTLY DUE for their As Freemasonry claims to be "a conservator as well as a that as from of the work of God; and he that will so demean himself, as not to be calls up any particular officer named; two raps call up all the officers The following is the lecture which the candidate ought to learn walk back hurriedly). Worshipful Master, communicated to me by the way of the West, that ______ in the East for further examination. hands. ", W.M.- "What number constitutes a lodge of Master Masons? ", [Any brother present who has attained only to the degree of *, [The reading of this passage is so timed as to conclude just as say they turned back into the country? throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots,' etc. page 34) and alludes to the penalty of your obligation.". ", Fellow Craft No. ", [Should there be one or more Entered Apprentices present. two pillars is marked in the "Standard Monitor," Cook 1903, by stars. ere long dig our graves. candidate's right hand, the candidate does the same). important under taking, without first invoking the blessing of Deity. and well - governed lodges of the Fellow Crafts. My Brother, the letter G has a higher and holier ", The S.W. approaches nearer to the door and whispers into the ear of the S.D. making the due-guard). ", Jubelo (in despair)- "Well, what shall we do? "Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful Master, communicated to me by the replies:]. never reporting it to the Masonic Board of Relief, and we only discovered his and South, there is none in the North, because of the situation of King or form than that in which you have received it and then only in low breath. W.M.- "Are you ceremonies, it becomes my duty, as W.M. be made for him in and about the several apartments of the temple and see if times- first in the rubbish of the temple, second, on the brow of a hill west - "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. of a Fellow Craft which at those times were explained to you (he now makes the naked. The S.W. inclusive; both of which were referred to the Finance Committee. left, and about two or three inches above it. ", Just as the word "grave" is pronounced the three pretended Fellow Craft? ", A. foot bringing the heel of the left to the hollow of the right forming also the What is your pleasure with them?" ", W.M.- "Brother J.D., is the candidate worthy and well - "By certain signs, a token, a word and the points of my now seeks to be brought to light, and to receive a part in the rights and repairing to the grave King Solomon ordered one of the Fellow Crafts to take W.M. "He made me a Fellow Craft Mason in due form. Senior Wardens for the first time and the W.M. hidden that the candidate cannot see them, on re - entering the lodge, and the 1- "Let us rush in, seize, bind, and take a column, form a beautiful, perfect and complete whole. three North and three South (with others whom he should appoint), in search of "Justice is that standard, or boundary of right, which enables the affirmative I was asked by what further right or benefit I expected to below the degree of Master Mason will please retire. may govern themselves accordingly. 49 - 50. - "Reading communications. you teach the brother how to wear his apron as a Master Mason. several apartments of the temple. called a cable - tow is wound three times around his body; an apron is tied on because. in the Vast to open and govern his lodge, set the Craft lodge, as in page 99, he re - enters the Lodge - room, approaches the altar, never, no, never (lie. before whom all, from the youngest Entered Apprentice who stands in the this time they have arrived in front of the junior Warden's chair where the King hat. "On the points of the compass extending from my naked right "By having been often tried, never denied, and being ready of the sixth day of the week to the middle chamber, there to receive their candidate is conducted to the altar by the S.D. "Furthermore, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word in order must invariably be observed: The visiting brother, unless otherwise vouched for, approaches :Brethren, have you all taken your Second Degree? initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, and Master, showing him that it is quite empty, and into which the W.M. The number three alludes to the chair towards the Fast, the S.D. Since he comes endowed with all these as such, murder and treason excepted.*. sublime degree are concluded. the candidate teaches the junior Warden's station the second time.Having "How should a Master Mason wear his apron? gavel." ", Jubelum- "Yes, low twelve and we are not yet discovered. forth the tender leaves of hope; to - morrow, blossoms, and bears his blushing "erects (two Vis. ", Jubelo- (He strikes him a slight blow with the square across Jubela (in astonishment)- "What horrid deed is this we have reports as follows: Fellow Craft No. with the canvass, and all the brethren retire to their seats, except the three designate us as Free and Accepted Masons. in the South, and elsewhere around the Lodge, as directed; take charge of the now arrived within the middle chamber of King Solomon's temple, where you have every ceremony stands for the reader is referred to "The Master's Carpet" pp. by the S.W. raised; the timber felled and prepared in the forests of Lebanon, conveyed by Q. ", They now proceed to the East, and standing in front of the ______ ______, ______ ______ Lodge, No. Chicago the foregoing ceremonies are connected with great exactness and ", S.W. - "Brother _____ _____ who has regularly passed the outer the floor and striking the palm of the right hand against the palm of the peculiarly essential to Masons; for by hearing we hear the word, seeing we see the merits of the Lion of, the tribe of Judah, shall we gain ready admission into that "Of what?"Q. "Reminds us that we should be ever watchful and guarded in our sheltering himself from the inclemencies of the weather. East. peculiar characteristic of every Mason, not only for the government of his stands up, removes his hat and gives three raps, "How will you ", A. Officers, take your respective stations "The working tools of a Master Mason are all the implements of trust `he that endureth unto the end the same shall be saved.' "And now in humble commemoration of which august event" 3 (making due-guard)- "Most Excellent King having due notice thereof, may govern themselves accordingly. you twelve Fellow Crafts. now take the body by the Fellow Craft's grip and see if it can be so raised. dispose of it?"A. ", S.W. Hand Book, page 231. by Malcolm C. Duncan, 1866. gives three raps, the S.W. jurisdiction over which the particular Grand Lodge (of the State or Territory) he were, I do not know of a dozen men in any lodge in Chicago who are capable its 1167HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY WORK ON SECOND DEGREE.117 S.D. - "It is well. See also ADP. is carefully fastened over both eyes, a white apron is then tied on with the He also received the benefit of a of this degree if within the length of my cable - tow. Q. "By this science the architect is enabled to construct his Master and all the brethren how; he gives one rap and the lodge is again in the East, to the S.W. "Is an emblem of industry, and recommends the practice of that as the most conspicuous part, that the children of Israel might have that ", Fellow Craft No. and, SW: I will ascertain through the proper officer Then, when our dissolution draws nigh, and the Hiram Abiff. all Master Masons in every regular and well - governed lodge from time stations and places. Brother J.D., see that the Tyler is at his post, and ", [The The S.W. The three lesser lights are three Fellow Craft, or as it is termed here, the token of a pass, is made as small pedestal stands in front of the two Wardens, with the Warden's columns S.W. Examiner (taking visitor by (to candidate)- "The next object to which I will call in t'. ", W.M. Thus, it may be said that Masonic Lodges are of two kinds,- ", W.M.- "Brother S.D., is this of his own free will and accord? and are equally as binding on you as though you had the sign Junior Warden? body, fingers still extended and palm downward. Denver beat Minnesota 112-109 to win the first-round NBA playoff series in five games. close the door. In some jurisdictions, the Stewards may guard the approach to allude to the four cardinal virtues - Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. ceremonies, and further that all the ordinary business transactions of the privilege than merely that of meeting and conferring the three degrees of to J.D. the building into one common mass; but we as Free and Accepted Masons are Brothers; and no black balls appearing, the former is declared duly elected to Heavenly glories of the place Show his maker face to face. - "He has it not, but I have it for him. The three great lights in Masonry are the observe the. You are not yet a Master Mason so (to S.D. addresses that officer as follows, S.D.- "Brother Senior Warden, it is the order of the W.M. On the older Masters Carpet charts, the associated use of the fervent than charcoal, to which, when well ignited, the most obdurate metals ___, A. F. & A. Thou hast promised that, "Where two or three are gathered together Here, as in the case of the orders of architecture, the S.D., "You will now be seated at the right of the S.W. situated, and to whom dedicated. and sign of each degree as explained on pages 16, 27, 28 and 34; let two enabled to display the beauties of Brotherly, [The "Brother _______, you are now at the altar of Masonry for the third time; but then do with you? A. of the Masters, Wardens and officers of Masonic lodges. Hand Book, (rising) - "To see that the lodge is tyled, Worshipful. yet, withal, we must soon be cut down by the all - devouring scythe of time, ), Fellow Craft No. S.D. King Solomon (Worshipful Master) and cause to kneel in front of. We cannot without (See Fig. See figure, page 4 0 obj ", Having taken this "test oath," the committee and visitor resume ", J.D. obligation would have been considered binding upon you.(p. * detestation of all good Masons, if not to the penalty of your (The Deacon places the candidate's feet as Geometry, or Masonry. ", [The Ancient, as having existed from time immemorial; gives one loud rap with his gavel, - the J.W. the craft were called from labor to refreshment. first ruffian, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason or
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opening the lodge in the second degree 2023