Michael William Duncan is an American political history podcaster and author. Haiti: Our Revolution Continues. "[9], Duncan began The History of Rome in 2007, after failing to find any good podcasts about ancient history. [106] Toussaint was later deceived, seized by the French and shipped to France. [5] Duncan also occasionally creates political comic strips in collaboration with illustrator Jason Novak.[6]. [14], The colony's white population numbered 40,000; mulattoes and free blacks, 28,000; and black slaves, an estimated 452,000. [127] In fact, because young fit men were the most likely to be drafted into the army, the plantations were thus deprived of the workforce needed to function properly.[127]. [119] On 3 November, the frigate HMS Blanche captured a supply schooner near Cap Franais, the last hope in supplying the French forces. This is an episode index for Mike Duncan's fabulous Revolutions Podcast. To realise this goal, Dessalines adopted the economic organisation of serfdom. )[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. The podcast covered modern political revolutions, beginning with the English Revolution. There was a lot of tension between the grand blancs and the petit blancs who were vying for power and control in the colony. After the British had invaded Saint-Domingue, Louverture decided to fight for the French if they would agree to free all the slaves. The French constitutions of 1793 and 1795 both included the abolition of slavery. Available on. Download programmes from the huge In Our Time archive. ), The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World (University of South Carolina Press, 2001), Malick Ghachem, The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2012), C. L. R. James, The Black Jacobins: Toussaint LOuverture and the San Domingo Revolution (first published 1938; Penguin, 2001), Madison Smartt Bell, Toussaint Louverture: A Biography (Vintage, 2007), Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (Beacon Press, 1997). [7], Duncan's interest in Roman history grew from a "general interest in ancient civilizations." Initially, Duncan planned to limit his podcast to 12-15 episodes per revolution, but he ran over that self-imposed limit with the English Civil War and the American Revolution and decided to give up on it for the French Revolution, which ultimately ended up being 54 episodes (not counting supplemental episodes). 9/5/2022. I always keep a map open while listening to your podcasts anyways, so having one specifically annotated for what you're going over is a great help. [105] The next French commander who tried to assault the ditch was General Charles Dugua, joined shortly afterwards by the column commanded by Leclerc. (Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press 2001). The rebels' organizational capacity and tenacity under pressure inspired stories that shocked and frightened slave owners in the hemisphere.[12]. A Muddy Knees Media production for BBC Radio 4. [115], By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 people had been killed[135] practically eradicating the country's white population. He decided to sell Louisiana to the U.S. [106] Despite Bonaparte's attempt to keep his intention to restore slavery a secret, it was widely believed by both sides that was why the French had returned to Haiti, as a sugar plantation could only be profitable with slave labour. If caught, these runaway slaves would be severely and violently punished. And you mentioned pirates 6y See more of Revolutions on Facebook Log In or Create new account I wasn't sure if I was going to be as interested in this one, but you've set the stage so well that I'm already getting sucked in. [126] He proclaimed that every citizen would belong to one of two categories, laborer or soldier. The existence of slavery in Enlightened society was an incongruity that had been left unaddressed by European scholars prior to the French Revolution. Saint-Domingue's Northern province was the center of shipping and trading, and had the largest population of grands blancs. Peguero, Valentina. "Haitian Revolution." What is the Significance of the Haitian Revolution? By 1801, hed actually conquered Santo Domingo, which was the Spanish part of the island and had made serious inroads into the French part of the island. [176] Yet Sonthonax was one of the few contenders who truly pushed for the independence of the African slaves and became a major factor in Toussaint's decision of declaring independence from France. With Napoleon's inability to send the requested massive reinforcements after the outbreak of war on 18 May 1803 with the British, the Royal Navy immediately despatched a squadron under Sir John Duckworth from Jamaica to cruise in the region, seeking to eliminate communication between the French outposts and to capture or destroy the French warships based in the colony. Fearing a return of French forces, Dessalines first expanded and maintained a significant military force. Apart from granting rights to free people of color, the Assembly dispatched 6,000 French soldiers to the island. The French historian Paul Fregosi wrote: "Whites, mulattos and blacks loathed each other. France's transformation was most influential in Europe, and Haiti's influence spanned every location that continued to practice slavery. Posted by: Duncan drew inspiration for the Revolutions podcast out of a deep personal interest from his teenage years: "When I was really getting into history when I was a teenager, the American Revolution was my favorite period of American history. [135] In the 1805 constitution that declared all its citizens as black,[136] it specifically mentions the naturalizations of German and Polish peoples enacted by the government, as being exempt from Article XII that prohibited whites ("non-Haitians;" foreigners) from owning land. [126] Many of the workers likened the new labor system to slavery, much like Toussaint L'Ouverture's system, which caused resentment between Dessalines and his people. S2 Ep 5: Nouveaux Dsordres Coloniaux. They werent very organized, and they werent very well equipped. He sent a general, who tricked Toussaint LOuverture, arrested him, and shipped him off to France where he eventually died in prison, but the revolution did not end. The gens de couleur were seeing their chance for citizenship and equality because they couldnt practice certain professions and had to be separate in public spaces, and they also couldnt marry whites. While the southern republic did not have as much focus on economic development, and put more attention on liberal land distribution and education, the northern kingdom went on to become relatively wealthy, though wealth distribution was disputed. In 1793, he arrived on the scene, taking a leadership position. It was the area of greatest economic importance, especially as most of the colony's trade went through these ports. Education Higher Education K-12 Society & Culture History Update frequency: every 9 days Average audio length: 33 minutes English United States 370 episodes since Sept. 15, 2013 serial IN THIS PODCAST [54] The success of the rebellion caused the National Assembly to realize it was facing an ominous situation. [71], The main British force for the conquest of Saint-Domingue under General Charles Grey, nicknamed "No-flint Grey", and Admiral Sir John Jervis set sail from Portsmouth on 26 November 1793, which was in defiance of the well-known rule that the only time that one could campaign in the West Indies was from September to November, when the mosquitoes that carried malaria and yellow fever were scarce. Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the ideas, people and events that have shaped our world. [71] The Haitians soon expelled the Spanish from Saint-Domingue. 4.01- Saint-Domingue. [63] Rigaud failed in attempt to retake Port-au-Prince, but on Christmas Day 1794, he stormed and retook Tiburon in a surprise attack. [35] Some slaves were of a creole elite class of urban slaves and domestics, who worked as cooks, personal servants and artisans around the plantation house. Also Place Hotel de Ville. The revolution has revolved. [77], At this point, Pitt decided to launch what he called "the great push" to conquer Saint-Domingue and the rest of the French West Indies, sending out the largest expedition Britain had yet mounted in its history, a force of about 30,000 men to be carried in 200 ships. Toussaint retook the fortress at Mirebalais. 5 1 Comment Like Comment Most relevant Craig Buddy Loving the episodes. He was able to start organizing armies of former slaves and defeat the Spanish and British forces that had invaded Haiti. The Haitian Revolution brought about two unintended consequences: the creation of a continental America and the virtual end of Napoleonic rule in the Americas.[157]. Accessed 26 March 2015. The largest and most encompassing of those civilizations to Duncan was always the Romans. Finally, in August 1791, the slaves organized. [151] The American President Thomas Jeffersonwho was a slaveholder himselfrefused to establish diplomatic relations with Haiti (the United States did not recognize Haiti until 1862) and imposed an economic embargo on trade with Haiti that also lasted until 1862 in an attempt to ensure the economic failure of the new republic as Jefferson wanted Haiti to fail, regarding a successful slave revolt in the West Indies as a dangerous example for American slaves.[152]. [164] The Enlightenment ideals and the initiation of the French Revolution were enough to inspire the Haitian Revolution, which evolved into the most successful and comprehensive slave rebellion in history. [47] At least 900 coffee plantations were destroyed, and the total damage inflicted over the next two weeks amounted to 2 million francs. There were many written discussions about the events in Haiti during the revolution in both France and England, however, they were generally written by anonymous authors. Although the numbers in these bands grew large (sometimes into the thousands), they generally lacked the leadership and strategy to accomplish large-scale objectives. Many of the whites and free people of color who left Saint-Domingue for the United States settled in southern Louisiana, adding many new members to its French-speaking, mixed-race, and black populations. Blacks outnumbered whites fifteen times over. While the exiles found themselves in a peaceful situation in the United Statessafe from the violence raging in both France and Haititheir presence complicated the already precarious diplomatic relations among Britain, France, and the U.S. Louverture worked with a French general, tienne Laveaux, to ensure that all slaves would be freed. Many years later Franois Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two. While acknowledging the cross-influences, most contemporary historians[who?] Shanna Mills. [120] The Haitians had paid a high price for their freedom, losing about 200,000 dead between 1791 and 1803, and unlike the majority of the European dead, who were killed by yellow fever, the majority of the Haitian dead were the victims of violence.[45]. [8][9][10] The revolution represented the largest slave uprising since Spartacus' unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years earlier,[11] and challenged long-held European beliefs about alleged black inferiority and about slaves' ability to achieve and maintain their own freedom. The unrest in Haiti moved France to send various agents there to try to quell the uprising. Among Saint-Domingue's 40,000 white colonists, European-born Frenchmen monopolized administrative posts. The first effective maroon leader to emerge was the charismatic Haitian Vodou priest Franois Mackandal, who inspired his people by drawing on African traditions and religions. During the 18th century, local legislation reversed parts of it. The podcast is divided into seasons, with each season focusing on a particular revolution. [56] The same month, a coalition of whites and conservative free blacks and forces under French commissaire nationale Edmond de Saint-Lger put down the Trou Coffy uprising in the south,[50][57][58] after Andr Rigaud, then based near Port-au-Prince, declined to ally with them.
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