She tries to help telling him he needs to confront his nightmare. Despite this, she sometimes joins her classmates in whatever class activities they are doing though in her own way. He terrorizes the kids while Gwen enjoys it. Jerry explains to Dave that these are not ordinary children but rather cartoon characters brought to life. During Duncan's match with the blue bird, both Gwen and Courtney laugh at him for being too soft. Harold asks her for help, but is ignored. Courtney does it, and both of them scream in terror. Gwen then happily wonders if it's wrong for her to kiss Duncan again, but she reminds herself that she is a horrible person. So Circle Girl decided to get revenge on those kids because she felt betrayed that Courtney hadn't looked out for Cody when she had the chance. Rallying the other kids to his cause, Duncan's plan involves licking any contaminated surfaces in order to catch germs. Courtney smiled through her tears and told them she was happy they were willing to help. Marienplatz in Munich: The Complete Guide. Everyone except Courtney was sad because the kids had to save him. After daycare get destroyed Courtney, Cody, Izzy, Duncan, Gwen & Lightning trapped inside New York City, and goes adventure but Courtney feel worried about Cody, and also Chef Hatchet, Beth, Bridgette, Jude, Harold, Leshawna, Sugar, Owen & Noah had to find 6 of kids get lost. Duncan then manages to trick Gwen into leaving the campfire so that he could face the killer alone and win. Dave, Jerry, and Grace were also there, looking on in admiration at the work Cody had accomplished. Later while Gwen is stressing over Trent's sudden odd behavior and blames herself, Duncan tells her that she is giving herself too much credit. In Aquarium for a Dream, Gwen is the only person to notice that Richard Swimmins, the class fish, is killed when handled by her classmates and wonders how Chef keeps bringing it back to life. The Original Darrin: Lilly Bartlam voices Gwen for this series instead of Megan Fahlenbock. He makes the other kids dig a tunel but they fail. However, they do end up on the same team, the Villains. At the beginning of this special, it shows that Duncan and Courtney break up at the beginning of the episode, and they don't want to even look at each other on the red carpet. Back in the daycare, Gwen congratulates Chef for his new and updated pranks. Duncan was a bit . Duncan says he'd give it to Green Peace, which impresses Gwen. Fans can expect an exciting and innovative viewing experience from the talented team behind it. They're happy and say Cody will be fine, but Courtney is serious that Cody will die soon, and they're walking away with a happy face. Episode count Duncan tries to help Gwen's mood by giving Courtney a glare back. Gwen is finally rewarded with her ice cream only to realize that chocolate tastes better. Duncan unsuccessfully tries to be part of Gwen and Courtney's alliance. Thus, he agrees to help Leshawna vote off Heather or Trent. Gwen and Courtney try to help their friends get ready for a school test by making them read and teaching how to paint. They get their bodies back in the end. Courtney hoped that he would wake up, either sleeping or cloned, but it didn't work, and Cody is truly dead. Gwen's leggings and boots are now blue instead of green like her older self. The kids were kicked out of the bookstore by Circle Girl, and they're rushing into Jerry's house. And Courtney and Cody began to kiss each other tenderly, their lips connecting in a passionate embrace that seemed to last forever, and they watched the moon with the stars in the night sky. In a subsequent confessional scene, Gwen angrily states that Duncan's obvious obsession about Courtney is very uncool. When the old cast appears on a yacht, Duncan and Gwen are making out passionately while they hold each other. When Sierra is eliminated, Duncan tells her to add more "Gwuncan" videos to her website, causing Gwen to cast him an annoyed look. In Not for the Paint of Heart, Gwen enjoys her art class, until Izzy ruins her painting thanks to her magic paint. Gwen and Duncan's first kiss, with Tyler as the sole witness. This is the first Sony Pictures Animation film to have a post-credits scene play after the production logos. In order to save Chef from a squirrel, Gwen and Duncan must use their new toy abilities, and find out that they are actually cool. Upon landing in Sweden, Courtney angrily asks Duncan to apologize for cheating on her with Gwen, to which Duncan calmly replies back "Who?" In Free Chili, Gwen is having lunch with Cody, until Owen steals their food, annoying them. When Gwen is introduced, she is called a "boyfriend stealer" by Chris, referencing Gwen and Duncan's controversial relationship in Total Drama World Tour. Gwen tries to convince Chef to tell her classmates about their irresponsibility but to no avail until the others eventually find out about it as well. The film boasts an impressive cast and crew, including award-winning actors and renowned filmmakers. Day 3: Fussen & Neuschwanstein Castle. In the bookstore, the kids found the book on how to get home, but Circle Girl was here, and Courtney was captured by Circle Girl. While using the confessional in the beginning of the episode, Duncan wonders if his kindness is the reason Gwen dumped him, but then brushes it off to prove he is still a villain. While Courtney remains oblivious, Sierra states in the confessional that "Gwen has had a crush on Duncan since season one, and that Duncan has always had some feelings for her too. She also mentioned that there is a whole fanbase dedicated to "Gwuncan. They both volunteer for the first part of the challenge, but then try to pull themselves out when they realize who they are competing against. Chef looked at the calendar and saw "Daycare Picture He quickly went to his classroom and set up the area, making sure to have everything ready for picture day. Gwen is terrified to be in a happy place with rainbows, and asks the audience for help. The kids work together well and the plan works, until they are eventually caught by Chef. Gwen and Duncan are the two remaining campers out of the twenty-one who took part in the Awake-a-Thon. Gwen begins to lose her patience with Duncan. In the end, Gwen helps her get back to her human form. Duncan uses himself as a human shield to protect Gwen. And then Jerry opened the box and stunned the kids, making Jerry and the kids start screaming at each other. In the section where everyone makes a pyramid, they are seen next to each other. In this episode, Heather mentioned to Duncan that he caused Gwen's elimination in an attempt to get him off his game, which worked. Tyler randomly comes in with an astonished look on his face and quickly leaves, shocked at the moment. Age The kids had to follow Jerry because they knew Cody was in the box. Gwen then angrily slaps him, calling him a third-grader. Noah and Gwen offer their help, and the 3 kids try to prevent the band from coming by calling them, and hacking into the city's traffic light system. Gender Suddenly, Circle Girl jumps inside the daycare, and the kids get panicked. During the rock climbing challenge, Heather pulls a prank on Gwen that causes her to lose her skirt while climbing the mountain, leaving Gwen with her underwear fully exposed to everyone watching the challenge. About Cartoon. Gwen and Owen have their cousins over for International Cousins Day! Gwen responds by saying that he doesn't know her at all. Everyone was surprised when they noticed that Cody was missing, but he's hiding in the box, and Jerry's going to pick up the box. What could go wrong? Subscribe to the Total Dramarama Official Channel: And Courtney felt terrible and worried about Cody because she was so concerned for his safety. An infuriated Courtney breaks up with Duncan in The EX-Files and becomes obsessed with getting Gwen eliminated from the competition. First, he tries to escape with different plans, but fails. In the end, the skunk sprays Chef and Duncan outside, while Gwen watches from inside the school. At the beginning of Boyfriend Kisser, Courtney is shown erasing a drawing of Gwen and her soon-to-be boyfriend, Duncan kissing. She ends up being eaten by it, but is eventually released by accident when the slime monster is destroyed. It is Bavaria's largest city and the third largest city in Germany (after Berlin and Hamburg). Gwen comments that she couldn't believe that Courtney let a guy like Duncan go, as he was the greatest thing that ever happened to Courtney, but when Gwen tries to explain why, she accidentally reveals that she thinks Duncan is hot. When they bring him to Chris, Gwen apologizes to him for bringing him back on the plane. Duncan actually plans to take advantage of this to skip school but Courtney handcuffs him to herself while they are on the way back, which makes him frustrated. Duncan needs to make himself not throw any challenges for Courtney so he repeats "Trent and GwenTrent and Gwen, not wanting his relationship with Courtney to end the way Trent and Gwen ended. Total Dramarama The Case of the Missing Dolphin Written by TDGirlsFanForever (Opening Credits) (Cuts to outside the daycare before cutting to Izzy annoying Noah) Izzy: (As she pokes Noah's face) Poke poke! The kids decided to help protect them. Not satisfied with a happy endings, Gwen hacks the game and brings a knight to the real world. Around the time Total Drama World Tour starts, Gwen (who had broken up with Trent last season) falls in love with Duncan, but feels very uneasy about it, as Duncan is still dating Courtney. In An Egg-stremely Bad Idea, Owen and Izzy decorated Gwen's egg chair to brighten up her day. Courtney was relieved that Cody was no longer in danger. In the confessional, Gwen states that being in a relationship with Duncan last season caused her to lose focus in the game. After Chris offers a bathroom break, Duncan assures Gwen that he can hold it all day and calls her "sweetheart" (though this may not mean much, as he uses terms of endearment such as this on most girls). In The Date, Duncan convinces Jude to create a fake girlfriend for Chef, so they can get pizza. Although their interactions are initially restricted in Total Drama Island due to being on opposing teams, the vast similarities that Duncan and Gwen share eventually bring them together in a friendship, which is especially prominent later in the series. In Germ Factory, Duncan finds out that Leshawna is absent due to a cold and comes up with a plan to get sick as well in order to skip school. Duncan agrees, saying that's the reason why he likes her. Gwen and Duncan are the two remaining campers out of the twenty-one who took part in the Awake-a-Thon. Even though they spent most of this episode playing tricks on each other (due to being on different teams), it appears that it was this episode that Duncan and Gwen officially respected each other as contestants and decent people. Courtney should turn around and express her concern that Cody is abusing him too much and that Cody will end up in serious danger as a result of their carelessness. Despite Chef risking his life to save the kids, they still don't appreciate him, which makes the teacher frustrated. Then, Duncan cuts her off by kissing her with his lips overlapping her's and popping his leg up romantically. Gwen then finds out Courtney just needed her friendship to win a badge, but she is okay with it. In I Dream of Meanie, Gwen wakes up from her nap thanks to Cody's screams. Gwen asks Duncan if he could hold it after another ten chapters of a Canadian history book which proves to be too much for Duncan who surrenders and falls asleep in the bathroom. In The Never Gwending Story, Gwen thinks that story time stinks. She argues with Beth that Chinchilli is not real. She wiped away her tears and stood up. After a moment of silence, Duncan pulls Gwen in and they end up kissing. Gwen sighs, still visibly upset about the team selection. Despite Gwen's elimination in the previous episode, Duncan seemed to show very little signs of remorse over her elimination. Written by However she is relieved to hear from Heather that there was nothing going on between her and Duncan. To get her out, she decides to help Courtney find her doll house's couch. When choosing teams, Gwen chooses Duncan first, which upsets Trent and pleases Duncan. He brings Gwen to a happy world where she wears pink and stuffed animals hug her. Grace sees children and thinks they are real cartoons. She responds by saying she is simply concerned about Lightning, who is at Boney Island searching for the McLean-Brand Chris Head. When Jo mocks Gwen by telling her to not even think of trying to kiss her, Gwen, in the confessional, is annoyed that despite every nice thing she has done for three seasons, her kiss with Duncan has reduced her to "evil kisser" status. Courtney is beside them, still rambling on about her hatred towards them. In AbaracaDuncan, Gwen witnesses Harold's magic show, but is not very impressed. She also notices this and brushes it off. Duncan and Gwen share their second kiss in The EX-Files, officially becoming a couple. In Tiger Fail, Gwen is the only kid who doesn't want Chef to buy chocolate ice-cream, choosing the odd tiger tail flavor instead. However, Duncan does not agree with this notion. Gwen is excited when Ella gets angry and turns into a giant dragon. Gwen was placed on the villainous team, called the Villainous Vultures, but this was a controversial move because although she is not a villain, she was purposely placed there by show host Chris McLean to stir things up. While most of the Screaming Gaffers are suspicious of Gwen's behavior (due to her guilt over the nature of Trent's elimination and subtly trying to throw the challenge for her team in this episode), Duncan is one of the few who is not suspicious of her at all and stands up for her. She then smiles a bit and says "Hey." Gwen was kinda ripped of her kindness butMeh. Courtney blushed at Cody with a smile, and the two of them shared a moment that none of their friends would ever forget. Stunk., Duncan tells Gwen that they could get a 2 week vacation if a skunk can spray inside the daycare. At Central Park, Courtney and Cody sat down on the bench together. At the elimination ceremony, Duncan comes over to Gwen and kisses her cheek, telling her to cheer up. In the end, Cody is the only person left Gwen has to face and the game continues for 78 years in which Gwen wins after Cody gives out his final breath. Munich's Frauenkirche. Despite becoming friends with him, Gwen did not consider Duncan as one of the sane people, calling Duncan psychotic in the confessional. Jerry told Courtney the short story about Jerry's sister protecting him. She was a cast . When they try to scare her, they relize that there is a real mummy out there. She suggests some games so they can be friends. He joins all the kids in an adventure trough the city to find the ice-cream truck so Owen can buy a cone. After Beth brings the parade to the daycare, Gwen considers this to be the most beautiful zombie parade ever. Without warning, Grace's door swung open, and Cody walked backward, but Grace was in her room and made Cody scream. Also, when Gwen was crossing the beam and the eagle attacked her, Duncan laughed and said that Gwen's near death was awesome TV action, which irritates Courtney. Duncan saves Gwen by tossing his sausage tail to distract the animals away. Meanwhile, a new employee named Jerry is looking for work at the bookstore, as is his new boss, Dave. Duncan was on Owen's side from the beginning rather than Gwen's, even before Owen announced his plans for the party. They're walking into New York City to find out where it is. Gwen's decison to break up with Duncan helps her end her feud with Courtney and repair their friendship a few episodes later. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In The Bad Guy Busters, Duncan is asked by the "The Bad Guy Busters" to be a villain, but he refuses. Meanwhile, in New York City, the other kids had to find those kids because they got lost in the big city. All of the kids follow Gwen's orders, and one by one, they scare Chef all night. open/close all folders Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Special Previous Index Next Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race Recap/Western Animation Totally Spies! The daycare explodes and Duncan and Courtney get arrested. Gwen is frustrated and tells Chef about it. Both wear a choker and dye their hair partially (and both use a shade of green dye). When a killer cyborg turkey appears, Gwen is scared and tries to hide. She brings Owen inside the daycare while singing. Day 2: Munich or Day Trip to Salzburg. With this 10 days in Bavaria itinerary, you'll visit the following most beautiful and towns and the top attractions in Germany. The kids compete in a paintball game. When Geoff told Gwen that her former teammates may not like her anymore, Gwen points out that Duncan didn't vote her off, after which Courtney exclaims that it was only because "she had her goth girl hooks into him." In Snack to the Future, Gwen, Harold and Izzy join Owen in a journey to travel trough time. After they fail, they realize that everyone in the world became dumb. She tries to help them using lightning but fails as the statue just breaks instead. They become even closer friends in Total Drama Action, which slowly develops into an attraction, despite Gwen denying it at the beginning of the season. Male Courtney had a sense of responsibility for Cody, so she wanted to make sure he was safe and well cared for. Her outfit now consists of a blue dress (with no green) with a black vest that doesn't show her midriff and cleavage like her older self. Gwen and Duncan both share an interest over a scary movie. In Castle, the group of kidsJerry, Dave, and Grace all worked together to come up with a plan to rescue Courtney and take down Circle Girl. She ends up getting sick and is unable to attend the daycare the following day. After spending the duration of their time on the island arguing, Gwen makes a raft to get herself off the island. When Duncan selects a sledgehammer to aid him in capturing a raccoon, Gwen displays doubt over his choice of tools. Duncan and Jude see Courtney making pizza, so they interfere to make it as gross as possible. Duncan is initially pleased that his two former love interests appear to be fighting over him but is disappointed when they reveal that they only came back to the show to restart their friendship. None of this works. Duncan is smiling at Gwen before he realizes she is sinking. Even though Gwen is not required to sing, she does it anyway. During the blogging war between Heather and Gwen, Heather makes a comment dressed in a Gwen wig saying "I wish Duncan was here so I could kiss him, even though I'm too scared to tell him I love him because I'm too cool," showing that Heather is one of the many people who thinks Duncan and Gwen are together. Courtney began to hug Jerry for making her feel better. Once they escape and meet up with Heather and Owen, a snake falls out of nowhere, and as they run up into the treehouse, Duncan is seen with his arm behind Gwen's back. When Gwen complains about being placed on the Villain team, Duncan tries to calm her down by telling her that being bad is cool. He dares her to light up fireworks inside the daycare. Jerry and Dave shielded the kids, pushing them towards safety as they ran into Jerry's house. In Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies, when Owen has a "magic wand", Gwen states that he is about to pay the price for messing with the dark arts. Courtney then pulls Gwen aside and asks why she was staring at Duncan. In Melter Skelter, Gwen helps Beth, Leshawna, Harold, and Cody get rid of old toys, by suggesting them to throw the toys in a basement with a furnace. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. They might be downsized but their personalities arent. Unfortunately, he is unable to answer the required question about Gwen; the name of her pet lizards (Angus and Vampyra). While Duncan is shocked by their sudden break up, he isn't upset or heartbroken. Although Duncan is supposed to be eliminated, Chris pushes one of the interns out of the plane as he wanted to prolong the current drama. Fearing Duncan's fate, Gwen sneaks into the elimination ceremony to see who is getting voted off. Munich, German Mnchen, city, capital of Bavaria Land (state), southern Germany. He kn. Meanwhile, the kids explore the city, but Cody visits Jerry at his bookstore. In A Ninjustice to Harold, Duncan and the kids think Beth is a ninja, which upsets Harold. Suddenly, the group was plunged into chaos as Circle Girl created a swirling vortex of wind and rain, threatening to engulf them all. He also loves to make mischief, either by teasing other students or encouraging them to do naughty things. Duncan She decides to help out Beth and keep the dental hygienist away. Her hair is now fully teal instead of black with teal streaks. She is terrified, but is later saved by Duncan. He has competition, as Beth and Leshawna try to steal it too. Before the challenge, Duncan blows a kiss to Gwen, something that he quickly realizes he has never done before. On the set of the challenge, Gwen motivates Duncan to do the challenge by telling him that he is 'hot, sexy, and stud-like', which disturbs Trent when he overhears.
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total dramarama gwen and duncan 2023