Sometimes a wound cavity would take more than one tampon, and it was always used in addition to serious pressure at and above a wound site. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Kimberly-Clark, an American . It was originally posted in July 2004 to a message board hosted by the Houston Marine Moms, a group that sends packages to soldiers serving in the field. Isnt that what trauma dressings do? The Tampon The name loosely translates as plug. French physicians began using battlefield dressing based on the design of the article of female hygiene. Tampons have been around for centuries and were originally used for healing. The challenge is trying to stabilize until evac is available. Amputation Doctors began sawing off limbs to prevent the spread of infection. Arterial blood is made up of oxygen-rich pressurized blood that transports minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and all sorts of other good stuff the body and its organs need in order to function. Overall, the future looks relatively bright, as long as the tampon can adjust to our higher standards about health, safety, and greenery. Olaes Modular Bandage has additional bulk gauze inside it. forgot to add that tampons were invented in the days of The Three Musketeers (Louis 14th) as a plug for the holes caused by musket balls. It was a contraceptive device, a way of distributing medicine, a method of healing, and often not thought to have anything to do with menses at all. Learn how your comment data is processed. Have you ever had to open an Israeli bandage in a crisis situation that is in 2 separate packages? Photo: author. You need a fully staffed OR to clean QC out or else your buddy will die of infection, thats if the QC doesnt break apart. So they do not provide any hemostatic assistance. Written by a vet and discussing closing wounds on cats and dogs (under 30kg) but still understandable to a lay man. The modern word "tampon" is likely derived from the Middle French for "plug," as in a stopper for a bottle or (more specifically) the plug put in the front of a gun muzzle. Hi Barry. You can use tampons on nose bleeds. Pessaries made of elephant or crocodile dung, or of lint soaked in acacia juice, were both used as contraception devices over the history of ancient Egypt, and the Romans got in on the act too, with so-called "destructive pessaries". This same pressure will now continually be maintained throughout the packing process, just by different mediums. These sorts of concerns have taken tampons into the home-made sector. Tampons absorb more than just menstrual blood about a third may be vaginal and cervical fluids (depending on how absorbent your tampon is) (1, 2). Now, a bandage that has a quick clotting agent could experience some degradation in effectiveness the further past the expiration date it goes. Gunshot wounds aren't shaped like tampons. What were tampons invented for? Denver District Attorney Spews Wild Misinformation During Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Committee Testimony Is it a end all be all solution, no, are there better products YES however this doesnt make them something that should not be considered. Why do Australian tampons not have applicators? This wicking away property works against the goal of tightly packing gauze inside the wound, creating pressure, restricting the blood coming out, and hopefully allow the clotting factors in the blood to activate and form in the wound. Of course, no beginning industry avoids challenges and pitfalls. The Ask an Expert section is currently for members of our online community. YOU have to USE whatever is immediately available before someone begins to bleed out and die in the backcountry! So sick of men articles on this subject. >People ought to stop spreading these retarded ass myths. Strangely, this was probably pretty effective: rock salt is a lethal spermicide, and even a solution of eight percent will destroy every sperm in sight. Gunshots do create large wound tracks so it might not be the best answer but put a few together and that might work fine, all dependent on the wound. Due to the occult (hidden) nature of the trauma behind the skin layers, it wont always present obviously or immediately. This isn't to say you shouldn't use a tampon to pack a wound if you were shot in a remote rest-stop bathroom and there was literally nothing else available. The bullet entered the inner elbow and exit the back. I think the whole idea of tampons as a blood loss stop came from the bandage carried in the first aid kit in WWII. Sure. What people on this comment section fail to understand is that the author is talking about bleeding involving the artery. If the tampon is at body temperature, it is soft and flexible like the wall of the vagina. If the king had gas, he got treated before a conscript who was bleeding to death. There are several anecdotal ones, though. Have you ever stuck a tampon in a gun shot wound. Sterile technique is not what youre able to provide in a trauma situation at best youre providing aseptic technique which is good enough. They use kotex and tampons because they dont have better on hand. In any situation involving an arterial bleed you need a different treatment to ensure that the artery is repaired as quickly as possible (hemostat, etc.). The Papyrus Ebers, the world's oldest printed medical document, describes the use of papyrus tampons by Egyptian women as early as the 15th century BCE This transfer of energy essentially separates the layers of muscle tissue in particular and causes a hidden cavity behind the entrance wound of the permanent cavity. It only works with a used Tampon, Duh. Like Rover said the tampon idea originated from soldiers trying their best to save a buddy in a time when the issued first aid consisted of a single small minimally effective pressure dressing on the lbe harness.The current IFAK has two different options for wound packing,which is an effective means of stopping bleeding.The tampon is less than ideal but better than nothing. Hope more peoplewould follow you. These tampons back then were made from softened papyrus. I've seen a scary and common misconception that it's just fine to put a tampon in a bullet wound to stop the bleeding. Yet for some reason, people still feel the need to treat patients like they are living in some bad Mad Max remake. So, why shouldnt they work? Bullet wounds tend not to be linear, nor are they tampon sized. A tampon simply does not allow that effectively. Nor are these menstrual fluids needed to sustain life to other organs of the human body, for example the brain. Not just disagree, but highly disagree. The dynamics of wound generation are very different from the slow musket ball to modern high power rifles. tampons": o.b. Pressure is now maintained for 3 minutes. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Very different kind of bleeding, too. Exactly. I am a regular person with only the shirt on my back. You are better off packing the wound. We also investigated the origins of tampons and how they came to be used as a medical treatment. As long as there is human history, the innovation is not likely to stop. Thanks Temporary cavitation is important because it can be a tremendous wounding mechanism.. The discharged fluid is made up of about 40-50% actual blood, and then several other types of tissues, such as uterus lining, broken-down unfertilized eggs, some hormones, and maybe even small amounts of vaginal secretions. It's now pretty commonplace that certain women in. By becoming a member, you will have access to our experts knowledge in Personal Defense. Home and travel first aid kit should carry these types of wound care products. beyond taping a tampon pad on the victim Im not qualified to do much else. stands for the German for "no pad," or ohne Binde. Army, Navy, Air Force, and every one! was looking up info on quik-clot and the subject of maxi pads and tampons came up. When were tampons invented? See this article. Is this not the central reason why people think tampons would work, because most people would assume that a bullet wound cavity (at least that of a smaller caliber round) would lend itself to be filled by the expansion of a tampon? The initial discovery of the telescoping cardboard "applicator tampon" was developed and patented by the Colorado doctor Earl Haas in 1931, but it was a woman, Gertrude Tendrich, who bought the patent and started to produce it, expanding from sewing tampons at home to distributing them under the now-famous brand name Tampax. Cutting up potatoes for a pot of stew. One gunshot wound that I treated presented a small entry wound, some internal injuries (which were unknown to me at the time), swelling, extreme sensitivity to even the slightest touch, no exit wound, and minimal bleeding. (Yes, first aid is good, but its called first aid for a reason). If I had been there my first reaction to render aid would be grab gloves, duct tape, scissors & thick pads as well as peroxide. If women are on oral contraceptive agents (the pill) their periods often shorten and lighten. Exactly. If you have any further questions, please chat, email, or contact Customer Service at 1-855- . The tampon will keep absorbing until saturated and then merely keep dripping out. The simple why not [from 2 of my doctor friends (one of whom is an avid shooter)]. Soon after, they were used to treat gunshot wounds. The Ebers Papyrus, for instance, recommends helping a woman with unusual discharge by crushing up earth from the Nile with honey and galena, putting it inside a wad of linen, and leaving it inside her. 2nd they are not sterile, which maybe true however infections are easier cured then the outcome of uncontrolled bleeding. Is it perfect by no means, but in a SHTF ya gotta do what ya gotta do. A bomb tech once showed me a cool trick using a tongue depressor broken in half to make part of a trip fuse. Cache was mentored in survival by a Delta Force Lt Col and a physician in the US Nuclear Program and in business by Stephen R. Covey. 18th century: The tampon was used as a medical device. For more information, please see our SO while I had as much available medical supplies on hand as I could possibly pack into the backcountry. Additionally, there could potentially be gunshot wounds that will require anesthesia, open excision, lavage, cautery, ligation, and repair that is beyond the purview of the majority of even medically licensed preppers. We are talking about run-of-the-mill female sanitary products, that some believe are an essential part of every firearms owners emergency kit. (Its the childrens game where you whisper a message into someones ear, and they pass it to the next person, and its surprising how few times it takes to get changed into something that barely resembles the original sentence.) I also wouldnt use one to filter debris out of water. They're also often processed using some fairly body-damaging chemicals (like chlorine), so new frontiers need to be pushed to make them eco-friendly and safe. These kinds of articles are all too common on the internet, due to the need to generate clickbait. You simply insert the tampon tube into the vest or body armor and push the tampon gauze ad into the wound. Hornadyexplains it well: In essence, a bullet going through soft tissue has the same effect as dropping a stone into a pail of water. Esser-Mittag sold her invention to a company that was eventually bought by Johnson & Johnson, and the modern no-applicator tampon became a force to be reckoned with. Press the artery to the bone to stop the bleed. Matter of fact I see many post not only spreading this myth but promoting it by showing tampons for bullet wounds. A simple through and through that nicks an artery will find it nearly impossible to have a tampon inserted into it and if it is inserted it will cause more damage because the permanent wound channel is a fraction of the size of the tampon. I too am a Sam Huston trained medic, 5th Grp SF. 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History, 2,200 cases of tampon-related toxic shock syndrome. Soldiers tell each other things like "use tampons to fill bullet wounds" as a way to slightly bolster morale in a bad situation. When he brought this up my imagination was just running wild, but I let him continue. BUT! But that doesnt mean we should be trying to re-invent the wheel! Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? The whole thing comes out, and the process begun again. It is the same diameter as the bullet or the bullet fragments and typically what youll see on the in or entrance wound. It strongly resembled a green kotex and I would guess that they probably were made up in a factory that originally or mainly manufactured womens sanitary napkins. He wasn't picky about what it should be made of, though.
Brian Laundrie Necklace, Articles W
were tampons invented for bullet wounds 2023