You can make your dash when the pianists hands come off the keys. A terrible handicapthat I just cant fight. I took a short break from teaching, instead I made two I hope I wont be to nervous tmrw. Ive always liked to open with something so people have a chance to settle into the occasion (quiet their smaller children, stop shuffling programs etc.) I often feel like you are both on my staff of my studio because the reality is that you would be exactly who I would hire to work full time for me! Now we will have a time for photos and refreshments.. This design covers the entire surface of your Old Piano with flowers to make it really beautiful and magical. Id love to see pics too:)). A reminder of progress does wonders for student retention and parental satisfaction. GBY. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Teach Music Today Learning Solutions, All Rights Reserved. Everyone wants him to do it again. So my conclusion to the recital takes a little longer. I've also included a sample welcome and ending speech. Thanks, Wendy. By the time Id been with her for 12+ years my family found it hard not to giggle Happy to provide you with some fresh ideas! Allowing audience members to put a personality behind the studio their child or friend attends every week is important! I keep my intro very very short and sweet. People lead very busy lives these days so they can be forgiven if they dont remember your practice incentives during the fall or your CD release parties at Christmas. You dont want your ringtone to have a spotlight on the track. Thank you so much. So spot on! They are really enthusiastic and we have a fantastic range of Pieces. I have a dear former teacher who always knows exactly what to say at a recital. But remember: while these are all things you and your students know, your audience may not! That concludes the [recital name]! This could be the most important aspect of any welcome speech because, if carefully crafted, your appreciation can be used to highlight the importance of music in the lives of children and ensure an incredible re-registration rate. Hi Karen! I hope to someday be able to do that as well. At the very least, reducing nervousness will alleviate stress and fright. Sign up to get blog updates delivered to your email inbox. I would say the more formal the recital (ie for degree, diploma, etc) i would skip commentary. Not necessarily related to their piecethe only idea I had so far was asking each student for their favorite lesson memory of the year. In all, what you say at the beginning of a recital should be as short as possible were talking 2 minutes or less! One less thing to prepare! She actually would not have a printed program, but would stand up between each student to introduce them, saying, Next may we hear from so-and-so? Or something like, Lets start out with a bang!! Most classical pieces have three or more movements. Youre a seasoned pro Patsy! I always acknowledge graduating seniors at the end of the recital. Best of luck on Sunday . I love the idea of everyone sharing their ideas and experiences, so I am grateful to have found your site. I love this speech Andrea! As far as recital etiquette goes, a couple of weeks before the recital, I remind the kids that they need to teach their parents and friends about recital etiquette. I also give a very small gift (dollar store or pound store value) to those that perform and they dont get it until they come up for their certificate of accomplishment. I never just stare at the words on the paper but try to connect with the people by looking at them some when I talk. The students are also bringing food for the reception that represents the characters in their poems that they learned. 19. A senior solo recital can last an hour and a half with an intermission. Thank you! The Department of Dance, Music, and Theatre at Cal Poly Humboldt presents "The Cal Poly Humboldt Recital Series: An Adventure Through Video Game Music with Ryan McGaughey, piano" Join us . Thanks for your all beneficial blogs! First impressions are important but so are last impressions. In having a set date and a pre-planned performance selection, your child learns how to manage their practice time and what it feels like to polish and perfect a piece. Today is a celebration; its the very first recital for some students and its the 15th recital for others! Repurposed Old Piano into a Wine Rack. Happy to hear it Anita! Announcements: 1) Did everyone get a recital program who would like one? One outfit per recital, please. You worked so hard and did the best you could, you should be so proud of yourself!. Thank you to these wonderful students for working hard, practicing, getting dressed up on a weeknight, and for being brave in sharing your music and abilities with family and friends. Hey everyone! I hate talking at the recitals and never know what to say. I have medical issues now and was thinking this would be a good way to help w/ my financial crisis since I am unable to work much at all, as well as a music ministry for GOD. When and how to clap at beginner student recitals is not an issue. Hi Gaylinn Have fun at your upcoming recital it sounds like an awesome theme! This is one thing I struggle with, and generally muddle through, and reading this will really help me, the next time my students have a recital. Ive become much more comfortable over time but I still write down everything Im going to say. Before this, the term was applied strictly to dramatic readings. Let us know in the comments is there anything we missed? Apr. However, I have a very long program in at the beginning of the program I write most of what youve written here for people to read. I would ask that you remain until the end of the program to ensure that all of these wonderful children experience the supportive and full audience that they deserve. Check your email inbox now to confirm your subscription. When is it my childs turn?. 1. This was the first time anyone used the word recital to refer to a musical event. This can be a slightly intimidating thing as a young teacher. Step 2: A LIVE Zoom Piano Recital! First of all: did everyone recieve a recital program who would like one? This helps so much! Remember to do this before dismissing everyone to the refreshments because after the snacks, not everyone looks presentable! The recital may occur in the piano teachers home or a concert hall. - - - - -. Your email address will not be published. Audiences love hearing performances of pieces composed by the performer. May the Lord bless you Joy! Oops!! Personally, if I were you, I would speak as much as I was comfortable doing. May we please hear from so-and-so? She often adds little commentary, telling the audience about the great things her students have accomplished and are involved in. The performer may also say a few words about the pieces that were played. You can even check off each pause as you go to stay on track! At a piano recital, you can be a fan of someone special to you. Best wishes to you with your first studio recital!! Talking at my recitals is my least favorite thing about being a piano teacher and now I have a done for me script! Or, wait until you hear several people start to clap and clap along. All I have to do is fill opinion the blanks with my own students accomplishments. We also just recently completed our CD project where students recorded their favorite pieces from the year. But, at the same time, we laugh and have a great time during recital. You dont want to interrupt the recital after it is in full swing. I highlight their high school career, how many years they took lessons and something I will always remember about them. I find its easier than at the end of the program. Best of luck to everyone on your recitals! Everyone always thinks its funny and now I cant leave that part out. Hi Janice Im not too computer savvy so I order my piano certificates on line. Thank you! So, here are some ideas for how to dress for a piano recital. Making an old piece new again can be an exciting project that can often end in a fabulous performance. It has been more and more challenging for me to come up with something engaging and different every year. "Pianos, unlike people, sing when you give them your every growl. I used to back out of the way and have each student introduce him/herself, and announce what they will play. And even though thats not the point of a recital, the professionalism you show or dont show in this speech can impact how parents feel about and treat you. All of my students play at least three pieces, and they are each interspersed throughout the program. Thanking the judges and sponsors is also common. After welcoming everyone to your recital, youll want to immediately let people know that there will be studentsof many different ages, working at many different levels. How would you recommend going about something like that?? I set the privacy setting to "unlisted", so that only those who have a direct link to the playlist can access it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Color In My Piano is proud to be ad-free! I loved this article too! What you wrote is my speech on my recitals for my students. Pianists may spend several weeks preparing for this special event. What to wear to a piano recital for men Source: 1, 2 Of course, you can always dress up and down depending on the formality. Beginning students usually share a piece or two next to other students. Do you do it before you announce about the recital or after the students? My name is [your name], and I am so grateful to all of you for coming out and spending your evening with us as we share some beautiful music with you all. I also give everyone an award ribbon that says performance or achievement on it. Public speaking can really be a challenge for some, but Ive always found that having a solid plan of what to say really helps . These tracks can help a student have mementos from the big day. Piano Recital Code: Male vs. Repurposed Old Piano into an Outdoor Flower Dcor. 45 minutes is okay too attention spans these days arent like they used to be. I have a printout of everything I want to say but only glance at it every little bit to make sure I dont leave out anything important. It seems more common in Europe to present flowers to male performers, but even that is usually after a solo recital. Ive probably had around 50 recitals. Arias a, Our busy girl who loves to laugh, make music, read, 5 Steps for Successful Interview Lessons with Music Students, REVIEW: Technique Builders, by Hazel Cobb, Review Tonic: The Card & Dice Game For Musicians. Yes, thank you. Next up, youll want to gush to about your piano students. sight reading Christmas songs, trying out a new instrument, Cindy spilling her water bottle, etc.). I want to say thank you to parents for investing in music as part of your childs life. At piano recitals, students master musical pieces and showcase their skills by playing individually for an audience. Is there another group coming in and everyone has to be out by 6pm? At the beginning of the recital, I can barely stand up, and say good afternoon, welcome, before I start to cry. Thank you so much for sharing these inspiring ideas. #pianoteachermom, Love this little one and all her smiles & giggles, New on the blog: Embracing Life as Parent & Piano, Been hearing rumors about this for awhile, and now, just turned 14 woot! It could be their confidence, posture, musicality anything that stands out to you as being exceptional. What kind of words should I use? And I always appreciate when I am attending something and the intro speech is not long-winded, too! Your spring piano recital is one of only a handful of times when your entire studio population is gathered under one roof. The thought of performing in public is terrifying to most adults. May this be the last recital season that we need to put up with the thick clouds of a pandemic. I would welcome everyone for coming, and then probably talk a little about your relationship with the student: Mention how long you have been working together, highlight some of your students accomplishes over the years you have known her, talk about why you both chose the pieces on the program, where your student is going to attend college, how you much you will miss teaching her, etc. It can be vulnerable to share muisc with people, and its encouraging to get feedback. Thanks for the post. One year at our Spring recital I took pictures of the students playing, edited them, added the date, framed them ($1 store frames) and that was their year end gift. Students had so much fun with weekly piano theory games and with the improv activities we introduced this year. Thanks for this! I love the ideas for the opening speech. After gushing about your students, go ahead and gush about their parents as well. What a warm and encouraging greeting to kick-start a recital! Thank you! Photo: Fadi Kheir. My dad will sing 2 or 3 songs, and play along with me with his guitar when he sings. Thats so sweet Louise! Make sure to turn the sound off on your phone when you enter a recital. God bless. Thirdly after the time for photos, please wander over to the fellowship room where there are punch and refreshments for you all to enjoy. The next step is to upload the videos to YouTube. Thanks! Recitals provide a tangible goal to work towards. If you do not think that your public speaking skills can engage an audience for this amount of time, chop this speech down to its absolute most important components. I wouldnt speak between every single song, but perhaps between every 2 or 3 (depending on how long the selections are, and what you want your audience to know about the pieces). Thank you! Regarding piano recital dress code for female performers, a formal blouse or button-down are safe choices while plunging necklines, low cutbacks, and spaghetti straps are unsuitable. This is a very cool idea Debbie! As for the bow itself, arms at the sides, look down long enough to say "cheeseburger" to yourself, straighten all the way up and smile. I think it is important to have SOME kind of interaction with the audience, as least a program or some introductory words (or both, if you like). Being a parent comes with many worries and even A-list celebrities aren't immune to it. Comment your thou. What is the difference between a recital and a concert? Thanks so much for your advice. Some of the points below may feel redundant. My handdrawn graphics are perfect to spice up your print/digital projects! If you are unsure what to give, a gift card can be a great choice. Any ideas? For those who wish to learn piano but you don't have time to go to class, you can check . Thank you for taking the time to post this. God bless you and all the best! And yes, most concerts typically last between 1 and 1 1/2 hours. Required fields are marked *. For my last recital I had a couple of students doing a very impressive duet that required Hand crossing and a few othe tricky, unusual things. I just approach a couple of local businesses and ask if they would like to provide a giveaway for my event, and this adds even more excitement to my recitals! My recitals tomorrow and I also hate the pre-recital speech. I have been playing piano since I was 9 years old, and I am now 55. We are finishing with Im dreaming of a White Christmas which everyone is singing for the Finale. In fact, at my spring recital, Im inviting my students themselves to be the guest artists. 2. Hello Joy. Likewise, music teachers feel a lot of stress leading up to recitals as well! Use our template and modify as needed for the *perfect* piano recital welcome! Id like to add another idea which you guys suggested some time back. Since this appears to be an after-concert gift, you're probably now on the right track. I hope this was helpful to someone! Which student wants to attend and then not have recognition at the end with a certificate and be part of the big picture. I am fortunate to have quite a few musician parents in my studio, so its been fun to include them as the guest artist. As many of you may know, my name is ___, and Id like to welcome you to this years Spring Piano Recital! Happy to hear it Andrea (and great name by the way ) Yes, a post-recital speech is also a great way to recognize individuals, hand out awards etc. Also, my students dress smart-casual to dressy. Oh, my gosh, Annette, what a hoot! If the recital was a competition, the winner may be announced. But not this years recital. I feel so fortunate to teach such a special group of students. Just some thoughts. Thank you so very much for your passion, innovation and willingness to share it all! Parents love taking them too. I have a large number of students in my studio, with three one-hour recitals each Christmastime (all on the same afternoon), and I always have everyone staying to the end of their session. Teach Piano Today | WunderKeys 21k followers More information Were performing The Mutterwump Masterpiece tomorrow. Attending a recital can be a fun way to relax to music while supporting someone you love. In addition to all of the wonderful accomplishments during lesson time, our studio has also been active beyond the studio even helping to raise over $500 for local families. Personally, I dont feel the need to give a long speech at piano recitals. Haha! And students, you did a wonderful job tonight. This June I will be giving my first music recital at my studio!! Parents saw their child perform, they waited for all of the other students, and theyre ready to go! The final wardrobe choice is up to you! In the coming days and weeks, many of you are wrapping up another year of piano lessons with a spring recital. However, this I found turned into a public speaking thing and the students hated it! Weve had many students complete their piano and theory exams with wonderful results. During recital, I call the student to their instrument and as they are walking up and preparing I tell the audience these things about this student. Find Books 1 and 2 on Amazon and listen to sound samples below. Hi Joy, before becoming the piano teacher my students had another teacher and since she got another employment opportunity and was needing somebody to replace her she trusted in my talent and Im now teaching those precious kids. Thanks so much for posting!! I will be incorporating some of these ideas. Most kids are happy with affirmation. I have two chairs in the front row with a reserved for parent recording sign if you would like to use one while your child is performing. Keyboard/piano necktie for boys, piano keychain etc. Its always a lot of fun and exciting, and the kids feel proud of themselves. I never knew what to say! Have your students channel their inner knight, princess, or dragon at a Medieval Times-themed piano recital. Every one gets one of some sort. Thanks a million! This is really helpful!! I would just put it on the program along with your students. Giving some background for the piece you perform is always a nice touch, too. Remember that it is challenging to get up in front of a room full of people you dont know. 6. Thanks so much! Many, many parents have told me over the years how much they enjoy hearing about the student and their interests and accomplishments before they play. A blog dedicated to excellence in piano teaching. If you feed them, they will stay! They will all pull a party popper and we have a few balloon confetti to burst to go out with a bang!! Its great!! Now I do! I see I already posted that last year. You are helping me to become a better piano teacher! Regarding taking photos and videos during the recital, perhaps should say something about digital privacy and sharing of photos and videos. Lots of beginning Suzuki Twinklers and many intermediate and advanced students. 17. Thanks for all the great ideas. Kapuso stars Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes were proud parents as they watched daughter Maria Letizia or Zia perform in her piano recital, Saturday, April 29, 2023.. We only spend 30 minutes a week with their child. Both concerts and recitals may include short breaks for pianists and performers (or a music teacher) to address the audience. That was actually an answer to prayer because I have been a music / piano teacher since 15 and Im now 37 and for a whole year because of moving I hadnt had the chance of having my own music studio. Learn more & purchase >>, Original piano pieces for you and your students! Planning a Piano Recital: Reserve a venue. Im glad this was helpful, Elisabeth! But goodbyes always feel so final. I truly appreciate ALL your ideas, inputs and will be using some of them. Thank you so much for all these very helpful ideas. And, most importantly, they will see that music lessons can have incredible value in the lives of theirchildren, beyond the learningof music itself which once again, will result in more piano students coming back year after year after year. 20. I also employed a couple of my teen students to help keep my little Wunderkeys students in step. Recitals Give Recognition. For music, we need a very large room, a concert hall, actually I should say for full orchestras. They each stay on stage, then we take a final photo. Welcome first student to play; start applause. Would LOVE to see pictures if you get the chance. I have a question. Your outfit should not distract from your music! Outstanding solos will be Inverness, by Susanne Scianni, Primavera, by Ludovico Enaudi, and Sonatina by Kalau. They will need a computer or phone to dial in and then, complete their performance at home when I draw their name from the hat! Hi Leigh Funny story my own piano teacher would read the exact same script every single recital (even written on the same piece of paper). Recitals can have a friendly audience when they show their skills to friends and family. Sometimes the pianist or school may sell the music to support the performer or music program. The pianist may even stand up and bow when a piece is over. Thank them for investing in their childs music education, yes. This means the recital could be over in 45 minutes. If you are playing first, you can welcome everyone for coming and then say something like: To start things off, I will be playing ___. What do you always include in your own recital speeches? The parents seem to be very happy with my work but they barely know me. What to say at the start of your piano recital! Begin the Piano Recital Program. I think its important to communicate high expectation of audience behavior. 3. Im curious if other teachers perform solos at their recitals. This gift is appropriate for both men and women performers. I also wouldnt mind a copy of the Certificates as I believe Im a subscriber:). Is it acceptable to play without speaking in between some of the songs? Recital is already tomorrow, oh Lord help me! I feel mine has gotten kind of tired and needs a little pep. As they receive their trophy I tell them where to stand (which I have thought about beforehand). Every year I spend quite a bit of time in a flurry to create a speech. So, double-check when the recital starts, and aim to be there at least 15 minutes early. Before we begin, Id like to remind you that students placed at the end of the recital program have worked just as hard to prepare their performances as have students placed at the start. I use the post recital speech to recognize each student Individually, and point out their personal accomplishments, which is another opportunity to gush about them and illustrate what Ive taught. My students write their own program notes something brief about the composer and why they chose the piece, what they like about it, what they have learned from the piece, etc. How long do you think recitals should be? I also present awards at the conclusion. I was so grateful to receive this! This prevents too much restlessness and they cant possibly leave until the whole thing is over. Keep pressing on! Joy is a frequent attendee and presenter at conferences and workshops, and enjoys connecting with fellow piano teachers through her blog and beyond. Sometimes I have to cut some words down a bit but other times I have to ask the parents for a bit more info. Youre so welcome Linda! Thats so cool that youre performing the Mutterwump Masterpiece. Thank you so much for this post! And the ending can be even shorter than that. So lucky that Ive found your post just one day before my students recital. On the program, you can see how many pieces and movements are part of the performance. Just try not to bang a door behind you in your hurry! Wonderful ideas on what to say at a recital. I do charge each student a $10 recital fee. If you are already a subscriber just email me and Ill get them to you . Thanks so much for sharing . Best wishes to all! and give them out at the end and have students come up by year of recital. [applause] Thank you all for coming! Thank you for the time you invest in supporting your child at home and thank you for including me as a part of your childs musical education. So I decided that I, the teacher, would introduce each student as they came to the paino. Some recitals are laid-back and casual, while others are fancier. Thank you Wendy for this lovely advice about recitals. Piano teachers can certainly benefit by your input, energy and sincerity. Not only do students need to learn and practice the music, they also need to learn and practice how to perform the music. I hope this is helpful to some of you, and I hope you all have (or have had) successful piano recitals this spring! Thanks again! This is to cover their trophy, which gives them a little momento of every recital. Every year we take them but I just put them in with the years activities in a folder and there they sit. Your email address will not be published. Just a few brief announcements, and then well get started. The parents have voted this format is the best, and proves to be very affirming to both the student and his/her family. This is wonderful, Michelle! if more laid back and routine performance ok to speak on, but i would only do so if you offer something really juice or if the pieces or composer is not well know or you have a personal anecdote or connection to the work. However if you happen to take photos /videos of your child with others and would like to share them on any social media platform, we need to be mindful of privacy issues and obtain consent from the relevant parent before sharing. Maybe its your first time going to a recital, or its been a while since you have attended one. I also have a comment: Love the beginning info you gave about staying to the end and Im excited to try the complement cards! Business casual is usually a safe choice if the invite doesnt specify how to dress. Students work hard to practice one or more pieces to perform in front of an audience. I read this while that student is coming up to perform. Location will be a local warehouse church, low ceiling, great seating, like a large living room. I have been playing w/ my family and singing in a gospel singing group since I was 6 years old. Every musical journey begins with a single note. Delegating some responsibility was my best choice ever and I will never go back! Etude Studios Modern Composers Recital). Wonderful ideas from all of you! I praise the kids all year and I am in contact with all the parents, I have come back to this page for the last several recitals including the upcoming one.
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what to say after piano recital 2023