Correct: minimum, Question 4: For specific guidelines on your vehicles maintenance, make sure to ___________. Correct: supplement signs, Question 9: The use of turn signals and your __________ are the methods of communicating to other road users that are used most often. If you take sedatives, you could experience____. To dry the brakes off, __________. Correct: side streets, Question 8: When changing lanes on a freeway, signal your intentions and _________. If a green arrow turns into a solid green light, you: May still turn, but you must yield to oncoming traffic. Question 46: Stay ______ when going through a curve. Correct: one, Question 10: If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. vehicles all pointing in one direction, as well as no yellow. Urban driving often involves limited _____ which often obstructs advance warning of traffic obstacles. family member dies every__________minutes in. Congratulations! Correct: a red X, which means the lane is closed, Question 7: In California, __________ are permitted to use HOV lanes. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of__________safety performance requirements for motor vehicles. In what compounds or forms is Beryllium (Be) commonly found? Question 305: Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day. Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during ________. Correct: let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver, Question 5: When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be_____. Correct: pass you on the left, Question 3: If traffic is traveling faster than the speed limit, resist going the speed of the________. New hand positions are encouraged on the steering wheel such as __________. : service the automatic transmission (if your car has one). Question 280: Every 30,000 miles, __________. Correct: visibility, Question 8: Prevent a freeway emergency by merging without________. Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are __________. Correct Answer: maintain a safe cushion of space ahead and behind your vehicle. Question 244: Never drive when your body tells you_____. Introducing Cram Folders! Question 149: To regain control of a vehicle in a skid, __________. Question 54: Do not use your horn directly behind a __________ or a horse rider on the side of the roadway. If you are approaching a railroad crossing and there is no safety barrier you should. You have created 2 folders. Question 63: If you are a passenger and have your seat reclined with your safety belt on, in the event of a crash, ______. Correct Answer: The brain contains more blood. Correct: 4 to 5, Question 4: One way to control distractions is to_________. Question 22: When your rearview mirror is set to its night setting, it may hamper your ability to_________. Correct: consent; chemical, Question 4: If you notice someone driving erratically behind you, you should __________. Correct: 10 inches, Question 5: ________skids occur when the brakes are applied so hard that the front or rear wheels lose traction. When driving in the city, __________ may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. Question 192: Adjust your vehicles __________ to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash. When your rear-view mirror is set to its night setting, it may hamper your ability to_________. Correct Answer: the school bus is on the opposite side of a roadway that is divided by a physical barrier. Correct: poor wheel alignment, Question 9: The proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to ________. Correct: one car width, Question 4: To reduce injury in the event your air bag deploys, position your body at least _______from the steering wheel. Other drivers depend on you to be rational and________. The chance of death or serious injury in a collision between a train and a motor vehicle is 40 times greater than for other highway accidents. Place or secure large items and loose objects in the __________ for safety and to deter theft. Fact 2: people who get into car accidents and dont die but are seriously injured will have more than $50 billion of medical bills and work loss costs. (a)DetermineV_{B B}andandandR_Csuchthatsuch thatsuchthatI_{C Q}=0.5 mAandthe\mathrm{~mA} and themAandtheQpointisinthecenteroftheloadline. Driveways, While driving if you are approached from any direction by an emergency vehicle using it's flashing lights and/or sirens you must, Pull over to the right and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed, Motorist must yield the right of way when turning left at an intersections when pedestrians are crossing from, When parking downhill with or without a curb, your front wheels should point, If a school bus stops to unload children on a divided highway with no median, vehicles traveling in the same direction as the school bus are required to, Stop, proceed once school bus stops signal is turned off, When approaching a bicyclist from behind you should reduce your speed and, Allow a minimum of three feet of clearance when passing, On a two way street after coming to a full stop at a red traffic light you may, Turn right is traffic is clear unless posted otherwise, When driving during the daytime in fog, rain, or some you must, When merging onto and express way drivers should not stop in the acceleration lane unless traffic is, When parking uphill without a curb your front wheel should point, You are required to signal before making any turn at least, When entering an expressway from the acceleration lane you, Vehicles traveling in the opposite direction of a school bus that is unloading children on a four lane highway divided by a four foot paved strip are, Required to stop until the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn, When a traffic officer directs you proceed through the intersection when the red light is visible you should, Follow the officers instructions and proceed through the intersection with caution, You are required to stop at a railroad crossing with light and mechanical gates when, When approaching a vehicle from behind you, you are required to dim your bright headlights when you come within, Florida learners permit practice questions, Road Rules/Signs DMV Test Practice - Florida, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Alan T. McDonald, John C Leylegian, John W Mitchell, Philip J. Pritchard, Rajesh Bhaskaran, Robert W Fox. White lettering and symbols painted on the surface of the roadway are used to __________. Question 56: Step vans (delivery trucks) and 15-passenger vans __________. You are getting ready to make a right turn, you should: Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the right turn. Question 294: Electronic highway message boards communicate______. Question 33: Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because ______. A "No standing" sign at a certain location means: You may stop temporarily only to pickup or discharge passengers. Correct: poor wheel alignment, Question 8: Californias Child Restraint Law is designed for children under age ____ Correct Answer: enhanced vehicle control because the arms stay close to the body and maintain a more stable vertical body position. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. Correct: left, center, right, left again, Question 9: On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. A fully loaded tractor-trailer traveling at 55 mph could take up to ______ to come to a complete stop. Question 311: If parts are replaced when you have work done on your vehicle, __________. The rhythm that regulates the bodys natural wake/sleep cycle is called __________. Correct: right side, Question 5: __________diamond-shaped or__________signs alert drivers of construction zones. Question 3: Cruise control should not be used__________. You should: Stop as long as the red lights are flashing, You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions, You just sold your vehicle. Question 69: If you are the only one on the scene of the crash _________. a horn, a windshield wiper, a white light that displays license. Question 229: High speed increases the risk of collision because of ALL of these things EXCEPT: Question 230: A __________ headlight lens can cut the amount of light it emits by 90%. If you have never been issued a driver license in any other state or country, you are required to complete the following course before being issued a driver's license in Florida If you get drowsy while driving it is best to: At night, a driver should dim his headlights when an oncoming motor vehicle comes within: On multiple lane highways slow drivers should drive: If blinded by an approaching motor vehicle at night, it is best to, Slow down and avoid looking directly into the lights of the approaching vehicle. Question 213: Adjust your vehicles __________ to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash. Incorrect: two, Question 2: Stimulants can generate a__________. Why are school experiences important to career success, even when they don't seem related? Question 141: Depressants affect the__________. Question 277: __________transport a pet in the bed of an open pickup truck. I feel it is important for drivers to be a Learning these rulesand regulations will keep everyone safer, knowing how to drive with railroads and trains will make you a better driver and will keep yo Never pullout in front of a train or try to race a train. Question 168: Some people can become frustrated when they are caught in a situation where they have no control, which can lead to __________. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to _________. To pass on a two-lane road, you should: Judge the distance to any oncoming vehicles. Give two examples of how clothing offers protection from the weather. Expert answered| Janet17 |Points 38794| Log in for more information. Any crosswalk or marked mid block crossing When changing lanes on a freeway, signal your intentions and _________. Correct: $1,000, Question 2: On an annual basis, animal-vehicle collisions cause about ____ worth of damage. Your body could slide forward, increasing the chance of injury. Question 286: When traveling behind large trucks, _______ your following distance. Smith, Michael Abbott. Correct: checked by a qualified technician, Question 7: Several factors can cause tire failure including under inflation, hard braking, and __________. Question 214: The rhythm that regulates the bodys natural wake/sleep cycle is called _______. Explain. Correct: 8, Question 6: One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to_______. Our natural tendency is to concentrate on what is going on ahead of where we are going, so you need to check your mirrors__________. The proper use of safety equipment in your vehicle has the potential to ________. Correct Answer: Identify a safe space to return. Correct: 10 inches, Question 6: Several factors can cause tire failure including under inflation, hard braking, and __________. Correct: brake lights, Question 10: Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are _______. Correct Answer: All of these answers are correct. Below are a list of correct iDriveSafely answers to many of the questions they ask in their online traffic school program. The portion of all deaths to vehicle occupants in side impact crashes is To cross a typical intersection that is about 30 feet wise you need Search beneath parked vehicles for signs of movement. Discuss the role of the macrophage in the immune system. Question 57: Use your __________ to communicate to other drivers that you are in trouble, there is trouble ahead, or when you are moving very slowly. Question 76: If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _______ from tiring so quickly. Expect a train at any time. Question 97: At intersections, look to the _____ first. in one of your front tires, your vehicle will __________. To help manage risk, it is essential that you __________ that can increase levels of risk. Many drivers risk lives daily, whether it is their own lives or others. __________transport a pet in the bed of an open pickup truck. What is the IPDE defensive driving formula? What Is The Easiest Online Traffic School? Question 243: Known as road rage in California, what are some signs of aggressive driving? (a) Determine. Correct: severity, Question 9: When you drive, ______. Many head-on collisions occur when passing on two-lane roads because drivers __________. Correct Answer: need a longer stopping distance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you see farm equipment ahead traveling the same road as you,_______. When driving behind a cyclist reduce your following distance, The risk of a serious or fatal injury to a driver of a motorcycle involved in a collision is low, Drivers of pick ups sport utility vehicles or vans can see further ahead than drivers can, Higher headlights on a sport utility vehicle can cause more glare, If you see an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing you should pull to the left and let it pass, Truck drivers have excellent visibility ahead, A truck tends to lose speed when going downhill, You should use 2 second rule when following a bus, All vehicles must yield right of way to a police car if its using its. To regain control of a vehicle in a skid, __________. Question 175: A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine and 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor __________. Question 58: When passing a stopped school bus, you do not need to stop if __________. Correct: perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance, Question 6: When you adjust the drivers side mirror, you want to be able to see_______. Take your foot off the gas. Correct: pull off the road as soon as possible, Question 2: If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, ___________. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears. Question 75: The worst type of collision to be in is a __________. Correct: blood flow, Question 2: During each mile you drive, you make approximately__________driving-related decisions. Correct: $1,000, Question 9: Once in the brain, alcohol affects ALL of these critical skills EXCEPT: Correct: 200, Question 9: When you detect your emotions beginning to dominate your judgment and actions while driving, you should practice_______. Question 253: If a police officer is directing traffic during a funeral procession you must give them __________. Risk while driving is defined as the probability of _______. Question 85: Stay on the right side of your lane when __________. Just use the find feature in your browser (hit ctrl + F) and you can search for the questions you have. Question 173: The rhythm that regulates the bodys natural wake/sleep cycle is called __________. Many head-on collisions occur on two-lane roads when passing because drivers______. Correct Answer: conduct a self-inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects. Question 289: If you are inattentive on the road, you will__________. Correct Answer: reasoning, judgment, and concentration. Question 71: Electronic highway message boards communicate______. They are_______. Tomorrow, somebody will be in the same shoes you are searching for iDriveSafely answers. Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day. Question 189: When you drive, __________. Correct: All options are correct, Question 2: After you start your vehicle, and as you begin to drive, always check your______. Which is not a step for bicyclists to prevent accidents? Question 259: When driving in the city, ________may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. To dry the brakes off, __________. For maximum safety how much of a gap should you allow for when crossing an intersection from a stop? Make your sure you scan left and right and then left again. Correct: 2, Question 8: There have been improvements to ABS including __________. Question 137: If you notice someone driving erratically behind you, you should __________. the school bus is on the opposite side of a roadway that is divided by a physical barrier. Question 258: One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush, and mud is to_________. Ride against traffic so as to be able to see oncoming traffic. Question 24: Alcohol begins to affect you__________after it enters your body. Question 291: Alcohol begins to affect you__________after it enters your body. Question 1: If you see farm equipment ahead traveling the same road as you,_______. HELP OUT! Correct Answer: request the replaced parts be returned to you when you pick up your vehicle. Question 260: Prevent a freeway emergency by merging without________. Question 148: Traveling at high speeds __________. apply your brakes gently as you accelerate. Question 74: When being passed by a motorcycle,________. Correct Answer: You make frequent, quick stops. Correct Answer: check your tire inflation and tread depth. Question 65: Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because ______. do not anticipate other drivers will open a gap for you to enter. Question 131: _______when you are approaching a blind curve to warn others that cannot see you coming. Please click the Continue button to proceed to the next unit. Correct Answer: turn the heater on high and let the engine warm-up. During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur. Adjust your vehicles __________ to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash. Question 107: If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is ___________. traffic controls to help drivers __________ what other road users are about to do. Question 147: To reduce injury in the event your airbag deploys, position your body at least __________ from the steering wheel. Incorrect: one block Your driving environment changes each time you get behind the wheel weather, road conditions, your, Evaluate weather conditions, the condition of your. When you come to any railroad crossing you should always slow down, A railroad crossing with no flashing lights does not necessarily mean that it is not safe to cross without looking first, You should stop on railroad tracks only if the vehicle ahead of you has stopped, A complex intersection can contain five to six lanes multiple turning lanes and turn arrows singnals, Very few collisions take ace in a complex intersection, Side impact collisions occur when a vehicle is hit by another vehicle from the side, When approaching a roundabout, . As you approach the traffic circle, If other vehicles are in a round about, .To traffic until you can enter. Describe the membranes associated with the thoracic Around 1.3 million people die annually in automobile crashes "Road Crash Statistics". Never stop on a rail road track; if your car stuck, get out of it. Correct Answer: Reference your owners manual for maximum load weight. Question 108: Traveling at high speeds requires__________. Question 59: Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during __________. According to the NHTSA, the combination of ________ and ________ reduce the risk of serious crash-related head injury by 83 percent. Question 308: There have been improvements to ABS including __________. It would be an enormous help!! Question 200: As you enter the deceleration lane or the exit ramp, slow down and __________. Correct: emotional issues, Question 8: During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur. Correct Answer: Be mindful of tall dry grass. In California, pedestrians crossing outside of a marked crosswalk must __________ the right-of-way to other vehicles. Biologists search the volumes of the human genome using____________. Correct: decreasing the chance of the occupants being ejected, Question 9: If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. 4200+48,0004200+48,0004200+48,000 New pedestrian and school zone signs exist on the roadway to warn drivers of an approaching crosswalk. Correct Answer: installing large side mirrors. Also, while I think iDriveSafely is a great course, make sure you compare them with my online traffic school reviews. Correct: let them get in front, Question 6: If you experience a blow out in one of your front tires, your vehicle will __________. When you are driving in fog, you can see better by: The lights on your vehicle must be turned on at any time day or night when persons and vehicles cannot be clearly seen for: To avoid accidents, a defensive driver should: Stay alert and look for trouble spots developing around him, The distance which you can see ahead is less.
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when approaching a railroad crossing you should quizlet 2023