There may be an increase in communication with relatives or neighbors now. The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty now. Geocentric, Tropical, Moons True Node, Gregorian Calendar, Time Frame: From Dec 15 2013 AD GC, 12:00:00 AM, EST +05:00:00, Time Frame: To Dec 31 2014 AD GC, 12:00:00 AM, EST +05:00:00, Secondary Progression, True SA Long Progressed MC, Geocentric, Tropical, Placidus Houses, Moons True Node, Before Dec 15 2013 Beyond Dec 31 2014, Transiting Uranus is passing through your 7th House. These preview horoscopes outline the areas of life that are expected to improve, present challenges, and change. Use My Astro to save your birth data There can be a risk of misunderstandings caused by moodiness or irritability. December 29, 2013 December 31, 2013, strongest around December 30, 2013, Transiting Sun is Conjunct your Natal Uranus. Lisa Stardust, astrologer and author of The Love Deck agrees, "2023 will have its ups and downs (like most years), but it will bring us closer to what we want and need as individuals. December 7, 2014 December 8, 2014, strongest around December 8, 2014, Transiting Venus is Square your Natal Ascendant, December 7, 2014 December 8, 2014, strongest around December 7, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile Progressed Ascendant, December 7, 2014 Beyond Dec 31 2014, Transiting Venus is passing through your 4th House, December 12, 2014 December 15, 2014, strongest around December 13, 2014, Transiting Mars is Sextile Progressed Venus, December 13, 2014 December 14, 2014, strongest around December 14, 2014, Transiting Venus is Opposition your Natal Jupiter. If so, the time has come to wake up and become an active participant in your life again. A sudden attraction is possible, causing a smile to come to your face. The accuracy of the timing of the forecasts is dependent on the accuracy of the birth time. Your Free 2022 Vedic Astrology Report looks at how the planetary transit in 2022 will interact with your birth chart. People around you are obliging and courteous. Welcome to Your Free Astrology Natal Report The following report is designed to serve as a guide to discovering your true self. Your emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which may cause people to wonder what to expect from one moment to the next. Also, you could be prone to wastefulness and extravagance now. Others, sensing your self-assuredness, respect you. pay instantly online using a credit card, debit card, Paypal balance, or e-check. You can make a favorable impression on influential people now. Note that you will not receive the report instantly, as it is not generated online. June 18, 2014 June 28, 2014, strongest around June 23, 2014, Transiting Jupiter is Opposition your Natal Saturn. If you meet someone at this time, his or her influence could stay with you for the whole of your life. You may find yourself, at this time, demonstrating that you have what it takes to encourage people to follow your lead. While a solar chart is a valid chart and certainly has its merits, the natal chart should be the first you look at. It is now the time to deal with aspects of your life that need your attention. Before Dec 15 2013 December 18, 2013, strongest around December 16, 2013, Transiting Mars is Square your Natal Jupiter. During this period your desire for gain, power and advantage is accentuated. January 1, 2014 January 2, 2014, strongest around January 2, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine your Natal Mercury, January 1, 2014 January 5, 2014, strongest around January 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Square your Natal Sun. Unpredictability rules this period. Business matters should go well, because your ability to negotiate with others is easier now than at other times. Trust your intuition at the moment, as it is especially acute. You are competitive and confident in your ability to succeed. If there are any tensions in either of these areas, they will tend to surface now. Expect the unexpected and anticipate a few changes to your routines. In this case, less is definitely more. You like yourself at the moment and, in general, others do too. You are competitive and confident in your ability to succeed. During this period you are very sensitive to environmental influences and the words and actions of others. The following are free reports offered by Cafe Astrology. There are times when more than the usual number of orders come in and it takes much longer to complete orders. At this time, you are especially susceptible to external influences and prone to seduction. You have the will and determination to get results. Your mind is razor sharp and your powers of comprehension are second to none now. You may take a more energetic role in artistic or social activities. January 3, 2014 January 4, 2014, strongest around January 3, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile your Natal Pluto. The report was generated for 6 months starting from the 1st of April 2023 with the following birth data: female, born on 1 June 1926 at 9:30 am in Los Angeles, California. The duration of each trend is indicated by a starting date, an ending date and strongest influence date. The following free astrology report and free astrology chart offered by Astrology - Free Birth, Natal, Transit & Progressed Chart Online with Readings Free Astrology Reports Birth Chart Love Match Transits & Progression Check out our sample report *** Updated: Transit & progressed planets readings are now integrated in the report Create Your Birth Chart & Readings Perhaps you will be motivated to travel, study or introduce something into your life that makes you feel good. This is not the best time to start new projects, as you dont have the necessary power and energy to carry things through to a successful conclusion. During this period you are motivated by the desire to be of service to others. This is not your best time for making important decisions. This can be a period of great success in the aforementioned areas, but it will equate to the amount of energy you put into them. During this phase you are well-aspected for advancing your professional aspirations or personal goals. Your thinking is considered and realistic. October 14, 2014 October 16, 2014, strongest around October 15, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square your Natal Saturn, October 14, 2014 October 16, 2014, strongest around October 15, 2014, Transiting Venus is Square Progressed Midheaven, October 15, 2014 October 30, 2014, strongest around October 22, 2014, Transiting Jupiter is Square Progressed Sun, October 16, 2014 November 9, 2014, Transiting Venus is passing through your 2nd House. Short trips or long-distance travel tend be relatively free of difficulties and international contacts can be successfully established. Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other at the moment and communications with others, especially females or family members, could be tense. At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and obsession. Expressing either original or eccentric ideas or actions now will get you noticed. You are at risk of being mentally lax and careless now, but equally, there is the possibility of inspired and imaginative thinking too. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family. If you are buying more than one report in one order, you can enter birth information only once if you prefer. Anticipate increased intellectual activity during this period. It is because all the Navagrahas or the nine planets have the capability to influence our lives in specific ways. ( 1 customer review) $ 75. During this period your feelings are likely to be deeper and more intense. This can be a trying time for you emotionally; your feelings are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem heavier than usual. This transit can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic fervor in you, which may or may not be reciprocated by another. June 2, 2014 June 4, 2014, strongest around June 3, 2014, Transiting Sun is Trine your Natal Moons North Node. You need to guard against the risk of injury proneness. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a flame. October 30, 2014 November 1, 2014, strongest around October 31, 2014, Transiting Venus is Trine your Natal Venus, October 30, 2014 November 1, 2014, strongest around October 31, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square Progressed Midheaven, October 31, 2014 November 2, 2014, strongest around November 1, 2014, Transiting Mars is Opposition your Natal Jupiter, October 31, 2014 November 2, 2014, strongest around November 1, 2014, Transiting Sun is Sextile your Natal Uranus. You should try to make every effort to get on with others and not to react to situations or provocations. For example, if my birthday is September 2nd, 1970 @ 5:00 PM, my Solar Return could be September 1st, 2016, @ 4:24 AM one year, September 2nd, 2017, @ 1:22 AM the next, and so forth. Whichever zodiac sign Jupiter occupies is guaranteed to get a sprinkle of magic in the year ahead and, in the year 2023, fortune will shine on Taurus. Expect sudden intuitions or possible flashes of brilliance. July 17, 2014 July 19, 2014, strongest around July 18, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square Progressed Venus, July 18, 2014 July 20, 2014, strongest around July 19, 2014, Transiting Sun is Sextile your Natal Ascendant, July 19, 2014 July 21, 2014, strongest around July 20, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Uranus. Issues of power and authority could arise within the home now. You will enjoy social activity more than usual now, and it will be to your advantage to cultivate connections with particular groups or societies. There is a danger of accidents or injuries during this period. For the duration of this transit your relationships both personal and professional will undergo many changes. During this transit, expect occasional periods of emotional excitability, unrest and instability. There can be a tendency to either break away from your family or to become more involved with them. January 6, 2014 January 8, 2014, strongest around January 7, 2014, Transiting Sun is Sextile your Natal Pluto. Saturn and Rahu both require more effort and a positive approach on both a personal and professional level. Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating. During this transit your way of thinking will undergo change and transformation. This is an excellent period for social integration. You have increased confidence to express your ideas now. There are rewards for sacrifice, patience and perseverance. Others seem more receptive to your emotional needs. Federal Reserve economists believe the next downturn may stick around for longer than usual. Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Intellectually, you are sharp and have the ability to comprehend things quickly. Decide in your own mind what you want and go and get it. This is an excellent transit for getting things done, or for participating in sport or some form of physical exercise. Further, an influence may begin before the time frame of the report or end beyond it. Disharmony between partners is possible. Their effects can be experienced either directly personally or through events in the lives of others in the environment. January 2, 2014 January 6, 2014, strongest around January 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Conjunct your Natal Saturn. January 6, 2014 January 11, 2014, strongest around January 9, 2014, Transiting Mars is Conjunct Progressed Ascendant. Based on date of birth these astrology reports free of cost available for our members. You tend to feel good about yourself and your appearance. Watch stress levels and guard against accident proneness. You could have some difficulties appreciating other peoples points of view, due to self-willed or inflexible thinking. You could move away from your place of birth; even emigrate. Your thinking will be positive and optimistic. December 17, 2013 December 21, 2013, strongest around December 19, 2013, Transiting Mars is Opposition Progressed Venus. This transit can make you aware of subtle undercurrents and possible attraction between you and another. The report is based on the transits of the Sun through Pluto, with the exception of the Moon, to both your natal and progressed planets. Your friends become your supporters and your supporters become your friends now. As a communicator, your powers of persuasion are accentuated now and successes as a speaker or writer are possible during this period. Remember to consider the needs of others, especially those you live with and family members. Generally, it will be better if you instigate changes in your life now, wherever you think they are necessary, else they tend to occur anyway, but outside of your control. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up. Your thoughts are likely to be on your career or direction in life. During this period you strive to establish emotional understandings with others. Here's to a fun, happy and successful year! Equally, this is a good time for enhancing or beautifying your home in some way. Music&Astrology. You can achieve a lot during this transit, but it will take more effort than usual to get results. SHOULD I USE 12 PM FOR AN UNKNOWN BIRTH TIME? A solar chart places the Suns sign on the Ascendant, and most people dont have the same Sun and Ascendant in their natal charts. A feeling of distance may exist between you and another. November 2, 2014 November 4, 2014, strongest around November 3, 2014, Transiting Venus is Square your Natal Moons North Node, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Mars is Square Progressed Venus, November 3, 2014 November 4, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Trine Progressed Mars, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Sextile your Natal Neptune, November 3, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 4, 2014, Transiting Venus is Opposition your Natal Mercury, November 4, 2014 November 5, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Square your Natal Saturn, November 4, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Sun is Square your Natal Moons North Node, November 4, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Sun, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile your Natal Moon, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 5, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine your Natal Mars, November 5, 2014 November 6, 2014, strongest around November 6, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine your Natal Midheaven, November 5, 2014 November 7, 2014, strongest around November 6, 2014, Transiting Venus is Conjunct your Natal Pluto. A good phase for physical pursuits. If you prefer this method regardless, write Kristen an email with the request or add the request in the notes with your order placement. Irritability and moodiness often accompany this transit. Artistic talents should be expressed if you are creative. Alternatively, the ardor of another could be directed at you. There may be arguments and disputes with loved ones caused by a lack of consideration or tactlessness. some of the report was omitted here due to its size, October 4, 2014 October 5, 2014, strongest around October 5, 2014, Transiting Venus is Opposition Progressed Venus, October 5, 2014 October 7, 2014, strongest around October 6, 2014, Transiting Mars is Sextile Progressed Ascendant. During this period you will tend to be very action orientated and self-motivated. If you can afford it, this can be a good time for acquiring luxury items. More so than at other times, you will be determined to assert your independence. During this transit your thoughts will simultaneously be on matters concerning your home and family and your career. December 27, 2013 February 26, 2014, strongest around January 27, 2014, Progressed Moon is Opposition your Natal Mercury. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to be expected. This can be a good time to get involved in learning or philosophy. A problem is that you may be inclined to just kick back and enjoy the feeling of contentment associated with this transit. December 25, 2013 December 26, 2013, strongest around December 25, 2013, Transiting Sun is Opposition your Natal Jupiter. Your energies are strong and positive now. You have strong views and opinions, which may contrast with others causing the likelihood of arguments or lively debates. Travel may be beneficial now. You are intellectually switched on and full of ideas at the moment, especially as far as your direction in life is concerned. Watch out for accidents around the home. Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are some of the planets which are majorly taken into consideration in the realm of Vedic . The key to success now is to maintain focus, keep a sense reality and, most importantly, plan all of your moves carefully and strategically. You may join a group or organization. December 16, 2013 December 18, 2013, strongest around December 17, 2013, Transiting Sun is Opposition your Natal Midheaven. Before Dec 15 2013 January 17, 2014, strongest around December 17, 2013, Progressed Moon is Square your Natal Moons North Node. Dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today, is as good a code for living as any today. You may amuse yourself with passing flirtations. Breakdowns in communication or transport are possible. One of the most noticeable effects of this transit is financial pressure and worry. This can be an excellent configuration for study and research. This can be a good time for socializing, or for discussing matters of the heart, or art. A courteous and pleasant manner can win friends and influence people. Before Dec 15 2013 Beyond Dec 31 2014, strongest around December 4, 2014, Progressed Mercury is Trine your Natal Uranus. For reports, the default house system used is Placidus. You may feel emotionally restrained now and there can be difficulties in relationships with people you care about. Important events may occur in the lives of your relatives or neighbors. There can be a risk of injury caused through inattention or tiredness. Other people or circumstances may inhibit your ability to carry on living in the manner to which youve been accustomed. You could receive acknowledgements and recognition from people with influence and power now. December 29, 2013 December 31, 2013, strongest around December 30, 2013, Transiting Mercury is Trine Progressed Mercury. You are attracted to the idea of doing something different and exciting at the moment.
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yearly transit report astrology 2023