The guards attempt to imprison Clearsight, but she escaped to stop Darkstalker before he reached the queen. Clearsight nodded, just to make him feel better, but she could not believe in any bright futures with Darkstalker's sketch of dead IceWings on the table right beside them. (Changing Cover in due time) Arctic reveals he was going to give Whiteout to the IceWings so they can breed more animi into the royal family, and that he was going to see if Foeslayer was alive, and would give the IceWings a map of the NightWing kingdom- plus how to get in- in exchange for Foeslayer's life. He did not want anyone ever to murder him or even accidentally kill him, so he decided to enchant his scales to be invincible, hiding the enchantment from Clearsight by writing it in invisible ink. This is so sad but I had to make this I love Darkstalker so much and what happened to him was even sadder and this art was so goo. Darkstalker tries to reassure her, but she just says that she is thankful for being unfrozen, but is sorry for winning. While Darkstalker was distracted with Arctic, Clearsight stole his scroll. Mother [9] She was selfless and open-minded, willing to admit to her own faults as well as others'. Horrified, Fathom continues in silence. [7] He had one silver teardrop scale on the outward corner of each of his dark[8] eyes, which indicated that he was a mind reader,[9] and he had eyes which were as black as underground caverns. This was true, however, there appeared to be more white sand than there was before. In the middle of the night, Darkstalker suddenly left his tribe to fly somewhere, and Turtle was forced to follow him. [16] He was handsome[17] and powerfully built,[18] with scales that felt as hard as armor due to his enchantment. [10] He had a narrow, handsome face, long, twisted horns,[10] and was enormous,[11] at least three times as tall as the largest living dragons. To evaluate one's soul when the telescope is pointed at someone, then show it in the hourglass: black sand representing good, and white sand representing bad. By using her foresight to locate a chain of islands where she could stop and rest, Clearsight flew to Pantala to warn the dragons there about an incoming hurricane. Ongoing. Whiteout then said that she wanted to go back to the Ice Kingdom before proclaiming that she did not like Darkstalker in perfectly normal, understandable, and coherent sentences, instead of her usual way of talking. Darkstalker once took an after-school cooking class. These are user interpretations of her prophecies, and while they have been reviewed and deemed accurate by parts of the community, it is important to note that they are not stated in canon. He did it on himself again and gets even more terrified of how he was evil even if he protected his soul. From legends Darkstalker, we know that this is where Darkstalker and clearsight met, and the painting is one Darkstalker drew of clearsight. Afterward, he told Moon he would make something else to keep his soul safe, as well as Anemone's. When he arrived at his destination, Turtle realized it to be the lost city of night. Queen Allknowing's guards flew down like death desending. Darkstalker stated that he believed Anemone could have been someone who he could have worked alongside had she not tried to mess with him. Clearsight tells him that Fathom is not the one who turns them bad. Confused on why Allknowing was thereafter she was fired, Clearsight hurries down to the garden to talk to the queen. Darkstalker then challenged Glory for the throne of the NightWings, but she declined with a different idea: the NightWings that choose to go with Darkstalker could leave, and the NightWings that want to stay could stay. ", Darkstalker acted as a mentor to Anemone,[92] and she looked up to him as being wonderful and all-knowing. Clearsight and Listener hugs, and Clearsight thanks Listener for being here, and for being her friend. [74] However, after being released from said enchantment, Darkstalker was seen as menacing,[75] brainwashing, genocidal,[76] complicated,[77] sinister,[78] evil, and deserving of what had come to him. I hope you will use it to protect the dragons around you, especially the ones who are the most threatened, regardless of who they are and how you think you feel about them. [115] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. Student at the NightWing school,King of the NightWings Darkstalker replies by saying everything he did was for a good reason. She was one of the six possible dragonets that Clearsight and Darkstalker might have had in a formerly possible future. Darkstalker says that he also shows it to him in the bad futures, too. Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village, Cite error: tags exist for a group named "event", but no corresponding tag was found. [118] He became so desperate to have her back that he attempted to enchant Fierceteeth into a living version of Clearsight. In the prologue, Clearsight thought about Darkstalker a couple of times: How she could not return to Pyrrhia until she was not tempted to wake him from his eternal slumber, how she would still miss the dragonets she would have had with Darkstalker, and how she saved Fathom and the NightWings from Darkstalker and could continue saving dragons from harm in Pantala. Darkstalker went over to his rugged, abandoned school and found a painting of Clearsight. Darkstalker Before Listener could introduce herself to Thoughtful, Clearsight introduced Whiteout first, who took Thoughtful's talon and looked at his palm before saying, "Words and glass, spun in flutes and verse. [36] Darkstalker saw Indigo as a threat to him and Fathom's friendship,[121] so he turned her into a small wooden dragon so she would not turn Fathom against him. Listener mentions that she can see the whole Great Diamond from the window and they both look down at the party below. Thoughtful was surprised and amazed that she had noticed his art and said, "No one you really saw the pieces of the scroll inside the waves?" Darkstalker refuses and tells Clearsight that they'll always be in danger from Vigilance unless he kills her or enchants Clearsight's scales to be invulnerable as well. Afterward, Darkstalker spoke to anyone who came to him and searched scrolls for references of Fathom and Clearsight. [3], Clearsight met Fathom shortly after his arrival in the Night Kingdom, and cared about him very much Darkstalker even worried that she might have loved Fathom more than himself at one point. Clearsight tried to speak to them in Dragon, and surprisingly Sunstreak responded in a largely influent form of Clearsight's native language. Clearsight says that there are some possibilities. [25] She had opened up to him numerous times about her feelings about Darkstalker and prophetic powers; he seemed to be a supportive friend to her. To return to his previous state; feel regret for his actions. To Arctic, warning him that his doom will be caused by his own claws, power, and his two queens Queen Vigilance, who welcomed him into her tribe's home, and Queen Diamond, the queen of his tribe and Arctic's mother. Other When he looked into the future, he saw Fierceteeth leading a band of escapees from Thorn's prison sneaking into the Rainforest and assassinating the queen. He was devastated when he learned that over 5,012 years had passed since the Scorching. Darkstalker ordered Arctic to follow him back to the Night Kingdom, where he made his father cut his tongue out after announcing how he had tried to betray the NightWings and was going to offer a detailed map of the kingdom so the IceWings could infiltrate it. Mentioned in [112] However, the tragedy of Foeslayer's presumed death shattered him, and he became indifferent towards her free will and happiness, although later apologizing to her imagined presence. Present: Glory Darkstalker Battlewinner Visions, all of which were dark and bad, came rushing back to her, and she realized that Vigilance sent the assassin. Clearsight is unsure, as there is so much darkness in the timelines now. Later during the spell casting, there was a glimpse of Darkstalker's good side, suggesting he was not completely evil. Clearsight pleaded Darkstalker to stop. He insists he can make their future turn out how they want, but Clearsight responds, "Not if we want different things.". She then found the Tower of Knowledge with the help of her foresight, where she met her teacher, Allknowing, and her classmates: Vision, Morrowwatcher, and Jewel-eyes. OMG it is finally done! When Darkstalker arrived, Queen Vigilance asked him to give some ideas on how to end the war. Darkstalker saw the SeaWing hurting and decided to take him under his wings as his best friend. Maybe that's what you really got from your father, along with your magic. To contain his animus power, to be returned to him if destroyed. A lost dragonet named Twilight is hidden away because she was Darkstalker's child. Darkstalker agreed, understanding, and enchanted a copper bracelet with three milky white moonstones on its surface; after he enchanted it to Clearsight's request, he smiled and enchanted one of his blankets to make the wearer comfortably warm; they then enchanted their history scroll, The Ancient Wars of Pyrrhia, to read to them; to begin when someone said "Bore me to sleep!" In the prologue . [31] He believed in not worrying excessively about the future and preferred to focus on the present. Darkstalker began to speak telepathically to Moonwatcher when she arrived at Jade Mountain Academy, firstly as an anonymous character in her head before revealing his name. She disliked prophecies for this reason as without their vagueness and crypticness, she could give everyone real information on how lead a better future. He thought that Fathom would be better off without her. [4] Darkstalker later used his talisman to enchant things in secret. To re-petrify Stonemover when blown on him. However, Indigo jumps in front of Fathom, saying that it could be enchanted to do something to Fathom, and the soul reader lands on her, showing that Indigo had the same results as Clearsight's. When the meeting was over she sees Fathom in the palace. Over 100 years old at last mention (hatched in roughly 3,008 AS). But they decided to name their first child not from their prophecy names but let Fathom choose the name. and to stop when someone said, "Spare me!". Fathom checks the soul reader, and Darkstalker says that he made the invulnerability before he made the soul reader, so it was going to read the same thing. It's a timespan of 2000 years. Later, Moon and Qibli spied on Darkstalker and overhear him casting spells on the fake Clearsight to recreate her, which ultimately failed. But then he saw in Arctic's mind that before Foeslayer flew off, she had flung the earring at Arctic, saying that she did not love him for his animus magic and that she loves him more than anything. Listener listens with fear, asking what was going to happen. I saved Fathom, and the NightWings, and my parents. 50 parts. After replacing her earrings, which had slipped half-off in the night, Clearsight reassures herself that the argument from the night before did not mean that any of the bad futures were going to actually happen, and a quick glance at the future reassures herself of this. He picked it up, asking if Clearsight to speak to him if she was still there. He responds saying that it was not what she thought and enchants a dagger to stab Arctic's foot, not killing him but forcing him to stop. Later on, Clearsight and Listener went to a festival being held in the Great Diamond. Darkstalker enchanted four things with it that day: an inkpot, a blanket, a moonstone bracelet, and one of his history scrolls. [103] He was suspicious of[104] and bothered by Darkstalker's mind-reading abilities, and was jealous of his son's knowledge of Foeslayer's thoughts. She foresaw that this class would bring her nothing but despair and frustration, as Allknowing did not respect Clearsight's advanced abilities and resented her because of them. A1 clearsight darkstalker wingsoffire wof fathom nightwing qibli whiteout moonwatcher indigo dragons pantala darksight turtle moonbli glory kinkajou icewing starflight pyrrhia. Indigo reassured Fathom that "it's safe to be happy," and he responded with, "I know. Is there anything animus magic can't do? While the tribe adjusted to the new territory, he showed Anemone to Fathom's old suite. They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. Fathom felt like he should know what it said, but he read it anyway. There, they started talking about Darkstalker's father, Arctic, and his IceWing heritage, to which Darkstalker revealed his only physical IceWing trait a white line of scales underneath his wings, connecting his membrane to his body scales. Hot New # 1. In the room, Darkstalker tells Lionfish that he can leave and that Darkstalker will protect Fathom. Darkstalker scowls at her and sarcastically says that her faith in him is heartwarming. Then, Clearsight points it at Fathom. A nest of two eggs sat below a large hole in the caves roof alowing the moon's light to flood in covering the eggs in its silver trendils. Knowing she could not stop him, she steps away, her wings folded close and shaking. Cursed with moons all shining bright. Yes, Darkstalker and Clearsight have many children. They then unexpectedly met Current, a SeaWing prince that had survived the Royal SeaWing Massacre. [85] He was careful to feed his subjects' vanity and need for usefulness so that they would love him all the more. Whiteout then confirmed this, and due to the strange grammar Whiteout was using and Thoughtful's ability to understand it, the whole conversation left Listener bewildered. He later snuck into their room to read the letter to himself. Eclipse was indirectly mentioned when . Clearsight was brilliant, maybe the most brilliant NightWing who ever lived. The first thing Clearsight noticed when she entered Darkstalker's house was a sunlit room decorated in winter-themed decor; a pale blue door, white rugs, and glittering crystals. Arctic tells Darkstalker to let them go, as he had spared him. Add to library 15 Discussion 87 Follow author Share . Clearsight is one of the only known god-like figure in the series, the other god-like figure is the. [80] He appeared externally to be polite,[81] friendly, at peace, and slightly bored. A3 When he leaves, Turtle and Qibli realized that he must have cast a spell to sense when animus magic were being cast. The Color of Night. Darkstalker got terrified by this revelation and thought that it was broken, so he re-enchants it and pointed it at Vulture, showing Vulture was just as evil as portrayed with Darkstalker. Clearsight mentioned that Darkstalker had gotten out of control and was turning out like Arctic. Relatives Still this is kinda weak until we have a reference sheet for Sunstreak or the Beetlewings. Fathom chose the name Soothe, after the waves that kissed his feet at the beach and how they game a soothing feeling. Clearsight with all her thoughts of doom and disaster weren't helping. L Now the ghosts of futures she left behind are coming back to haunt her. Indigo sharply replies that she believes Fathom can be happy without any magic. I hope your life is everything it should be. [event 2] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[24] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom. Arctic lashed his tail in silent rage. When Turtle got Anemone to wake Kinkajou in the RainWing village, Darkstalker flew there, telling Anemone not to use her magic without permission, simultaneously confirming that he had cast a spell to detect animus magic. Clearsight possibly felt protective towards Fathom, as shown how worried she was when the massacre happened, and how happy she was when he arrived at the Night Kingdom. Under one full moon, she was hatched with exceptionally powerful foresight and formerly served as Queen Vigilance's Head Seer for a short amount of time while she resided in the Night Kingdom. Soon, Darkstalker went with Clearsight for her to meet Fathom. Fathom is still scared for Darkstalker, and Clearsight tells Darkstalker to tell Fathom about the scroll. To transform into multiple iterations of Clearsight, then back to herself. She stumbles over to the window and spots Queen Vigilance and Allknowing strolling in the garden and having a conversation. Finally, in Darkstalker's room, she noticed his sleeping corner was occupied by neatly folded purple and white blankets, with a desk covered with three little inkwells and a cloth for wiping talons. (This is the page for the character named Darkstalker. Clearsight looked at him and saw two different futures, one with Listener as his love, and the other with Whiteout. Partner A few moments passed, and Darkstalker remembers that he has an enchanted earring that protects him. He asks Clearsight about it, and she states that Darkstalker had put a border shield that kills any IceWings that try to enter the kingdom. Mindreader then hears that Flame had help from a dragon with a weird name similar to "Ogre" and "Okra," assumed to be Ochre. This was a spell casted by Darkstalker as part of his revenge for kidnapping his mother 2,000 years ago. Clearsight exploded into a black room -- the same as all the others, because obviously the Queen felt very depressed or something like that -- and saw Darkstalker, Whiteout, and Thoughtful all sitting around a game board. [109] Darkstalker never cared much about Arctic's hatred towards him. To be immune to enchantments by all other animi. We don't want to keep out all the other tribes. After confirming that Qibli did not and could not cast any animus spells, Darkstalker commented on his intelligence, remarking that he would have been a great animus. There was also a family painting over the fireplace with her father, Arctic, who looked happier than Clearsight could imagine he would be. While they were talking, Whiteout approached them, missing Listener's muttered nickname for her: "Weirdout." Clearsight assures herself that Darkstalker is not completely evil, and Darkstalker says the same, except with more confidence and tells Fathom there is nothing to worry about. Later, while Moonwatcher read a scroll on animus history in search of information on dreamvisitors, she came across the legend of Fathom and Darkstalker. Seeing the blank paper, Clearsight asked him if he had decided to try his talons at writing; but to her shock, he announced that he had put all of his animus power in the scroll as a vessel, so usage of his power would not turn him evil. He enchanted more items that included an earring that made him look especially charming and handsome, a goblet that he planned to give to Fathom which was enchanted to make him forget Indigo, forget about his oath, and use his animus power freely Clearsight's moonstone earrings to make her see only happy futures, a pebble that made Indigo turn into the SeaWing carving that Fathom made, sneaky enchantments on other students at his school, and many more. The other dragonets disagree, but Moon sneaks away in the middle of the night to give the scroll to Darkstalker anyway. [1], Darkstalker had ebony[2] black scales[3] and dark midnight-black wings,[4] appearing as almost a pure NightWing except for a line of icy, white,[5] silvery IceWing scales where his wings met his body,[6] which Clearsight described to be cold when touched. Darkstalker slipped the bracelet over his foreclaw, then instantly fell into a deep sleep. He decided to stop this, likely to earn more trust to the RainWing, since he technically was stealing half of her tribe. [79] When Moonwatcher explained how fundamentally wrong killing the entire IceWing tribe was, he only growled that they had started it. He tells Arctic that he made the mistake of not killing Darkstalker before he left. Aunts or Uncles Darkstalker healed Stonemover with a stalactite, simultaneously removing the stone enchantment on his scales. Darkstalker then commands Arctic to kneel before him, admitting he is the greatest and the best animus of all time. To fly to the ceiling and return to his talons without spilling a drop. When Qibli got to the lost city of night and talked to Moon, he gave her the earring, and she said nothing had happened, stating Darkstalker had not put a spell on Moon because he liked her as a friend. Appeared in Clearsight told him that their bright futures are disappearing. To grant him the ability to bring drawings into reality while worn. When Darkstalker and Fathom arrived at Clearsight's door, she refused to come out and stated that she needs to finish a report on the next year of IceWing maneuvers. "You safe now, too." Maybe I am, she thought. Sunstreak and Clearsight were then in a romantic relationship, getting married, and even growing close enough that Clearsight spoke about her previous life in Pyrrhia and her former love and soulmate, Darkstalker. I'm afraid we're losing our bright paths . Darkstalker is the first installment of Wings of Fire: Legends, featuring Clearsight, Darkstalker, and Fathom as the main protagonists. Darkstalker continued to mourn the loss of his mother for a few weeks. After being healed, Flame bolted away without thanking Darkstalker. Lionfish tackled the assassin, killing him quickly. With everyone surviving the hurricane, new visions appeared in her mind, and she had a vision of her future dragonets with Sunstreak. Kinkajou and Moon were fighting about if Darkstalker was evil or not. Whiteout claimed that she would be an "IceWing princess and have lots of baby IceWings." I stopped Darkstalker. During the first time Darkstalker spent alone with Fathom and Indigo, Indigo attempted to kill him, further scarring him, though he'd never admit it. [event 1] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[114] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom. In order to use it, he had to point a telescope at a dragon and the hourglass shows his or her distribution of white sand and black sand in the hourglass. This reminded Fathom and Indigo of Darkstalker. After speaking to the NightWing students, Moon and Darkstalker sensed danger for Stonemover. On her way to see Fathom, Clearsight warned Listener about Darkstalker and told her to escape far away with her family far away from the Night Kingdom. Listener roars with frustration and then leaves. Clearsight suddenly realizes that Darkstalker might not have forgiven Indigo and that he did something to her, but before she can tell Fathom this, they spot Darkstalker. This ends in Darkstalker begrudgingly reverting him to stone. [34] He was charming, courageous, and cared about those he loved very deeply. Later, when Turtle cast the spell to protect Qibli from Darkstalker's enchantments, he came down the hall to Qibli's cave. After Qibli uses the Obsidian Mirror to spy on Queen Glacier, Winter was frightened of all the IceWings getting sick and started to take off to ask Darkstalker for help, proving that Darkstalker did enchant Winter specifically to like him, more so than the enchantment placed on other dragons.
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darkstalker and clearsight 2023