Nahum 1 MSG - GOD Is Serious Business - A report on - Bible Gateway The Book of Nahum is the seventh book of the 12 minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible. 7 It shall come to pass that all who look upon you Will flee from you, and say() 'Nineveh is laid waste No corner of the earth will escape his hand of judgmentall who dwell in it will come under judgment if they have not taken humble refuge in him (Nah. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Nahum Chapter 1 And, indeed, for many years the existence of Nineveh was uncertain, even regarded as a myth. The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty ". c. potpourri God, the all-powerful Creator, comes to confront the nations and bring . Just received Chuck's "Stuff I've Learned That I'll Never Forget" CD in the mail yesterday. 1 A report on the problem of Nineveh, the way God gave Nahum of Elkosh to see it: 2-6 God is serious business. They burned cities, cut off heads and stuck people on poles. Like all books in this section, the Book of Nahum is named after its author, the prophet Nahum. He is against those who do not trust Him and are full of violence, lies, lust and stealing ( Nahum 3:1-6 ). Unfortunately, few understand the wonderful message contained in the gospel. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Behold, on the mountains Fortunately, the Bible outlines a plan to bring about a time when mankind will want to live the way that leads to peace, happiness, abundance and joyful well-being. 'The Burden of Ninevah' (Nahum) Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006), 637. It is attributed to the prophet Nahum, and was probably written in Jerusalem in the 7th century BC. For now I will break off his yoke from you, a. A wicked counselor. The book of Nahum is God's message of the impending destruction of Nineveh. Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good tidings, who proclaims peace! But we don't know where that was because it is not mentioned elsewhere in the . Nahum's book is a sequel to, and a dramatic contrast with, the book of Jonah. THE COMFORTING EXAMPLE OF NINEVEH: WHEN YOUR ENEMIES HAVE GOD AS THEIR ENEMY, HIS WRATH BRINGS SWIFT AND TERRIBLE HUMILIATION AND DEVASTATION, Nahum 2:13; 3:5 Behold, I am against you, I. Little is known about the prophet Nahum. Listen to Chuck Swindolls overview of Nahum in his audio message from the Classic series Gods Masterwork. Nahum also predicted a time of peace beyond this troubled world. As Nahum writes: Woe to the bloody city! Identify four key themes that run throughout the book of Nahum. God, the all-powerful Creator, comes to confront the nations and bring his justice on their evil. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more: Gods people looked weak and afflicted yet God promised that they would be strengthened and restored. Is there any greater hope or expectation to which we can look forward? He stands up against his enemies, fierce and raging.But God doesnt lose his temper. Guide to the Book of Nahum: Key Information and Helpful Resources And the Lord will by no means clear the guilty (Nah. Do you feel the weight of the world we live in? In Nahum, the good news is the defeat of the enemies of Gods people. Like a pile of dry brush,Soaked in oil,theyll go up in flames. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. just before the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C. The Book of Nahum was an encouragement to the Israelites, and God intended it to encourage all of His people. A Message From The Book Of Nahum. I mean, not a lot of people have actually read the book of Nahum, but they can be quick to quote these verses. Nineveh, at the time Nahum predicted its downfall, was at the heart of a vast, powerful empirethe commercial center of the world. Nahum Summary - Bible Study Resources and great in power; The message was proclaimed to Judah (Nahum 1:15) and not to the 10 tribes of Israel who were already in captivity. Nahum: it's over for Nineveh - OverviewBible No doubt we all have felt overwhelmed by the darkness both within ourselves and in our world. (1) The burden of Nahum. I would summarize the message of the book this way: God's discriminating anger and vengeance against pride and cruelty arise from His great love for people. The historical outworking of the details of this prophecy demonstrate once again the authenticity of the Word of God. This is very similar to the message of the book of Daniel. In the process, they cut themselves off from the truths about life and the purpose of life outlined in the Word of God. Your browser does not support JavaScript. Listen to the way Nahum describes the punitive action of the Lord: and the rocks are broken into pieces by him. 7The Lord is good,(X)a refuge in times of trouble. PDF Nahum - the Prophet and His Message 1A prophecy(A) concerning Nineveh. But there remains a divine court of law. Could not the believer today, who is trapped or oppressed by sin, ask God to break the yoke of sin? When God had a message for the people, He spoke through the prophets. Start your free trial today! Chapter i. asserts the certainty of Ninevehs overthrow. This was not a harsh chastening; this was utter destruction to come upon the city. Nineveh stands for the warfare of man against his fellow human beings. Vision refers to the unique prophetic experience of receiving the Lord's message. A Message From The Book Of Nahum - Christ Talk Canada (Nah. Survivors would be led away into captivity (verse 10). It is all full of lies and robbery (3:1). Just 100 years earlier, the prophet Jonah had been instructed to warn Nineveh to repent. Today, we are studying the Book of Nahum. Click on the different category headings to find out more. The prophet Nahum reminds us of Gods active hand, working even in the darkest of times to bring justice and hope throughout the world. Nahums announcement was a comfort and a consolation to the inhabitants of Judah, as it predicted the downfall of Assyria, a savage and cruel enemy of Israel and Judah. b. At the height of Ninevehs power, on the eve of its sudden overthrow, Nahum appeared with this prophecy (p. 369). (AK)I will destroy the images(AL) and idolsthat are in the temple of your gods.I will prepare your grave,(AM)for you are vile., 15Look, there on the mountains,the feet of one who brings good news,(AN)who proclaims peace! Nahum: The Book of Nahum - Bible Hub God judges evil. a. Question 2 1 / 1 pts The book of Nahum is a message against ___ _ _ _____. tells of the wickedness which provoked the retribution, ending with the words, Upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?. (700s). The God of heaven is a God of mercy to the penitent, yet a God of doom to the impenitent. The Lord's Anger Against Nineveh. (B) The book of the vision(C) of Nahum the Elkoshite. . As a result, God sent various godless nations to punish his people. The book of Nahum becomes a token of God's final judgment . This was how ripe Nineveh was for judgment, and how complete the fire of judgment will be when it comes. Judgment on Israel. (R)6Who can withstand(S) his indignation? Article URL: More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free. Below are scriptures in Nahum that refer to end-time events: Nahum 1:12 refers to a time when God says His people will no longer be afflicted, and enemies will not be allowed to pass through their land. Babylonians. His longsuffering has limits. Because all of the prophets are somewhat similar, our goal is to discover that central core message of the book. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Together they illustrate Gods way of dealing with nations: prolonging the day of grace, in the end visiting punishment for sins (p. 368). You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. Composed before 632 B.C.E., the Bible book of Nahum contains that message. God promised: In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of . Is. Question 45 In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of Question 46 In Isaiah . Nahum's singular focus on the impending judgment of Nineveh offers a continuation of the story that began in Jonah. Identify four key themes that run throughout the book of Nahum. Military might does not preclude obligations of righteousness and justice. Israel and its neighbors awaited the downfall of Assyria, which eventually came in the year 612 B.C.E. From you comes forth one The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. For a quick overview of the book of Nahum, Id highly encourage you watch the video below. ________________, a. lan The unrepentant wicked will receive no comfort (see Nahum 3:7), but the righteous can take comfort from Nahum's message that the Lord cares about them and will one day bring an end to wickedness. Nineveh became the embodiment of human violence and conquest. This cannot be said of the Jewish people during the 2,600 years that have elapsed since the destruction of Nineveh. Nahum, Theology of. Hes putting an end to all such scheming.For troublemakers, no second chances. However, before we get too self-righteous, we would be wise to consider how many times you and I have done the exact same thing. Most significant, the people of Judah would have immediately taken hope in the idea that Nineveh, their primary oppressor for generations, would soon come under judgment from God. Have you ever found your will to do whats right weakening as you became discouraged with what you saw in your life and in the world around you? Nahum warns the Assyrian capital of Nineveh of God's judgment for their cruelty, idolatry, and wickedness. Who was the prophet Nahum? | NeverThirsty The book of Nahum begins, "An oracle concerning Nineveh. We need to remember what the Assyrians were like. All those who cling to their own self-made places of refuge will experience the terrifying flood of divine wrath that is coming at the end of time. Jesus Christ predicted that humanity would self-destruct if He did not intervene in the affairs of mankind (Matthew 24:22). Bible: 4.16.2 Nahum Flashcards | Quizlet . 13:1 ). 7-10God is good,a hiding place in tough times.He recognizes and welcomesanyone looking for help,No matter how desperate the trouble. One reference work explains it as follows: In a sense Ninevehs doom epitomizes the fate of all nations. Nahum 1:15: Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good tidings, who proclaims peace! This verse is similar to Isaiah 52:7, which in context is pointing forward to the time when the Kingdom of God will be established on the earth.
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