Each of those states has Democratic control of the state legislature. And this was an effort that was supported by the AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce, the American Bar Association, and progressive and liberal groups outside. And while Electoral College winning/popular vote losing presidents are formally and technically legitimate holders of the office, the perception that a broken system is anti-democratic and anti-majoritarian can have wide-reaching, penetrating, long-term consequences for the health of a democracy. George W. Bush won the Electoral College in 2000 even though he received 0.5% less of the popular vote against Al Gore. 61% of Americans Support Abolishing Electoral College by Megan Brenan Story Highlights 61% prefer amending Constitution to use popular vote to elect president 89% of Democrats, 23% of Republicans. Two of those elections have occurred since 2000. All parts of the country would not be involved in the selection of the president. If, say, environmental sustainability or abortion or the Second Amendment is your dominant concern, it does not matter whether you live in Wyoming or California, Pennsylvania or Delaware. But the fact is that we are now one country, whereas in 1789 we were 13 colonies desperately trying to hold onto some semblance of their independencehence a political deal was struck that now threatens the very democracy for which they were trying to create a lasting framework. I used to like the idea of the Popular Vote, but now realize the Electoral College is far better for the U.S.A. Gregg says that change would radicalize politics. A second variation would be to award two Electoral College votes from each state to the winner of the national popular vote and award the remaining electors to the winner of each congressional district (CD). It took time for people to learn what was happening in the nations capital. As a result, most are considered safe, that is, comfortably in hand for one party or the other. Beto O'Rourke Announces His Run For President In 2020, Moderate Democrats Under Pressure As Party's Left Grabs Attention. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 260, February 19, 2020, p. 9, https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/destroying-the-electoral-college-the-anti-federalist-national-popular-0. 7. Voting By Mail Is On The Rise, But Could Alleged N.C. Election Fraud Change That? It's time to renew your membership and keep access to free CLE, valuable publications and more. The cost of conducting a nationwide recount could be hundreds of millions of dollars, which is money that may not always be in the budget. In fact, there is already a movement brewing among states to agree to award their electors to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote. There is a trigger for NPV to go into effect, and we are creeping ever closer toward it.10 When enough states have entered the compact to reach a majority of the electoral votes270 out of 538the compact will then kick in. What are the positive arguments in favor of replacing the existing electoral system with a national popular vote? That line garnered one of her largest roars of applause for the evening. Most people in America want the Electoral College gone, and they want to select a president based on who gets the most votes nationally, polls say. And sure, the last two times the Electoral College has awarded the White House to the popular-vote loser, its been to the Republican Donald Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in 2000. And the most recent major occasion took place in 1969, 1970, when there was a strong bipartisan effort to abolish the electoral college and have us utilize a national popular vote. Do you think that more states or all states should join the compact? Candidates had to go to each state to talk about what they wanted to do for the country because there was no other way to let people know what was happening. Remember what we said back in Myth No. But specifics vary. 5. With the divide between Democrats and Republicans currently in place, the likelihood that this idea will receive any movement any time soon is quite minimal. In the video above, Mr. Wegman argues that the Electoral College is undemocratic. Even though proponents of the Electoral College want it to stay so that every state can have a specific say in the outcome of the election, the candidates are already starting to behave in the same ways that people fear they would when targeting a majority population groups. To understand why, lets start from the point we make above: the Electoral College system currently benefits Republicans, as two Republican presidents in the last 20 years have been elected despite losing the popular vote and that nearly happened a third time this year. Our 230-year-old jerry-built system for picking the president, known as the Electoral College. A few states provide criminal penalties if an elector violates the requirement. What Is the Electoral College and Why Was It Created? - History Iowa farmers might lose out to California union workers since their population numbers are larger. What do you think of Mr. Wegmans arguments? The basis for the Electoral College is found inArticle II, Section 1of the Constitution, which spells out how the president shall be chosen. "There's no realistic chance of a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College," said Jacob Levy, a professor of political theory at McGill University. But its worth taking a closer look at arguments in favor of keeping the status quo. The electoral college ignores the will of the people. Recurring debt ceiling fights will only be solved by budget reform, Amend the Constitution so the candidate who receives the most votes wins. In the video above, we delve into the reasons people give for keeping the Electoral College and why theyre wrong. Smaller States & the entire Midwest would end up losing all power - & we cant let that happen. It is within a states authority under Article II, Section 1 to impose a fine on electors for failing to uphold their pledge, the court said in an 8-1 opinion. Could Washington administer a national recount in the event of a close result? Stanford University. If you submit a question as a comment on this article, we might use it during the live event. Lauren Wesley Wilson Is Making WHCD Weekend More Inclusive, Dylan Mulvaney Wanted To Be An Actor, Not An Activist, Olivia Munn & John Mulaney's Meet Cute 8 Years Ago At A Wedding Is Relatable, 10 Times Tom From 'Succession' Was Actually Mr. Darcy, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Americas auto industry auto industry auto industry At least in part because its located mostly in swing states, like Michigan and Ohio, states whose electoral votes he needed to win. The supporters of the NPV are not hiding their goal: They are trying to circumvent the AK constitutional amendment process and manipulate the Electoral College out of existence.11. If the Electoral College is a racist relic, why has it endured? As the U.S. Government Archives likes to say, the Electoral College is a process, not a place. This structure was placed in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers of the United States as a compromise between having a vote in Congress to elect the President and the election of a candidate by qualified citizens. This system allows minorities to have a bigger microphone for their concerns as well. The effect is to erase all the voters in that state who didnt vote for the top candidate. They do not matter because they have any special civic characteristics. Why? The only difference is that in this unique structure, the voice of the minority can actually shout down the desires of the majority. Getting rid of the Electoral College would radicalize politics. This ensures that smaller rural and industrial communities will have their issues addressed by those seeking office. The issue that could make Joe Biden unelectable is not in his control and is a far greater threat to his re-election than any single policy question. In two of these elections, a. Editors Note: In 2016, we asked two professors to debate whether the Electoral College should cease to be the mechanism used for selecting the U.S. president. So, the state at the median had 19% of the population of the largest state. In August, a panel of the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appealsruleddifferently in a case raising similar issues. Instead of a politician trying to appeal to someone with specific needs, the adoption of a general platform that maximizes votes in urban centers would become the emphasis of each party. There were two additional votes for Sanders that were invalidated in Minnesota and one for Kasich in Colorado. FiveThirtyEight polls-only forecast have predicted. It seems to me that the original system may have been superior to what we now have. # Because the District of Columbia is awarded Electoral College votes under the 23rd Amendment, we include its votes here as if it were a state. You may have heard this one in high school. Those states do get a boost from their two Senate-based electoral votes, but that benefit pales in comparison to the real culprit: statewide winner-take-all laws. Jacob Levy, of McGill University, disagreed with that argument. It would stop the requirement to redistribute the electoral votes. Does this interactive influence how you feel about the Electoral College? There are currently 538 electors up for grabs in an election, which means a majority of 270 is necessary to elect the President. The following table shows how this would have changed the outcome in two contested elections of the 21st century, and how a third would have remained the same. The political game in the United States would change dramatically without the Electoral College present. . But the real interests of small-state voters are never determined by the relative size of the population of their states. What happens if the President-elect fails to qualify before inauguration? The small towns in the United States, along with all of the rural areas, would become marginalized if this system were to be entirely abolished. After reading the article and watching the video, what questions do you have for Mr. Wegman? As we begin the third decade of the 21st century, change benefits the Democrats. Under the current plan, states that join will not activate the compact until enough states have joined to total 270 electoral votes. This reflects how uncommon it is to reach the Oval Office without winning the popular vote; it has only happened four times in United States history. Yes. Abolishing the Electoral College: Since the year 2000, there have been five presidential elections. {{currentYear}} American Bar Association, all rights reserved. When the Founding Fathers built the idea of the Electoral College into the structure of the American government, their idea of information management was very different than what we have today. Blue states give all their electors to the Democrat, no matter how many Republicans voted for their candidate; vice versa in the red states. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Spend some time moving states into the Biden and Trump circles and make notes about what you notice and wonder. Suddenly, every voter will count, no matter where they live. 3) The Electoral . These imbalances effectively ensure that some votes in presidential elections are worth more than others, and as that imbalance scales up across the entire Electoral College, it can (under the right circumstances) provide the recipes for popular vote winners losing the Electoral College. US election 2020: What is the electoral college? - BBC News Well, American democracy operates on a whole collection of cherished ideas and practices, but our system also includes some dusty old artifacts from its founding two centuries ago. [1] Over the years some of them, so-called faithless electors, have deviated from this norm but in 29 states and the District of Colombia state laws exist which bind the electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote. So what would happen if we got rid of the Electoral College? The elected officials of both parties have incentives to choose candidates with an eye toward popular electability and governing skill. Under the current system, voters in each state cast their ballots for electors, of which 270 are necessary to win. In each case, the number of faithless electors who exercised that behavior would not have had a meaningful impact on the outcome. Take the Electoral College, Americas system for picking the president. US election 2020. The Electoral College was created by the framers of the U.S Map. Because the Electoral College is based on the structure of state populations and representation in the House, some people have a vote that carries more weight per delegate than others. Republicans especially worry about tipping the balance away from their party. Based on your understanding, do you believe the Electoral College is democratic? Bill Clinton won the White House in 1992 with only 43% of the vote, and then in 1996 with 49.2%. Having the states play an autonomous role in presidential elections, it is said, reinforces the division of governing authority between the nation and the states. During the 2020 election cycle, there are several candidates who are promising to work on doing just that. The only point in this election where the possibility of either of the candidates losing the popular vote but still claiming an electoral victory was on July 30, when a FiveThirtyEight model showed Clinton clinching the popular vote by less than 1 percent, but still losing to Trump by two electoral votes. Sticking to the electoral college format allows us to use electors as intended instead of relying on all of the votes counting. Back in 1787, when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were trying to figure out how the President should be chosen, some wanted the Congress to choose, and . There can be distinctive advantages to one party in a decade where three election cycles are possible. Throughout our nations history there have been many unwise attempts to abolish the Electoral College, but these proposed constitutional amendments saw little success and unsurprisingly failed to gain traction. Having a state-based system for electing both houses of Congress should be adequate to that task. Instead of having a regional focus that incorporates specific campaigning elements, there would be a national campaign instead. Whether youre Republican or Democrat, the Electoral College is unfair. 3. Do you support this movement? PDF It's time to abolish the Electoral College - Brookings In 2000 Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote against Governor George W. Bush by 543,895. The way the Electoral College actually functions today isnt even enshrined in the Constitution. Polls conducted by Gallup over the past seven decades, with the most recent being from 2013, clearly show the American public's desire to get rid of the whole system. It's just not clear how you could do that.". It's called the national popular vote movement, and it's already been passed into law in many states, totaling 196 electoral votesthe states include big ones like California and New York and small ones like Vermont and Hawaii. Save Our States, The Status of National Popular Vote, https://saveourstates.com/threats/the-status-of-npv (accessed April 17, 2020). Hillary Clinton won. Warren says she wants to get rid of the Electoral College, and vote for president using a national popular vote. Is the Electoral College a Problem? Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency, while 35% favor keeping the current Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 27-July 4, 2022. Despite political challenges to reforming the manner in which the United States selects its president, there is danger in maintaining the status quo. What does arthur schlesinger, jr. say would happen if the electoral (John . "The game will not be any longer to be a [politician who is] liberal but be able to appeal to a rural Ohioan," he said. Only Rutherford Hayes, with a 3% difference, won the electoral college despite being in the minority. In late September, when the Republican nominee's numbers in the polls saw a significant rise and nearly eliminated Clinton's huge post-convention lead, forecasts still had her snatching the election with 17 more electoral votes than her opponent. And even though it is widely acknowledged that the Electoral College is a ticking time bomb that could seriously erode American democracy, none of these attempts has been successful. Support for direct popular election. Getting Rid Of The Electoral College Isn't Easy - Bustle While politicians continue to put major focus on highly-populated urban cities of many states, such as Cleveland, Ohio, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Electoral College pushes candidates to address issues in states as a whole and not just in metropolitan regions. The Electoral College Is At The Heart Of Debate Over Vote - NPR It gives a slight edge to candidates with broad-based support in many states over those who rack up huge majorities in just a few large states. 3Qs: Should the Electoral College be abolished? - News Thats because, regardless of its overall merits, change is always rooted in the politics of the day. The most popular alternative is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). Right now, those circumstances tend to benefit Republicans in the Electoral College, while disadvantaging Democrats who have won the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. How the Electoral College Was Nearly Abolished in 1970 - History Do you think this means the system is broken? The politicians are tapping into what's become a popular position with many voters, especially Democrats. The reasons for the Electoral College may not be relevant any more. Candidates focus on swing states because they actually have a chance of flipping them and winning a bucket of electoral votes. The Electoral College has elected a president who did not win the popular vote twice in the past 20 years, in 2000 and 2016. [2] The compact would then be 43 Electoral College votes short of going into effect. 2016 is on track to be the fifth election in U.S. political history in which the candidate who wins the most votes is not the one elected president -- giving rise to another round of calls to. It wasnt the first time a president won by losing or the second or even the fourth. It said that the Colorado secretary of state erred in removing an elector who cast his vote for then-Ohio Gov. Do you agree with him that the winner-take-all system that most states use for the Electoral College is undemocratic and unfair? 14 Pros and Cons of Abolishing the Electoral College Most states have a winner-take-all system that awards all the votes of a states electors to the presidential candidate who obtains the most votes in that state. The Current Threat | The Heritage Foundation The current system is weighted too heavily in favor of celebrity appeal, demagogic displays and appeals to narrow special interests. Poll: A Majority of Americans Want to Abolish the Electoral College Amending the Electoral College: The 12th Amendment Today that system is threatened by a proposal called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, or. The U.S. Census creates the allocations of electoral votes that each state receives. The Electoral College is not going to be changed, and there are far more urgent and promising topics for reform of our presidential selection system. Maine and Nebraska, however, have enacted the congressional district method, which allocates one electoral vote to the winner of the popular vote in each state-drawn district. This has happened five times in American history. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/news/abanews/publications/youraba/2019/october-2019/q--the-electoral-college--is-it-open-for-interpretation-by-the-c, Trade, Sports & Professional Associations, Affordable Housing & Community Development Law. There have been some unusual elections, such as the 1972 affair when Richard Nixon took 520 electoral votes to George McGoverns 16. m.startribune.com 5. Plenty. There have also been five elections where the eventual president didnt win a majority of the vote, including Trump in 2016. Another 15 legislatures with varying degrees of Republican control would also need to ratify such an amendment for the Electoral College to be removed. Rural Americans would be serfs if we abolished the Electoral College 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for abolishing the Electoral College and moving to a national popular vote: Every vote matters #WarrenTownHall https://t.co/pPFMVywETf pic.twitter.com/yy0J0HgAjc. The Electoral College consists of an elector selection, a group of people who will meet and vote for President and Vice President based on the results of their states election. But under this system, those Republican votes might as well not exist. The main problem with the Electoral College today is not, as both its supporters and detractors believe, the disproportionate power it gives smaller states. For almost the first half century of the republic, presidential candidates were chosen by the caucuses of the two parties in the House and the Senate. The size of a state does not affect our real political preferences, even though the Electoral College system imagines that it does. The Electoral College thus presents democratic risks without serving any of its original purposes. Do you agree? Reagan would almost make a clean sweep in 1984 as well, taking 525 of 538 electoral votes and only losing Minnesota and DC. Article V sets up the manner by which an amendment is passed. "Precisely what it does is proportionately advantages where the people are," Levy said. 2: The founders wanted it this way. Instead, theyre voting for their states representatives in the Electoral College, who will then vote for the president. In addition to the NPVIC discussed above, there are two variations on this theme that could reduce the odds that someone could win the presidency without winning the national popular vote. Now, Trump feels the Electoral College is "far better for the U.S.A." as he wrote Tuesday on Twitter. Younger voters also tended to support abolishing the Electoral College. Myth No. Erdogan's 'polar opposite' wants to replace him as president of Turkey. He makes the case that both Republicans and Democrats should support a change. Theyre swing states. Jesse Wegman, a member of the New York Times editorial board and author of the book Let the People Pick the President: The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College, explains: American democracy isnt just quirky its also unfair. And it confines vote-counting disputes to just one, or maybe a few, states. James Madison, known as the father of the Constitution, was very disturbed by the state winner-take-all rule, which he considered one of the central flaws of the Electoral College as it took shape in the early 19th century. Source: Daily Kos Elections. The group of 16 (as of August 2019) currently control 196 electoral votes together. Trump made a similar argument earlier this week, warning that "smaller states & then entire Midwest would end up losing all power.". Having this structure go away would encourage more third-party development. What Might Make Joe Biden Unelectable Is a Very Scary Threat As we can see from questions posed in two respectable polls, Pew and Gallup, in spite of the fact that majorities support change it is Democrats who support it and Republicans who oppose it. Why did they lose? That probably promotes a more national and less regional vision. And even when that doesn't happen, Wegman sees another problem with the . Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, The Electoral College is a ticking time bomb, Its time to abolish the Electoral College, Two cheers for the Electoral College: Reasons not to abolish it, according to the Congressional Research Service, https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/10/21/can-the-electoral-college-be-subverted-by-faithless-electors/, Policy lessonsand surprisesfrom the Reimagine Rural podcast, Justice Thomas, gift reporting rules, and what a Supreme Court code of conduct would and wouldnt accomplish, Why is federal spending so hard to cut? In May, the Washington State Supreme Courtuphelda state election law that said an elector who did not vote for the candidate he pledged to support could be fined up to $1,000 in civil penalties. For instance, if a hotly contested state like Wisconsin broke for the candidate who lost the popular vote, eight of its ten electoral votes would be added to their tally. Hamilton believed that it would prevent the Office of the President from falling into the lot of a person who was not endowed with the requisite qualifications to serve the American people. In the history of the United States, there have been six presidential elections that would have qualified for this issue and three of them have occurred since 1968. The system calls for the creation, every four years, of a temporary group of electors equal to the total number of representatives in Congress. During the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had 90% of their campaign stops in only 11 states. In the U.S., 65 percent of adults think whoever wins the popular vote should hold the nation's highest office, according to an Atlantic/PRRI poll last year. The tribalism and mob rule, of which the Founders warned would be realized, and the voices of smaller states would become marginalized. 2? But the Electoral College is worse than merely useless. That same view will doubtless color the 2016 election as well. Would the federal government get into the business of administering the elections, or leave that up to state and local officials, as it does today? But explaining exactly how it does this remains a mystery. Instead of dealing with these complications, a simple majority vote would always speak of the will of the people. Why? The founders opted for the Electoral College because the two leading alternatives, election by Congress and by popular vote, were thought to have serious defects. Learn more here. Its just basic fairness. Abolishing the Electoral College would get rid of this confusing process. .just the large States - the Cities would end up running the Country. These states currently total 196 electoral votes, although after the 2020 census is completed, projections suggest a net loss of two seats, lowering that number to 194.
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what would happen if the electoral college was abolished 2023