Your problem of personality emphasis has changed from that of the continuous impressing of your personality attitudes, ideas and desires upon your environment (as was the case in your last life) to an occasional cyclic and almost violent emphasis upon some individual. She moved to . Copyright 1922 by Alice A. Bailey. Is not this your immediate aim, my brother? By the power of their attractive love, they gather together those who are at a point in their evolution where they can respond to that Plan. The seven rays are the first differentiation of this divine triplicity: from three major rays, four minor rays unfold to reveal the sevenfold nature of divinity. Alice and Foster Bailey founded "Lucifer Publishing Company". He stated Bailey accepted Leadbeater's "fantasy" of the return of Christ and disparaged Bailey's Great Invocation, a prayer supposed to "induce Christ and his Masters to leave their hidden ashrams [and] enter into major cities" to lead the Aquarian Age. To do this effectively and correctly, we must all learn to think of each other as souls, and not as human beings.". "I speak not in terms of the Aryan race as it is generally understood today or in its Nordic implications. These differentions are like the colouring that the prism takes when subjected to the rays of the sun. There are many degrees and stages in this experience, and they cover many lives. The soul rayseventh Ray of Ceremonial Order. 4. They focus on creating a group of workers to carry the Plan forward. That ray determines its appearance, purpose, life trend and occupation, while the soul ray has direct action upon the astral body; hence the battlefield of life is ever on the plane of glamour, were told. The influence of the 6th ray has led to the development of taste in all forms. And the courage of the first ray lies behind the Christs promise: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.". She wrote on religious themes, including Christianity, though her writings are fundamentally different from many aspects of Christianity or other orthodox religions. The Arcane School gives instruction and guidance in meditation, via correspondence, based on the ideas in Bailey's books. ", Higher Expression: Christianity and diversified religions. (1880-1949): From her conservative British background, Alice Bailey's life led her in many directions Suffice it to say, that I am a Tibetan disciple of a certain degree, and this tells you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself. Higher Expression: The science of statesmanship, of government. This energy has produced science and led to mans comprehension of the natural world. (In 1932 the school was closed because of personal conflict between Bailey and Froebe-Kapteyn, at which time Froebe-Kapteyn replaced it with the Eranos group. "[114] But she did speak of Masters as having evolved beyond the human level, and expounded a cosmology of a living universe in which even planets and stars are regarded as living entities. Their belief is that they receive divine energy through meditation and that this energy is transmitted to humanity, so raising spiritual awareness. Bailey was born as Alice La Trobe-Bateman, in Manchester, England. One leading critic writing in the 1980s is Christian activist Constance Cumbey (1944-). This school provides educational correspondence, meditation instruction, and guided study based on her writings. If you continue to use this site we assume that you will be happy. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. "[14] In 1919, Foster Bailey (18881977), who was to be her second husband, became National Secretary of the Theosophical Society. [24], Bailey continued to work up to the time of her death in 1949. "[28] The seven rays also appear in Hindu religious philosophy. This is now only occasional (relatively speaking). Hopes for a new utopian age were prevalent in Europe, Britain and America in the 1920s and 30s, at a time when the occult and spirituality to some degree fused. The ray of your mental body is also the first ray. called the "preparatory" phase of the teaching. by Sharon Fish. This is the true relation of the personality to the soul. That "action" included support of the United Nations. [45] Rosemary Keller described the Great Invocation as a call for "the Christ to return to Earth" and wrote that Bailey-related groups purchased radio and television time to broadcast the invocation as part of their mission, and that often the invocation was recited in what Keller called "light groups", to accomplish what Bailey's disciples considered to be attracting and focusing "spiritual energies to benefit the planet". This is the coordinating capacity which unifies inner quality and outer tangible form or appearance. It is the courage of sure knowledge, held steadily and without questioning in the midst of difficulty and discomfort. The glamourous idea of initiation as a reward for a good, self-disciplined way of life, dissipates in the light of the reality. She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, or spirit entity identified as Djwal Khul. [26] The rays are described as related to human psychology, the destiny of nations, as well as the planets and stars of the heavens. The field of energy we call the soul absorbs, dominates or utilises the lesser energy we call the personality (itself composed of four energies). She left with their three children after formal separation in 1915. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Generally speaking, in the case of most people the mental body is governed by rays 1,4,or 5; the astral body by 2 or 6; and the physical by ray 3 or 7. As your emotional body is, however, on the sixth ray (as was your soul when you came into incarnation) it is there that the emphasis of the soul has been and there has been for you the line of least resistance. The past 2000 years have produced fantastic gains in the understanding of what were, to early man, "magical" realms. There is nothing in the whole solar system, at whatever stage of evolution, which does not belong and has not always belonged to one of the seven rays. [40][self-published source?] Gradually and increasingly, the soul ray, the ray of persistent and magnetic grasp, as it is occultly called, begins to become more active. Alice Bailey had been one of the people that tried to become the leader of the Theosophical movement, but she lost out to Annie Besant, and she founded what she called the Lucifer Trust in America. The first in the series of three interpretations of the Ageless Wisdom teachings planned by the Hierarchy and entrusted to the Tibetan Master, was given to the world through H.P. Bailey also established the "Triangles" program to bring people together in groups of three to meditate daily. The Arcane School, founded by Alice and Foster Bailey to disseminate spiritual teachings, organizes a worldwide "Triangles" program to bring people together in groups of three, for daily meditation and study. Advanced souls, disciples, occasionally will choose a different ray for a particular body than the ones Ive just cited, but its always a good idea to begin with the premise that one is fairly ordinary, dont you think? (Tansley attributed the source of his model to Alice Bailey's theosophical commentary on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the locus classicus of Hindu teaching. With absolute dedication to purpose, Alice Bailey presented the teachings of the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, known as the Ageless Wisdom, to the world in a way that was needed at that time. [citation needed], The many claims and teachings of the spin-off groups underscores their divergences, for example there appears to be a widespread confusion about the phrase and meaning of "Ascendant Master" in that it was adopted by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet but not by Theosophists or Alice Bailey. The energies which emanate from what is esoterically called the "heart of the sun" sweep through the planets in seven great streams and pour into human soul producing what we call awareness. ", Alice Bailey sums up process of integration as follows: "As the three rays which govern the lower triplicity blend and synthesise and produce the vital personality, and as they in their turn dominate the ray of the dense physical body, the lower man enters into a prolonged condition of conflict. The ray of the personalitysixth Ray of Devotion. [1] She moved to the United States in 1907, where she spent most of her life as a writer and teacher. So the progression is: 1st ray servers register ideas, which are then rendered attractive by 2nd ray servers, and adapted to immediate need and rendered vocal by 3rd ray workers. The 1st ray is the most powerful force in the world today. She believed that the influences of religions, philosophies, sciences, educational movements, and human culture in general are the result of this relationship. Hold fast to the Truth as a lamp. These ideas may partially account for an association in minds of some between Bailey, and others of the Theosophical schools, and UFOs. Every human being is swept into manifestation on the impulse of some ray, and is coloured by that ray quality, which determines his form and indicates the way that he should go. Your personality ray is the sixth. ", later identified as Djwal Khul. "God is love" is a great truth, for love is the basic law of this solar system. 7th ray The energy of Ceremonial Order. When the personality ray becomes pronounced and dominant, and the rays of the three bodies are subordinated to it, then the great fight takes place between soul and personality ray. The rays in time produce the world pattern, the inner potency of evolutionary process. ", "PERSPECTIVE ON THE MILLENNIUM; SEEDS OF APOCALYPSE ARE AMONG US; THE 'INSANITY' OF SO-CALLED CULTS IS MORE INTENSE BUT NOT DIFFERENT FROM THE BELIEFS OF MANY AMERICANS", All the books of Alice A. Bailey can be read online at Lucis Trust, The "Jewish Problem" (interpreted by some to be anti-Semitic). Lower Expression: Modern educational systems and mental science. Essentially, it is the refiner, the producer of perfection within the form so that the objective world becomes a true house of Light. Together Alice Bailey andThe Tibetan produced 19 books of esoteric philosophy,and Alice Bailey wrote five additional titles The task of new age workers is to bring these two apparent opposites together, to demonstrate that spirit and matter are not antagonistic to each other, and that throughout the world there is only spiritual substance, working on and producing the outer tangible forms. As the 7th ray pours in, we are seeing the increasing focus on sexuality not always a pretty picture, but because the 7th ray governs the fusion of spirit and matter, surely it will lead to a wiser approach to sexuality. [18] According to Theosophist Josephine Maria Davies Ransom, she became part of a progressive "Back to Blavatsky movement, led mainly by Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bailey". Therefore, your rays are as follows: 1. 1st ray energy streams from Shamballa and lies behind the present world crisis, for "It is the Will of God to produce certain radical and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter mans attitude to life", Alice Bailey said. 27 . [102] He continued a close association with Bailey during the 1930s; some of his writings were published in Bailey's magazine The Beacon; and he was a trustee of Bailey's organization, the Lucis Trust. Blavatsky & Alice Baily. 3rd ray The energy of Active Intelligence or, to reverse it, intelligent activity; the intelligent use of form building, of all creative effort, to reveal divine purpose. [122], In 1975, Todd Rundgren released an album titled Initiation which has a song called "Initiation" on side one. Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan's Glamour: A World Problem is also directly cited in the liner notes to Morrison's album Inarticulate Speech of the Heart. Alice Bailey, along with Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti, brought Theosophical teachings to their own audiences, helping to perpetuate continuing interest in the Ageless Wisdom. Alice Bailey provides us with a map. This ray primarily involves the etheric levels and thus governs the true magical work - the spiritualising of forms. Parallels between Theosophy and Bailey are many, for instance, one principle of Theosophy, the Law of Attraction was discussed in esoteric writings by Blavatsky,[54] Annie Besant,[55] William Quan Judge,[56] and others;[57][58] and was also discussed in the writings of Alice Bailey, including a whole chapter in one of her books. The qualities which you should cultivate are persistence, expansion, and strength, applied with love. [12] Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society. "[67] For Bailey, the evolution of humanity was intimately bound up with its relationship to this Spiritual Hierarchy. Summary: A compilation of information on several noted Masters, Avatars and well-known spiritual teachers throughout history. He reported that, "There is no particular religious practice connected with the meeting, although the New Age Prayer derived from the Alice Bailey writings is used as an invocation. Alice Bailey's writings downplayed traditional devotional and religious aspects of the spiritual life, in favor of a life of meditation, service to humanity, and cooperation with "the Plan of the Hierarchy The whole process of healing is directed by thought, the mind of the healer and sometimes emotional synergy to inhibit causes of disease. [29][30], Esoteric astrology is part of Alice Bailey's "Ageless Wisdom" teachings, which she said were relayed by her Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. Though often referred to as the Robert Muller School, the preface of The World Core Curriculum clarifies that the Robert Muller School is founded on the ideas of Alice Bailey and The Tibetan: "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the . Perhaps at this point it would make the psychology of the seven rays more meaningful if we consider them in terms of individuals. For instance, Christopher Partridge wrote of this association as "easily transferred". The essence of the 7th ray is found in the familiar aphorism of Hermes Trismegistus: "As above so below." Alice A. Bailey delivered the second transmission of the Ageless Wisdom for the New Era. [original research? Ray IV Few 4th ray souls are in incarnation, but many 4th ray personalities are. The Science of the Antahkarana is concerned with the problem of the continuity of consciousness and with the problem of life and death. ), Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis, was a lecturer at School of Spiritual Research. They investigate the form in order to find its hidden idea, its motivating power, by proving the idea either true or false. One ray is fostering crystallisation and the perpetuation of the existing culture, and one is fostering the creation of something entirely new out of the present world upheaval. ", 6th ray The energy of Devotion or Idealism. Christ prophesied this when he said the hidden things would be made plain, and secrets shouted from the housetops. This devoted, idealistic one-pointedness is an aid to you in your soul's enterprise. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavour in art and science. Alice Ann Bailey (June 16, 1880 - December 15, 1949) was a writer on spiritual, occult, esoteric and religious themes who was among the first to popularize the terms New Age and Age of Aquarius. [10] The marriage did not last and Bailey pushed for and received a divorce. [18] Bailey "objected to the 'neo-Theosophy' of Annie Besant" and worked with Foster Bailey to gain more power in the American Section. Three of these compilations offer quotations from a full range of the themes covered in the books. That condition is now definitely ameliorated. Bailey's teachings revolve around the central concept of the Second Coming of a personal Christ, the so-called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" who is the "World Teacher" for humanity and who is said to be preparing his "return" or "reappearance" on the world scene. 2nd ray The energy of Love-Wisdom the desire or love of Deity. [104][105][106][107][108] However, authors John Firman and Ann Gila write that Assagioli kept what he referred to as a "wall of silence" between the areas of psychosynthesis and religion or metaphysics, insisting that they not be confused with each other. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de rduction . [27] Its job is to transmit the seven rays from the heart of the Sun through the seven spirits before the [solar] throne to all the life waves of the Solar System. Works containing the prefatory Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan, generally taken to indicate the book was a "received" work. [6] She was also cited in THERAPEUTIC TOUCH: Healing Science or Psychic Midwife? [123] Morrison also used the phrase "world of glamour", reminiscent of Bailey's Glamour: A World Problem, in the songs "Ivory Tower" and "Green Mansions". "[10] For a more recent example of Bailey/Theosophy division, see Theosophy in Scandinavia. Bailey's works, written between 1919 and 1949, describe a wide-ranging neo-Theosophical system of esoteric thought covering such topics as how spirituality relates to the Solar System, meditation, healing, spiritual psychology, the destiny of nations, and prescriptions for society in general. The 1st ray also expresses as a destructive element. You have a first ray physical body. We are told that there is no true 1st ray type in incarnation yet, due to its potency. [83], Despite her focus on unity of religion, Bromley and Hammond point out that Bailey and other "occultists" "hammered home the central idea, 'The East is the true home of spiritual knowledge and occult wisdom'."[84]. (Notice here relation to Ray II.). Please see Letters on Occult Meditation by Alice Bailey, available from Lucis Publishing. This contrasts with the Theosophy of Blavatsky, he says, which emphasizes reliance on "the Christos principle within each person". The Theosophical Society states that Bailey became involved in 1917. The 3rd ray cycle is also very long because intelligence must be stimulated in even "the lowest of the sons of men". If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of the intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. Her esoteric astrology deals with the evolution of soul consciousness and the obstacles to that evolution. "[96] (p. 65)[97] (p. 557) The differences between Theosophy, Bailey and Elizabeth Clare Prophet can be noted in connection with Elizabeth Clare Prophet's radical concepts of catastrophic change and survivalism, including the building of fall-out shelters. Ask yourself, does my mind express power easily (1st), or does it strive for balance by seeing many different points of view (4th), or does it crave detail and tend to observe with detachment (5th)? From this description of the seven rays, we should be starting to realise that its not all about us the seven rays arent relevant only to human individuals but to whole societies and other kingdoms. In the brain of the man who is a developed personality, an increased awareness of vibration is set up. Alice Ann Bailey (16. keskuuta 1880 - 15. joulukuuta 1949, alun perin Alice LaTrobe Bateman) oli englantilainen teosofi, . This D.K. But the shift of your soul energy on to the second ray will now most definitely offset this and lead to a condition of focussed stability. [116], Christopher Partridge wrote that the works of Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, and Theosophy in general all influenced what he called the "UFO religions". Lower Expression: Architectural construction. Alice Bailey is known as one of the prophetesses of the New Age Movement. This ray endows man with the capacity to see the ideal, the reality behind the form. Though Bailey's writings differ in some respects to the Theosophy of Madame Blavatsky, they have much in common with it. Two of these rays are struggling for expression - one incoming (7th) and one outgoing (6th). Therefore, some one colour predominates, and some one tone sounds forth, Alice Bailey said: "Each vibrating unit of energy can say: I am part of a divine whole, which in its sevenfold nature expresses the love and life of the One Reality, coloured by one of the seven qualities of the love of Deity and responsive to the other qualities." They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true intuitives. All else is sealed to them; they vision only one picture; their horizon is limited to only one point of the compass. Each ray governs a particular centre, giving a predisposition to certain strengths and weaknesses. Blavatsky between the years 1875 and 1890--fifteen years. I know that this will give you much food for thought and instigate you to renewed purpose in your life endeavour. Interestingly, when a ray cycle passes out, the lower manifestation of that ray lingers on longer than the higher expression. Your personality ray is the first, the Ray of Will or Power. It is very easy to mistake the map for the territory. Alice A. Bailey. Bailey was born as Alice La Trobe-Bateman, in Manchester, England. Introduction to the New Psychology based on the teachings of Alice A. Bailey and Master D.K., On the Way to the Source, Elly Lichtenberg, Marc Thiessens, Synthse. ",[22] After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co."[23] (The Theosophical Society also used the name "Lucifer" for its early magazine.) Midway between the two forces he stands, a conscious tiny point of awareness and light. To most of humanity, this vision has focused on the material world, material comfort, material possessions and material enterprises. Bailey 1951 p.1. Below the surface was a hidden controversy regarding Alice's work with the Tibetan. Her books are in fact "rooted in the pseudo-theosophy pioneered by C. W. ("'Lucifer' and 'Lucis' come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin genitive case meaning of light. 5th ray The energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science. The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation witha Tibetan teacher during the thirty years 19191949,constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom a bodyof esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times ina form suitable to each era. Alice Bailey was wise to make the change, but it came too late to avert the outrage of evangelical Christians who, in the 1980s, used the original name of the publishing company as a basis to their argument that Alice Bailey was possessed by the antichrist. The ray of the physical bodyfirst Ray of Will or Power. Alice Ann Bailey. In the theosophical teachings of Alice Bailey, there is a powerful being living inside the Sun serving the Solar Logos called the Avatar of Synthesis. It aids and inaugurates the new age, based on spiritual drive and aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm. Alice Ann Bailey was a writer of more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects and was one of the first writers to use the term New Age. The soul is regarded as the reflection of the real self that works through or uses the three aspects of personality. Gershom also wrote that "This stereotyped portrayal of Jews is followed by a hackneyed diatribe against the Biblical Hebrews, based upon the "angry Jehovah" theology of nineteenth-century Protestantism. Thus, the 6th ray is expressing now through the reactionary forces, clashing with the progressive forces of the incoming 7th ray which are seeking to govern and which would take world civilisation in drastically different directions. [6][11], Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Higher Expression: All forms of white magic. People who are new to the Alice Bailey books. While this process of soul control is being perfected, the ray types of the personality vehicles steadily emerge, the ray of the personality begins to control, and the soul ray begins finally to dominate and subdue the personality. "[71] She also noted what she called Bailey's (and Theosophy's) "pro-fascist religious views", such as the belief in a secret elite of "Masters" who influence world events and human minds through occult means and attempt to bring about the evolution of an Aryan race (although this is an understandably modern misunderstanding of her teaching 'Aryan' as used by Bailey is easily confused with the modern terminology, and the "Masters" are not an elite, but instead are 'enlightened' individuals originally introduced in theosophy as having evolved beyond the human or "4th kingdom" into the fifth or "Kingdom of souls", and who in her view guide the human race as a whole). [112] This is not surprising since Alice Bailey's books were written between 1919 and 1949[113] and "the emergence of religion specifically focused on UFOs is a post-1947 phenomena. The radio, telephone, telegraph and the power to travel. Born Alice A. But not otherwise. These servers can select and train those who can "carry" the idea deeper into humanity. She said "The endless diversity of forms hides a subjective synthesis. The entire second side of the album is taken up by a song called "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire"; the three parts of the song are listed as: "I. Neither has initiation for the disciple anything to do . . Lower Expression: Spiritualism emphasis on form, "phenomena.". Sources include Benjamin Creme and Share International Foundation, and the Alice A. Bailey teachings. Arjuna emerges into the battlefield. All major nations are governed by two rays, just as an individual is a personality ray, which is the dominant and controlling factor at this time, and by a soul ray which is sensed only by the disciples and aspirants of any nation. "[74], Researcher Hannah Newman described what she found to be an antisemitic element in the Great Invocation. This is the only vehicle or energy of expression in your equipment which is on one of the major rayslater, in your next life, it will be necessary for you to shift the centre of your egoic or soul attention on to the second ray.