Ioannidis, J. P. A. Robert J. McDonald, Google Scholar. Frontiers ranked 3rd most-cited with an average of 4.8 citations per article. See Tables1, 2 and 3; Figs. In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers. The calculation is number of citations / number of papers, where papers is defined as regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes. The negative effects of citing with a national orientation in terms of recognition: National and international citations in natural-sciences papers from Germany, the Netherlands, and UK. The difference between research influence and self-citation excess, $${\text{Threshold}} = \left[ {{\text{Q}}3} \right] + \left[ {\left( {{\text{Q}}3 - {\text{Q}}1} \right)*N} \right]$$,, How hot are hot papers? Social crowdsourcing tools such as Scholarometer have been proposed to address this need. Zhao and Strotmann (2018) argued, on the basis on in-text analysis, that self-citations may be more important than other types of citation. Heneberg, P. (2016). Price-to-Rent Ratio in the 50 Largest U.S. Cities - 2021 Edition ), countries represented by the authors of the citing works, subject focus or discipline of the citing works. 2019; Peroni et al. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(2), 102105. discover how a known idea or innovation has been confirmed, applied, improved, extended, or corrected.. Journal of Education and Social Policy,2, 7579. (2006). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,61(7), 14401463. Seven myths in bibliometrics about facts and fiction in quantitative science studies. In fields such as Molecular Biology and Psychiatry/Psychology, there are no significant outliers in the sample: every researcher portfolio is included within the continuous range, albeit with some slightly above the core of the normal range. Not to be confused with. For the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers analysis, the papers included in the preliminary data development were those published and cited during 20082018. This would seemingly be an impactful factor in how often these articles are being cited. Snyder, H., & Bonzi, S. (1998). Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): A new metric that uses citation rates to measure influence at the article level. For this exercise, ISI always uses full author counts rather than any variant form of fractional counting because the issue is a binary question of whether or not an author has self-cited. This dataset has particular value. 2018; Baccini et al. Measuring research. Fong, E. A. Bar plots show the total number of citations received in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019, with Frontiers journals in blue. Like all impact metrics, vulnerable to gamification (e.g.. Understanding Core Data - Baselines & Percentiles Citations, Citation Indicators, and Research Quality: An Overview of Thus, an articles focus on Covid-19 seems to be a primary driver of increased citations for these articles compared to those that do not deal with a Covid-19 related topic. PLoS ONE, 11(4), article number e0153730. We compared this to the papers under Article that WOS captured over the same 3-month period for that journal. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science,22(1), 114. Narin (1976) saw another possible method for manipulating the citation record: If citation analysis becomes an accepted, universal method of evaluating research utilization, scientists may conspire with their colleagues to cite one another to effect an increase in their individual citation counts. So the RCR would be 9 citations per year / 6 citations per year = 1.5. 2018; van Raan 2019). Gaming the metrics: Misconduct and manipulation in academic research. 2: r=0.55, N=240 researchers, P<0.001) and for the ESI field of Engineering (r=0.59, N=225 researchers, P<0.001). Wilsdon, J., Allen, E., Belfiore, E., Campbell, P., Curry, S., Hill, S., et al. (2009). The battle to define the meaning of a citation. Research Policy,48(2), 478491. An explanatory and interpretive example for Chemistry, which had 240 Highly Cited Researchers in the 2019 dataset, is shown in Fig. Additionally, citation rate for Covid-19 papers has been assessed previously without direct comparison to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals [20]. In the early days of January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a bulletin that brought attention to 44 new cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology that had appeared at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China [1]. One way that these effects may be observed is through the influence that Covid-19 papers will have on JIF. Scientometrics,67(2), 263277. In the past, as here, attention has been given to self-citation in isolation but in fact the co-authors also benefit. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(9), 19231932. We emphasize the labelling we use for these two because there is potential confusion in the terms self citing and self cited, which have been used elsewhere. Do citations provide a full narrative of meaningful health outcomes? Campanario, J. M. (2011). Outliers beyond the high-end group in some but not all categories, and where occurrence is unrelated to sample size. Narin, F. (1976). This is an increase of 64% over the previous year. 2010; Cooke and Donaldson 2014; Huang and Lin 2011; Schubert 2016; Galvez 2017; Hyland and Jiang 2018; Mishra et al. The linear thresholds were therefore plotted on the log-plots rather than calculating a log-normal value which would have been very inclusive with few indicative outliers. It is important to recognize that citation counts grow over time. 2019; Simoes and Crespo 2020). If, therefore, a self-citation is interpreted primarily as self-reward, the distance to self-promotion is not far away, and that behavior rubs up against the norm of disinterestedness which proscribes self-aggrandizement (Merton 1942). Amidst all of this, there has been an explosion of peer-reviewed literature about Covid-19 as researchers work to uncover details such as structure, infectivity, spread, effects, prevention, and treatment of this novel virus. (2015). Metrics of Social Impact Based on Twitter and Correlation with Traditional Metrics of Scientific Impact", "Measuring Up: Impact Factors Do Not Reflect Article Citation Rates", "Ditching Impact Factors for Deeper Data", "The effect of open access and downloads ('hits') on citation impact: a bibliography of studies", "Comparing the Impact of Open Access (OA) vs. Non-OA Articles in the Same Journals", "Citation Advantage of Open Access Articles", "Ten-Year Cross-Disciplinary Comparison of the Growth of Open Access and How It Increases Research Citation Impact", "Self-Selected or Mandated, Open Access Increases Citation Impact for Higher Quality Research", "Open access publishing, article downloads, and citations: randomised controlled trial", "The impact factor of an open access journal does not contribute to an article's citations", "Universality of citation distributions: Toward an objective measure of scientific impact", "Scholarometer: A Social Framework for Analyzing Impact across Disciplines", "What a difference a colon makes: how superficial factors influence subsequent citation", 20.500.11755/2fd7fc12-1766-4ddd-8f19-1d2603d2e11d, "Evaluation by Citation: Trends in Publication Behavior, Evaluation Criteria, and the Strive for High Impact Publications", "Psychology and Wikipedia: Measuring Psychology Journals' Impact by Wikipedia Citations", "Psychology and Wikipedia: Measuring journals' impact by Wikipedia citations", "Research Quality, Publications and Impact in Civil Engineering into the 21st Century. [15], Citation distribution is skewed for journals because a very small number of articles is driving the vast majority of citations; therefore, some journals have stopped publicizing their impact factor, e.g. Soares, J. Consequently, citation rates should not be Mathematics is a relatively small ESI field (97 Highly Cited Researchers) and it is possibly composed of a number of distinct sub-fields (see Bensman et al. This libguide provides guidance on metrics and reports that can be used to quantify performance and impact based on publication data. Citation rates are heavily dependent on the discipline and the number of people working in that area. Scopus also offers a Citation Tracker feature that allows for a listing of articles, web sources and patents that cite a particular publication since 1996. Because of extreme skews, thresholds can only be indicative under any circumstances. The list below shows median cap rates for the entire Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) for select property types. To calculate the RCR, we first need to determine the average annual citation rate for the article (citations / years). Schubert, A., Glnzel, W., & Thijs, B. (2019). (1983). Citations can be an indicator of publication significance, utility, attention, visibility or short-term impact but analysts need to confirm whether a high citation count for an individual is a genuine reflection of influence or a consequence of extraordinary, even excessive, self-citation. Across eight selected fields, the median citation for a Covid-19 paper approaches six times that of a non-Covid-19 paper within the same journals. Though our method of locating Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 papers in the selected journals was more expedient, manual scouring of the journals themselves over the 24 months would have optimized both the sensitivity and specificity of locating and comparing the most comprehensive list of publications possible. Communism, universalism and disinterestedness: Re-examining contemporary support among academics for Mertons scientific norms. We measure and communicate a range of metrics, including Impact Factor, CiteScore, overall citation rate, aggregate views and downloads, and news and social media mentions. Green and gold open access citation and interdisciplinary advantage: A bibliometric study of two science journals. For the scope of this paper, we used papers categorized as Article or Review in our WOS search to ensure that we were focusing on original works and evidence-based literature. Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Contributed equally to this work with: We found that there a significant correlation between the values for individual researchers. 2012; Adams 2013; Tang et al. Types of items Journals included Time periods for counts Average Citation Rates Thresholds Types of items counted Papers are defined as regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes. Scientometrics,54(2), 285290. A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field. A citation rate is the average number of citations received by a group of papers published in one research field in a given year. What do citation counts measure? 2010; Gul et al. (2017). Kaplan, N. (1965). Summary data for the key parameters of the distribution of average rates for all fields are shown in Figs. This quantitative aspect of growth of research fields may lead to higher average citation rates for early publications within the field, compared to publications of the same age in fields with less growth. Elsevier Scopus provides traditional citation counts, the Field Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) and benchmarking. A., Bresciani, K., Ramos, T., De Matos, L., Castellane, P., & Cerdeira, M. (2015). Researchers are ranked by publication count within field and then a cut-off is applied at the threshold set by the square root calculation. The IQR-related threshold tested in this analysis is highly conservative: it seeks to attach as many researcher portfolios as possible to the central range and to establish where the potentially most egregious outliers are located. The authors are employees of the Institute for Scientific Information, which is a part of Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the Web of Science Group. Are 90% of academic papers really never cited? Reviewing the literature Andersen, J. P., Schneider, J. W., Jagsi, R. & Nielsen, M. W. (2019). In our sample, the database captured about three-quarters of the papers that should be included but is more precise in labeling only reports of research on original work as Article. While our research reveals the substantial degree to which Covid-19 articles are being cited in top journals relative to non-Covid-19 articles, the effect on journals themselves remains to be seen. The narrow definition would require a specific authors name on both citing and cited documents; the broad view would describe a self-citation as any instance in which any author name appears on the two (scientist B, without scientist A as an author, citing a paper by scientist A and B), sometimes called all-author to all-author self-citation. van Raan, A. F. J. The proportion was 2% in 2020 and it increased to 7% in 2021. The total citation impact, mean citation impact and the factors contributing to 2-year and 5-year citation rate were established. Our impact metrics reflect the power of research that is open to all. To establish a comparison that was more evenly matched in terms of article volume, randomization software on Microsoft Excel was used to select a sample of non-Covid-19 papers from each journal to create a 1:1 comparison of citation rates between non-Covid and Covid papers. Is collaboration among scientists related to the citation impact of papers because their quality increases with collaboration? ScienceDirect is a database that contains over 25% of the worlds science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information (journals and books) published by Elsevier and other publishers. Previous studies have looked at citation rates for preprints of Covid-19 papers [17] and quality of evidence contained within published Covid-19 articles [18, 19]. That is to say: a test threshold value is set above the third quartile (Q3) boundary equivalent to N times the inter-quartile range (Q3Q1). PLoS ONE 17(7): Keep in mind that citation rates are calculated from the citation counts of Mathematics has a lower Citation Bartneck, C., & Kokkelmans, S. (2011). The 2020 Journal Impact Factors,published in the 2021 Journal Citation Report, are based on citations in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019. The rhetoric-first model. Negative binomial regression output reporting independent variable effects on citation count, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US. A younger person with few publications would not generally exhibit high rates of self-citation. Before considering what rates or levels of self-citation are excessive and suggestive of citation manipulation, we need to consider the definition of self-citation and the factors apart from merit or manipulation that influence the extent of self-citation in the literature. Results The search identified 296 articles of reporting guidelines . Brooks, T. A. 2010). There are too many studies to list, some dealing with broad and others with specific fields, and differing with respect to time windows, but a few may be mentioned with the statistics they report: 9% overall, 15% for the physical sciences, 6% for the social sciences, and 3% for the humanities, using co-author self-citation (Snyder and Bonzi 1998); 11%, using author self-citation (Fowler and Aksnes 2007); roughly 15% of references and 13% of citations, using co-author self-citation (Sugimoto and Larivire 2018); about 13%, using co-author self-citation (Mishra et al. Hyland, K. (2003). Those citations are from articles published between 2008 and the present. A Cited Reference Search will provide the number of times a particular publication has been cited in the Web of Science database since its publication. This is very important when considering tests for outliers. Key parameters for analysing the distributions of the frequency of self-references among Highly Cited Researchers (20082018) by Essential Science Indicator fields. When quoting verse, maintain original line breaks. Lin, W. Y. C., & Huang, M. H. (2012). The Thomas theorem and the Matthew effect. We first need to add up the number of citations the article has received the year it was published and the 3 calendar years following its publication (i.e., 2017 to the end of December, 2020). Chorus, C. & Waltman, L. (2016). 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the Appendix that: The central normal range is similar, except in Engineering and Mathematics; The value of the low statistical threshold is well defined at the high end of the normal range, where the continuous distribution often breaks; Many but not all fields have some outlier values that lie above the high threshold. Typically, the 11-year average is approximately half that for papers from 2000 cited from that year to 2010. For example, it has been shown that the number of citations received by a publication, once properly rescaled by its average across articles published in the same discipline and in the same year, follows a universal log-normal distribution that is the same in every discipline. The Journal Impact Factor is the average number of citations received in the last year to articles published in the previous two years.