They do not include all of the funds available for each category. In 2021, he received the Mary Erlanger Graduate Fellowship. After vet school, he completed his intern year in Large Animal Field Services at UGA, and a three-year residency and masters program in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences at Auburn University. Within these fields, she would like to continue to work in examining the structural inequalities that contribute to and/or interact with the victimization of at-risk populations. Mariam Fatehi joined the University of Georgia in 2016. In Spring 2021, June served as a Graduate Lab Assistant to gain experiential teaching opportunities. We offer financial support to assist building projects in schools. Established in 1910, the University of Georgia Graduate School coordinates the graduate programs of all schools and colleges at the University of Georgia. Campus Index Libraries In these influential 2023-24 rankings, nine College of Engineering & Computer Science graduate programs rank in the top 75 in the nation in their respective fields. She has had a high amount of training in multidisciplinary research integrating social work, economics, and gerontology from her Ph.D. program at the UGA SSW and varying workshops which has helped her realize her career goal. This interest was a main driver in Peters decision to attend UGA. Notably, in April 2021, she also presented a virtual talk about her thesis research at the annual Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting (SERYM) hosted by Vanderbilt University. The purpose of this fellowship is to recruit, support, and encourage exceptional graduate-level students who will study and conduct research in all fields, with preference given to doctoral students at the University of Ge Diane Klement Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Emme Collett Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering, Erin Quinn Human Development and Family Science, Madeline Melton Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Ryan Rimple Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Yujun Lin Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors. Limeng (Momo) Xie, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Plant Biology, was admitted through the Integrated Plant Science (IPS) program. MR uses genetic variants to turn observational data into a pseudo-randomized controlled trial. In the future, she hopes to direct her own psychology lab at a research-intensive institution and serve as a faculty member. Peter Cassels is a graduate student and aspiring mathematician originally from Chelmsford, Massachusetts and now in his first-year at the math Ph.D. program at the University of Georgia. The tripartite mission of the Graduate School is: to enhance the quality of graduate education across all programs, assist faculty and administrators in building world-class graduate programs, and support graduate students by providing outstanding discipline-specific training and broader professional development. Research in the field of social work also contributes to Ms. Woodiwiss ultimate goal of advocacy, service, and becoming a mentor to other women pursuing higher education. With these learnings and experiences, he is hopeful for achieving his career goals. In addition, he assisted his supervisor with the Department of Energy (DoE) project as a student lead. A Collaboration with Graduate Students, Pre-service Teachers, and In-service Teachers (2023-2024). In the lab of Dr. Eric Harvill, Colleen investigates the neonatal immune response to Bordetella pertussis, better known as whooping cough, which primarily infects babies and is potentially fatal. Preference is given to doctoral students. The definition of under representation should be discipline-specific and may include such factors as gender, race/ethnicity, military veteran status, disability, or first-generation student status. Covington, S., Medine, C. 2022. Wanting to devote his scholarly attention to developing and testing social geometric theory, Daniel decided to pursue his Ph.D. at UGA under the mentorship of Dr. Mark Cooney. Shuyang Wang is currently a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Educational Administration and Policy Program at Mary Frances Early College of Education. He is originally from Nepal where he completed his bachelors and came to the US for his higher studies in 2017. She also rotated in the Kissinger Research Group and has chosen Dr. Jessica Kissingers lab to complete her Ph.D. thesis on the Toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial genome structure and DNA replication and repair mechanisms. Originally from Seattle, Washington, Molly received her B.A. Her most recent projects have been exploring the Dark Triad (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism) from the perspective of the most widely used model of personality, the Five Factor Model. His masters project continued his work on SIRS, investigating alternative therapies for horses, and was recognized as the best large animal resident abstract at the International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium in 2020. Anyas dissertation investigates womens land access in the context of a hydroelectric project and adjacent conservation area in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Graduate Students: 1. In 2021, Byers was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. After several years of work as a power system operator in China, he came to UGA for the pursuit of a doctoral degree in 2019. The 2022 UGA Tifton Campus Award recipients . At UGA, she is pursuing a Quantitative Methods certificate to apply rigorous statistics to real-world problems and innovate ways to test them through social psychology. Students are required to have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. He is affiliated with the University of Georgias School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Engineering Education Transformational Institute. She collaborates with UGAs Institute of Gerontology and their exciting new CARE Clinic, and is a neuropsychology extern at Emory Brain Health Center in their innovative Cognitive Empowerment Program. Current recipients of this award are eligible to be nominated again (competitive renewal). Annas work has been supported by the Animal Behavior Society, American Society of Mammalogists, Georgia Museum of Natural History, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and the Zion Forever Project. Olivia Thompson selected as a recipient of the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year. Recipients are chosen based on merit, and first preference will be given to entering graduate students wishing to pursue an advanced Engineering degree. He is broadly interested in classification problems in these areas, which often involves finding computable invariants that help distinguish different types of mathematical objects such as manifolds, varieties, representations of algebraic structures, and spaces of solutions to number-theoretic equations. Prior to starting his graduate degree, Zack worked in industry as a software engineer and data scientist, developing mathematical programming libraries for motion and computer graphics in 3-dimensional space, and predictive machine-learning models based on demographic and spatial data. Requirements are exemplary leadership and academic accomplishment. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013 . Research conducted in the Cotton Physiology lab at UGA was in tandem with Veds research interests and motivated him to join UGA for a Ph.D. degree. She is also a recipient of UGAs Summer Graduate Research Grant, one of the many ways that UGA supports and fosters student research. After graduating from the University of Georgia this coming spring (2023), Morgan Richardson Dietz intends to teach at university level and begin revising her dissertation for publication. Kenya has over a decade of experience as an epidemiologist with her research interests centering on examining structural barriers impacting maternal and child survival. This research reexamines property relations in a non-Western context, including how individuals make land claims based on their social status and circumstances. Recipients must be a native of South Georgia, enrolled in an advanced degree program in any school, college or unit at UGA, and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). As a psychology graduate student, Apoorva researches underlying mechanisms of stereotyping and prejudice along with race and gender disparities to promote diversity and inclusion. She is the departmental nominee for the UGA Dissertation Completion Award and recipient of the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship. Here she researches human trafficking, complex trauma, and survivor-driven interventions. She was born into a Black single parent lower-middle class family in the heart of St. Louis, Missouri, a city that remains one of the major homicide capitals in the country. Alireza Fali: PhD May 2022. . Michael Flynn Hugh Hodgson School of Music, Melanie Kunkel Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Jiabao Song Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences, Eun Young Yeom Language & Literacy Education. Throughout his undergraduate career, Marshall received the CURO Assistantship Award 3 times, as well as the CAS Norman Herz Small Grant for Student Research. UGA has very strong faculty in this area while also boasting faculty in other related areas. Recipient(s) should be of high moral character and engaged in community service, volunteering, and/or leadership activities. . He worked as a plant science instructor for high school level after receiving his bachelors degree. Since joining her program, she has thrived and has published works in three journals. Morgans specific research interests are interdisciplinary, located at the intersection of Postcolonial Studies, Food Studies, and Gender Studies. Kristen has served in numerous leadership roles in graduate student organizations during her time at UGA; this year, Kristen is serving as co-chair of the Integrative Conservation Conference. He decided to return to UGA to work with his longtime mentor, Dr. Hart. Later, her research interests changed to number theory and arithmetic geometry, and she wrote her masters thesis on torsion points on elliptic curves. Following the completion of his Ph.D, he hopes to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at the interface of organic chemistry and chemical biology. She then earned her Bachelor of Science in mathematics at the University of Dallas where she served as an officer for the Women in STEM club, was inducted in Phi Beta Kappa as a junior, received a Clare Boothe Luce scholarship, was named Outstanding Math Major of the Year for her graduating class, and passed the Mathematics Comprehensive Exams with distinction. Naomi Kramer is a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program, housed within the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Department. They should be interested in the problems of the University and the nation as well as the preservation of mankind and the environment. Felicia Ebot-Ojong is an immigrant from Cameroon, Africa. Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship (UGA; 2020) 100 Honor Graduates of South China Normal University (Class of 2015) Projects. Her research projects include Korean EFL emergent bilinguals meaning-making in a translingual book club, and immigrant youths translanguaging, Korean transnational emergent bilingual youths experiences reflected in translingual book club discussions and online translingual writing. With gratitude, she thanks the UGA Graduate School and the donors of the endowed funds who have made this journey possible. Before joining UGA, Mariam had a masters in clinical psychology from the Iran University of Medical Sciences and worked as a licensed psychotherapist for several years in Tehran. She hopes to mold young minds and make a difference in the world through her research, teaching, and service. Savannah Downing is a third-year rhetorical studies student from Donalsonville, Georgia,pursuing a Ph.D. in Communication Studies. Until now, she has published 3 papers: Qualitative and quantitative profiles of jejunal oligosaccharides and cecal short-chain fatty acids in broiler chickens receiving different dietary levels of fiber, protein and exogenous enzymes (Lin and Olukosi, 2021); Exogenous Enzymes Influenced Eimeria-Induced Changes in Cecal Fermentation Profile and Gene Expression of Nutrient Transporters in Broiler Chickens (Lin and Olukosi, 2021), and The effects of xylo-oligosaccharides on regulating growth performance, nutrient utilization, gene expression of tight junctions, nutrient transporters, and cecal short chain fatty acids profile in Eimeria-challenged broiler chickens (Lin and Olukosi, 2022). This work has involved the development of new mouse models and immunological assessments via multiple collaborations with various researchers at UGA. Rachel Arney spent the last decade working as a marine and terrestrial ecologist, monitoring sea turtles in St. Croix and Scuba diving in the Gulf of Mexico. University of Georgia, $750 Doctoral Fellowship Jun 2019 Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Education Association, $1,200 Doctoral Scholars Institute Apr 2019 . Molly is an emotion researcher by training who seeks to better understand predictors of child internalizing psychopathology (e.g., anxiety, depression) within the context of close relationships (e.g., parents and friends). After completing his dissertation, he hopes to apply to post-doctoral and tenure-track positions to pursue a career in research mathematics. She loves spending time with her lab-in-training when she is not physically in her research lab. She received her bachelors in psychology at the University of Central Florida in 2019, and her masters of arts in applied sociology in 2021. These assistantships allow the student to devote time to the completion of their dissertation by relieving them of departmental teaching or research duties. He completed an honors thesis in theory of elliptic curves. . Alp Aytuglu is an international student from Turkey and doctoral candidate in human development and family science, working under the supervision of Dr. Geoffrey L. Brown. Recipients of the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship receive a $2,500 award. Madhav wants to be a successful plant breeder by developing varieties with improved productivity and nutrition to contribute toward food and nutritional security. This scholarship is renewed based on academic standing and performance. Her interdisciplinary research incorporating translanguaging and multicultural young adult literature transcends between English language teaching and literacy education, and focuses on emergent bilinguals English learning, meaning-making processes, lives, and critical literacy development. Students must be nominated by their program, and nominations are reviewed by a faculty panel. This work will help understand if plasticity can enable populations to persist when exposed to rapid shifts in plant-herbivore interactions, as is expected under climate change. Felicia was first introduced to scientific research when she started working in Dr. Allen Moores lab as a work-study student. Shelby chose UGA for her Ph.D. for the supportive faculty mentors, top-ranking program, and opportunity to work on a large-scale federally-funded research grant. Her undergraduate research was focused on studying coral reef lagoon dynamics. Lasya Penumarthi is currently a first-year Ph.D. student in the Institute of Bioinformatics at UGA. The Graduate Education Advancement Board Impact Award recognizes graduate students and recent graduate alumni whose research contributes to the educational, economic, physical, social or cultural well-being of North Carolina communities and citizens. Her dissertation work applies W.E.B. After graduation, she desires to pursue a career as an expert in aging in the labor market, especially for unprivileged workers. Campus Index Libraries Felicia would love to thank the donors for their generous contribution. Because of her parents value in education and horrific genocide experienced by her family and country, Sophal has grown her interest in education and mental health. Campus Index Libraries The purpose of the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship is to recruit, support, and encourage exceptional graduate-level students who will study and conduct research in all fields. With more than a hundred years of history, the department of poultry science at UGA has educated many poultry specialists and greatly contributes to the agricultural industry. She has been awarded funding for this work from the International Labour Organization and a Fulbright Scholar research grant. This knowledge will direct her to design well-timed and targeted interventions that improve treatment outcomes among young adults. Madhav Subedi is a Ph.D. student studying plant breeding, genetics, and genomics at IPBGG, UGA. June also gained experience presenting in academic settings, delivering a 45 minute talk at the departmental graduate seminar. Her interest in math research began in an REU at St. Marys College of Maryland, which resulted in a published paper on Knot Theory. Anna Willoughby joined the University of Georgia in 2018 as a trainee in the Infectious Diseases Across Scales Program and a Ph.D. student in the Odum School of Ecology. He received UGA's Creative Research Award in 2022 and was elected a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America in 2018. Marshall Liss grew up in Roswell, GA, and moved to Athens in fall of 2016 to study at the University of Georgia. Recipients of the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship also receive a $2,500 award. The purpose of this fellowship is to support outstanding students who are underrepresented in their fields. Madhav received merit-based scholarships for his high school and undergraduate study. Award from the Department of Sociology for her thesis research, which examined how economic hardship indirectly increases the risk for risky sexual behavior among Black American adolescents through its negative impact on family processes. He also worked as a graduate teaching assistant during his masters study at the University of New Hampshire. Alyssa Brown is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Georgia (UGA). Momo chose UGA for her Ph.D. degree because of the excellent research training she could get from a group of world-class plant scientists here. River Gracey is a first-year graduate student at Grady College earning a masters degree in Mass Communication and journalism. In addition to her dissertation work, Anya has prioritized community, departmental, and disciplinary service. Established to provide support, based on financial need, to a student enrolling in graduate school for the first time. Her research involves the post-translational modifications of cancer-related proteins, from which she was selected by SERYM faculty members for recognition of her outstanding presentation. The money from this award will enable her to take her research to new avenues and allow her to explore new opportunities that werent possible before. She is determined to make the world better by improving humans well-being. Her doctoral research focuses on how knowledge about the environment is produced in ways that reinforce or contest the U.S.-Mexico border wall. Sophal Mak was born in Cambodia, a country that experienced a genocide regime (1975-1979). Keaton Coletti Environmental, Civil, Agricultural, and Mechanical Engineering, Natalie Gonzalez Integrated Plant Sciences, Urvi Gupta Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Nicole Luisi Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Taylor Strayhorn Integrated Plant Sciences, Hexiang Wang College of Environment and Design. In addition, he is the first student ever to have received the award twice for the Mote Graduate Support Fund for Biomedical Genetics Research. Jameels dissertation work has been supported through the NIH T32 Fellowship, NSF Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship and the Jan and Kirby Alton Fellowship. Preference is given to a graduate student pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics. His dissertation research uses semi-structured interviews with physicians to explore how doctors informally police medical mistakes among themselves. Throughout the year, participants attend sessions about leadership skills and other professional development topics to facilitate entering the workplace characterized by a diversity of people, career opportunities, and ever increasing responsibilities. His research focuses on the development of synthetic reactions to access the trisubstituted hydroxylamine moiety and their applications as bioisosteres in small molecule drug discovery. Her research interests include aging policy, labor policy, low-income workers, life-course labor, the retirement process, and life after retirement. Congrats, Sama! For her dissertation, she is studying population processes and monitoring methods for diamondback terrapins, an estuarine turtle species that occurs along the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States, including Georgia. In particular, Amys research focuses on the live production side of the poultry industry, and her research will provide important information about Salmonella population dynamics and support the industry in developing effective mitigation strategies. Ciara Peebles is currently a graduate student at UGAs Sociology Doctoral Program. College of Family and Consumer Sciences Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors PhD Candidate & Graduate Teaching Assistant 313 Dawson Hall 305 Sanford Dr. Athens, GA30602 609-992-4400 Curriculum Vitae Education Degree Field of Study Institution Graduation Research The holder of this fellowship must pursue studies in one of the following departments: agricultural & applied economics, economics, education, history, political science, public administration & policy, social work, or sociology. June is a fifth year Ph.D. student under the direction of Dr. Walter Schmidt in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Candidate in English at the University of Georgia. Following completion of his degree, William aims to pursue a career with the commissioned corps of the United States Public Health Service. He graduated from Augusta University in May 2021 with a bachelors in communications with a minor in history. She was one of the recipients for the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship (2021) and the Jane S. and W. Harry Willson Graduate Fellowship (2022) from the University of Georgia. Nina Ryalls was raised in the Tacoma area, and was homeschooled K-12. It is the Universitys most prestigious award for graduate students, made to the most qualified doctoral trainees. Sophal has been building her expertise in traumatic stress and multi-systemic interventions among refugee families. His interest in plants comes from the gardening experiences he had with his family. During her PhD program, Mariam has co-authored several journal and conference papers. Jinans research interest includes power electronic-based smart grid, microgrids, renewable energy integration, cyber-physical security, attack detection and diagnosis, resilient control, and machine learning techniques application in power systems. Her research spans several domains, including the role of gender at work, remote work, work recovery, and the intersection of work and nonwork domains. assistance/funding-from-graduate-school/ Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship The Graduate Education Advancement Board (GEAB) Fellowship is designed to recruit, support, and encourage exceptional graduate level students, from all fields, who will study and conduct research. Her keen interest to continue further research in biochemical engineering led her to UGA, which has an excellent doctoral program in engineering. Cade Prize. Kristen is also passionate about public science outreach and communication, and she has led numerous events in Athens and in Indonesia to raise awareness about wildlife conservation issues. Her dissertation is centered on examining prescription drug misuse among young adults. The recipient must make a scientific study of the role of Black or African American individuals in American society. She decided to obtain her Ph.D. from the UGA School of Social Work because of its outstanding faculty, enormous research opportunities, advocacy for diversity, and scenic campus. Ghalei was also the only student in the College of Engineering to receive the Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship in 2020, a prestigious fellowship granted to UGA students who have demonstrated exceptional academic and research effort. She is a recipient of the Air and Waste Management Association, Georgia Chapter Scholarship, the SENIC Catalyst Grant, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Summer Research Grant, Graduate School, UGA. Nominations for this award are presented to the Graduate School by individual departments in early February. She decided to continue on with a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, choosing to transfer her Masters course credits to the PhD. June has received many training opportunities towards her career within the UGA community. Her scholarship lives at the intersection of social and infectious disease epidemiology and takes on a Reproductive Justice and human rights approach for addressing morbidity and mortality experienced by marginalized communities in the U.S. and Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, UGA was her best choice for further study. His research involves determining the relevancy and fitness consequences of within- and transgenerational plasticity to expression of plant herbivore defense traits and characterizing the genetic architecture of plasticity. Very proud of them. Graduate Students; Visiting Scholars; Research Fellows; Undergraduate Students; Alumni; Contact Us; Sama was awarded a Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship. Beth decided to attend the University of Georgia for her doctoral studies due to the institutions research activity, academic rigor, and supportive culture. This fellowship was established to recognize excellence in graduate education. This program helps participants learn from experts and fellow graduate students what it means to challenge oneself to be the best leader possible. After she graduated from the masters, she decided to continue her studies in the poultry area. Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship: UGA Graduate School: 2020: Graduate Research Award: Willson Center for Humanities and Art: 2021: SEC Emerging Scholar: . Congratulations Olivia!