Doors ride out of the vault and land in stations. (to Sulley) It's your mom. But guess what? (gasps) Don't let the kid touch you! He's about to eject it when he notices that the light above the station is illuminated. ), (Waternoose hurries after the CDA agents). Well, hello there. Mike: Hey, what's the matter? , (A female monster scream is heard as the crowd of monsters run across the stage the other way. Needleman: Is not! Waternoose: I have no choice! What's your name? CDA Agent #1: If you could make that out to Bethany, my daughter (The geeks, Smitty and Needleman, emerge from a door, grab the trash can, and wheel it away. Randall emerges. Where did you come from? The closet door creaks open. Make way. Roz: Your stunned silence is very reassuring. Roz: Two and a half years of undercover work were almost wasted when you intercepted that child, Mr. Sullivan. Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of Boo's door is taped. Oh, come on. Mike taps Boo lightly on the shoulder. Sounds like fun in there. Mike: Well, you know, maybe you should just take a minute and "eedray your isptscray". Sulley quickly ducks under the desk. Sulley sees it too: The MI duffle bag is now giggling and hobbling away on little human kid-feet that poke out from the bottom of the bag.). Look at those numbers! Confused, Mike opens it. (hitting the door) Ooof! You can't just-, (As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Mike smiles in recognition. (Mike trips on a lamp and flies across the floor. Mike stands in front of him barking orders like a coach.). (Mike fits an empty can onto his door station. Redneck mama: (o.s.) But Boo's in trouble. (Sulley goes up and down, roaring on two levels. Mike: Thank you! Sulley: Okay, Boo, it's time to go home. ), Roz: Guess who? We can start a whole new life somewhere far away! Randall studies the blurred photo of Boo in the restaurant. ), (Mr. Waternoose shoves Mike and Sulley through the door. Laughter emanates from the kid's room, filing the tank. (to Sulley) All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. You're doing great! (snore! Sulley is gone. Sulley: (sighs) Fine. Mr. Waternoose: How could this happen? ), (Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. are heard emerging from the set. Workers happily move giant scream cans tell each other jokes, juggle and enjoy themselves. We're out of snowcones. (Sulley grabs Randall by the neck, wrestling him like an alligator. Sulley breaks a pipe off the wall and slides it through the door handles just as Waternoose slams against the door. (Sulley closes the closet door behind him. Randall: Will you be quiet?! Ha-ha! (George looks around, confused. (The CDA agents tackle the suspecting monster. Mike: Hey, good evening, how are you? What are we going to do about the child?! Mike: I don't believe it. Come on, now, chuck him, chuck him, baby, hum, baby. So now the truth comes out, doesn't it? Now your time is up! Mike: Hey! ), (Clapperboard closes and is pulled away, revealing Needleman and Smitty in front of the door shredder as they prepare to shred the defunct door. Sulley: No, no, no, no. What kid? (On the TV, there are beautiful shots of monsters happily living their lives.). Now, let's move! No, no, no, no, no, no. Bom, bom, bom, bom . Sulley rounds the locker bank and disappears from view. (brightening) This is perfect! Mr. Waternoose: An entire scare floor out of commission. (This gets Randall's attention. ), (Sulley pulls the door open and sees only more snow. Mike: I'm gonna be sick, I'm gonna be sick! Mike: Yeah, the one at station six. Randall: Look at everybody's favorite scarer now, you stupid, pathetic waste. I believe Toy Story 2's bloopers are in the credits on the Disney+ version. Randall: Wazowski! Randall enters to see Fungus strapped into the machine.). ), (Because the door was lying sideways, Mike's fall changes trajectory as he enters a French kid's room. Times have changed. Mike hangs precariously over the vault, thousands of feet in the air.). The film centers on two . (George realizing he caused the alarms, and he tries frantically to remove the sock. Mike: Looks like we caught the express, pal! Waternoose clambers after them, closing in.). Feel the burn! Hold him down! Computer voice: (over P.A.) We will blend right in. The idea for Monsters, Inc. started with a lunch in 1994. There's a sock on it! (They swipe Boo's card key and wait anxiously for her door to arrive. Isolate the contaminate! Sulley looks down on Boo, who is crying. Mr. Waternoose: (on TV) the best refineries, and research into new energy techniques. Ow! Funny, she doesn't look dangerous. Thaddeus Bile backs out of a door, jacks sticking from his butt. Mike Wazowski! I don't like this. Soft moonlight illuminates the room. Mike: Is that a joke? Whew! While we're young here, Fungus! (He opens the door, and there is polka music coming from the inside of the door.). How did you do that? Sulley: (looking for Mike) Mike? Randall: Get off my tail! They stare back at her blankly.). (Mike closes his eye, not daring to hope). (Timing is just right, Sulley leaps out onto a passing door. THOR: RAGNAROK Bloopers Gag Reel Outtakes #1 (2017) Chris Hemsworth Marvel Superhero Movie HD. Good night, mom. ), (Randall grabs Mike and pushes him against the wall.). Then we cut to Needleman and Smitty posing as Randall and Fungus. Yeti: Uh, yak's milk. Claws' assistant slaps him across the face again.). Sulley: OOOOOO!! (Sulley can't quite believe his eyes. AAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!! (Mr. Waternoose and Sulley watch as CDA agents file off the scare floor.). Help!!!! Sulley chuckles as he walks toward her.). (Mike and Sulley run though the room and exit. No! We can talk about this. Fight that plaque! Waternoose, Fandom's centric resource about film knowledge, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. But where is he? Sulley: I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door. Somebody else will find the kid. I'm cooperating. Come here! Mike: Come on. Waternoose: When the door lands in this station, cut the power. Millions of doors, as far as the eye can see, travel on overhead tracks. Its ancient history is seen in the architecture. (Later in the living room, Sulley hangs upside-down from a beam, doing some "gravity" sit-ups.). We need to get there NOW!!! He turns around, annoyed.) Because of you, I am now stuck in this frozen wasteland! Mike: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I am now. ), (A second later it all comes back up, overflowing the toilet. , (Mary opens her mouth, but the piece of cereal flies past her. Where's Wazowski?! ), (Randall pulls out a pin from their door, sending it plummeting downward. Mike: Are you out of your (screams) miiiiiiiiiiind?!!!!! ), (Mike jumps over to another door with Sulley and Boo. (Roz slams the front panel of her desk on Mike's fingers. Mike: Oh, a scare demo. The red light on the door they're riding lights up and fades off. No, the fuchsia ones go to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Claws' assistant: (Whispering) Keep it together, man! Sulley: We have to get Boo's door and find a station. Sulley: See that, Mikey? Giant slingshot? He says he could lather up a bunch of spit and asks for another take. He picks her up and carries her deep inside the room. (Mike slams his fits on the desk. Uh-oh. (Sulley pitches Randall through.) It must've been dark last night, because this is its door. Let's go, everybody. Mike: It'll be their problem, not ours. Yeti: Oh, I just assumed you were buddies, you know, when I saw you out there in the snow hugging and all that Mike: Look at that big jerk. He turns around to find Mary in his bed.) He heads towards Sulley. ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. A cleaver chops through a piece of raw monster fish. She's a slug-like monster with horn-rimmed glasses.). (Mike takes off, carrying Boo's monster disguise. Mike: And he is outta here! Mike: No, don't touch those, you little--! A parade of agents enter the room, standing at attention. I'll call you! A single touch could kill you! Randall's eyes narrow. (The machine's suction pulls Mike's lips closer, then suddenly stops, powering down with a whir. ), (Clapperboard closes and is pulled away, revealing Sulley cowering behind the trash lid as he slowly walks backwards. In a moment all the apartment windows are glowing brightly. (We cut to Mike and Ceila at a table on-stage. (The machine comes closer to Randall and Mike.). With each hit, he changes colors and patterns.) You! Mr. Waternoose: Ah, now, show these monsters how it's done. Celia: (over P.A.) I saw the whole thing! You hear the winds of cha--?" His nerdy assistant Fungus alternates the patterns. Mike and Sulley walk past.). Waternoose: Sullivan was TWICE the scarer you'll ever be! Sulley: (with hand outstretched) Hey, may the best monster win. ), (Sulley slides the door open and they run through the room. ), (Boo giggles, thanking Sulley for his congratulation to her. Everything is not okay. They run to the edge of the platform. Mike: Where'd it go? Sulley speaks to Mary as though one might talk to a dog.). Sulley: That's what I decided to call her. His glaring eyes and snarling teeth are genuinely horrifying. Randall: Hey, Waxford?! Charlie: Hey, Wazowski, nice job. (Mike pretends to wave a stick at Mary's face, as if she was a dog, and he throws it in the door.). Never go out in a blizzard. Mike runs headlong into a pile of take-away boxes. Oh, boy, how do I explain this? Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer! FATHER: Sleep tight, kiddo. Sulley: Oh, I'm feeling good today, Mikey! Charlie: Oh, come on now, George. ), (The trio jump inside and shut their door just as Randall leaps towards them.). Sulley, Mike and Boo burst out of a door, hanging thousands of feet in the air. They all got one thing in common, pal: banishment! Red alert! You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot. Heh, heh it's a musical! Mike tosses the microphone and runs to her. Mike: Yes, I do. Announcer: (v.o.) with a room of a view. Sure. Waternoose: Sullivan! Ms. Flint: No, no, before that. Right? The cube travels down a conveyor belt towards Sulley. Sulley, Mike and Boo burst from the tool panel doorway and run down the hall. WE HAVE A 23-19!!!! Step aside, kid. ), Bile: I was going for a snake/ninja approach with a little hissing. Now. Suddenly Boo slips and falls forward with a noise. How could I be so stupid? (Waternoose grabs Boo from Sulley and hands her to Mike.). The pink copies go to accounting, the fuchsia ones to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Mike: Look, it's not that I don't care about the kid. Boo seems to understand. ), (Mike rolls into a garbage can and bumps into a shelf, sending a stack of books into his mouth. Mike: No! (Screen flashes to the same tentacle arms holding a clapperboard. ), (She ran from Sulley towards Waternoose, hiding behind one of his crab legs.). Mike: All right, I got a move here. Sulley disappears through the door.). "Harryhausen's.". Randall looks down at his newspaper. They look up to see a giant monster! Behind a control console sits an evaluator, the dragon-like Ms. Flint. (Randall gulps. Sulley: What, you mean You mean, I can't see her again? ), (Mike dashes in with a take-away box, which he uses to delicately scoop her up. (Boo screams happily. Charlie: (to Mike) George and I are like brothers. (Randall activates the machine. (A circular shower curtain flies up around George, yelping in terror. ), (Boo's eyestalk and trash go tumbling down the garbage chute. Outside the factory, The CDA agents shut Waternoose into the back of the van and drive away. Yes, it's dangerous work, and that's why I need you to be at your best. The animatronic screams. A siren blares. Mike/Sulley: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mike sets Boo down. Randall: What happened?! , (In the locker room, Mike opens his locker door and grabs a giant, clear bowl.). at Monsters, Incorporated. Attention, employees: Randall Boggs has just broken the all-time scare record! Later, Sulley jogs in place.). Celia: Monsters, Inc., please hold. Sulley: Boo! As Randall exits the floor, Sulley watches as Boo's door disappears into the vault, and with it all hope of getting rid of Mary. Hey! Sulley! Sulley: But she can't stay here. ), (Randall, Fungus, and the off-screen crew members have a good laugh about that last camoflauge sequence.). Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. ), (Sulley and Mike flee over to the window. OhNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Okay, that's - no. Okay, on three. A television sequel/midquel spinoff series titled Monsters at Work was announced during a Disney press release on November 9, 2017. And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it. It's dancing with joy! Like silly putty, Randall picks up Sulley's fur texture and color. Hot air balloon? What a night for my mother to be in the audience, ladies and gentlemen!