The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the underworld if they challenged the religious authority. The nomatic Scyths had the same horse and battle skills needing no hands to hold the reigns. The Great comet stayed in the air for almost a full year and it caused massive volcanic eruptions that blacked-out the sun; it caused thousands of massive earthquakes that created massive tidal waves; and it caused the earth to literally liquify, which caused a great mud flood that completely destroyed the Old World Tartarian Empire that was So stay tuned. We shall stop here and ponder all of this with discernment. the resets occur. Texe Marrs also states on the back of his book, The builders of this strange architecture comprise an elite cryptocracy a veritable whos who of the worlds most rich and famous. And strange looking landscape shaped like mushrooms and chimneysand many of these are passageways to underground cities and tunnels leading to a whole underground world. Were you? This was partly fuelled by the World Fairs and Great Exhibitions in Europe (which also served to legitimise recovered technology) and also by the exportation and exploitation of convicts, orphans and slaves. without ever giving a photo reveal. We need more minds figuring this out. The aetheric energy would ionize the gasses contained within the bulbs to provide illumination for that particular room. Tartaria (originally pronounced Tataria without the first r) is the name of the pre Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. The mud flood theory suggests that an ancient civilization was recently covered up in literal mud and its history is being erased from humanity by an intentional process. One has to wonder. Have you even researched it ? I am not a political advisor. They say he was nailed to the cross of matter inside the circle. The Tartarian Empire was something very different to the typical war-like primitives portrayed in the 1st video (which you can still find on Youtube). I have been trying to find a way to explain this but it is a ridiculous amount of information. Ancient tribes spread out on continents across the motionless plane, with no way to communicate to the other, and theyre coming to the same conclusions. Copper and tin was used extensively, even in helmets, to power plasma (DEW) weapons and to obtain wireless communication. Who are you to disagree ? Jesus Christ walked on Earth 2,000 years ago; God's Best-Kept Secret - 'Lost' Ark of the Covenant between 592-586 BC & its discovery in 1982 AD The rest of the heat trapped inside of the chimney would radiate out of the fireplace itself and with the help of the fireplaces metal sculptings, heat the room it was in. Our true history shows that giants existed before the last major reset or mud flood between 1811 and 1816, and that some of them still exist today. I knew it was a bad thing..but I always reasoned, slavery and central banking and more existed well before 1913. I will explain how this was discovered so you can discover it as well. The mud flood theory is that a worldwide catastrophe occurred in which entire cities were buried beneath mud, sand, dirt and debris. Canada. Then the underground children or orphans are brought up to the surface and distributed throughout to repopulate the world. Stop giving your money to churches, pastors, and ministries. Legends that even the Summerians date back preflood. TheEpoch Timesstory printed the following"account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857:",, Innumerable moons ago, there was a race of white men, ten feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, who inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising to the setting sun. The same little people they push to enslave. Among many things, he traces religion back to the worship of the Peacock Angels, which were the fallen angels who were called by Enoch The Watchers, the same who mated with earthly women and had great giants in the earth. The roof top tower dome and outside metal poles attracted the power of the aetheric energy. If this theory is real, it means that these things were HUGE and I mean really huge! The Titans may have been led to Tartarus but memories die hard. The same tunnels where the rituals include child and human sacrifices and the blood of children is feasted upon. Which brings us to an interesting work of Texe Marrs who wrote a massive book filled with a collection of all the monuments and interesting buildings found around the world, and what many are today calling, Mud Flood architecture. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. To suggest as they have that many of the spectacular buildings were only temporary; built solely for the Worlds Fair and then demolished is a real whopper. Thank you!Please don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe! Tartarians also used large cavernous underground dugouts or basements which trapped and stored cool air. I understand that doesnt explain all the photos. As the EMVF weapon was focused on the area surrounding the pertaining affected object, the objects molecules that made up its steel component would begin to get excited and cause friction. The Vatican has never been raided. After a short time the objects steel molecules would be vibrating at such an intensity that the steel molecules themselves would begin to break a part. Or whatever inhabited that land they called the underworld, or Tartarus. Especially when we learn that sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are formed by the accumulation or deposits of mineral or organic particles at Earths surface, followed by cementation. David Icke has written several books which tie in very well to this subject. So why do we have electric heaters and furnaces? Civilizations in the current astrological age (the Age of Pisces) are shorter in height than civilizations that existed in the previous astrological age (the Age of Aries) andwill be taller in height than civilizations that will exist in the next astrological age (the Age of Aquarius). If you go to google maps, satellite image you can see the 4 points and indentations of further earthworks as points on the flat sides of the original points. Now there [], E3 was aired live a little more than a month ago with big gameplay reveals such as Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, and Starfield. You get to associate with other rich people. A toilet found in a Tartarian bathroom would have been constructed after the construction of the bathroom itself to be used by a non Tartarian individual. I loved your videos and its opened a whole new part of history for me. Interesting. I don't sleep I write! So lets look at this Peacock Angel Religion. Apr 29, 2020 - Explore Charlotte McGee's board "mud fossil giants" on Pinterest. He used Great Britain and the Commonwealth to establish his dominion on Earth. The first video regarding the Tartars is all fiction. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. So Tatarusthe undergroundcan very well be linked to children of darkness with a past that is secret. The Titans may have been led to Tartarus but memories die hard. Constitutional History Experts. We are discovering many truths and connecting them together here. Real Footage of The Moon by NaTuber Tv Is Happening 24/7 - Artificial Chemical Clouds - Chemtrails Everywhere Real Hexagonal Sun With Strange Anomalies Layers of Clouds Are Moving In Different Directions at Same Time - The Hexagonal Sun Reality of Our World - Rockets, Space, Satellites, Astronauts, NASA, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Falcon 9 Key to Understand The Voluntary Consent in The Land of The Fee \u0026 The Home of The Slave you anyone's slave?,, I also have a feeling that there are locations on this planet not discovered at the moment, and that this Earth is much bigger than we know. Im not sure why but this blog is loading extremely slow for me. Well, here is my latest update. I did a lot of research to make sure the geography and customs, and real names of people and empires where correct (even if our history books didnt mention it that way) in order to show the real events of that time period. We go about our day and experience, we sleep to process our experiences we accumulated during that day, and wake up the next day to accumulate experiences again. So the dude in the second video clearly missed a couple obvious things I guess he doesnt understand how the earth could be 7000 years old as if that is a smaller number than the almost 6 k reported by jews.. So now we know the seven rays are used by the Illuminati and those who do the underground rituals in the tunnels. Since the The Tartarians quite possibly had a completely altered digestion system than the one we now have, they had no need for toilets in their bathrooms. The rebar in the home was connected to the roof top tower dome (which was quite possibly filled with various substances such as mercury, radium, or quartz crystal) and the metal poles sticking out of the top and sides of the building. Zen Garcia was kind enough to ask me to speak at the upcoming 2023 Sacred Word Revealed conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Then look at the 1906 columbian exhibition, they say that is wood and plaster facades made like a movie set, they demolished all of this. Severe flooding in Hankou, China in September of 1931. And similar to the heat exchangers, all someone had to do was to flip a switch and a fan circulated that trapped cool air throughout the home or building. I think linking the sources to research studying this stuff this out will be the best way then we can discuss and ask questions. The crosses on top of Tartarian buildings were used as aetheric electrical antennas which were connected to the rebar embedded throughout the buildings structure. There are hundreds of hours of information between just these four channels and all of this is connected to the bigger picture. I hope to see my readers there! You live with your parents. We see recent advanced cities with free electric power and stunning architecture buried partially or completely under mud. The information presented on is not financial advice. This is my theory on where Trump was when he was supposedly briefing America and the rest of the world from Walter Reed Hospital. Before I tell you where I think Trump was and where he [], Many times when discussing alternate ideas to fluoride abusers you will trigger their cognitive dissonance as they attempt to shun the possibility that what they have been told their entire lives was a lie. You had to sail around south america to make it to the west other than that. Edit: added some images from San Francisco and Columbian exhibition in chicago for a glimpse into what the ancient world looked like. Tartary (Latin: Tartaria; French: Tartarie; German: Tartarei; Russian: , romanized: Tartariya) or Tatary (Russian: , romanized: Tatariya) was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography for a vast part of Asia bounded by the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and the northern borders of China, India and Persia, at a time . It happened in Noah's day, at the Tower of Babel, at the time of Moses and the Exodus, and so on until today. KEEP ON PRESSING INTO THE KINGDOM.PRESS, PRESS, PRESS.EVERY LIE SHALL BE REVEALED! Recalling that the mud flood is claimed to have happened in the 1800s, my guess is that these photos appear to some undereducated people to be from about that time period, thus making Wadlow one of the giants who lived in Tartaria. Intro to the Past - Hidden History, Mud Flood, Giants and more. Higher dimension properties are mirrored in lower dimensions. The Sumerians have their own flood legend which involves a man and his family having given instructions by the gods to build a large ark ( arc? It has given me more of a sense of understanding and clarity then anything in my entire life. A sinister and curious Architectural Colossus is exploding across every continent on the earth. Understanding this will help understand most conspiracy theories, this is what they are hiding, our ancient past and our real lore and backstory. I bet you are wondering "how the hell do I save everyone and keep my promises at the same time" well I will help Mgtow is a way of life, not a state of mind, Was Trump on a boat during his speech at Walter Reed Hospital?, The riddle behind ancient super hero abilities, The difference between a male entrepreneur and a female entrepreneur, Ten things every professional male blogger needs in their life, You know youre a social justice warrior when, This is what sets me a part from the social justice warriors who claim to be woke, How to Beat Fable 3 and keep all your promises(spoilers). With all that said, we can now conclude that the Bible and the prophesies found in the Bible were not meant for us. and other disasters. Thank you!If you appreciate my efforts, please support me via paypal and bitcoin donation so i can keep this channel running because the youtube has shadow banned my entire channel here and about 23+ months now:Donate via Paypal: danaikorda@gmail.comDonate via Bitcoin: 18AJRdhmbnC4ATk23vptrjvqdnLWpTTrhThank you very much in advance!Check this Playlist with all the Flat Earth videos: this Playlist with all the Moon Landing - ISS - NASA videos: this Playlist with all The Truth about our world - Awakening Documentaries: our Odysee Channel:\u0026sunset=lbrytvVisit our BitChute Channel: Giant Petrified Tree Stumps Around The World - Giant Skeletons't miss this one, very important - The Earth is NOT What we Think Moon Is Rotating Turning Clockwise With Strong Proofs\rThe source of the info which we present in this video are from the following websites: Don't React in Many Important Situations Because of The Chemical Clouds - Chemtrails 24/7 Real Stars in The Dome Captured by The NaTuber Tv With a Nikon COOLPIX P900 Camera Moon In Daytime Recorded by The NaTuber Tv With a Nikon COOLPIX P900 Camera You Sure That The Moon Has Craters ??? Really, pick a continent. These heat exchangers were connected to air shafts and air ducts. All traces of the former civilizations dissapear except for some buildings and The Sumerian cuneiform tablets are dated to more than 450,000 years old. Tartarian buildings are more similar in function to pyramids and temples found across the world than what we are lead to believe by mainstream peer reviewed science. The mud flood wasnt a mud flood and it wasnt Noahs Flood. In the midst of the falling walls of a great number of buildings, which, in some remote age, beyond doubt, had lined spacious streets, was what appeared to have been a church or cathedral. He goes on to say Mysterious Monuments documents the astonishing evidence over 800 actual photographs and illustrations So, I pulled out the old book that I bought in 2008 (which was the second printing date) and began looking at the photos. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything Ive ever seen. Missing Books: A Probable Introduction "History repeats itself; that's one of the things that's wrong with history." Clarence Darrow AND THEN one day it finally occurred to me. The earth is covered in ancient structures and grids, we inherited all this stuff from the giants, the past has been erased and rewritten. Have you looked into silicon trees at all? Thank you. The people, the animals, and those in between, everyone and everything vanished simultaneously leaving behind subtle clues to the world that once was. Then Yahweh was released from the bottomless pit(inner earth) to deceive and destroy the nations and repopulate it with Tartarus could be the way to the underground cities that housed entire populations of people or what we have been told is called the under world.and what others have calledperhaps.hollow earth? In the 1800 a mud flood in which several meters of mud washed in and buried the ground levels of houses and buildings everywhere. ** These metal sculptings were connected to the metal back plate found inside of the fireplace and up and down the chimney. We have learned that entire swaths of the population of our planet were fairly recently extinguished. And most of them still had a living parent. I watched a video of 4 guys in a fishing boat tried to go far south and was turned around by a navy vessel they would not answer question why, Which point to a cataclysmic event such as a world wide flood spoken of in our Bible and the books we are forbidden to read that speak of giant races and their origens. Take construction crews for example. She has been an enormous help to the TUC ministry ever since that time, editing books for publication as well as running the podcast and administrating the TUC community, among other tasks. Are Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors the Fallen Angels? We also see how the name Tartaria would make sense to Genghis Khan as he was from the land of underground cities and must have known of their secrets. Thats right you 6,000 year creation nut jobsthe rapture / catching away / snatching away already happened and only just recently happened, having to of occurred only a few hundred years ago. You brush with fluoride toothpaste. Phonecians with Canaanite roots, our "elite". Many believe this story of Gilgamesh to be true and has all to do with the giants of the days of Noah and the mingling of seeds and beasts. In my book The Spear of Destiny- The Journey Begins and its sequel (especially) the Spear of Destiny II The Journey Continues, I show the underground tunnels in Cappodociaand how they hid the first followers of the way underground during scurges, because historically THEY DID. Ive thought it was because that open plain had more significance due to the Star Fort ruins than the town did, that far away? Therefore, hiding any and all information that does not support science and or the propaganda they push(ed) is logical. These hundreds of discoveries all appear to go back to the days of Enoch before the flood. In order to charge the gasses contained inside of the portable bulb, the Tartarian would place the bulb inside of the fireplace. They say he was the first savior of the world. You can live anywhere you want. What the people running this planet have done to maintain their iron grip over the population is shocking, and the evidence in the videos below may render you verklempt, as I was. 22,370 views Jan 12, 2020 This video is meant to be an introductory visual presentation intended to catch the interest of open. Now, the story appears to tell the story of days before the great flood, the same days of the Peacock Angels or Fallen Angels and the underworld stories of which now we can only imagine what horrid creatures the fallen ones mingled and placed there. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. Was the massive kingdom of Tartaria visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? These fireplaces were used as a type of bragging rights by revealing the intricate architecture of the homeowners taste to visiting guests and relatives. This is Yahweh's world and he hates us because we have the potential to be greater than him and to replace him, so he will do everything to This EMVF weapon that was tuned for life and wiped out the Tartarian Empire is your rapture. In like manner, continued the Rolling Thunder, the day will surely come when the present white race, which is driving the Indians before it, and despoiling them of their inheritance, and which, in the confidence of its strength, has become arrogant and boastful and forgotten God, will be swept from existence. Buildings hundreds of years old and located all across the world are known to be encased in a mud flow up to several stories high and in some cases . One of the symbols we see in Baphomet and on the medical staff and in mud flood architecture. Just because a particular set of ancient manuscripts were compiled by the Council of Nicea almost 2,000 years ago, doesnt mean those manuscripts were written anything close to 2,000 years ago. Mud Flood of the early 1800's and the next major one is now underway. Inside the 'Tartarian Empire,' the QAnon of Architecture. You claim to be spiritually awakened wherein reality you are just emotionally unstable. A Russian youtuber named Philipp Druzhinin noticed many buildings in Russia appear to be half buried in mud and the ground level is usually buried or dug out and a new entrance gets added. There was an ancient worldwide civilization that got flooded and buried under mud that archeology calls the cultural layer. Which would mean that the prophecies of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation already happened. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. At the risk of your being sick of them, heres another. February 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rebecca L. Gould: A growing family at TUC! Was there Continue reading Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees The Crusades and Inquisitions were part of the last great reset and the Bible through war, climate, or disease, followed by a clean up and rebuilding period. fabrication. The mass disappearance of people and animals wasnt from aliens or from a bearded bread and fish multiplier, but rather from an ancient technology used to deconstruct molecules affected by whatever frequency the weapon was tuned to affect. Worlds Beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe, earth as a continual plane. , I would agree with you we have massive lands past the outermost north &south. I dont know anybody else who does as much work as he does. Please use the subtitles so you can watch the video in your language and share it with others. Tartaria is also where the Greek word Tartarus originated from. The Mud Flood hypothesis (or Mud flow hypothesis) is an observational explanation for a variety of perceived flaws in historical records, including ideas regarding Tartary (Tartaria) as an empire or nation-state in Central Asia, attributing these flaws to a global deluge of mud that caused cities and lands to sink into the earth and a .