Votes: 3, Government is like a baby. Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. We will not bother to denounce it, well dismiss it as a sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages are even now being written. I wish he had vetoed more bills. Teddy (in his Progressive Party, New Nationalist, Platform): And recovery is when, Balancing the budget is a little like protecting your virtue: You just have to learn to say "no.". Quotes, Why Are Albert Einstein Quotes So Inspirational And What Is His Most Famous Saying?, 13 Self Worth Quotes to Help Build Your Confidence & Self Esteem, Golfer Tattoos His Dads Advice on His Arm How Those Last Words Help Him Focus, Time Flies: 29 Couples and Families That Mastered the Art of Recreating Old Photos, This Couple Bought and Revamped an Abandoned Laundromat Now Its a Thriving Community Hub With Free Laundry Days, Woman Buys 3-Year-Old a New Bike After She Finds Out His Was Stolen Only Later Does Everyone Find Out Her Real Story. It is rather to make it work -- work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back. All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. You can't accuse the creator of The Boondocks, Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil and the government is lying about 9/11. Suicide, Care, Simply Love. Government isn't the solution, Joe. Flavia Medrut is a freelance writer, researcher and part-time psychologist. Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they dont need it and Hell where they already have it. Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. Would Reaganomics Work Today? President Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy Reagan, in the inaugural parade in Washington, D.C., in January 1981. Unhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power, undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new party offers itself as the instrument of the people to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler commonwealth. Doesnt matter how successful or how well liked you have been up to then. Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty. We can offer them no better tribute than to protect what they have won for us. Goalcast is an inspiring community for achievers dedicated to helping you improve all aspects of your life. The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. Todaypeople often treat the quote as if it applied to any issue of government, but Reagan didnt say it that way, and Reagan didnt govern that way. We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow. 01 May 2023 06:45:18 The nine most terrifying words in the English launguage are, "I"m from the Government and I'm here to help." The most terrifying words in the English language are: Im from the government and Im here to help. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. However, this only sheds light on the fact that citizens seek the path of least resistance rather than the path of truth. Love Reagan and his polices or not, that is the context in which the quote should be understood. But remember a couple things: He was not a dictator; the opposition party controlled the House all of his eight years and greeted his proposed spending cuts as dead on arrival. His focus on the big-ticket issuesrolling back the Evil Empire, cutting punitive tax rates, taming price inflation and reducing over-regulationsometimes prompted him to compromise on other matters to save political capital for these more critical ones. Reagan was a small government Republican, clearly favoring Reaganomics over regulations and taxes, but he also spent decades in politics trying to ensure government worked for the people. I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. Here are the best Ronald Reagan quotes on Government: Governments first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. His messagewas one of individual responsibility and small government, especially in terms of economics, where freeing up businesses would trickle down wealth on the lower classes. There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit. With the idealism and fair play which are the core of our system and our strength, we can have a strong and prosperous America, at peace with itself and the world.So, as we begin, let us take inventory. If it stops moving, subsidize it. Known as "the Great Communicator," Reagan is often remembered for his quick wit and storytelling. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed.It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the states or to the people.All of us -- all of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the states; the states created the Federal Government.Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, its not my intention to do away with government. Rosenberg, Jennifer. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, were not bound by that same limitation? Democracy is worth dying for, because its the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. Ronald Reagan Government View Economy Moving Up , , , Franklin D. Roosevelt Info American - President February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004 Cite this Page: Citation Quotes to Explore We will match loyalty with loyalty. You meet heroes across a counter -- and theyre on both sides of that counter. No one cares that it may have been part of a larger speech, it is the thing that has caused Most Serious Damage to our country. Remarkable Last Words (or Near-Last Words). If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. History shows that when the taxes of a nation approach about 20% of the peoples income, there begins to be a lack of respect for government When it reaches 25%, there comes an increase in lawlessness. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals. [Freedom] It is the right to dream to follow your dream or stick to your conscience, even if youre the only one in a sea of doubters. The great dynamic success of capitalism had given us a powerful weapon in our battle against Communism-money. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. The way the Reagan quote is used today often implies that government doesnt work Period, but thatisnt exactly what Reagan said, noris itwhat Reagans record shows(consider his heavy borrowing, the war on drugs, tariffs, the North American accord that became NAFTA, etc). Ronald Reagan, "Inaugural Address" (20 January 1981). And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Votes: 2, One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it. One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. Communism and the Soviet Union, B.A., History, University of California at Davis. To grasp and hold a vision, that is the very essence of successful leadership not only on the movie set where I learned it, but everywhere. He was the best president of my lifetime, and likely the only one who regularly read FEE publications. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Lets hope this thread stays alive. Reagan cherished the individual, such is a good liberal position in the veinof Jefferson, Jackson, or even a 1920s Republican, but he never implied that the answer was to literally dismantle the government (nor did he govern that way). Ronald Regan was married twice, but found true love when he met actress Nancy Davis (later Reagan). Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it. Can only hope we get another President like Ronald Regan or Donald Trump in 2024..and if they come into office with the intention of reducing the enormity and numerous overlapping and unproductive layers of government, the Washington establishment (swamp) will certainly be quick to label them as a nut-job. How can any one who abhors the oppression of Negroes be in favor of degrading classes of white people? The nicest thing a girl ever did for me was when a girl named Nancy married me and brought a warmth and joy to my life that has grown with each passing year. His website When he challenged incumbent Gerald Ford in 1976, I cheered him on. The challenge is no where does he state what the role of government should be or who it should be held responsible for. Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. Chew on that fat. I believe the best social program is a jobI believe the best social program is a job. Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets. He never missed a chance to let Americans now that they are the ones telling the Government what to do for their well-being and not the other way around. This may not sound too exciting, but there is something magnificent about it. Everyone wants to preserve their position at their highest price before negotiations, and for them to do otherwise is to give away something they might not have to give away once the negotiations start. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have. godsaint ronny was against the (idiotic) war on drugs push leeeease kook Now you can falsify Nancys intent on her BS war on drugs. Not the kind that doesnt know what they are saying. The rich got richer, the country went into debt, but the economy did grow, and some aspects of wealth did trickle down. After he trounced Jimmy Carter in 1980, I was teaching at Northwood University, where I wheeled in a TV set for one of my classes to watch his inaugural address live. He did not say it verbatim, but he is often quoted it as saying it verbatim. For decades we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our childrens future for the temporary convenience of the present. The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. They are, in short, We the people, this breed called Americans.. The deliberate betrayal of its trust by the Republican party, the fatal incapacity of the Democratic party to deal with the new issues of the new time, have compelled the people to forge a new instrument of government through which to give effect to their will in laws and institutions. Education is not the means of showing people how to get what they want. Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. Seems too easy to twist the quote into the idea that Reagan believed that Government didnt work in general. And that is a good thing, because Reagan got more things right than most of them did. Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem. And let there be no misunderstanding: We are going to begin to act, beginning today.The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades. Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put in this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer. The vast majority of people Only remember then government is the problem the Vast Majority. Progress became a search for power and domination. If it keeps moving, regulate it. He was also the oldest person ever elected President, which was an issue during both elections. We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. Who wrote this statement!! A man of humility who came to greatness reluctantly. One can surely argue that it does, but it also grows the wealth gap and debt (but not wages), which is hardly a recipe for less government.. Enjoy! All great change in America begins at the dinner table. If any were, business would steal them away. President Reagan said it exactly. If we ever forget that we are one nation under God then we will be a nation gone under. As soon as you get into office, the Washington scum will begin stating that there needs to be a family intervention. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Ronald Reagan knew what a true leader should do, so he did his best to keep up with his own standards. He is author of the 2020 book, Was Jesus a Socialist? The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries and few of us stop to think how unique we really are. Ronald Reagan is often quoted as saying, Government is the problem, as if he had said this quote in isolation as a blanket statement. I think I have done that bit', BAFTA acceptance, Leading Actress - 2019, Axel Scheffler: 'The book wasn't called 'No Room on the Broom! Putting America back to work means putting all Americans back to work. We will again be the exemplar of freedom and a beacon of hope for those who do not now have freedom.To those neighbors and allies who share our freedom, we will strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment. Madison and Jefferson believed in the key ideas: All men are created equal, inalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Notice the first word is ALL not some so limited government leads to just some men representing some of the people. But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending. Votes: 2, Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. They add up to only a tiny fraction of the price that has been paid for our freedom.Each one of those markers is a monument to the kind of hero I spoke of earlier. He was also the oldest person ever elected President, which was an issue during both elections. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? I dont take too seriously the statement of positions in advance of negotiations. We hear much of special interest groups. Our military strength is a prerequisite to peace, but let it be clear we maintain this strength in the hope it will never be used. Lawrence W. Reed is FEE's President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty, having served for nearly 11 years as FEEs president (2008-2019). So, upon reflection Ive made this a little clearer. Government is the problem.'' . Directly in front of me, the monument to a monumental man. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. The numbers dont lie. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets. ", 40 Presidential DriveSimi Valley, CA 93065. Well preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or well sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. 718 Copy quote. Below Ill present a video of Reagans speech, then present a pro-Reaganomics and anti-Reaganomics video so you can be your own judge. Votes: 2, People do not make wars; governments do. Can we solve the problems confronting us? Here are a few remarkable Ronald Reagan quotes on God: Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged. Your dreams, your hopes, your goals are going to be the dreams, the hopes, and the goals of this Administration, so help me God.We shall reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your make-up. Our forbearance should never be misunderstood. He Was Fatally Beaten by Memphis Police Now People Around the World Are Sharing #SunsetsForTyre in His Honor, 41 Daughter Quotes That Will Touch and Melt Your Heart, 20 Most Inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. Reagan grew up in a modest family. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we're not bound by that same limitation? Very simply, they want to be left alone in peace and safety to take care of the family by earning an honest dollar and putting away some savings. I know in my heart that man is good. Recognizing that for many reasons (some no fault of his), Reagans rhetoric sometimes soared higher than actual results, I offer here some of the best things he said on the subject. Here are the best Ronald Reagan quotes on Government: Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. Great nations have responsibilities to lead, and we should always be cautious of those who would lower our profile, because they might just wind up lowering our flag. On the tenth anniversary of his death, we present the 15 Ronald Reagan quotes every business leader needs to know by heart: 1. Actually he was an apostle of big government. We're told that on his body was found a diary. Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts. It gave me hope at the same time my libertarian principles reminded me, This is government. We have every right to dream heroic dreams.Those who say that were in a time when there are no heroes -- they just dont know where to look. Anyone knows it was nit Regan himself. It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery, and personal indignity. Ronald Reagan served two terms as President of the United States, from 1981 to 1989. -Ronald Reagan In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery? I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting. We in government should learn to look at our country with the eyes of the entrepreneur, seeing possibilities where others see only problems. "Government is not a solution to our problem government is the problem." Ronald Reagan Read more quotes from Ronald Reagan Share this quote: Like Quote Recommend to friends Friends Who Liked This Quote To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! The taxpayerthat's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take a Civil Service examination. It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. Reagans the government is the problem message, especially in context, is simply one of economic populism, a rejection of Carter era polices, and optimism about what would be come to be known as Reaganomics. Reagan said, Government is the problem, but it was part of a longer sentence and speech, with more words in it, in which he makes his point more clear. God forbid the need, that the generation following the loss of our Republic will quickly realize just what our founding forefathers intended. The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan Overview Reagan Quotes & Speeches The Presidency Back The Presidency Overview Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Economic Policy Mikhail Gorbachev Reagan the Man D-day Happy at home by Craig Shirley Nancy Reagan Back Nancy Reagan Overview The Love Story Her Causes Nancy Reagan Memorial Nancy Reagan's Life & Times Nancy Reagan Centennial Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted, it breaks down representative government and overwhelms democracy. The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. We forget that Americas Constitution was drafted and framed by flawed humans who (like us) lived every day of their life battling their own evil nature they were born into. Not the distributor of gifts and privilege but once again the protector of our liberties. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except for material where copyright is reserved by a party other than FEE.