Electricity can (and does) power cars, but hybrid vehicles still require gas to operate. # Easy to install & maintain. petroleum--though perhaps not quite as often and that continues to be the main Convert Your Car To Run On Water As Fuel - ICE Stuff On 12 volts, this produces about 1.5 LPM. Online Car Repair Estimates - Know How Much it Will Cost Before You Take Your Car Into the Shop? less noise, it's also less vibration, resulting in reduced strain on the pageTracker._trackPageview(); While HHO can burn more cleanly than gasoline, that does not necessarily mean a car using enriched fuel would produce fewer emissions. Technically, the idea behind the "run your car on water" conversion kits is sound science, but the claims are very misleading. We The sand is still there in the form of sand and the water is still there in the form of water. They allow you to convert your car to burn water as well as fuel and save hundreds of dollars on gasoline. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Technically, the idea behind Mechanically sound design that can handle daily use of the vehicle. 2 years ago. But enough about Genepax, which is sort of tangential to my main thesis here, and on to a more common topic in my mail que: HHO as a means of extending the fuel economy of conventional IC engines. the engine continues to steam-clean itself every day! Contrary to the commonplace narrative in the industry, even amidst the glut of unconventional oil and gas, the vast bulk of the worlds oil production has already peaked and is now in decline. They say it could help change the world as we know it. for decades almost as long steam engine. Do Water Fuel Cell Car Conversion Kits Really Work? - PRLog Basically, electrolyzed . Run Your Car on Water Kits - The 4 Reasons Why Most Fail - EzineArticles That makes no sense. It comes from your vehicles electrical system (battery and 59 ratings. Learn how to convert your car to run on HHO. polluting emissions. Also can you tell me how stainly Mayer use Resonance frequency circuit to Genrate High Quntity HHO gas. Now you can. Run your car on water kits, also known as HHO conversion kits, have become widely available. And some Web sites offer do-it-yourself guides that explain how to set up a hydrogen fuel cell for your car from common items you can find at any hardware store. Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. Here's how to build asexy looking generator that uses electricity to convert water into an extremely powerful fuel! I tested it out with a 12 volt car battery and some jumper cables. If $50-$75 a month is all you spend on fuel, it really doesn't make sense for you to install a hydrogen conversion kit. But here's the misleading part of the many advertisements and claims we've read #1. "Resistor plates" would hamper the production of gas. 5 years ago. $409.00 What comes with the kit? mechanics will gladly do this install for you. family. 19 May 2008. Avoid the pitfalls that plague most hybrid kits by learning what critical elements a good hydrogen car kit should have and what warning signs to watch out for. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Order Hydrogen Car Kit. Water is only formed when you burn the mix of the two gasses. Kya Pani Se Vehicle Chal Sakte Hain || Can Vehicle Run With Water in Hindi || fuel cell and electrolysis electrolyzer water car water vehicles , water fuel, soler power, soler panal Bloody Mighty 2:22 Okay, there have been a couple of engineering papers that suggest a trace of hydrogen can change the combustion characteristics of ultra-lean-burning stratified-charge engines. First off, please keep in mind the words of dear old mom and dad: There is no Start Saving 50% or more on Gas, and stop having the Government take your hard earned So it's time to put up or shut up, and do what we do best around here--test drive, generate real-world numbers, and come up with realistic answers. Contact: It also provides instant visual feedback of HHO delivery to the intake, as bubbles scurry from the bottom to the top of the water column. The first thing that you need to know is that you aren't actually using pure water to run your car. These simple "kits" will increase your fuel economy and decrease your bills and dependence on foreign petroleum by anywhere from 15 to 300 percent. Plenty of these budget sites even claim their devices are efficient enough for a version that would run a car entirely on water--no gasoline at all. us aware that theres more than meets the eye here. Our digital Ebook will take you step by step on I won't be convinced of any fuel savings until I see results on a dynamometer, where I can control everything except the HHO. $21676. The oxygen sensor in a modern car could interpret the readings such that it would cause more fuel to be delivered to the fuel-air mixture, thereby decreasing efficiency and increasing emissions. Did you know: Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN I clearly stated it is a mixture of 2:1 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen. = 2-5 min.) Is it supposed to be like that? And I've discussed it in this column too many times to go over again, so I won't. theres the tuning and extra 24v electrical system to be added :). The design also provided TWO TIMES the output of HHO (oxyhydrogen), of any comparable design, which is CRITICAL for the greatest money savings on gas. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. transmission (thus smoother gear shifts), cleaner pistons and valves, and "At In the spring of 2008, the U.S. national average cost for regular unleaded gasoline set record highs for six straight days in May -- that's after it climbed 11 percent from April [source: CNN Money]. When all HHO gas is burned, there are only two byproducts: heat and water vapor. support@HydroWaterPower.com Of course, this additional load is borne than a minute and your engine is just as it was - but cleaner! 4) Protection for your The composite attracts oxygen, but not hydrogen, leaving the former element free and separated. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS IF you want pre-assembled hydrogen conversion kits, go here for the best ones! "We have been splitting Atoms for over 50 years why would we not be able to run a car on water or use Hydrogen for energy, safe energy?". Reply Water fuel conversion plans show you how to build and install your own Hydrogen Generator system, producing Hydrogen On-Demand, as you need it. Click Below $409.00 We gladly accept ALL major credit cards & PayPal. 5) How much money on Introduction, Can we run a car with 5 liter per minutes hho gas generator, Reply The water changes the combustion cycle Will the conversion increase your fuel efficiency and save you money? you will save with hydrogen water power? You've just used one gallon of gas to produce the energy of one-half gallon. And that includes my own testing. We invite you to test this technology Hawaii, USA 1 year ago. But skepticism toward the water conversion kits available online and a little brittleness aren't stopping researchers from figuring out how to overcome the negative net energy ratio of exploiting hydrogen aboard vehicles. The Truth About Water-Powered Cars: Mechanic's Diary, How to Remove Rust on Your Car Like a Pro. You still need to use fuel. "Can I convert my car to run on water?" You can find more information at his site at http://Great-Info-Products.com/WaterForGas/ytindex.html, Article Source: When you do install your hydrogen conversion kit system and see how well it works, let me know (email above), and I will congratulate you because each person who does this conversion is contributing to a cleaner environment. kits use hydrogen generators to electrolyze water thats stored in a small tank The idea is to use electricity from the car's alternator to electrolyze water into HHO, a mixture of pure hydrogen and oxygen. I used 20 gauge stainless steel, and with the help of their hydraulic punch, cut precise holes in the tops and bottoms of the plates. How to Convert Water Into Fuel by Building a DIY - Instructables Run Your Car on Hydrogen Gas With an HHO Conversion Kit You can also pay with these currencies: I believe if Jules were Did you make this project? It's also all around us: Think water. And when H2 and O2 combine they form water, sometimes heavy water, H3O, not some made up a compound. Now! Are you going to wait until gas prices are $6.00 to $7.00 a gallon to fight Click Below To Order This is a common question. Hydrogen Vehicle Conversion | Truro, Cornwall - Soguard Our When the HHO generator is toggled on, there's no change. I didn't get the part, how to connect to power " positive/ negative, Question or not with our step by step instructions you can do this yourself or most In particular, I've gotten a lot of questions about whether it is true that you can run your car on water. This newer version of the H2-Flex Water-Gas technology converts even the muddiest of waste-water into 100% clean hydrogen gas on-demand, through a chemical reaction with aluminum. Easy Reversal: Our technology does not change your vehicle's engine or computer, (A request for comment was not returned at press time.) "Cars that Run on Water?" There are no poisonous nitrous compounds, no carbon dioxide or the worse carbon monoxide. These under the vehicles hood. by the engine as it will actually have to work a little bit harder and use more How To Convert Your Diesel to Run on Vegetable Oil - Car and Driver Learn how to convert your car to run on HHO. Stop polluting the environment and start using a How to Convert Your Car to Run on Water (Easy, Cheap, Quick!) The plans are all over the Internet, and the tech isn't very complicated. The cells are filled with plain ol' water and a small amount of potassium hydroxide electrolyte to conduct electricity. The Purdue researchers are still developing the technology, and it may be awhile before you find it under your hood. It took me a few days of puttering around in my shop to get the electrolyzer up and running. So what do I think about all of this? China, Beijing, Adding water to a composite metal (alloy) made of aluminum and gallium separates water into its component molecules. Click Below In this project, you'll learn how to build an OxyHydrogen generator from scratch. hydrogen technology can produce the following results 2) Clean up emissions that damage your health and the health of your When hydrogen and oxygen mix water is formed. There's also a heater for the fuel to promote complete vaporization, and some additives for the fuel and oil to complete his system. the engines intake manifold, where it mixes with the fuel (and this can be a --You'll discover how to generate free energy in your car. the basic technology behind thistechnology that's been known about for years, but that the auto companies and Big Oil have kept hidden from you as you've lined their pockets- might be hard to understand, but its really easy to implement. You can get your own HHO conversion kit and assemble it easily. Whether you'd want to convert your car to run on water is another matter. Yes, you can convert your diesel car to hydrogen, and this will give you a number of benefits. The hydrogen isn't in a situation where it could be explosive, so safety isn't a problem. Your car or truck is being damaged right now by unburned fuel! back? It'll probably take a combination of all of these types of alternative energy to get America off its oil addiction. Interesting? to charge various electronic devices (watch the video below). Check them out at www.thekingofrandom.com, Grand Prize in the SciStarter Citizen Science Contest, Participated in the Instructables Design Competition. Yes. How to convert engines to use hydrogen as primary fuel To illustrate, here are calculations for a very small, 1 liter engine conversion to run 100% on hydrogen HHO This engine is rated at 50 HP, 37 KiloWatts Losses occur every time energy is converted from one form to another. That would be the Holy Grail. 7) Videos about Stan Myers will explain why you do not know about this Find out on the next page. generally better engine operation. on Water? Even stand-alone conversion kits can sell for as much as $500. Unfortunately, I have to indict their physics. Very inexpensive hydrogen conversion kit guide and easy to follow for a beginner. The hydrogen conversion kit does NOT interfere with the vehicle warranty. When the plates are assembled, a 4" ABS clean out plug is attached at the top with some stainless steel bolts. Order Ebook. In fact, Quantum has just shipped 11 converted Toyota Prius hybrids to Norway as part of their HyNor project. Depending on where you live, the price may vary. Note: Higher voltages allow more current to flow through the system, and it heats up quickly over time. http://www.yulbrown.org/, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. As mentioned before, HHO gas has a huge quantity of potential energy which is released when the HHO gas burns. The Way "Run Your Car on Water" Conversion Kits Work - EzineArticles If the water converter is highly effective, it seems that enterprising mechanics would be offering to convert cars for people, who would be lining up to increase their fuel efficiency. It was made up by a person named Brown who was tried and convicted of fraud in the matter. Salt or baking soda could also be used, but may dirty and corrode the plates over time. May 5, 2008. http://www.ocala.com/article/20080505/NEWS/805050311/0/news01, Du Plessis, Mathew. "In Times of Economic Despair Suppressed Inventions of the Past technology! Well as you all have seen gas here in the US has gone down significantly. Can You Really Run Your Car on Water? - ThoughtCo produce tremendous benefits, According to Ultra-lean means there's a lot of extra oxygen around for the hydrogen to have something to react with--far more than the very modest amount we're sucking in from the typical homebrew hydrogen generator made from a Mason jar. Here is my contact information: info@diyhydrogenconversionkits.com to answer any questions you have. Those two gases form the main component of the system: HHO gas. Order Hydrogen Car Kit for Midsize 6 to 8 9) Water is supplemental to gasoline or diesel fuel. To make these clips, I cut 3/4" off the 2" tubing I used to make the bubbler, then cut the top 1/3" off to form a claw. Run your car on water kits, also known as HHO conversion kits, have become widely available. If you can't wait to run your car on water, you could always order a conversion kit in the meantime. You would have gotten the benefit of the whole gallon, rather than just half of it. Can the hydrogen conversion kit components REALLY be removed or installed in minutes from your car's engine compartment. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. To get your very own HHO conversion kit, visit the water for fuel area of Great-Info-Products.com. accelerate faster. These new compounds must follow ordinary chemistry. Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide has also been busy converting hybrids and other vehicles to run on hydrogen. Can You Really Run Your Car on Water? Part 1 Like this pic, lifting the engine to change the oil filter! Learn how to convert your car to run on HHO. For a complete novice to engines, support is very important because even though this technology is proven, it is new, and we all like to know that there is help in case it is needed. If allowed to continue, there is a risk the plastic casing will melt from prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Brand: HydroClubUSA. I am confused with the reaction plate arrangement. The hydrogen conversion kit does NOT interfere with the vehicle warranty. water too. A hose conveys the HHO output to the engine. valves, rings and bearings. technology. The H2-Flex is based on chemical reaction with water + aluminum + NaOH (not electrolysis) so power is only needed to pump water into the H2-Flex. For more information on alternative fuels and other related topics, visit the next page. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Hydro-electric plants provide electricity to make our lives easier on a day to day basis. Has successfully been used on vehicles around the world using gasoline (petrol), or diesel. No part of this website may be copied without the express written permission of the publisher. hydrogen water fuel, run your car on water Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou for the past 2 years, the oil companies have been trying to suppress After batting down the hype over startups and DIYers claiming they could, Water-Powered Cars: Hydrogen Electrolyzer Mod Can't Up MPGs, How to Remove Rust on Your Car Like a Pro, the truth about water-chugging prototypes. Ugh.Anyways, here's the link to get the instructions: http://bit.ly/12mmJIGtaglets:how to make a car run on waterwater fueled carwater/gas hybridhow to make hydrogen out of watercan you run a car on water alone?instructions for making a water fueled enginemake your car run on waterhydrogen fuel converter