The phone rings. It starts with the morning sickness. They belong to themselves and this never happened. Jared sank to his knees next to him, grabbing the hand that Jensen reached out towards him. When you were almost 8 months pregnant with twins, graduating college in less than a week, getting married in three months, and about to enter the workforce with an actual, real, and fulltime job for the first time, you couldnt afford to be disorganized. Good hunting genes are an important part of being a hellhound. Before Jeff could respond, all three of them turned to the window when finally sirens were heard approaching the building. He wasnt hysterical yet, but it was a very close thing. But nothing, none of those injuries, even came close to the level of pain he felt now. Dean was used as a breeder in Hell, and comes back pregnant with his next brood of demons. Something is wrong with Dean, something that will change his life and the lives of everyone around him forever. The results are not pretty. This is both their second pregnancy, and sadly both are single because their exes turned out to be deadbeatswho didn't want to stick around with things got tough. No Dean/Cas romance in this one, but they are and will always be life partners, making a family together, raising Jack and the new baby together. Depending on how you looked at it, it wasnt really Deans day. Jensen and Jared are in for another surprise. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, There are a bunch of links on here -not just this list, the others too-, if I were you I'd go through and check them.. Anytime he asked you if you were okay, youd put on a smile and assure him that you were and it was probably just the discomfort of being nine months pregnant with his kid. A pregnant man may not be an Act of God, but insurance sure as hell won't cover it regardless. Bryce finds his curiosity overriding his better judgment. - , . An omega (co)running a pack isn't easy. Can be read separately but makes much more sense if you read Unexpected Business first as things will make more sense. It's supposed to be a simple hunt, but when the brothers get separated Dean finds himself at the mercy of a tentacle monster who's intending to use him as much as possible fic | r | castiel/dean, dean/ofc, castiel/daphne | homophobia; rule 63. Jensen let himself relax for the first time since he woke up that morning. Still smut free! Dean has been feeling a little less sexy since the baby. If only he had ever paid attention in a seventh-grade health class, he could have avoided the complications that came next. Panting harshly for air, he pushed with all the strength he still had left while groaning miserably in agony. After a long labor, Dean finally gives birth. Over the years I have left many stories unfinished, but this is the number one story I wished I had finished. Title: Unexpected BusinessAuthor: rockondeanRating: NC-13? Jareds not here. You let out a sob as Dean kissed your sweat-slicked temple. Dean had been very cautious of the warnings of a demon that Sam kept telling him about. The case will be a mystery but he will get the shock of his life. Also they screwed as well. #gabriel Sex happens. Egg by geek6 fic | t | castiel/dean | pregnancy, post-pregnancy | crack; egg fic Cas lays an egg, gets the wrong end of the stick, and Bobby yells idjit a lot. Work Search: Right before Jensen's arranged marriage with the actual father, Jared finds that he can't handle this crazy little thing called love. I am not making any money from this.Beta:charlio4444AN: Written for the Fathers Day Comment-Fic Meme over at the Winchester Mpreg community. Youre the strongest woman I know. He was definitely in labor. A blanket from the couch was quickly thrown over his legs, though, keeping his modesty intact. fic | r | castiel/dean, dean/omc | post-pregnancy |. The contractions are coming closer together, the pain's getting worse, and finally his water breaks. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Just FYI, the link for "Just the Way You Are" only links to the first half of Part 1. Pregnant!Castiel Pregnant!Dean 1, 2 Pregnant!Gabriel Pregnant!Sam Pregnant!other/s Comments? fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean | pre-pregnancy | d/s; incubi/succubi; self-lubrication; vampires. After trying to re-enact the very inspiring kinky sex they had, Dean comes up with a crazy idea that might satisfy their new needs and at the same time get the angels off their backs. Five minutes later and only one question left to go, Jensen clenched his teeth and stifled a cry of pain as another contraction attacked his bulging stomach. Did I ever tell you that I was a combat medic during the Vietnam War? he abruptly changed the topic, attempting to ease Jensens mind away from his distress. Jared may be the calm one of the duo, but that didnt mean he wouldnt break the sound barrier just to be by Jensens side now. fic | nc-17 | dean/tentacle monster, dean/sam | pregnancy |. I dont know what we would have done without you., You just stop by for a visit with some coffee and those twins of yours and well call it even.. #mpreg story #mpreg fic #mpreg #mpreg birth #mpreg kink #fanfiction #a03 #original work. * Warning list: abuse, eating disorders, non/dubcon, self-harm, suicide/suicidal ideation, torture. Sam looked down at his watch. Im going to try to move him naturally, but if he doesnt, were going to have to get you to the hospital immediately.. Jeff urgently, but gently, took his son from his arms as Jensen writhed in pain on the ground, a fresh set of contractions stealing his breath away and forcing a startled cry past clenched teeth. od gives him a feeling of pleasure not much else can match. Jensen would have laughed if the next contraction hadnt hit then, turning his huff of laughter in a groan of pain. His brows were furrowed in concern. Ugh. You dont know that, Jensen pouted even if Jared couldnt see him. ! you asked as yet another contraction hit you. (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Distrusting Soulmates (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader) Soulmate AU, Love at First Spell (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Am I Not Good Enough? Now, get over here and give me your hand, you ordered. Castiel carefully doesn't meet Dean's eyes when the younger man slides back into the driver's seat of his Impala. Both boys are due around the same time and have decided on a homebirth. From that day on she vowed that she would always love her son no matter what, ensure that he will survive. Take a deep breath.. When Dean goes into labor, Sam is determined to be as supportive as possible, except he's hiding something - He's in labor, too. Time Travel?! What if what Dean Winchester had needed most wasn't Mary back, but was for his long coveted Angel to finally be HIS Angel. John and Dean are working a case that they cant figure out. Dean and Castiel share KFC while Dean is pregnant with Cas' child. Then again, things were progressing so quickly that he still might not have had enough time to make it to the hospital. #kevintran Not today. Im reading up on how to deliver a baby. Dean has a secret which he thinks he cant impart to Castiel. Title: It's all about family Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Mpreg, Graphic birth, Wincest. More please!!!! Dean's a single parent to a baby who's only a couple of months old, and money's tight. After being rescued by Castiel, Dean finds himself with a freed vessel and troubles. Oh that's okay, hon. Dean looked at me, then at the bundle in his arms and looked like he was about to puke. He followed Jareds gaze as his fiancs free hand reached out towards their child, a finger carefully stroking their sons tiny pink cheek. Have you been labor all day? fic | nc-17 | jared/jensen, dean/sam | pregnancy | birth (graphic); teenage pregnancy. Thank you so much! Or the story in which Jensen is 8 months pregnant and goes into labor with his twins during his final exam and Professor Morgan is awesome.Rating: P-13 for slash, mpreg, semi graphic description of birth, and a few curse wordsDisclaimer: I do not own nor do I know Jared, Jensen or JDM. Dean Winchester has always wanted a family, but at thirty-five it's starting to look like he may never get his wish. That boyll break every speed limit and traffic law just to get here. The thought made him briefly smile. Kaitlin Ackles and her sickly son Jensen, both red wolves, were both banished from her pack 30 years ago. Once upon a rainy morning, Jared Padalecki opens the door to a rain-soaked, pregnant omega who claims that Jared is the other father. When, what was definitely a labor contraction and not Braxton Hicks forced a strangled gasp from him and broke his concentration again, Jensen knew he could no longer deny it. So I have to have this kid here? Jensen had broken a few bones in his life, been in a few serious car accidents, one where he punctured his lung, and there was that one incident as a teenager where he fell through some rickety stairs and impaled himself on a jagged, rusty pipe. Priceless!!! You can do this, sweetheart. Well call Jared on the way. Of course getting what you wish for is never as simple as it first appears and it isn't long before Dean discovers being with Castiel means getting a hell of a lot more than he bargained for.~~~Dean had known Cas to go over protective on him before, but this was ridiculous. Couldnt be far from the front line, in case anyone needed immediate medical attention, you know? There are a bunch of links on here -not just this list, the others too-, if I were you I'd go through and check them.. But in addition to that, he also meets his neighbors, a sexy pair of mated alphas. Jeff, he called out, and the older man immediately returned to his side. fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | cursed pregnancy; domestic; whump. We have no choice. You were waddling behind him, your lip between your teeth. Bryce can't stand his deadbeat devil-may-care older brother. Title: In Reality. He was beautiful, more perfect than Jensen could ever have imagined. This does not end as originally planned. Picked names for these two yet? Jeffs gruff voice startled him. Sam smiled. Hes beautiful, you said with a sniffle. I don't remember which ones they were, otherwise I'd write them down, just thought you'd want to know. fic | nc-17 | crowley/dean, dean/sam, alastair/dean, castiel/dean dean/omcs | pre-pregnancy |. It could have been more Braxton Hicks and you didnt want to worry him. Discovery. A good time is had by all, but the condom breaks. It's a good thing Dean likes layers and heavy jackets. What would Jared do? It was a difficult pregnancy from the beginning, but after Jareds SUV skids off the road during a snow storm will he be able to keep his pregnant husband and unborn children safe? Spiked just discovered yet another miracle slapped into him, unlooked-for, and all Buffy could feel was this cold resignation, this familiar weary suspense of adding still more logistics to the calculation of their existence. Pregnant Dean Winchester Cunnilingus It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said 'a stranger. fic | r | castiel/dean | pregnancy | fluff. fic | t | dean/sam | post-pregnancy | birth (graphic); cursed pregnancy. 50K 1.4K 23. It hurt, it hurt so bad and Jared wasnt there to make him feel better. Balthazar gets Cass to ask Dean for help, jokingly. Theyre having deliciously thick, mouthwatering lasagna with some, or too many, veggies in it because apparently hes gotta watch out for micronutrients in every meal now. There was something very important he wanted to get across before the paramedics spirited him away. I figured out pretty quickly she was in labor, Jeffs gruff voice cut through the agony. fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | curtain fic; nesting. Lesser men would be freaking out right about now, but Jeff was a sturdy rock, and the only thing keeping Jensen together. There should be new interesting records soon. Castiel wrestles with this new insecurity, while Dean does everything in his power. Relatively speaking. Living most of his life on the road, surviving on truck stops and greasy diner food, Dean had had plenty in his time. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (26), Jensen Ackles/Original Male Character(s) (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jared Padalecki/Original Male Character(s), Your Soul I Come Home To, Together We Make Another Anew, | Translation in Russian. This one felt more painful than the last. Yeah? Jensen gasped out, clutching desperately to his professors hand like a lifeline as the next wave of pain assaulted him barely seconds after the last. Knowing he slept with Brady both before and after he was possessed, Sam worries about what might be growing inside of him finally calling his brother and father for help. "You have given me what I needed most. You can do this, babe.. Pairing: Jared/Jensen. Have you written/read an mpreg fic that isn't on the list? Looks like youve got a healthy baby boy, guys. The grin on Deans face was beautiful. spn_mpregnews - the new blog in LiveJournal. Hes so tiny, Dean whispered, running his finger over the back of his sons hand. An ambulance is on its way, Jeff reassured. Thanks for the heads up! Actually, the number one and three spots could easily be swapped. Dean Winchester, you let him do what needs to be done to get this baby out of me safely. Just because there were no bullets flying around their heads and they werent at risk of being overrun by opposing forces at any second, didnt make it any easier to deliver a baby. A puddle at your feet. He barely made it to Jeffs desk, slapping his test down on the hard oak surface, before another intense wave of pain trampled through his belly forcing him to cry out and hunch over, hands gripping the edge of the desk tightly to keep him on his feet. As always, un-beta'd so all mistakes are my own. The twins were clearly just like their father and cared nothing for Jensens carefully constructed lists. Sure, were never going to be able to look each other in the eye again, but the baby it the most important thing. walviemort | Archive of Our Own This wasnt the birth plan you had in mind. I dont think theyre going to get here in time, he quietly admitted. Sam, though, lives for this. He quickly scribbled down what was definitely an answer to two of the parts, but definitely not correct. I didnt know him. fic | r | dean/sam, dean/john (past) | pregnancy |. Come along for the adorable, fluff and awkward filled journey to finding second chances at love and the combining of a beautiful family. I don't remember which ones they were, otherwise I'd write them down, just. Not many of us expected to make it out that village alive. A few minutes later, with Jared clutching his hand and whispering encouragement in his ear, Jensen was once more lost in a haze of pain, pulled forward by the instinctual need to push. He never expected to stumble upon an old family curse that caused pregnancy in men. What was he supposed to do without Jared? This is why Jared was never in charge of anythingever. The angst of mpreg!Dean in s6 when soulless!Sam breeds him good and rough their first night back on the road, and then is completely disinterested in the pregnancy and milestones; looks annoyed and disgusted at Dean's morning sickness and heartburn; makes flippant, hurtful-but-factual comments about Dean's changing body; gives a mild smile and . They are grey wolves. I need to check something. Jeff placed his hands on his stomach and prodded the sore, tender area. Dean was born a genetic anomaly a hermaphrodite with fully functioning male and female reproductive systems. After the Apocalypse, Sioux Falls got a few new residents, who 10 years out, have settled in pretty well. You're a Queen. Jensen offered a watery smile in return. Dean Winchester hunts things and saves lives. He pulled the blanket higher and let it pool around Jensens thighs and situated himself between his legs before continuing with his story. Im almost there, sweetheart. . Because I know you, Jensen. Sam finds himself suffering similar symptoms just as he realizes his boyfriend came back from Christmas break a demon. By the time he was standing, he was agitated, stressed, and so upset that he was about to start crying if he didnt find Jared soon. His eyes flickered as he steadied Jensen, leading him further into the building. He doesn't want to worry his brother so he doesn't say anything. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam | pregnancy | lactation; tail kink. The other hellhounds are locked away, but he isn't too concerned about this. The tiny baby was reverently placed into his arms as Jared carefully picked up their first son from the couch and cradled him to his chest. Can you fly her there? Castiel shook his head and explained that it would not be safe for the baby.