Suddenly, fire start to appear in the darkness of the night and everyone realizes the Grounder army has arrived. Nightblood did not occur naturally but rather is a result of genetic engineering. In Hakeldama, she is seen next to Kane wondering how the Farm Station survivors murdered an army of 300 and left no wounded. The girl begins to convulse and Abby gives her a shot of epinephrine. Kane warns them there are 400 people gathered outside. Abby unfortunately died in season six after her intellect changed into taken over through Simone. Abby arrives at the drop ship and gives Lincoln a shot to bring down his fever when he starts convulsing. Raven Reyes comes up and asks Abby about the quarantine in lockup and how she saw open ducts. ". 2.0 is. Abby approaches Raven and Raven asks if Abby is there as her chancellor or her doctor. She finally manages to push the concrete slab off herself and crawls over to his side, telling him to hold on. She married Jake Griffin and gave birth to their daughter, Clarke. Becca Franko created the Nightblood serum for the Eligius Corporation to increase people's resistance to radiation. At sundown, the summit begins with the Grounder Anthem as Clarke strides into the throne room and takes a stand before Lexa. In False Gods, Clarke buries Abby's wedding ring as a form of funeral for her mother. After Josephine Lightbourne took over her body in The 100 season 6, episode 4, Clarke Griffin managed to survive because of her interactions with the City of Light back in the . Clarke, Abby, Raven, and several other Sky People hike to Mount Weather to take out the radio tower. Clarke tells Abby that if the truce doesn't hold, she killed Finn for nothing and walks away. Arguably the biggest death in The Last of Us Part 2, if not the whole franchise, is Joel's death. In Unity Day, Chancellor Jaha gives a Unity Day Celebration speech on the Ark about how everyone will be on the ground next year. "Then you put the people you care about in danger and the pain will never go away. Emerson tells Cage that they suffered losses and he is the only one left who has received the bone marrow treatment. Pike says they are right because two Skaikru guards are already dead. He tells her he has found the City of Light but she brushes him off. Finn gets upset because of the way everyone is acting towards him since the massacre and storms off with Clarke following after. Clarke then protects Abby from Bellamy, Pike, and Octavia and tells them she used the EMP and her mother is back. Your email address will not be published. Abby tells him she's worried about Clarke. He can't fix it because it is a system failure and the people have a right to know. Abby comes over to help, but there isn't anything she can do. The situation takes a turn when Arks support system fails, thus forcing hundred of juvenile prisoners to be sent to Earth to check if it is habitable for humans. So Lexa's death following right on the. In From the Ashes, Clarke is shown to still be reeling from the death of her mother though she claims to be fine. Abby reveals a 130-year-old escape pod and tells Raven to get it ready in nine days. Characters with post-traumatic stress disorder, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Clarke and Jaha tried to make that decision on their own; it seemed at the end of "Die All, Die . Raven leaves for the mess hall to speak with Nygel, the woman in charge of black market operations on board the Ark. During a confrontation between Clarke, Simone and the Masons, Simone suddenly turns on the other Primes, claiming to have really been Abby pretending to be Simone all along. Clarke asks Raven if she tried to poison Lexa and Raven punches Clarke in the face, and tells her that "She's the only murderer here". Updated May 29, 2022 The 100 never shired away from killing key characters and some of those deaths broke the hearts of the loyal fanbase in unimaginable ways. Clarke is surprised and happy to see that Abby became the Chancellor, and she tells her mother about Mount Weather. In Season 5, after the 6 years and 7 days jump, her hair has white highlights. In Fog of War, two days after Finn's massacre at Lincoln's village, Raven Reyes reveals to Clarke she figured out why they had not heard from any of the other Stations: Mount Weather has been jamming their signals. He suggests they use the thrusters to propel the Ark into the atmosphere and tells Sinclair to find the 5% of the Ark that would survive. The Grounder ends up dying and Indra tells him, Yu gonplei ste odon ("Your fight is over") as she cuts a braid out of his hair. Jake checks his watch and excuses himself. She finds Jasper watching Jaha distribute chips and requests he wait until she's run some tests on the chip before taking one himself. In Coup de Grce, in the woods, two Mountain Men are hidden from sight as they watch Clarke riding with Abby and several Grounders on their way from Tondc back to Camp Jaha. The run time of each episode was around 30 to 42 minutes. Indra calls him a Reaper and tells him to put her down. In turn, Clarke is devastated when Abby is mind wiped to become the new host to Simone Lightbourne. Clarke is later horrified to discover that Abby is dead and has become the new host of Simone Lightbourne. In Human Trials, Abby is reunited with Clarke. In "Adjustment Protocol," Abby becomes a Nightblood to protect Madi. Clarke later reveals the truth to Abby, Jackson and Raven. Abby is able to get back on the radio and Clarke describes Finn's injury to her. Abby performs Raven's surgery but tells her risk involved before she begins. Jackson is helping Clarke with Emerson when Raven says she can hook up scrubbers to the airlock to make it safe to take off Emerson's protective outerwear. When she asks Jackson for more epinephrine, he tells her they are all out and Abby has to let her patient go. Jackson tells her that Clarke is strong-willed like her mother and that is what will keep her alive on the ground. Kane saw Abigail as a threat to his goals and frequently had her arrested and even almost floated her once due to his strict rule-following and her bending of the rules. Instead, they use Raven and make her slit her own wrists and Jaha tells Abby she can save Raven if she takes the key. Jaha tells Abby she should give Finn up to keep them safe. Madi later tries to comfort Clarke as she also had her mother die in her arms, but Clarke states that it was Simone she floated and Abby was already dead. Abby asks how much air Kane will have and Sinclair tells her that Kane will have one week, two weeks at most. Kane goes over to talk to Clarke and tells her that they need to figure out who would want Lexa dead. Every scientific discovery that was ever made was a fantastical idea of someone who dreamt about making something different, about inventing something for the betterment of mankind. Jaha enters and asks if they've tried not saving the Ark yet. Abby refuses and Clarke calls it their new Unity Day where the Sky People can either be the thirteenth station or the thirteenth clan. When all the prisoners are exiting through the hatch and Kane tells Abby she's next she admits she won't be coming with him. Commander Shumway enters with Kane and publicly arrests Abby for "exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed per patient." In Welcome to Bardo, Indra orders Jackson to remove Russell's Mind Drive without numbing the pain in order to prevent Sheidheda from ever being resurrected again. When they are reunited in Human Trials, Clarke is happy to see her but their relationship is strained. Abby accidentally condemned Jake before he was able to release the video recording that he made because she told Chancellor Jaha, hoping he would convince Jake not to go through with it. She tells Jaha he is a coward and he is running away before she leaves him. Abby asks if Jaha is okay and Jaha tells Kane to find out who did this. Abby finally gives up and says that Lincoln is gone. Abby wants to talk with Clarke but she leaves for the third level. Abby tells Kane they have to know the truth. Clarke asks for help with Finn and tells Jaha that Wells did not make it. Abby is seen in a flashback on the Ark with Jaha when Pike is told he'll have to teach Earth Skills to the delinquents. The show stars Eliza Taylor, Paige Turco, Thomas McDonell, Bob Morley, and Eli Goree in prominent roles. Abby stares out a window into space as a guard opens her door and tells her it is time. From the forest, a bloody Jaha approaches and tells them he has a message from the Commander: "leave or die, we have two days.". Kane gives the nod to Shumway to float Abby but is told to stop by Chancellor Jaha who has awoken from his surgery. Abby was a crucial character in the 100 series, which was a part of the series for five seasons and appeared for only twelve episodes of the sixth season. Raven dresses in a spacesuit since the pressure in the drop ship won't be regulated and begins the launch sequence for the pod. Once everyone is strapped into different Stations on the Ark, Jaha gives the Traveler's Blessing across the PA system and tells Sinclair to begin their journey back to Earth. Kane tells Abby to go find Clarke and Abby finally admits that Clarke and Lexa knew ahead of time and are safe. Every day they delay the culling, 10 more people will need to be sacrificed. Kane, as Chancellor Pro Tempore, finds her guilty. The two then do not meet again until Join or Die, when Marcus goes to Polis. Clarke pauses in front of Lexa before dropping down on one knee and bowing to her. However, Murphy continues to suffer from guilt, blaming his actions for Abby's demise. She begs Clarke to tell her it was Lexa's decision and not Clarke who did it, telling her she crossed a line but her secret is safe. Abby awakens with her hands bound behind a chair, with Jaha, Raven, and Jackson hovering over her. This orbiting space station is known Ark and has all the resources for a humans survival. A discovery reveals that grounders with black blood survive on the Earths uninhabitable environment. Later, she is unchipped and saved by Clarke. They start trying to jack the door open when Sinclair realizes they haven't decoupled the drop ship from the Ark, meaning that all of the systems on the Ark will be crippled and everyone will die if the dropship launches. As she clung to life in her mother's arms, Gaia uttered the phrase that finally gave Octavia . The 100 is a sci-fi that every science enthusiast should give a shot at as it shows the pros and cons of development in science. Instead, Jaha arrested Jake and had him floated immediately. Later, Sgt. Clarke and everyone else enters at that moment and they are at a standstill with everyone going for their weapons. She is a character whos easy to take advantage of, as realized by her enemies like Josephine, who manipulates Abby for her benefit after realizing Abby listens to her heart instead of her mind. Clarke Griffin is Abby's daughter. On the one hand, it's pretty dark that The 100 ends with most of the human race opting out of corporeal existencelike they have a choice and they decide that they'd rather be part of an . She is told John Murphy and John Mbege have gone dark and Kane tells her it did not happen during the landing. In the book series, Abby and Jake are named Mary and David. The most notable actors and actresses are Jasper Jordan, Bree, David Miller, Geoff Hardy, Bryan, Hayes, Riley, Luna, Roan, Guara, Ilian, Flo, and others. She watches the chipped victims enter the room and is forced to shoot a grounder who comes towards Clarke. 's neural mesh, but Russell confirms that Abby's was gone after the EMP, having checked before implanting Simone in her body. Later, in The Calm, he seems to start caring for Abby, saving her life when he is exploring the other deck to look for survivors. In We Are Grounders (Part 1), Jaha is speaking with the Council and the Station Representatives, telling them that there is no way for anyone to get to the Earth. Abigail becomes frustrated with Raven and slaps her across the face, which she immediately regrets. Today, it is 209 and they need to vote now. Major Byrne interrupts and tells Abby the rest of the Sky People are getting restless and need to hear a word from their Chancellor. Abby orders the nurse to increase the anesthesia. Meet the cast of Tyler Perry's The Oval. Abby begins crawling through the rubble and finds Kane trapped underneath debris. Abby often disagrees with the decisions Clarke makes in regards to the people. Abby's husband discovered an error with oxygen levels on the Ark and, knowing that it meant that life would stop being sustainable, thought the people had a right to know. Abby is later seen with Jaha distributing chips to Arkadians claiming that as she took it herself, everything Jaha said is true. Later, Kane stops Abby and asks her if she is heading to Mecha station and asks why she has been down there nine times in the past week. Abby wants to rescue the kids in Mount Weather but Jaha wants to flee. He stops breathing and Abby begins chest compressions. Abby visits Raven where she is locked up in the stockade with Jaha after striking Major Byrne and allows her to go free. After watching her father being sucked into space, Clarke was put in juvenile lock-up, also known as the Sky Box, because of her knowledge of the error. On Earth, Marcus is the first person to follow Abby out of the Ark ship once it lands. Jackson comments that she seems disappointed by this result but Abby says she is simply surprised. We hope wherever she is, she and Kane are together and sipping mimosas or something. Kane decides to go after them by going through an overheated maintenance shaft. After Abby realizes that Russell will kill Madi, without a second thought decides to inject herself with a dose of night blood so they would use her bone marrow to create more hosts instead of Madis. Jake to Abby. In Twilight's Last Gleaming, Abby is still in Lockup when Jaha comes to visit her to tell her that they're reaching critical oxygen shortage levels within the Ark. Gustus fights the man and is about to kill him when Clarke begs Lexa to stop him so the Sky People won't get blamed. He climbs through the door to the drop ship and knocks the jack loose, sealing the door so the drop ship can launch. Indra tells Abby that she lies because they saw Finn in the forest. Abby replies Clarke's vital signs are strong but her blood sugar is low. Kane realizes that four members of the Council are dead, telling Jaha that it was a coup and they need to get him out of there. They are no longer there for a treaty but to join the Coalition to avoid a war. Though Simone hangs onto Clarke who has the chance to possibly save her, Clarke accepts that her mother is truly gone and after looking at Simone and thus Abby's body for a final moment, pushes Simone off of her so that she will be floated, taking Abby's body with her. Lexa declares war and orders the Ice Nation delegation along with Prince Roan to be arrested. Abby responds by asking Jackson about his mother who the chip has erased from his memory. Later, Abby approaches Nygel in the mess hall and slips Nygel some morphine for the pressure regulator. The series had a total of hundred episodes and seven seasons. Clarke tells Monty to get it set up so they can irradiate Level 5 if they have to. On the Ark, Marcus Kane informs everyone the 100 have landed but communications are down. The 100, Season 6 Premiere, Tuesday, April 30, 9/8c, The CW The 100 Henry Ian Cusick Paige Turco 1 Why Is Hen's Son Denny in the Hospital in '9-1-1' Sneak Peek? Jackson tries to convince her to take the key saying that as doctors they should be supportive of this miracle pain reliever. While camping for the night, Clarke places her mat on the side of the Grounders. A girl grabs Abby's hand and drags her to a kiosk where a woman is frying up some local food and offers a piece to Abby but Abby refuses. She dismisses Lincoln and tells Jackson she will be back in Medical in a minute. Raven tells them the Delinquents aren't dying; they're taking off their wristbands because they were told not to. Diana comes running up and tells them they need to delay the launch because a mechanic, Cuyler Ridley, is the terrorist who planted the bomb because his wife died in the Culling and he has turned himself in. Kane exits and tells everyone to leave their guns and radios in the truck and Lexa's guards will escort them to the summit. How does Abby die the 100? Published Apr 14, 2020. Holding Abby's ring, Clarke snaps and beats Russell severely before threatening him at gunpoint. Jackson takes Jasper to Medical as Abby asks Raven about Clarke. She was on the Council when they chose to send the 100 to Earth and had been monitoring them throughout the first season. Later, the Judge takes on Abby's form when Raven takes the test and remains in that form until humanity passes the test and Transcends. One of them has his sniper rifle trained on Clarke just as the group stops. Clarke tearfully states that she didn't meant to and Gaia reassures her that she's sure that Abby knew that just as Madi doesn't mean to hurt Clarke. The situation sounds like a nightmare that became true for the characters of The 100 series. Lexa commands for all of the Sky People to be locked up. In Heavy Lies the Crown Abby and Kane sleep together. Abby doesn't allow her or any other of the Delinquents to leave Camp Jaha to go find Finn and Murphy. Ivon, the Ice Nation representative, tells them it was the Skaikru who barged into the summit with guns. In Santa Barbara, however,. It is only thanks to Abby's wristbands that they know what is happening on Earth. Explained, Why Did Lui Calibre Get Cancelled? Her actions includes, forcing Octavia to execute those for not cannbalizing, not helping Octavia when she was beaten up by the Sky People and helping Simone mind-wipe Gavin to use his body as a host for Marcus Kane. Abby states that Rh null can only take Rh null, and nobody has that blood type. In I Am Become Death, Clarke, Raven, and several other Delinquents investigate the Exodus drop ship crash but there are no survivors. In The Blood of Sanctum, Clarke hopes that Abby survived the same way she did through A.L.I.E. Abby asks about Raven Reyes and Jaha tells her that she will probably die like all of the others. However, Clarke goes against her mother's wishes and leaves with Octavia and Bellamy. Kane arrives where Abby is and the guards pry the door open. Miller tells Abby that he's not leaving Camp Jaha without his son. Indra tells them that Lexa is merciful and only wants Raven to die. By Blood Must Have Blood (Part 2), Abby has come to realize the difficult choices her daughter has had to make are not so different than the choices she made on the Council and tells her daughter that maybe there are no good guys. Abby explains to Tor that the decline in her vision has been accelerating the last few days and Tor wants to know if they'll fix the air problem soon because his daughter should not have to deal with going blind and he leaves. When Jaha points a gun at her head in an effort to convince Kane to take the key, she seems emotionless and unaware. Abby tries to excuse herself by saying she did it to save Nyko but Kane tells her opening a hospital is different than moving into the Mountain and now they will have to add that to the list of objectives for the summit meeting: lifting Lincoln's kill order, opening trade, and getting Clarke back. She is later standing next to Kane as the members of the 100 board the dropship. They really do deserve it after all they had to go through. Abby tells her that "maybe there are no good guys." Kane and Abby later attend the Mount Weather memorial when they are approached by Pike who tells them a grounder army is approaching Arkadia. How does Abby die in the 100? In The Other Side Abby learns that Kane has been locked outside of the bunker. Jasper smiles and says that he was just trying to make the most of their time together. Back at the refurbished drop ship, Abby hands Raven a pressure regulator and Raven tells her it might take a few hours to install it. She finds Raven in the dropship and asks her how she got hurt, and Raven tells Abby that she was shot. He then leaves her and Kane. Abby asks her to not forget that they're the good guys. Kane happily accepts the food and offers the woman the patch off his jacket in exchange. Jaha tries to take control of the situation and force everyone to evacuate but Abby stands her ground. They return to their home and try to live a life of normalcy after winning against the mountain men. Survive first, then get your humanity back. Clarke soon runs outside and asks Nyko for the bottle and drinks from it, showing it wasn't poisoned. This left Josephine horrified. Also Read: Top 28 Movies & TV Shows Like The Tudors Clarke truly believes she will never be able to forgive her mother for turning in her father. Abigail suspects Raven had something to do with their escape plan, which she did, and interrogates her. In Join or Die, Abby approaches Jaha in Polis and tells him to leave Kane to her when he dragged off as a prisoner. Meanwhile, from above them, Octavia is able to break through to where Kane and Abby are trapped. Jackson tells her to look at plasma osmolarity going up across the board and Abby realizes the Delinquents found water. Bellamy leaves and Abby wakes up and looks at the Sector map, wondering if Clarke is in Sector 7. Commander Shumway alerts Kane and he goes after Abby. Clarke asks how he can say that about his friend and Lincoln tells Clarke that some of the people Finn massacred were also his friends too. Abby tells Jasper the location of the wristband and he goes to find it as Raven starts screaming. Jake was Abby 's husband and Clarke 's father who died before the start of the series. Just, the rubble shifts and debris comes crashing down around them. Abby asks Lincoln how to negotiate with Lexa in order to save Finn but, he says there is no way out of it and Finn must die.