Around 2003 he attempted to open a program called Bell Academy in California which was swiftly shut down due to licensing issues. But it was because I was terrified with the threats of we will send u to jamaica if u dont comply, where they can keep u till 25 and have rights to do way worse things or we spoke with your parents and if you dont stay we are going to go to court and take away ur rights till 25. So I kept my mouth shut and played the game. He was then ordered by the state of South Carolina to stay away from CSA until the case resolved, which wasnt completed until 2007. Mice/rats in our rooms, youd find their feces in the drawers on your clothes. In with group with Craig then moved to group with John. I was in group 1 from 2004-2006. Fuck cross creek and if you enjoyed your time as a slave there then fuck you too. Jay Kay, the son of Ken Kay>, got his start in WWASP working for his father as a security guard at Brightway Adolescent Hospital. Over letting someone tell on themselves vs. telling on them myself. This whole organization is so twisted I have wanted to go look these pathetic cowards face to face for years now. I was in ISO all day everyday Craig attacked me in group my slamming me to the floor for talking out of turn.. Sam umi wooped on me case Adkins did the same so did Chris Tony Dallas all of those cowards, Hey what years were you there? I hated that man! I dont remember its been years lol. Wet successful in my current life and have a flourishing social life, so no one knows what Ive been through. Before he rejoined, though, he made this statement: These people are basically a bunch of untrained people who work for this organization. And yes they made a group of us go build another jail like facility and was telling all of us the bad ones will be put here in worse conditions like in a threatening way. This will probably be scrubbed as legally actionable but its true. For anyone who was in group five from January 2017 June 2017, I think about all of you often. So I was there when it first started and completed the program after 13 months. I remember Dallas and Sam and Craig and all those guys. Peace and Love, got pulled out because i stopped eating, lost about 100 pounds, Mike, when were you at CC and what group were you in? If you know of someone who needs to be added, please email and we will address the situation. As an experienced professional, I find that you are someone who needs to move on from your troubled past, and you cant blame others for your mistakes. 4605 East Elwood Street, Suite 100. I was sitting directly across from Rafael when that went down. It was closed in 1996 by Mexican authorities and the Roaches were arrested on charges of illegally detaining children and depriving them of their rights, and running an unlicensed and unsainitary facility. d canadian piece of shit. It made me very sad because i felt I had been abandoned again. Id really like to know what went on. What up yall. Please tell me what reason do I have to lie? Cross Creek Programs was a reform school[2] facility in La Verkin, Utah, operated by the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS). WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs. This Is Maysam Group 8. That place is so psychologically damaging, it should be illegal. The school is bogus there anyway & not really accredited, so anything he did, he will have to do over. Ive been trying to find him and cant seem to. Cross Creek Center | 1000 places You don't want to be as a teenager, Sinead McCarthy: How I Survived a Brainwashing Facility. I still have nightmares where Im back there. I hope that this place never changed him, and I will always remember he and his wife as individuals who helped me get through a very tough program and a tough time in my life.I hated Cross Creek, I have nightmares of going back and my parents never getting me out but never of the Vaifanuas who were good people! When I came to the top of the stairs, I noticed that all the classrooms in that corner of the building had signs on the that said storage. As someone who went to 3 wwasp facilities as a teenage (Casa / SCL / Horizons) I firmly will say thisscum like you are how so many children were allowed to be raped, abused, sexually assaulted, and profited off of. Waddup Colin! In May 2009 and charged with battery on two students at the school. Ive been addicted to prescription drugs and ended up in federal prison fire to my drug abuse. Mr Robby, Mr Dallas, Mr Tony, Mr Justin, Mr Brandon and Sam the one ton of fun. I was there at the same time you were. I too suffered a lot of social anxiety/agoraphobia from that place, but I cant imagine what it must have been like for either of you. Is there a Cross Creek charter school in Michigan? Darrington Academy was closed and criminal charges were pressed against Rich Darrington, forassault and batteryof a minor. Jay Kay was eventually given the job as Director at Tranquility Bay, where he served until the facility closed in January 2009. Kari and Kar,Ron June, Jeff(therapist), and two others I cant remember the names to. That do these same things and have the same policies I almost wonder if its still the same. Thats me lol. Immoral or not, this place was designed to bring back full control of what little brain cells we had left to keep us out of a true institution. They have been evicted from the Cross Creek property in La Verkin and are moving to the old Diamond Ranch property in Hurricane next weekend. I witnessed some horrific things go down that no one deserved regardless of how troubled they were. While the non-stop abuse was the worst thing that happened to me, their was one day i experienced that was very different from the rest and that was the day when one of the last students from group 5 was leaving cross creek and one of the students from another group said to me Youre the only student from group 5 that is still here. HORIZON ACADEMY HAIKU Farnsworth met Robert Litchfield when both worked at Provo Canyon Schools. Remember, Majestic Ranch treated children from 7 to 14., so all victims were under 15 for sure and possibly quite younger. Ron Garrett is a bitch ass nigga. Are you sure? Im 38 now and very much alive. Vorheese as my therapist. I am a lawyer in Alexandria Louisiana and I have been contacted by a family, whose son was possibly abused at this facility. Pullan served as owner and administrator of the facility until 2009, when he closed the school and sold the property. Any one who ever had to enter those doors you are never alone! My son still will not talk about everything that happened there. But it gucci my parents were asians spoke weak english easy to manipulate but however writing letters and waiting just waiting to hear a response back. I was driving through Utah a while back and was gonna dump on their lawn but it was too far out of the way. Just food for thought. She was so smug eating her candy everyday and talking shit. Finlinson sat on my back screaming. Brian Vaifanua let me know if there is anything I can do to help. To the right, which is where the hallway going towards SN and the other rooms, was closed off. Got something special for Garrott in the works Its there. See my survivor testimony and that of Daniel Mauerer for more info as to conditions at these two programs. Goodwin would not agree and insisted his son be sent to Cross Creek in LaVerkin, Utah. Chaffin Pullan is the current administrator. I graduated from Tranquility Bay as well, until I got home and my school district did not accept any of the credits. Secret in Child abuse. I was there 02/03, I had Thane as a therapist. God bless this mess. Looking back now Im ashamed that I became a pawn of the program and contributed in prolonging anyones stay. I want to share my experience I was incarcerated in group 2 Darrel group as horizon academy shares the property with cross creek anyways this place is torture fucked me up real being there time goes by real. I dont want to say that CCM is the cause of all my current problems, but I think that this place caused lasting damage that definitely contributed to my current problems. Reading through this thread and seeing so many familiar names really brings me back, justin, Colin, I knew lots of these guys, one day we all need to meet back up and exchange stories, wish all of you the best, I know first hand how hard it can be adjusting to life outside after going through such a traumatic event, God bless! In typical WWASP fashion, a new identity for the combination of Cross Creek and Horizon has been developed, they are now calling their program Youth Foundation Inc. ( Wrong Therapist, I was there from 90 through 92..I still have trust issues to this day. There are crazy people that put trash bags over childrens heads until they couldnt breath. He first staed working for WWASP as a tech at Brightway in 1992. The tape rooms were the only part that kept me sane. They report that the average length of stay is around 12 months. The pain that will NEVER go away. Love is all I have left. 2 wonderful people who made a very positive impact on my life. Jade Robinson also assisted with his wife at Morava Academy in 1998. He ordered their restraints, food and sleep deprivation and bragged about keeping students in isolation for more than 6 months at a time. If so, what would be the point? Cameron Pullan had way more to do with the program. Rick, maybe if we were all 15 years old and still locked up, this would make sense because we would be trying to manipulate our way out. It has been on my mind a lot recently. I was in ur group with Jeff. I was on a road trip and decided to stop in. Get beat up and restrained till you pass out because they caught you talking yes you were not allowed to talk to anyone! Rons personalperversionof therapyoften includedinappropriatesexual conversations and telling girls who were rape victims that they need to take responsibility for what happened to them as well as forcing victims of child abuse to admit they deserved the abuse they suffered. 2005-07 Thank you. You could also not agree that the sky was blue, but it wouldnt change colors. And you have come out of that hole. As you come in the front door of the boys building (main entrance) the area to left is now the check in area for the motel. She was there for 9 months. Maybe he can help them enter another dimension until their sentence is up. As for everyone on here, I hope you all are thriving in your lives. After founding Cross Creek, Lichfield, along with many of his close family and friends, went on to open several more programs, which would later become a part of WWASP. [1] I think the place is shutdown now right? Hi Daria! He was the main guy for Spring Creek lodge with Jade Robinson when I went there, after CCM and Sunrise Beach. Gosh, where to start. doubt I would have read all of Dostoevsky and Hemingway, etc at Cross Creek if I wasnt exposed to it by the tapes. He is also responsible for overseeing afacilityin violation of many health codes and maintaining a lack of ethical standards of care for the students of CBS. I literally told the charlatans that ran those seminars 5 different times that it was all bullshit and got kicked out. He was also charged with showing a boy pornography and three misdemeanor counts of child abuse. I thought I was a young Robert Lowell or something in there. Id fuck his wife tho lol she was hot. In fact, in legal corporate documents and filings, his name is second only to WWASP itself in number of appearances. Long story short at 32 years old Im still fucked in the head. im just trying to get a hold of anybody i connected with while i was there i remember going through the discovery seminar and they would make us roll up towels cover them in tape and beat carpeted walls while everyone was screaming and i remember being so tired but they would get mad when we would stop and start yelling at us to do it harder and let out our anger i remember being so mentally and physically exhausted i was here for more than 2 years and when my bishop, yes i said bishop not my parents came and rescued me and refused to pay for me to stay longer my parents finally let me come home and i was never able recovery mentally and adjust back into regular society because i have such severe anxiety attacks that affect me till this day cause of this place. It is a DEFACTO prison. The kidnapping resulted in two full on adult fist fights between me (a 16yr old) and grown men. I couldnt have imagined what was on the other side.. The point of everything is is that these programs lied and manipulated your parents for their financial gain. Im a 34 year old man who is married with two kids, owns a house, and has a wonderful life. Were it up to me, I would put every one of these concentration camps out of business and criminally indict all those involved in the abuse. If its a matter of us just not moving on with life, how are so many of us successful professionally and personally if that were the case? He served 25 days in jail and one year of probation. Relationships completely non existent and lost. Fuck Cross Creek. After that, the other programs were founded one by one, following roughly the same model as developed at Cross Creek Manor but each separately owned. Also, Cross Creek or Browning Academy was not an accredited school. WWASPS stated that it was an umbrella organization of independent institutions for education and treatment of troubled teenagers. Xandir OCando tells Cross Creek anti-queer brainwashing and abuse story at Bawdy Storytelling If places like this still exist they should burn to the ground. On page 4 of The description of Ron Garrott is spot on. The World Wide Association Of Specialty Programs and Schools ( WWASPS or WWASP) was an organization based in Utah, in the United States. Its ok the LDS church members just have to tithe a little extra and all is forgivin. I was in Combat weather and I would be remiss if I let this go. please email me. I can tell you all about it, if you are still needing to know? Ive been clean for a few years now. I was in group 4 with thane for all of 2006. It was by far the craziest experience of my life. Shit still haunts me to the day the things i saw go on there. What year were you there. Keep going. Its a TRIP. I did not have any issue with 90% of the staff. He took it upon himself to personally harass each new student in what he called Ron-Meetings where he would mock them and scream in their faces until they broke down and burst into tears. The parents because of covid were not allowed to see our children for MONTHS. Another graduate claimed to be supervised by a male staff member when she was showering at the age of 13. Group 8 September 2007-July 2008, LINK TO ALBUM: I had been their for over 1 & 1/2 years on the day he said that to me which ended up making me feel bad. The most intimidating men i have ever met. Having your freedom and humanity stripped away from you like that, leaves a scar. Wasp is a business and they only want your parents money, they dont give a fuck about you or your family. Some were doing it because night shift was simple, they were old, but wanted something to do. I can name at least 3 other people in the same situation but ill keep their names off the post cause I havent seen them on here. Its crazy to think that those SN boxes are still there, just behind that wall. That stupid smile peeking through those hate filled eyes. You name sounds familiar. Reform school survivors allege abuse of their personal files too Not jail for DUI straight convicted felons of violent and extreme crimes. I question your credentials as a professional if you mean to insituate that a large group of 2000 or so *adults* are not moving on but somehow still maintain we are lying. Yooo Zach!!! I only know of one that is currently ongoing, against Midwest Academy. Oh I didnt graduate after the little scuffle in the cafeteria with Preston and Raphael and a come clean done by a group mate I was too much of a liability to the state of Utah because I was now 18. Dave Arslanian is Co-Owner and formerly served as Admissions Director of Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah. Also I had plan which significantly got me released earlier . Im 36 now, and I dont think Ive ever gotten over the trauma of being kidnapped and locked up against my will at that tender age. He was also apparently WWASPs main legal counsel, serving as registered agent for many WWASP entities. Even though I didnt like any of the group members and refused to work the program, I was almost always the center of attention so to wake up one day only to realize that Im the last member of group 5 still in the program made me feel like I had been left behind only to be forgotten. He kept pushing MPD on his girls. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Originally, he worked at Casa by The Sea with his wife, Allie Hernandez. Shame on you. For everyones sack lets thank our parents for avoiding another teen suicide statistic. I learned a lot about myself there, that i never want to be locked up again, i love my freedom. In July a member of another group, Cross Creek Survivors, posted a picture of a dumpster outside the Cross Creek Manor facility, another former WWASP school in southern Utah. Ill never forget that damn room where you had to sit and listen to tapes and take that quiz on it. I attended and graduated highschool while at Casa by the Sea in early 2000s. *withthats, WITH an aluminum baseball bat. Survivor Testimony Tia Foster That place fucked kids up even more than ever helped. Dallas that asshole. Although I will admit that I did grow quite close with them after 2 years of tough program time, it brings me chills and tears to re-live and truely assess the mental torture that I went through at this facility. Yes, please. Ken Kay Over the course of 3 decades, over 20 WWASP programs would open and later close for various reasons including abuse . I remember it all like it was yesterday. God this place was the worst I still partially hate my parents for it. That cabin had a husband and wife living there, the wifes name was Pookie, I cant remember the husbands name. Ben Trane Required fields are marked *. I went along with the program and left those tendencies in the CDC. Yet they admitted he did not benefit from their program, because of covid was not able to utilize the school full potential. Most drank the unKookaid and wre the teachers pet favoritism. Dont know how causer I know girls that were there for over 2 years and on a lower level. Oh I didnt graduate after the little scuffle in the cafeteria with Preston and Raphael and a come clean done by a group mate I was too much of a liability to the state of Utah and was sent to camas ranch an affiliate of spring creek in Montana. You left soon as you turned 18. Litchfield was arrested and charged with abuse and violations of international law. Robert W. Lichfield He apparently got the job due to his relation to Brian Vaifanua, namely, brother-in-law. In the classic nepotistic fashion that a hallmark of WWASP, in 2010 his father appointed him the owner and Administrator of the Teen Mentor facility in Costa Rica. They were mostly just getting paid for work in a small town with a bad economy. I hope everyone can find what they seek. From August 4th 2013 August 16th 2014. Im not sure if I ever will be. I have been looking for you for years Doug. He kept 1 girl in isolation for 6 months. World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools He put me on staff buddy my very first Ron meeting because he said I was not being honest about why I was there and that I had to be a terrible child for my parents to send me away to this program. Suffered Ron Garrotts abuse too. Anyone remember the kid that went on hunger strike and had a tube up his nose? I remember this guy Eric Rostdoc marten wearing skinhead punkjust kidding, how are you eric? Love this site, it is so nice to be amongst friends. Craig Hansen was my 1st therapist, then when he left it what thane, then eventually it was garth. I find it interesting that most allegations of abuse are from kids who went there 2001-2006ish. He apparently served as a Trustee for the company. I knew it would get shut down eventually. You must have been a good little slave, and i bet you got off to belittling your peers when they gave you upper level status. Later, Robert Lichfield incorporated the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASP) and programs operating under the Cross Creek Manor model would be referred to as "WWASP programs" by survivors. Copyright 2012-2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Look, experienced professional, I have BS and MS degree, successful career, marriage, and soon to be kids and I dont do drugs. Officials also found 100 of 193 students did not have the required immigration papers. some of the staff were cool but the others were horrible.. it always seemed like the staff were at war. I literally just left cross creek after a short visit. I doubt you would suggest victims of other kinds of violence should get over it merely because they have dedicated their lives to preventing that violence. Wow. He apparently the served as a Trustee for the company. Id like to catch up with you. 1999. Farnsworth met Litchfield when both worked at Provo Canyon Schools. In 2010, CSA was closed. The place is shut down, but just down the road is a new one and Parker is in charge of it. And they lied to parents all the time. So good to see you two on here! I still cant believe I was stuck in that place. Rules and Regulations. Although . This whole organization is so twisted I have wanted to go look these pathetic cowards face to face for years now. . I was in group 4 with thane for all of 2006. We made it, they didnt. Its insane knowing in hindsight that so much abuse went on in that building. Im wondering why the royal gorge Academy is referred to as a school stiill? I witnessed a lot of horrible things but I kept my composure and wits untill I learned that I was able to be released by 18 via court order but was told I had to stay regardless untill completion.. WWASP entities named in the Turley lawsuit : r/troubledteens - Reddit @ cross creek from 04-06. Midwest Academy was raided and closed by authorities,, Youth Foundation Closes Amid Scandals, Lawsuits | WWASP Survivors, There Are Few Congressional No Brainers This is One | The News On Time, 385. +(91)-9821210096 | where is bobby dassey now 2020. was margaret lockwood's beauty spot real. My intake was a little different. No kids deserves to be kidnapped and locked up like that. I was there from oct. 16th 2002 to June 24th 2004 in group 5 with Craig Hanson as well. My older brother also went into cross creek before me and was in Group 7. I wait with bated breath. Place was worst than a jail.
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cross creek manor wwasp 2023