kick in the ass. And according to many here, the Dems DO think they can get away with it. NOW WATCH: Fox News pundits are using white supremacist language tied to 'The Great Replacement' conspiracy theory, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Another undercover expos from Project Veritas shed new light on Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign this week, with a different field organizer calling for Republican Americans are so f---ing dumb. When a party loses a statesman and gains a kook, thats a bad omen. [/sharequote], For the first time Im rooting for the ACLU to take a stand. Send any friend a story Give this article. "Is the plan of Couric and others to cram everyone into a digital reeducation camp, or are they gonna set up a concentration camp like that for the Uighur Muslims in communist China to make sure everyone gets reeducated and deprogrammed?" In this Feb. 15, 2014, file photo, Missouri's All-American defensive end Michael Sam claps during the Cotton Bowl trophy presentation at halftime of an NCAA college basketball game between Missouri and Tennessee in Columbia, Mo. Republicans believe in original sin. Americanism is the coin. While the Republicans and their followers are often labeled as radicals, its interesting to note that recently the left has introduced steps to expel Freedom of Speech and introduce re-education camps for Trump supporters. By signing up to the Blaze News newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from Blaze Media that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. You're gonna die for it motherf*cker." The grand question: Without that wing of todays G.O.P., whats left? Primetime host Sean Hannity also ran a segment on the same theme on Monday night, specifically using the term "reeducation camps." Its time to start getting nervous about expressing your views publicly - if youre a conservative. A growth opportunity for the Comrades that have been liquidating people for the Clintons; they are all right at home with the CIA, NSA, FBI. Let's not kill them in the name of freedom. Take the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. In Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazified, says Jurek. A site in 2019 that is believed to be a re-education camp in Xinjiang. Please help us! Success! Project Veritas: Another Bernie Staffer Dreams of GOP 'Re So, here is the lesson plan for Republican re-education: How simple could it be? People don't hate us because we are good, decent, law-abiding folks who loves us some freedom, privacy and a tiny bit of disposable income: they hate us because the United States, despite the admonitions of the founders, have established an oppressive, imperialist, global foot-print which makes a Colossus look like the mayor of Munchkin Land. I don't believe government should be involved in "allowing" or not allowing marriage. America benefits from a loyal opposition. Leave the purity tests for God. Father does not know best just because he is father and if you look at the facts the misogynist, chauvinist, patriarchy of Western Civilization has ballooned this world into a dysfunctional family which makes the Manson family look like the Cowsills. The People trump the Individual in the American Project: The common good; the common wealth; common defense. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. I mean, Im serious, he says. It's the smile of a grifter. Is that progress? But have we traded one prejudice and civil rights violation for another? She was supposed to receive an honorary degree from Brandeis University as a courageous campaigner for womens rights. Some of them. Youre not a rEaL conservative Youre not a rEaL Christian Youre not a rEaL republican Listen, slave, none of this will matter when you end up in a gulag or re-education camp. We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. You know the citizens that paid the LEOs salary. Bernie Sanders Field Organizer suggests people who resist change would be shot and killed. Lindsey Graham? he asked. he AP reports that Beller resigned from his position, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Fine you? 2023 iHeartMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No seriouslyhow *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Republicanism only leads to barbarism, secrecy and loathing. Republicans remain largely uneducated, and therefore rigidly stuck in a 1950s black & white TV rerun loop of Father Knows Best starring the erstwhile Dr. Marcus Welby. We go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away. Im not a big conspiracy person. While the thought that re-education camps could ever be set up in this country seems preposterous today, you can never underestimate the vast propaganda Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) They shot them on the beach. Mike Huckabee on the 12 p.m. hour of "Outnumbered. Silly me, I thought free speech was legal in America. But because Republicans are so selfish - and it no secret major universities unwinding the Republican genome are astonished at the magnitude of corrupted DNA strands - they have not understood the FIRST PRINCIPLE of the American Project: We are the Government. Youd think 100 million dead would give some people pause, but youd be wrong. Where is the ACLU? Theyll be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people horrible kids, Beller added. This isnt supposed to happen in America. The overall topic of "big tech censorship" has become a mainstay of Fox News coverage over the past two weeks. Glenn Beck says: You want to see this film. It is so shocking. 30 Apr 2023 18:46:24 Were already unified. Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified. Anyway, we were supposed to go to Camp Waggakopo the next summer, but Dad needed me on the farm and told me I could go to the academy the following year.". Let us not seek vengeance on the men and women, unable to find love, respect and admiration from normal people, but only begrudged jealousy from their own kind as they measure the breadth and width of their callousness and cynicism. Let's not practice the Republican Golden Rule: Fuck others before thy fuck you. Let me give a few examples of political correctness run amok. Project Veritas then displays a graphic recounting that up to 25,000 laborers died at the Belomorkanal, according to Soviet documents. Republicans believe Law is meant to restrict behavior, construct the walls of the box, and Democrats believe Law is to protect the weak from the predations of human Godzillas and to prohibit the strong from building fences around the weak and calling it home. If you disagree with the party line, you get the shit beat out of you until you recant. Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis,Jurek explained. A different group is running the witch-hunt. Want to know more about Michael Berry? The AP reports that Beller resigned from his position. It's happening across America. An undercover video released by Project Veritas on Tuesday shows a second organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaign whitewashing the Soviet Unions gulags and fantasizing about Republicans being sent to re-education camps., Im ready to start tearing bricks up, says a man identified as Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, according to hidden camera footage. The last camp I went to was boot camp at Parris Island, and Im not going. This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. She is a fierce critic of radical Islam and the way women are treated and mistreated in Muslim societies. Wait.I thought that was the purpose of the government day prison system.aka da skoolz. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To Unity Camps Via The Babylon Bee U.S.Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and From the environment, to the economy to issues of war and peace, Republicans have proved Freud and Marx right and Friedman and Strauss wrong. PBS put out a statement saying This employee no longer works for PBS.They add that There is no place for hateful rhetoricat PBS, andthis individuals viewsin no wayreflect our valuesor opinions., On the floor of the House yesterday, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz pointed out that President Trump cant tweet or Facebook but the principal counsel for PBS can call for the government to steal children from Republicans and throw Molotov cocktails at the White House!. candidate for president has won the popular vote in the last three decades, and the loony Arizona Republican Party has lost about 10,000 members since the riot in the U.S. Capitol and its censure of party elders like Cindy McCain. They are taking away our advertising revenue, censoring our content,and threatening to de-platform us. Or have we just switched sides. They dont want you to see this Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Republicans will never be like us - good, decent and sexy - but deep down Republicans are people too. Reeducation camps, where our fellow citizens are taken away to be brain-washed into changing their views or attitude? And we await their reply,should be interesting. But remember what Jesus said, "Love Your Enemy.". "This is crazy stuff when people talk like that.". I know exactly how this story ended everywhere it was tried. Wayne's Twitter. This month, just days before Joe Bidens inauguration, a childhood friend told me confidently that Trump would swoop in to serve a second term. "I mean, it's really bizarre, isn't it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten," Couric said in the clip shown on "Outnumbered," referring to Republican lawmakers who still dispute the results of the 2020 election along with President Trump. Michael If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon below and to the right of that comment. Fox News did not respond to Insider's request for comment. ), Ways to get involved in the upcoming elections. For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our, Former President Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury, 'There's no such thing as someone else's child!' It looks like Atkins claim that he wasnt calling for re-education camps or anything was a load of manure. ", Now, because Republicans tend to be so clueless and ignorant of the consequences of their thoughts and actions which tend to be destructive and cruel, not to mention, Un-American, it's easy to hate them. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To 'Unity Camps'. We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. We need Republicans! (AP Photo/L.G. The f***ing media, pundits. What will help is when we send all the Republicans to the re-education camps, says the Sanders organizer. Man-Cave, Home Office or Cabin They have exacerbated our problems. I may not agree with what Don Jones said publicly, but I think the Miami Dolphins and the NFL should be sued for $100 million dollars for violation of the employee rights of Don Jones. [sharequote align="center"]We are protected by that silly little thing called the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.[/sharequote]. Leave the purity tests for God. Where have we heard those before? All the kids liked to run their fingers through it. What were her critics angry about? I would kill the SOBs before that would happen to me. "Well I know one thing, all of the Trump supporters are getting Ring doorbells so they can see who's knocking, because they think it might be some government goon coming to take them away because they voted differently than Eugene Robinson or Katie Couric," Huckabee said. Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich recently lost his job for making a donation to support Prop 8, the ballot initiative that barred same-sex marriage in California. Heck, in my day, wed have killed to go to camp. Meanwhile, the Hawaii G.O.P. This was tried with the Vietnamese reeducation camps. Millions were imprisoned. These are some of the same charlatans who argued last year that, as Fox News put it, the coronavirus is just like the flu and that mask mandates are a step toward tyranny. More than 400,000 coronavirus deaths later, some people are dead because they believed that drivel. Where is the ACLU? But the issue here isnt gay marriage, its freedom of speech. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf***ers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets,said Jurek in one stunning exchange. It's not like we're trying to teach Republicans quantum Euclidean geometry. Well put them into the reeducation camps, principal counsel for the Public Broadcasting Service Michael Beller said, according to Project Veritas, which published the video on Tuesday. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To 'Unity Camps'. While I realize is the Bee,soon,we be heading into reality. #Expose2020, $bannerservice ='gtm'; One glimpse of the conundrum: The G.O.P. Should a CEO in America be fired for his personal belief that marriage is between a man and a woman? Can you imagine Mitch McConnell? So, conservative friends, fear not: Were not plotting to lock you up in detention camps. Is that progress? PBS lawyer who called for re-education camps for Republican children; no longer with network By KWWL Jan 13, 2021 0 (KWWL) The Associated Press reports, a As I see it, the last, best hope is twofold. To a Republican, Oligarchy is as close as they ever want to come to democracy. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Or is that trading one civil rights violation for another? Maybe in 4 years next term. Communist China-- and now, apparently, Katie Couric. There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individuals views in no way reflect our values or opinions. ?>, Sean Hannity and 2023. Hold us accountable, but please do the same for the charlatans who deceive you, use you and cheat you. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. U.S. - Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and they've found a new way to implement This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) after being elected speaker in January. He has every right to believe and say what he wants. The Chinese and American models are not about education, but coercion. He also said we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children awayWell put them into the reeducation camps.. But neither should your views on two men kissing. BERNIE CAMP EXPOSED: Another Worker Calls for Republican Re-Education Camps, Says Guillotine the Rich! posted by Hannity Staff - 1.21.20 Another undercover The political fallout from the latest Project Veritas video escalated Tuesday after new footage of a Bernie Sanders field organizer claimed those who fight against the revolution are gonna die motherf***er!, What are we gonna do with those people that resist the change? asked the undercover journalist. WebDuring the Second World War, the Jews of occupied Europe were mostly sent to the six death camps in Poland, including Auschwitz. Heres How It Could Impact the Worlds Reserve Currency. Republicans believe in the idea of the 'great leader' because following the leader is much easier than thinking for oneself. Another undercover expos from Project Veritas shed new light on Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign this week, with a different field organizer calling for Republican re-education camps while urging supporters to Guillotine the Rich.. Just a few weeks after the November election, as the Trump campaign and others filed legal challenges to election results in several states, Democratic National Committee member David Atkins argued that someone needs to deprogram Trump supporters. Oops- thats already happened. Dont laugh - its already happening (see below). And remember, "democracy" to a Republican doesn't mean the same thing as to a real American. Jones was immediately fined and barred from team activities until he finishes "training for his recent comments made on social media." Because either those people wont come out to vote for Trump, you know the red states, or a lot of them are sick and dying, Beller said. He also expressed joy that the coronavirus was spreading in states where the president saw high approval, saying people wont go to the polls to vote for Trump. Roy is a member of the far Then theres the rubbish about the election. The fundamental core 171. -----------------------------------------------------, Inquiries about advertising opportunities can be made by emailing me at, Guess which Big Tech executive just bought a second passport, The Scary Truth About Living in Big Cities During the Turbulent Times Ahead, This museum visitor decided he wanted a snack so he ate a $120,000 piece of modern art taped to the wall , How Civil Wars Start Book Review: Leftists Are Idiots, JPM CEO Says System Is Very, Very Sound After Second Largest US Bank Failure In History, Is the Collapse of the Petrodollar Imminent? Excited for this! How many more bank failures will it take to shake Americans confidence in the full faith and credit of the U.S. government? "Do you want to fight against the revolution? Wayne Allyn Root is the national bestselling author of The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive and Prosper During Obamageddon. Its already reality. Leave the purity tests for God. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! This theme of punishing Trumps supporters isnt a new one for Atkins, who writes for Washington Monthly. And ever since then government has been seen as a major impediment to arrogant entitlement. Dont laugh too hard I can bet you there would be Democrats literally dreaming about doing this. 2020 ElectionPolitics2020 Democratic Presidential PrimaryBernie SandersProject VeritasSoviet Union. Government is not bad because people are not bad. co-host Dagen McDowell asked former Arkansas Gov. Its a beautiful thing.. BREAKING: 2ND PAID STAFFER PRAISES GULAGS, South Carolina @BernieSanders Field Organizer @martinthemanic: "I'll straight up get armedI'm ready for the "f**king revolution"; "Guillotine the rich"; 'send Republicans to re-education camps', FULL RELEASE 12:00PM#Expose2020, James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 21, 2020. Cant wait until some pencil neck comes to take me to a camp, and any cops that come with him, it wouldnt end well for you.
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send republicans to 're education camps 2023