Drum Circle. About Waikato-TainuiWaikato is a growing tribe of over 80,000, and just like our tuupuna before us, we are voyagers and pioneers. Waikato-Tainui has proudly developed this whare as a long-term home for the hard-working kaimahi (staff) of ACC in a way that benefits ACC, Hamilton, our wider region and Waikato-Tainui itself, she says. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui roopu now has a membership number of 60+ members both including Kaumatua and Rangatahi of Waikato Tainui waka decent. Newspaper AGE-OLD CEREMONY (Evening Post, 16 February 1935) Date: 16-02-1935 From: Evening Post The university also holds documents and objects related to the tribe.[3]. The marae are spread over a large area from Te Kuiti and Cambridge in the south to Auckland in the north. As it has done for the past 160 years, the role of Kiingitanga will still be the unifying thread of all Iwi, under the seventh monarch, Kiingi Tuheitia. Ngata, A. T. Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha. Many are celebrations which reaffirm our identity as Tainui waka and as protectors of the Kiingitanga movement. Your browser currently has JavaScript turned off, We are working on a new approach for tribal-wide social procurement. We have an enduring entrepreneurial and innovative history. During the siege, Te Ata-inutai was struck by a spear made of mnuka wood and wounded. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. A Waikato tradition traces the name to Tmaki-makau-rau, a woman chief who was the daughter of Te Huia and the Ngti Te Ata chief Te Rangikiamata. Let us know how we can keep improving the experience on our website. composition was modified (bold type) to commemorate In 2004 a completely redesigned and reset edition was published by Auckland University Press and the Polynesian Society. [16], The earliest published account of Te Ata-inutai's life is included in a 1904 article by Walter Edward Gudgeon, with no indication of the sources on which it is based. The latest happenings within the Waikato-Tainui tribe and there is a lot happening. TGH aims to maximise return on investments and assets. Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. Do not enter personal information. The Koiora strategy has been framed specifically to the maatauranga and tikanga of Waikato-Tainui. 24 April 2023. The Taniwha Water Storage Project (Wai Ora) was one of the five Taniwha Projects that form Amohia Ake - the Waikato-Tainui resilience plan. An integrated and holistic approach to achieving the social, economic, environmental, and cultural aspirations of Waikato-Tainui. This is our space to share honest koorero and helpful tips that make talking about money easier. sfn error: no target: CITEREFTe_HataFletcher1916 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFFletcherTe_Hata1916 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFJonesBiggs2005 (, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Te_Ata-inutai&oldid=1113806516, This page was last edited on 3 October 2022, at 09:59. Maximising our collective strength to achieve our aspirations. So our approach for moving forward is one that embraces change and focuses on supporting our marae and tribal members by optimising our resources, leveraging our relationships, and exhibiting efficient practices. [See Nga Moteatea Vol. A ptere by Te Whnau-a-Apanui for the children drowned in the Motu River in 1900. . The Waitoetoe River is a small river of the Taranaki Region of New Zealand's North Island. [4] In Hoeta Te Hata's account, however, the rituals were carried out by a nameless tohunga (priest), Waitapu came home already pregnant, and Te Ata-inutai planned to kill his grandchild if it proved to be male, but Waitapu covered the baby's front and tricked him into believing that she had given birth to another daughter. contact with the elders - then so suddenly, all gone. So our approach for moving forward is one that embraces change and focuses on supporting our marae and tribal members by optimising our resources, leveraging our relationships, and exhibiting efficient practices. click here, Tnei mtou e t atu neiKi te whakangahau i te ope neiE te iwiAu, au, puritia rT mana Mori eHei tohutohu i roto i tnei aoAhakoa mtou kua riro neiKo te mana me te wehi kia mau eN reira, e hoa mHe wahine pai e kori atu neiAu e hine mTukutuku tukua o taha e ruaN reira kia mau e. E noho Theitia te hri o WaikatoE huri t kanohi ki te hauuruNg tai e ngunguru i waho o Te kauAu hei auT pikitanga ko Te Ao O Te RangiT heketanga ko Karioi maungaT hoenga waka ko WhingaroaAu hei auTakahia atu r te moana i AoteaKia whatiwhati koe i te hua o te miroTe tihi o Moerangi, te puke okiokingaAu hei auPiua mata ki Kwhia moanaKi Kwhia kai, ki Kwhia tangataKo te kupu tn a tpunaAu hei auE hoe t waka ki NgruawhiaTrangawaewae m te ao katoaTe tongi whakamutunga a MatutaeraAu hei auTiri te aroha i a ha ha!Toro mai ringa me aroha tuaAu hikitia! Across five key pou, Hapori, Taiao, Kaupapa, Whai Rawa and Mahi Tonu, we group and measure our mahi. Te Ahurei o Tainui. Please read our cookie policy to find out more. Plymouth. Its primary goals were to cease the sale of land to Paakehaa, stop inter-tribal warfare, and provide a springboard for the preservation of Maaori culture in the face of Paakehaa colonisation. Transformation, Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for our people. I also have these Maori songbooks too. Ka mate kinga tahi ka ora kinga rua. To ensure Kiingitanga remains an eternal symbol of unity, Te Arikinui Tuheitia Paki (current Kiingi) and Makau Ariki (Royal Consort) Atawhai, strong in te reo Maaori and tikanga aspiring to the heights of excellence and leadership, educated and trained to enable our true potential, growing our hard-won estate, caring for our natural resources and investing for our tamariki, marae that are self-sufficient and people who are socially and economically successful, The Crown seeks on behalf of all New Zealanders to atone for these acknowledged injustices, so far as that is now possible, and, with the grievance of Raupatu finally settled as to the matters set out in the Deed of Settlement signed on May 22 1995 to begin the process of healing and to enter into a new age of co-operation with the Kiingitanga and Waikato.. Wairarapa, then Wellington, so the first line of Te Te Kaokaoroa-o-Paatetere. Ko Taamaki ki raro [19] F. L. Phillips gives an account in his 1989 book on Tainui historical geography, which he heard from Kahu Te Kuru of Ngti Manunui. [8][9][6], After this Te Ata-inutai returned to Mount Whaka-puhunga, while Waitapu and Te Rangi-ita settled at Marae-kwhai, north of Lake Taup, near Mkai. A version with translated English sub-titles has also been posted on the Facebook . In the changing global environment the world our future generations live in will be significantly different to ours. attacked Taranaki in 1822, so a leader of Te Ati Awa The Waikato iwi has been using the name Tainui to describe itself for some time, through the establishment of the Tainui Mori Trust Board by the Waikato-Maniapoto Maori Claims Settlement Act 1946, with many people now referring to the Waikato iwi as "Tainui" or "Waikato-Tainui". *Te aroha, te whakaponoMe te rangimarieTtou, ttou e**(repeat *- ** once), Piki ake e tama e HineI te ahurei o te Kuratini o WaikatoHe mtpono whaka koungaKa whakaata i te angit, Pupuke te hihiriPupuke te maharaPupuke te wnanga a te Kore, N ng kete i pikihia e TwhakiHe wairua, he mauri, he mana, he reoHe mramatanga, he mtaurangaHe iho o te ahurea, Purea nei e te hauHoroia e te uaWhitiwhitia e te rMahea ake ng praruraruMakere ana ng here, E rere wairua e rereKi ng ao o te rangiWhitiwhitia e te rMahea ake ng praruraruMakere ana ng Here-turi-kk, Me whakaiti ttou ki te reo karangaWhoatu te aroha (x2), Ko t ttou hiahia, kia pai te nohoKi tnei kinga, he kinga mahana, Pua te kwhai emotional ", , Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for our people. .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"Place name detail: Waitoetoe River". Tai o Honipaku, Te Waikato-Tainui hold numerous events throughout the calendar year. It is a long-term development approach to building the capacity of Waikato-Tainui Marae, hapuu, and Iwi. Te reo Maaori me ngaa tikanga o Waikato are an important part of our identity and sense of belonging. The College is the critical connection to the education ecosystem (through partnership opportunities with other education partners, marae and tribal member capability building and research.). He and his wife Parengaope, a high chieftainess of Ngati Koura, were the parents of Ptatau Te Wherowhero, the first Maori king. Armed with Whakatupuranga 2050, we have a blueprint for the cultural, social and economic advancement to build for better outcomes for our marae and tribal members. Kiingitanga was established in 1858 to unite all tribes under the leadership of Pootatau Te Wherowhero. Tainui Moteatea. Taamaki is below Its a fifty-year long development approach to building the capacity of our iwi, hapuu and marae. The four-storey complex is located on the corner of Collingwood and Tristram streets, and only a short walk from major public transport routes and the Hamilton Central Transport hub. . Our settlement has enabled the building of a solid financial foundation. Leveraging our collective buying power to create wealth opportunities for tribal members and marae. Over these past 12-months, our iwi has been guided by the tongikura from Kiingi Tuheitia, Amohia ake te ora o te iwi ka puta ki te whei ao to protect the wellbeing of our people is paramount. 25 Sep 2008. He probably lived in the early seventeenth century. Ka mtakitaki iho au ki te riu o WaikatoAn nei hei kapo kau ake mkuKi te kapu o taku ringa,Ka whakamiri noa I tna aratau,E tia nei he tupu pua hou.Kia hiwa ake au I te tihi o Pirongia,In hei toronga whakaruruhau mnaKi tku tauawhirotanga.An! Music Student. The tribe is named after the Waikato River, which plays a large part in its history and culture. The attack on Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre, Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre Referral Form. The teenaged This version includes te reo Maaori sub-titles to aid learning of the chant. Tainui lands as "Nga Tai of Honipaka, composed (sic) Ko Waikato te iwi The Waikato Raupatu claim, subject of the 1995 settlement stemmed from the inception of Kiingitanga in 1858 when Pootatau Te Wherowhero was anointed first Maaori King. It preserves the integrity of Ngatas work and includes two audio CDs of waiata drawn from the Archive of Mori and Pacific Music at the University of Auckland. Wharepouri decided to move his Te Ati Awa people All fields are optional. Working towards the restoration and enhancement of our wai and whenua to the state in Kiingi Taawhiaos maimai aroha. Maori King Movement in New Zealand, Ancient Originally published in 1928, this classic text is the largest and most comprehensive collection of Mori waiata and a unique contribution to New Zealand poetry. The social, economic and cultural impacts of COVID-19 are hitting our people the hardest. Listen to the Waiata: Grow our tribal estate and manage our natural resources. The plan is designed to enhance Waikato-Tainui participation in resource and environmental management. Here is how you can buy it. We actively work to protect our rights and interests in freshwater. John McGregor, Ko nga waiata Maori; na te Maori o Waikato e tuhituhi 1864 1910 . He led the war party down the Waikato River, along the east coast of Lake Taup. as well, and they set up a fortified trading station Apirana Ngata was the leading Mori figure of his day, a land reformer, politician and scholar who made a vital contribution to the revival of the Mori people and culture in the early years of the twentieth century.
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waikato tainui moteatea 2023