To review and agree action in respect of identified information risks. The Chief officer has the overarching, Information Governance Strategy ONCE PRINTED OFF, THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. The key elements will include: How this Information Governance Policy will be supported in terms of both resources and operationally How existing systems and processes will be impacted How ownership of the Strategy will be ensured What mechanism will be used to review the Strategy How the Information Governance Strategy will link to other organisational strategies Annual objectives and action plans. Information Governance Strategy 2015/16, NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group. An assessment of compliance with requirements of the Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) will be undertaken each year by an external body and a detailed final performance report completed. Taking appropriate, positive action where standards are not met. It must be followed by all staff employed by the organisations on a permanent, temporary or voluntary placement or undertaking work on behalf of NHS West Lancashire CCG The policy covers all aspects of handling information including, but not limited to: Structured record systems-paper and electronic Transmission of information- fax, , post and telephone 3.0 GUIDANCE 3.1 Principles of Information Governance This guidance outlines the four key strands to the Information Governance Policy. Information Governance. For help from a GP, visit your GP surgerys website, use an online service to contact your GP, or call the surgery. He was seconded to NCL ICS from his role as chief executive of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, helping to lead the systems response to the pandemic. For urgent medical help, use theNHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you are unable to get help online. As of 1 April 2021, following a series of mergers, there were 106 CCGs in England. Ensure that the role and responsibilities of the SIRO and the infrastructure to support the SIRO is kept under review. Karen Helliwell will remain as interim accountable officer of the CCG. This is a ladies professional golf tour event started in 2020 by Justin Rose and his wife, Kate, when the pandemic affected the Ladies European Tour. Ms Milliganjoined the Devon system in April 2021 as its CCG accountable officer and leader of the Devon ICS, havingpreviously led the health system in north east London since 2017. We also oversee how money is spent and make sure health services work well and are of high quality. NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB joins up health and care services, improve people's health and wellbeing, and to make sure everyone has the same access to services and gets the same outcomes from treatment. Recruitment started in the autumn for the chief executive designates, and several have been confirmed over Thursday and Friday see the full list below. West Lancs Borough Council Health & Wellbeing Strategy launch: Kim Webber, Chief Executive, WLBC, Cllr Kevin Wright, Portfolio Holder for Health and Community Board Platform. Company registration 30158470. INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Issued by: Senior Information Risk Owner Policy Classification: Policy No: POLIG001 Information Governance Issue No: 1 Date Issued: 18/11/2013 Page No: 1 of 16 Review Date: INFORMATION GOVERNANCE AND DATA PROTECTION POLICY WN CCG Information Governance & Data Protection Policy July 2013 1 Document Control Sheet Name of Document: Information Governance & Data Protection Policy, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE AND SECURITY 1 POLICY DRAFTED BY: INFORMATION GOVERNANCE LEAD 2 ACCOUNTABLE DIRECTOR: SENIOR INFORMATION RISK OWNER 3 APPLIES TO: ALL STAFF 4 COMMITTEE & DATE APPROVED: AUDIT COMMITTEE, Information Governance Policy Document Number 01 Version Number 2.0 Approved by / Date approved Effective Authority Customer Services & ICT Authorised by Assistant Director Customer Services & ICT Contact. Mr Turner is currently CEO of Lincolnshire CCG. InformationforCRNNorth West Coast staff aboutCOVID-19 and Urgent Public Health Research in the region. CQC appoints chief inspector of integrated care, New chair will reset group model across three trusts, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West. It is therefore of paramount importance to ensure that information is efficiently managed on the basis of the HORUS categorisation; Held safely and confidentially Obtained fairly and effectively Recorded accurately and reliably Used effectively and ethically Shared appropriately and lawfully On this basis NHS West Lancashire CCG will put in place a range of appropriate policies, procedures and management arrangements to provide a robust framework for information governance within the CCG. WebThe Board of Directors have a responsibility to declare relevant interests as defined in Sections 12.22 to 12.32 of our Constitution. Chief executive - Kevin Lavery. Information governance plays a key part in supporting clinical governance, service planning and performance management. To achieve this we will need to make difficult decisions about how and where our services are delivered and how we organise ourselves to achieve our aims as a partnership. The changing face of clinical commissioning (2019) showcases the unique perspective brought by clinical and makes the case for this expertise to be retained when developing integrated systems. NHS Business Services Authority Information Security Policy, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Strategy, The Informatics Policy Information Governance Process, Information Incident Management. Most recently, we have published a report looking at the legacy of CCGs and what lessons can be learned from them and taken forward into the new integrated care systems. They were responsible for the health of their entire population and measured by how much they improve outcomes. Proforma: Information Policy Security & Corporate Policy Procedures Status: Approved Next Review Date: April 2017 Page 1 of 17 Issue Date: June 2014 Prepared by: Information Governance Senior Manager Status: Job Description Job Title Pay Band Base Dept./Team Responsible to Accountable to Responsible for Complaints, Incidents and Governance Manager New Alderley House, Macclesfield Eastern Cheshire Clinical, NHS Business Services Authority Information Security Policy NHS Business Services Authority Corporate Secretariat NHSBSAIS001 Issue Sheet Document reference NHSBSARM001 Document location F:\CEO\IGM\IS\BSA, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE HANDBOOK SECTION ONE Author Tracey Burrows Role Information Governance Manager (CSCSU) Date / Version February 2015 Version FINAL V1.0 Approved by IM&T Board Date 27 February 2015, Policies and Procedures USE OF PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICES POLICY Date Approved by Information Strategy Group Version Issue Date Review Date Executive Lead Information Asset Owner Author 15.04.2014 1.0 01/08/2014, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Governance Strategy Author: Zeb Alam, CCG IG Lead, (NELCSU) David Pearce, Head of Governance, WFCCG Version 3.0 Amendments to Version 2.1 Annual Review Reference. On behalf of the members and staff we extend a warm welcome to The West Lancashire Golf Club website, and we hope you will wish to find time to visit us in person on our fine true-links course. Policies for: Information Governance Information Quality Information Management Information Security Approved by: None this version Date approved: Name of originator/author: Ade Oduntan, Mike Hellier, Information Governance Policy 1 SUMMARY This policy is intended to ensure that staff are fully aware of their Information Governance (IG) responsibilities, so that they can effectively manage and best, INFORMATION RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY DOCUMENT CONTROL: Version: 1 Ratified by: Steering Group / Risk Management Sub Group Date ratified: 21 November 2012 Name of originator/author: Manager Name of responsible, Information Governance and Data Protection Policy Page 1 of 21 Document Control Sheet Name of document: Version: Owner: File location / Filename: Information Governance and Data Protection Policy Final, ENFIELD CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY PLEASE DESTROY ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT Enfield CCG Information Governance Policy Information Governance Policy (Policy, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY & STRATEGY FINAL DRAFT Prepared By: Alistair Stewart Responsible Person: Endorsed by: Information Governance Committee Date: May 2008 Review: June 2009 Issue Number Draft, Appendix 'A' Lancashire County Council Information Governance Framework Introduction Information Governance provides a framework for bringing together all of the requirements, standards and best practice. SLaM Information Governance Framework 4 4. This site requires you to have Javascript enabled in your browser. The region stretches across 4 counties from South Cheshire to South Cumbria. Until then they remained the organisations responsible for getting the best possible health outcomes for their local population. Information Governance Strategy and Policy. SEN15-P17 11 March 2015. Welcome to the new NHS Lancashire and South Integrated Care Board (ICB) website. The Caldicott Guardian is responsible for ensuring that NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group processes satisfy the highest practical standards for handling patient information. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to have clear procedures and arrangements for handling queries from patients and the public. CCGs could buy services from CSUs or to carry them out in-house, whichever they felt was most efficient and appropriate. Ms McIsaac said: I am hugely ambitious for Hampshire and Isle of Wight. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to undertake or commission annual assessments and audits of its compliance with legal requirements. In themeantimewe are working on interim arrangements to ensure strong leadership over this transitional period.. They were clinically-led statutory NHS bodies responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services for their local area. CRIS Security Model 3 3. One of our early influencing documents was Local solutions to national challenges (2015), which put forward a series of key asks to give clinical commissioners the freedoms and flexibilities they need to make even more of a difference in transforming healthcare locally. Following the laying out of the original 9 holes, the course underwent substantial redesign, first by James Braid in 1921 and secondly by CK Cotton in 1961 and, over time, the course has been further improved to reflect modern demands. 0151 924 1076, Email: Ensuring that information governance information is available electronically for staff via an appropriate medium. We are Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), made up of NHS, local authority, public sector, voluntary, faith and social enterprise and academic organisations working together to join up health and care services, listen to the priorities of our communities, local people and patients and tackle some of the biggest challenges we are all facing. There are sections of this website devoted to: i) health and care professionals ii) patients carers and public iii) researchers. You can find out more information at: It provides a toolkit of resources to help care homes make the most of research and researchers to set up and run studies effectively and collaboratively in care homes. Meanwhile, Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS has appointed Kevin Lavery as its integrated care board chief executive designate. Without it some areas may not function correctly. To ensure the Governing Body is regularly adequately briefed on information risk issues. Dr Amanda Doyle, current Chief Officer of Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS, has been appointed by NHS England and NHS Improvement as the new All information asset registers are completed, updated and risk assessed at least annually. This site is optimised for modern browsers. Information Governance Manager, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Policy, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE AND DATA PROTECTION POLICY, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE AND SECURITY 1 POLICY DRAFTED BY: INFORMATION GOVERNANCE LEAD 2 ACCOUNTABLE DIRECTOR: SENIOR INFORMATION RISK OWNER, Information Governance Standards in Relation to Third Party Suppliers and Contractors, Policy Checklist. She also led the NHS response to the pandemic across Hampshire and Isle of Wight and looked over the implementation of the vaccination programme in the area. Version No 2.0, Version Number Date Issued Review Date V1 25/01/2013 25/01/2013 25/01/2014. As such it is the responsibility of all clinicians and managers to ensure and promote the quality of information and to actively use information in decisionmaking processes. All CCG-employed staff. PLEASE CHECK THE INTRANET FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE COPY Target Audience: All staff employed or working on behalf of the, Information Governance Policy Version 1.1 Responsible Person Information Governance Manager Lead Director Head of Corporate Services Consultation Route Information Governance Steering Group Approval Route, Livewell Southwest Information Governance Strategy Version No 2.1 Notice to staff using a paper copy of this guidance. Training will be given to ensure staff are supported in ensuring Information governance compliance. NHS West Suffolk CCG Line Management of a small team of staff administrating and managing patient and professional feedback and incidents. NHS West Lancashire CCG. Keep up to date with the latest news and campaigns from NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, as well as the thoughts from our staff and senior leaders in our latest blogs. There is a collective ambition to do this by working with residents and communities and our partners to co-produce and improve health and wellbeing services., If yourresearchis nottaking place within ahospitalor a. generalpractice but based within the community thencontact: NIHRClinical Research Network, North West Coast, iC1 Liverpool Science Park, 131 Mount Pleasant, Local Clinical Research On April 23, two Chinese Coast Guard ships, CCG 5201 and CCG 4202 intercepted Philippine Coast Guard ships in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal (known The requirements are grouped into the following initiatives: Information Governance Management Confidentiality and Data Protection Assurance Information Security Assurance Clinical Information Assurance Secondary Uses Assurance Corporate Information Assurance The annual Senior Information Risk Owner s Report will be compiled for approval by the NHS West Lancashire CCG Clinical Executive Committee. A data mapping exercise on all inbound and outbound flows of all information is carried out at least bi-annually including risk assessments. We continue to host prestigious amateur and professional championships. National guidance (Department of Health, Information Governance Toolkit) states, The organisation NHS West Lancashire CCG should aim to establish an active training programme comparable to the health and safety training model. We spoke with Mike Maguire, chief officer at NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG): NHS West Lancashire CCG is one of a number of CCGs in All policies and procedures will be approved by the CCG. WebID 163935, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), England. The new CEOs are chief executive designates for the NHS Integrated Care Body for their ICS, and will be confirmed in this role if the Health and Care Bill is passed by Parliament, as expected, early next year. To ensure that the approach to information risk is effective in terms of resource, commitment and execution and that this is communicated to all staff. Specific measures will include: Ensuring that standards and procedures are documented and actively implemented in every location where information is collected and used. WebChief Finance Officer at West Lancashire CCG Greater Preston Area. Date of review: January 2016 Policy Category: Corporate Sponsor (Director): Chief Executive CONTENT SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE. This requires that the training is made available so that each staff member may attend on a yearly basis for updates and that attendance has an element of compulsion. 8, 9 Chief Officer The Chief Officer of NHS West Lancashire CCG has overall accountability and responsibility for information governance within the CCG and will provide assurance, through the Statement of Internal Control, that all information risks to the CCG are effectively managed and mitigated. In Birmingham and Solihull ICSDavid Melbourne, who has been leading the ICSs development, will be designate interim chief executive of the ICB. The Cabinet meet during the year to make decisions on services and to implement policies., Leader of the Council: Councillor Yvonne They worked together to achieve the best possible outcomes for the local community by developing a joint needs assessment and strategy for improving public health. Information Governance Policy and Management Framework, NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group. Promote effective confidentiality and security practice to its staff through policies, procedures and training. It is an ongoing process. Information Quality Assurance NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to establish and maintain policies and procedures for information quality assurance and the effective management of records. If you would like to contact us directly, please find our contact details below. Councillor Vickie Cummins - portfolio holder for Health and Wellbeing, ortfolio holder for Finance & Economic Regeneration. Overview 1.1 Information is a vital asset, both in terms of the clinical management of individual patients and the efficient organisation of services and resources. It also gives assurance to NHS West Lancashire CCG and to individuals that personal information is dealt with legally, securely, efficiently and effectively, in order to deliver the best possible care. Our publication The future of commissioning (2016) set out our vision for the future of clinical commissioning, based on feedback from our members. Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were created following the Health and Social Care Act in 2012, and replaced primary care trusts on 1 April 2013. Caldicott Guardian Dr John Caine, NHS West Lancashire CCG Chair is nominated as CCG Caldicott Guardian. Policy Type Information Governance Corporate Standing Operating Procedure Human Resources X Policy Name CCG IG03 Information Governance & Information Risk Policy Status Committee approved by Final Governance, NHS Business Services Authority Information Governance Policy NHS Business Services Authority Corporate Secretariat NHSBSAIGM002 Issue Sheet Document reference NHSBSAIGM002 Document location F:\CEO\IGM\Info, Information Governance Strategy Document Status Draft Version: V2.1 DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY Initiated by Date Author Information Governance Requirements September 2007 Information Governance Group Version, Author: Susan Hall, Information Governance Manager Owner: Fiona Jamieson, Assistant Director of Healthcare Governance Publisher: Compliance Unit Date of first issue: February 2005 Version: 5 Date of version, Information Governance Policy Information Governance Policy Issue Date: June 2014 Document Number: POL_1008 Prepared by: Information Governance Senior Manager Insert heading depending on Insert line heading, Information Governance Policy Policy Summary This policy outlines the organisation s approach to the management of Information Governance and information handling. The West Lancashire Golf Club, founded in 1873, is proud of its heritage and this year we are celebrating our 150th anniversary with several special events. Donald Steel wrote of our course: Only in Britain can one savour the true flavour of seaside golf, of which The West Lancashire is a perfect example. Greg Mitten, West Lancs CVS Chief Officer says, We are delighted that the CCG has committed to invest in the voluntary sector again this year through these grants. That all statutory annual targets laid down in the Information Governance Toolkit are achieved, they consist of: - At least 95% compliance by all staff, of the annual information governance training. responsible for the health of populations ranging from under 100,000 to over a million, although their average population is about a quarter of a million people. CCGs worked closely with NHS England, which had three roles in relation to them: As local authorities are responsible for public health, CCGs worked closely with them through health and wellbeing boards. 10, 11 Internal Governance Information governance performance will be monitored by the Clinical Executive Committee and audited annually. Information Governance Strategy 2015/16, CORPORATE POLICY & PROCEDURE NO. This policy is due for review on the latest date shown above. Wherever possible, information quality will be assured at the point of collection. Dr Amanda Doyle has been appointed as NHS England as director of primary and community care. A Peoples Liberation Army Navy corvette challenged two Philippine Coast Guard cutters during a patrol in the South China Sea, according to officials in Manilla. CCG functions were subsumed into integrated care systems, with CCGs ceasing to exist as statutory organisations in July 2022. The Head of Information Governance from the commissioning support unit will provide additional support for the SIRO. The Clubhouse has recently undergone extensive refurbishment to the lounges, dining room, a Pro shop refit, renewed golfers entrance with heritage timeline, new outdoor seating area and upgraded practice area. Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group's (CCG) chief officer Katherine Sheerin and chief finance officer Tom Jackson have both left their posts. For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for an ambulance. The policies and procedures page of LSW Intranet holds the most recent version of, Information Governance Strategy & Policy March 2014 CONTENT Page 1 Introduction 1 2 Strategic Aims 1 3 Policy 2 4 Responsibilities 3 5 Information Governance Reporting Structure 4 6 Managing Information, NHS Commissioning Board: Information governance policy DOCUMENT STATUS: To be approved / Approved DOCUMENT RATIFIED BY: DATE ISSUED: October 2012 DATE TO BE REVIEWED: April 2013 2 AMENDMENT HISTORY: VERSION, JOB DESCRIPTION POST TITLE: Information Governance Manager DIRECTORATE: ACCOUNTABLE TO: BAND: LOCATION: CSS Head of Information Governance 8a CSS Job Purpose The Information Governance Manager will ensure, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Policy Author: Zeb Alam & David Pearce Version 3.0 Amendments to Version 2.1 Updates made in line with National Guidance and Legislation. Ensure that the Annual Statement of Internal Control includes a statement describing how risks to information will be managed and controlled. Ensure that it has documented and accessible information and IT security incident reporting and management procedures in place in line with Department of Health requirements. All CCG staff. 6, 7 NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to establish and maintain policies to ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information Act Patients must have ready access to information relating to their own health care, their options for treatment and their rights as patients. Local solutions to national challenges (2015), Steering towards strategic commissioning (2017), The changing face of clinical commissioning (2019), membership bodies, with local GP practices as the members, led by an elected governing body made up of GPs, other clinicians including a nurse and a secondary care consultant, and lay members, responsible for approximately 2/3 of the total NHS England budget; equivalent to, responsible for commissioning healthcare including mental health services, urgent and emergency care, elective hospital services, and community care, independent, and accountable to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care through NHS England. The Lancashire and South Integrated Care Board(ICB) was formally established as a new statutory body on 1 July 2022, replacing the eight clinical commissioning groups across Lancashire and South Cumbria. Guidance and access to policies and procedures in staff base. Information Governance Policy. Induction to educate new starters about information governance issues. This will be assessed by an external body, e.g. Any queries can be emailed to The excellent bar and catering facilities will enhance your visit before and after your round. The information governance agenda of this CCG will be provided by commissioning support unit the CCG enters into a contract with.
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